- About
X ZF2 FAQ (default)
- Case Studies (we need some before we can add this page!)
- By the numbers (what content should we actually have here? the data on the ZF1 site is currently outdated, and ZF2 metrics will be quite different) X Learn X User Guide X ZF2 User Guide chapter (Default) X ZF1 Getting Started X Reference Guide X ZF2 Reference Guide (Default) X ZF1 Reference Guide X APIs X ZF2 APIs (download/browse links) (DEFAULT) X ZF1 APIs (download/browse links) X Webinars (I need to know what to do with this) X Training & Certification X Combine the training and certification pages from ZF1 site X Is there new/different verbiage we want for this? X Support & Consulting X Combine the support & consulting pages from ZF1 site X Is there new/different verbiage we want for this? X Get Started X Downloads X ZF2 Downloads (DEFAULT) X Download links for full/minimal tarballs X Directions on using composer, pyrus X Including lists of packages X Basically, what's on the index.html page of packages site X ZF1 Downloads X This may need to be re-organized to simply have all the products on one page X We'd then have an "archives" page as well X Get the skeleton app X Instructions X Try on phpcloud.com X Instructions (?)
- Participate
X Contributors Guide
X links to CLA, cCLA
- Resources
X Links to Github repos
X Links to JIRA, Confluence
- AgileZen board
- Logos X User Groups X Blogs X Contributors X Contact X Form X Mailing lists/nabble, including subscription info X IRC details
- Resources
X Links to Github repos
X Links to JIRA, Confluence
- Upcoming Events X Security (from ZF1 site) X News / Blog X Changelog X License X CLA / cCLA
X Static Pages (Module written; content still to be ported and mapped) X For all pages without dynamic content X Would include routes, and logic for mapping route to template X Manual X Would wrap manual templates generated by build process X Templates should create sidebar and content only; no header or footer X ZF1 and ZF2 variants X ZF1 FAQ X tool for generating ZF1 FAQ from wiki X ZF1 Downloads (Matthew) X ZF2 Downloads (to automate versions) (Matthew) X User Groups (Matthew) X Contributors X Get contributors from svn access.conf X Get contributors from github X Contact form (PhlyContact) X Security (Matthew) X Blog / News (PhlyBlog) (Matthew)
- Upcoming Events X Changelog X From ZF1 Jira X From ZF2 ?
X SEARCH - google search appliance? Google search API?
- Case studies
- "By the numbers" X Webinars X Training & Certification X Support & Consulting
- Templates for API docs (Enrico) X Templates for ZF2 docs (Enrico) X Templates for ZF1 docs
- Use new Zend\Console features for console scripts
- Blogs (planet?)