#Changelog Fidor API Schema
A more detailed view of the changes can be found in the commit messages
- add transfer_approval resource
- add mobile topup transaction details
- add global money transfer(gmt) transaction details
- add sepa_credit_transfer.fee_amount
- add BIC to account
- change creditor_identifier to creditor_identity_id for sepa_direct_debit
- add transaction_type_details for bonus transactions
- enhance internal_transfer_details with more fields
- Transaction update transaction types
- remove name attribute in favour of title
- remove nested $refs pointing to properties in favour of direct link to the related schema
- validate the schema files against three different ruby validators
- add $schema version to each file
- SepaCreditTransfer requires remote_iban
- add CreditorIdentity object
- RateLimit endpoint changed to /rate_limits returning an array, to align with other resources
- SepaMandates filter by multiple references and ibans
- move required markup into 'required' array on top-level of an object
- change date field format to 'date-time' since date-only values are also valid in terms of http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6
- change readonly field property to readOnly
- be explicit for number fields, now defined as integers
- Customer/Sepa direct debit add creditor_identifier field
- Lists of any object type are now returned under the generic 'data' key
- Transaction clarify nested transaction_type_details
- Transaction amount can be negative
- add rate_limit endpoint
- initial public release - ALPHA