- Render blocks in the right order so they show up correctly (see water).
- Implement sinking in blocks, based on their density
- Add option to change world (for example from save) during program execution without closing Window
- make water spread to surrounding empty areas
- return extra amount to inventory if quick access is full?
- show player model in the inventory
- add gear slots/handling
- improve furnace GUI
- improve lighting system, add shadows (shadow mapping?)
- shaders (motion blur?)
- add shadows
- add lamps light
- add main menu with large project name/logo, save files manager, new world creation options and settings
- add new sounds
- use ManagedSoundPlayer class (http://www.pyglet.org/doc/api/pyglet.media.ManagedSoundPlayer-class.html) or something better
- add volume change option
- Improve damage from falling from too high.
- improve performance
- grass expansion in new thread
- need place for brainstorming/ideas etc. related to project, so we can cooperate (IRC/forums/Reddit/mailing list?)
- write more unit tests (tests.py)