- Add direct transition mode to the flyCamera function. #316
- improved GeoRegion class #315
- Improve readability of TypeDoc #314
- Refactor GeoJSONLoader #313
- Added browser tests #312
- Incorrect Sun brightness #311
- Sun and star rendering problems on certain devices #310
- cloud.frag contains unused values #309
- bugfix of slerp #308
- Improve b3d rendering speed #303
- Support transparent image in ImageIconEntity #306
- Support anchor mode in PointEntities #305
- Add lightweight rendering mode #304
- use Viewer.pick() instead of Viewer.pickWithRay() for StandardUIVIewer #302
- Support async/await syntax #301
- Add Quaternion to GeoMath #288
- Issue regarding gaps at tile image boundaries #298
- Addition of ImageProvider switching functionality #295
- Bug report: Incorrect endFrame processing #293
- Support loading sprite images as SDF-enabled images #290
- Issue with target_clamp parameter evaluation in startFlyCamera function #297
- Issue regarding slow watch processing #292
- Proposal to implement Linter for code quality enhancement #291
- Upgrade to rollup 3 and update typescript version #273
- Improvement of AttributionController #274
- Changed WebGL version to WebGL2 and supported float buffer #289
- Issue regarding clouds image origin location modification. #296
- add operation text and fix mouse control in example #284
- Update document generation to include wasm build for successful generation #285
- Resolve build error in vectile/expression.ts #283
- Support Vector tiles #238
- WebGL2 Support #247
- Added functionality to measure processing time information for point cloud loading #248
- Web Mercator projection does not support drawing of Arctic and Antarctic regions #249
- Add PinEntity and ImageIconEntity to Mapray's Scene definition #251
- Add REST API to access Mapray Cloud Scene data in Mapray Cloud API #252
- Add new mathematical operations to the GeoMath class #254
- Make Material class public API and add support for integer uniform parameters #253
- Add ability to specify elevation and maximum level in FlatDemProvider#255
- Add API to toggle visibility of point clouds and B3D models and standardize their formats #256
- Add the ability to click on B3D models and retrieve their unique IDs via API #257
- Update build-related development tools #258
- Convert remaining JavaScript code to TypeScript #264
- Refactoring #266
- Improve the Debug App #267
- Add an Example for ImageIconEntity #268
- Change default branch name to main #272
- Added/fixed the features to specify elevation and maximum level to FlatDemProvider
- Pick function interface unification
- Improved timing to update URL hash #237
- Dragging near the poles in software is not intuitive #250
- Fix Clamp Calculation Bug in LineEntity #259
- URLHash update process #260
- Enabling CloudVisualize causes B3D to disappear #261
- visibility:false option not being applied when adding layers #262
- Camera does not animate when time parameter is set to 0 #263
- Improve b3dtiles, building data #177
- Support texture in b3dtiles #185
- Add select and pick functions for point cloud #230
- Change the language used from ES6 to Typescript #227
- Add atmospheric expression #186
- Add new data visualization method for cloud in the sky #225
- Support star and moon in the night sky #226
- Support Mapray Cloud API for v2 #224
- Add new example and debug applications #229
- The old b3dtiles format in the prototype can no longer be loaded because b3dtiles has been updated to the latest format.
- Set default url for Mapray Cloud #213
- Flat terrain at zero altitude #202, #203
- Change visibility of entity and ground in UI Package #205, #206
- Add GOCS_MATRIX transform mode to ModelEntity #201
- Modified shader code in the surface #196
- Fixed incorrect package name issues #172, #173, #174
- Fixed incorrect link in documents #175, #176
- Fixed build error when generating API documents #178, #179
- Fixed CI build error in loal build 183
- Implement mouse event for each entities #105, #132
- Support overlay entity#145
- compute geographical distance between two GePoints#152, #155
- Supported smoothly changing camera position and roration#153, #155
- Supported to set position and rotation of camera on URL #154, #155
- Refactor classes which related to resource#146
- Upatate the style for jsdoc#159, #158
- Modified stroke of TextEntity#160, #161
- Animation isn't working with sigle KFLCorve#144,#143
- Couldn't rebind EasyBindingBlock #149, #150
- bugfix of depth hit test of anchor object #156, #157
- Support glTF KHR_materials_unlit#115, #112
- Delete non-required packages and add required packages#113, #114
- Modify includiing modules when build dev mode #116
- fixed that glTF rendering is black and nolighting #97
- fixed deployment error for npmcom #89
- Support ClampTpTerrian mode for all entities #60
- Support altitude mode and extruded mode for GeoJSON Loader #63, #69
- Add attribution controller #85
- Organize copyright notices #86
- Add UI Engine #78 #82
- Support Text stroke and background color in TextEntity #72
- Update Examples and tutorials #65, #68 #70
- Add CSS files and support to generate css file #84
Renamed height
variable to altitude
in GeoPoint.
- Altitude mode for each entites and schema of scene file #49
- GeoJSON Loader #46
- Support Polygon Entity #35
- Support Pin Entity #34
- Support ImageIcon Entity #56
- Support Mapray API #52
- Support Model entity #50
Added options and methods to specify object visibility in mapray.Viewer
- ground_visibility: Ground visibility
- entity_visibility: Entity visibility
- setVisibility
- getVisibility
Supports loading a glTF model #18
Supports new scene graph engine that manages 3D models #17 #18
Added method to calculate KML compatible model transformation matrix in mapray.GeoMath #15
- kml_model_matrix()
Add entity class mapray.ModelEntity #18
Support rotate and scale to the transform property in mapray scene file #16
Added some samples for maprayJS #10
Support CI with TravisCI #23
Rotate (heading
, tilt
, roll
) and scale(scale
) to the transform property of each entity
You can now optionally specify the properties.
The following is an example specification of the transform
It rotates 45 degrees to the right and makes the scale 10 times larger.
"type": "generic",
"transform": {
"cartographic": [139.8, 36.5, 12.3],
"heading": 45,
"scale": [10, 10, 10]
Added entity type corresponding to mapray.ModelEntity.
When using this type, specify model for the type
Refers to a model object registered in model_register
by the ref_model
If there are multiple models in the referenced model object, you can use integers or names in index
It can be selected by specifying.
"model_register": {
"model-x": {
"link": "models/model-x.gltf",
"offset_transform": { "heading": 180, "tilt": -90 }
"entity_list": [
"type": "model",
"transform": { "cartographic": [140.0, 35, 0], "heading": 180 },
"ref_model": "model-x"
"type": "model",
"transform": { "cartographic": [140.1, 35, 0], "scale": 2.5 },
"ref_model": "model-x",
"index": 3
"type": "model",
"transform": { "cartographic": [140.2, 35, 0] },
"ref_model": "model-x",
"index": "scene-name-x"
- Published to npm.com
- Published as open source software
- Supports layering of image provider
- Renamed Inou to maprayJS
- Add new application nextRambler to access the cloud
- Fixed the issue with texture cache not being reduced (Occurred in Version 0.4.0).
- Fixed the issue that the
tag in rambler.html was not closed.
- Added destroy () method to destroy Inou.Viewer instance.
- Added Inou Content Developer Guide in
- Added sample source code
- Fixed the issue that Inou.TextEntity method was private
- Fixed the issue that Inou.GenericEntity # setTransform () was not implemented
Added the function to get the intersection of ray and ground
- Inou.Ray
- Inou.Viewer#getRayIntersection()
Added the method to get transformation matrix to camera
- Inou.Camera#getCanvasToView()
- Inou.Camera#getCanvasToGocs()
- Inou.Camera#getViewToCanvas()
Added the method to get rays to the camera
- Inou.Camera#getCanvasRay()
Merged Inou.DemBinary and Inou.FlakeMesh cache into Inou.Globe
- Added camera move operation with dragging
- Changed camera rotation operation from Drag to Ctrl + Drag
- Supports Microsoft Edge
- Changed Inou.DemProvider of the DEM data provider from the abstract class to public class
- Added an option of dem_provider to Inou.Viewer constructor
- Added property of dem_provider to the Inou.Viewer instance
- Added implementation class Inou.StandardDemProvider of standard DEM data provider
- The interface of Inou.ImageProvider has been changed due to the change of Inou.DemProvider
- Added method
- ImageProvider#requestTile( z, x, y, callback )
- ImageProvider#cancelRequest( id )
- Deleted method
- ImageProvider#getTileAddress( z, x, y )
- Added method
- Packaged inou engine to npm package
- Added Text Entity
- The scene schema of MarkerL