ℹ️ As of 16th December 2024, this community project has graduated and is offered as part of Sonatype's commercial offerings - see here and here for full details.
🚧 This community project will receive no further updates or maintenance.
A Dockerfile for Sonatype Nexus IQ Server, based on Red Hat Universal Base Image.
- Migration
- Upgrading from Version 177 or Earlier to Version 178 or Later
- Upgrading from Version 124 or Earlier to Version 125 or Later
- Upgrading from Release 118 to Release 119 or Later
- Upgrading from Version 117 or Earlier to Version 118 or Later
- Upgrading from Version 100 or Earlier to Version 101 or Later
- Upgrading from Version 68 or Earlier to Version 69 or Later
- Runtime Server Configuration
- Persistent Data
- Running
- Product License Installation
- Building the Nexus IQ Server image
- Extending the Nexus IQ Server Image
- Testing the Dockerfile
- Alternative Slim Docker Image
- Red Hat Certified Image
- Project License
Version 1.178.0 of the Docker image changed the base image from Red Hat UBI (Universal Base Image) Minimal to OpenJDK 17 runtime image on UBI9. As part of this, the image will run with Java 17 instead of Java 8.
Version 1.125.0 of the Docker image changed the base image from Red Hat UBI (Universal Base Image) to Red Hat UBI (Universal Base Image) Minimal. As part of this, dnf
is replaced by microdnf
as the package manager.
The sonatype/nexus-iq-server docker image for IQ release 119 has fixed the issue with non-graceful shutdown of the IQ server. For stopping the IQ docker instance prior to release 119 (for the purpose of upgrading to 119 or any other reason) you would need to use the following command.
docker exec -ti $(docker container list -a | grep nexus-iq | head -n 1 | awk '{print$1}') bash -c 'kill -TERM "$(cat /sonatype-work/lock | cut -d"@" -f1)"'
Where the portion of the command surrounded by $(docker ...) returns the docker container_id of the IQ server. If you have already identified the container_id of the running IQ server, you can alternatively run the below command by replacing the container_id with the id of the container you have identified:
docker exec -ti container_id bash -c 'kill -TERM "$(cat /sonatype-work/lock | cut -d"@" -f1)"'
Version 1.118.0 of the Docker image changed the UID of the nexus user from 997 to 1000, and changed it from a system account to a user account. This is to minimize the chance of a future collision with other UIDs. If you use this image with persistent data volumes, then for each volume you will need to run the following command:
docker run -it -u=0 -v [volume name]:[volume container path] sonatype/nexus-iq-server:1.118.0 chown -R nexus:nexus [volume container path]
docker run -it -u=0 -v sonatype-work:/sonatype-work sonatype/nexus-iq-server:1.118.0 chown -R nexus:nexus /sonatype-work
This will start up a 1.118.0 IQ server container with root as the user, allowing it to chown the sonatype-work directory and its files to the correct nexus user.
Version 1.101.0 of the Docker image changed the base image from Red Hat UBI (Universal Base Image) to a different Red
Hat UBI that includes OpenJDK 1.8. This was due to an effort to remove the dependency on Chef. As a result, the UID of
the nexus
user has changed. If you use this image with persistent data volumes, then for each volume you will need to
run the following command:
docker run -it -u=0 -v [volume name]:[volume container path] sonatype/nexus-iq-server:1.101.0 chown -R nexus:nexus [volume container path]
docker run -it -u=0 -v sonatype-work:/sonatype-work sonatype/nexus-iq-server:1.101.0 chown -R nexus:nexus /sonatype-work
This will start up a 1.101.0 IQ server container with root
as the user, allowing it to chown the sonatype-work directory
and its files to the correct nexus
Version 1.69.0 of the Docker image changed the base image from CentOS to Red Hat UBI (Universal Base Image).
As a result, the UID of the nexus
user has changed. If you use this image with persistent data volumes, then for each
volume you will need to run the following command:
docker run -it -u=0 -v [volume name]:[volume container path] sonatype/nexus-iq-server:1.69.0 chown -R nexus:nexus [volume container path]
docker run -it -u=0 -v sonatype-work:/sonatype-work sonatype/nexus-iq-server:1.69.0 chown -R nexus:nexus /sonatype-work
This will start up a 1.69.0 IQ server container with root
as the user, allowing it to chown the sonatype-work directory
and its files to the correct nexus
Installation of Nexus IQ Server application is to /opt/sonatype/nexus-iq-server
By default, the IQ Server reads its main configuration file from within the image at /etc/nexus-iq-server/config.yml
There is an environment variable JAVA_OPTS
that passes JVM arguments to the java command that launches IQ server.
This environment variable can be adjusted at runtime:
docker run -d -p 8070:8070 -p 8071:8071 --name nexus-iq-server -e JAVA_OPTS="-Doption=value" sonatype/nexus-iq-server
Further, you can customize parts of the default config.yml settings by using Java system properties defined inside the environment variable.
Example: To customize the logging level that IQ Server will use:
docker run -d -p 8070:8070 -p 8071:8071 --name nexus-iq-server -e JAVA_OPTS="-Ddw.logging.level=TRACE" sonatype/nexus-iq-server
Note that for version 101 and 102 ${JAVA_OPTS}
is missing from the startup script start.sh
and so,
in addition to your command modifying the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable (similar to the above), you must also run
docker exec nexus-iq-server sed -i 's/java/java \${JAVA_OPTS}/g' /opt/sonatype/nexus-iq-server/start.sh
docker restart nexus-iq-server
There are two general approaches to handling persistent storage requirements with Docker. See Managing Data in Containers for additional information.
- Use a data volume. Since data volumes are persistent until no containers use them, a volume can be created specifically for this purpose. This is the recommended approach.
docker volume create --name sonatype-work
docker volume create --name sonatype-logs
docker run -d -p 8070:8070 -p 8071:8071 --name nexus-iq-server -v sonatype-work:/sonatype-work -v sonatype-logs:/var/log/nexus-iq-server sonatype/nexus-iq-server
- Mount a host directory as the volume. This is not portable, as it relies on the directory existing with correct permissions on the host. However it can be useful in certain situations where this volume needs to be assigned to certain specific underlying storage.
mkdir /some/dir/sonatype-work
mkdir /some/dir/sonatype-logs
docker run -d -p 8070:8070 -p 8071:8071 --name nexus-iq-server -v /some/dir/sonatype-work:/sonatype-work -v /some/dir/sonatype-logs:/var/log/nexus-iq-server sonatype/nexus-iq-server
To run with ports 8070 (web UI) and 8071 (admin port) use:
docker run -d -p 8070:8070 -p 8071:8071 --name nexus-iq-server sonatype/nexus-iq-server
or to let docker assign available ports use:
docker run -d -p 8070 -p 8071 --name nexus-iq-server sonatype/nexus-iq-server
To get the assigned port or check if the server is running use:
docker ps --filter "name=nexus-iq-server"
Once running, the IQ Server product license must be installed. This should be done using the user interface.
Default admin credentials are: admin
/ admin123
The IQ Server product license is stored in the database and so will survive image restarts as long as the database is persisted.
The IQ Server product license is stored using Java preferences API. By default, the directory location is already
customized by a Java system property to be under the sonatype-work directory i.e.
so as to survive image restarts.
If customized using JAVA_OPTS
, the absolute path to user prefs must point to an already created directory readable by the user account owning the process.
Under the preferences directory, IQ Server will store the installed license file at a path ./com/sonatype/clm/prefs.xml
To build a docker image from the Dockerfile you can use this command:
docker build --rm=true --tag=sonatype/nexus-iq-server .
The following optional variables can be used when building the image:
- IQ_SERVER_VERSION: Version of Nexus IQ Server
- IQ_SERVER_SHA256: Check hash matches the downloaded IQ Server archive or else fail build. Required if
is provided. - SONATYPE_WORK: Path to Nexus IQ Server working directory where variable data is stored
- LOGS_HOME: Path to Nexus IQ Server directory where logs are stored
- GID: GID of the user group used when running the image
- UID: UID of the user used when running the image
The config.yml
file can be used to customize the Nexus IQ Server configuration.
See IQ Server Configuration for more details as to what values
are supported.
If you would like to use this image as the basis for another image that adds additional packages, take note that different versions of the image provide different package managers:
- Version 125 and newer provide
as package manager. - Version 101 and newer provide
as package manager. - Version 100 and older provide
as package manager.
We are using rspec
as test framework. serverspec
provides a docker backend (see the method set
in the test code)
to run the tests inside the docker container, and abstracts away the difference between distributions in the tests
(e.g. yum, apt,...).
rspec [--backtrace] spec/Dockerfile_spec.rb
The default Dockerfile includes:
for enhanced SCM Integrations
If you want an image without the extra tooling already installed, use the slim tag of the image:
, which can also be sonatype/nexus-iq-server:latest-slim
A Red Hat certified container image can be created using Dockerfile.rh which pulls from assets in the red-hat-assets folder. The image includes additional meta data to conform with Atomic and OpenShift standards, a directory with the licenses applicable to the software and a man file for help on how to use the software. It also uses an ENTRYPOINT script to ensure the running user has access to the appropriate permissions for OpenShift 'restricted' SCC.
Unless noted in their header, files in this GitHub repository are licensed under the Apache v2 license