Posts are in app/modules/zf2/posts/
Create a new file; typically, it should be a shortened version of the post title, and it's generally good practice to prefix with the date so they sort easily.
In the file, you will create a stdClass object, with at the minimum the following properties:
- title - the title of the post
- author - an object with properties "name" and "link"
- date - the date and time (in PST) the post will be published. Format is "Y-m-d H:i:s"
- summary - A paragraph or two to display in list view and in the feed
- content - the actual content of the post
Both the summary and content can contain arbitrary HTML. I typically use nowdocs for this to prevent any interpolation.
Write code you want syntax highlighting for using
tags with a class of "highlight":
Return the post object at the bottom of the file.
The blog is basically static view scripts. To ensure that the feed is up-to-date, the entries all contain the same structure, and the list views are correctly paginate, we have a script that compiles the blog to view scripts.
The script is app/modules/zf2/scripts/compile.php
. Invoke it as follows:
prompt> php compile.php
The compiler takes the following options:
- -v turn on verbosity and log progress to STDOUT
- -d specify development mode; this is primarily to set a flag in the generated disqus markup so as to allow displaying the disqus comments and comment box in non-production environments.
- -h can be used to specify an alternate host for generated URLS; again, this is typically for non-production environments for testing feeds and disqus comments.
- -? will display the usage message
Once the compiler has run, it will have generated new views scripts in
. After reviewing these in a browser, add
and commit them to the repository.