Below is a list of projects and resources from the Blazor community (links in each section are alphabetical). If you know about a Blazor project that isn't listed, please let us know. We're happy to add it to the list.
- BlazorBits (GitHub repo) – Components including Monaco editor.
- BlazorComponents – A demonstration of Chart.js interop.
- BlazorContextMenu – A context menu for blazor.
- BlazorDB – In-memory, persisted to local storage, database for Blazor.
- BlazoredLocalStorage – A library to provide access to local storage in Blazor apps.
- BlazorMaterial – Blazor components implementing Google's Material components for web (Material Design: Web).
- Blazorous – Maintainable CSS with Blazor.
- BlazorSignalR – ASP.NET Core SignalR Core .NET client support for Blazor.
- BlazorStorage – Blazor local and session storage support.
- BlazorStrap – Bootstrap 4 Components for Blazor.
- Blazor Fluxor – Flux/Redux library
- Blazor Realm – Redux state management with middleware support.
- Blazor Redux – This library offers Redux-style state management for Blazor.
- Blazor SVG Helper (Demo) ( – Create SVG elements with children (circle, rectangle, image, text, and others) and render with RenderTreeBuilder.
- Blazor.Extensions.OfficeUIFabric – Microsoft Office Fabric UI port for Blazor.
- Blazor.FlexGrid – GridView component for Blazor.
- Blazor.Notifications – Trigger desktop notifications to the user.
- Blazor.Polyfill – A Blazor compatibility library for Internet Explorer 11 and other browsers.
- Blazor.Xamarin – Host Blazor apps as standalone hybrid mobile apps with Xamarin.
- Blazor-State – Blazor-State is a client side pipeline architecture utilizing MediatR with plugin behaviors.
- Canvas – HTML5 Canvas API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- Blazor Extensions Home – Home for Blazor Extensions.
- Logging – Microsoft Extension Logging implementation for Blazor.
- Notifications – HTML5 Notifications API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- SignalR – SignalR Core support for Microsoft ASP.NET Core Blazor.
- Storage – HTML5 Storage API implementation for Microsoft Blazor.
- Toastr – A Blazor port of Toastr.js.
- Sotsera.Blazor.Toaster (Demo) – A Blazor port of Toastr.js.
- ASP.NET Core Master/Detail CRUD – A master/detail HTML CRUD example with sorting and filtering using Entity Framework and Web API.
- BlazeDown (Demo) – An online markdown editor built with Blazor.
- Blazor + Electron sample – Explore how a Blazor app can be used to build a cross-platform desktop app.
- Blazor + Sitecore (Blog post) – Example of dynamic pages and routes with SiteCore and Helix.
- Blazor Bricks – A bricks game developed with C# and Blazor.
- Blazor Calculator (Demo) – Simple calculator with history and ability to use previous results in new calculations.
- Blazor Chat sample (Demo) – An app that demonstrates the use of SignalR to create a Blazor chat app.
- Blazor Chess (Demo) – An experimental Blazor chess engine.
- Blazor Clock Canvas (Demo) – Complex clock based on Canvas.
- Blazor Clock SVG (Demo) – Complex clock based on SVG.
- Blazor Doughnut Chart (Demo) – Doughnut charting with gradient colors using SVG.
- Blazor Graph API example (Demo) – A self-contained Blazor app that connects to Microsoft's Graph API, queries the user's information, and allows the user to browse through their OneDrive.
- Blazor Hacker News Clone – A Hacker News clone built in Blazor.
- Blazor RealWorld example app – A full-stack app built with Blazor that includes CRUD operations, authentication, routing, and pagination.
- Blazor Game Snake (Demo) – 2D game snake with customizations, path finding algorithm, and sound effects using SVG.
- Blazor Password Pattern (Demo) – Password pattern based on SVG.
- Blazor Tour of Heroes – A Blazor implementation of Angular Tour of Heroes.
- Blazor To-Do App – A Blazor app that allows you to create and edit tasks and manage categories of tasks.
- Blazor UWP Sample – Use Blazor.Server to build UWP apps.
- Blazume – A portfolio/resume template using Blazor.
- Toss – A Twitter-like web app that allows the user to sign in, post a new message (a "toss") with hashtag, and select favorite hashtags for finding messages.
- TrendTv (Demo) – Fetch a video list from YouTube and "zap" in real time between trending videos, filtered by country or category.
- Quiz – Simple quiz using Blazor.
- Razor+ Visual Studio Code extension – A Visual Studio Code extension that offers improved Razor support.
- Awesome Blazor – A collection of useful Blazor resources.
- Blazor Bites – Posts on ASP.NET Core and Blazor subjects.
- Learn Blazor – Community documentation on Blazor.