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Using Homebrew to upgrade GCC to trunk

Izaak "Zaak" Beekman edited this page Oct 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

To upgrade GCC to the latest trunk version using Homebrew, try the following command:

brew upgrade --fetch-HEAD --HEAD gcc

Note that now your default GCC will be the trunk version. If you wish to switch back to the latest stable version you had installed it will look like

brew switch gcc 7.2.0

Switching back to the latest trunk would be

brew switch gcc HEAD-<sha>

where <sha> is the abbreviated SHA of the trunk version you want. For me <sha> is 252768. If you are already on the HEAD/trunk gcc branch and you want to upgrade to the most recent HEAD/trunk, the command first listed above should also do the trick:

brew upgrade --fetch-HEAD --HEAD gcc

Without --fetch-HEAD Homebrew won't go look for a newer version of HEAD/trunk.

You may want to delete some older HEAD/trunk versions. The best bet to do this is probably doing it manually. brew --cellar gcc will show you the top level gcc directory under which all the latest stable releases and HEAD/trunk builds are installed. Simply rm -rf HEAD-<sha> corresponding to the old HEAD/trunk installation you want to remove.

If you accidentally delete a version of gcc while it's still linked (you didn't run brew switch gcc <version>) you can run brew prune to remove empty directories and dead symbolic links in /usr/local

If you want to install an older version of gcc try the following:

brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install gcc@<maj-rev>

Where <maj-rev> is 5 or 6. (For older GCCs in the 4.x branch there may be a few available i.e. 4.9, 4.8 etc. Try brew search gcc after you ran brew tap homebrew/versions)