This is a curated list of changes for all repositories in the kobuki ecosystem (to which this documentation pertains). See also:
- [kobuki_core-1.3.1]
- configurable stdout logging
- custom_logging and raw_data_stream demos added
- dual version firmware compatibility (1.1.4, 1.2.0)
- [kobuki_core-1.3.0] LegacyPose2D -> Eigen::Vector3d
- [kobuki_core-0.7.10] dual version firmware compatibility (1.1.4, 1.2.0)
- [kobuki_documentation-1.0.2] debugging tutorials (logging and raw data streams)
- [kobuki_core-1.2.0] :grey:`kobuki_driver` & :grey:`kobuki_dock_driver` merged into :grey:`kobuki_core`
- [kobuki_core-1.1.1] :red:`(bugfix)` restore low latency usb reads via the udev rule and doxygen revamp
- [kobuki_core-0.7.9] :red:`(bugfix)` restore low latency usb reads via the udev rule
- [kobuki_documentation-1.0.1] cross-compiling instructions
- [kobuki_documentation-1.0.0] new guide on readthedocs, everything in one place now!
- [kobuki_firmware-1.2.0] new github repo for the kobuki firmware binaries, with license
- [kobuki_core-1.0.0]
- moved to the kobuki-base github org
- ported to the colcon build system