- use /givenew to get 3.0.5 items and weaps - ! Sakura#9658 - sold beta and gc like a cringe fker
- attempted to switch usernames but failed
- Zero Two#1532
- Haruno#9658
- maverick#6430 - a little shit that became rude as fk after receiving help
(also the one that got scammed)
- uncledwayne1 - twitter (thinks that hiding chat can solve the issue)
kira - youtube (cringe post 20 + vids in one day on beta)
- Kira - youtube posting every single pixel of beta
- oca. - youtube post and block even though he asked before and i said no discord tag: qwety.1#8455
- Al haithem - youtube post attempted to hide "paimon nipples" cringe
- ruri - another cringe poster ew
1)added enka command back
2)added windy(shit) command
3)added particle generation for the new 3 characters (completely wrong particle amt tho)
4)added new prefixes . # * - ?
5)shitfix luascript error by removing one "/" for both
6)fixed /help breaking coz of switchelement plugin
7)added killdropitems plugin but not as plugin
8)added giveart command that actually takes in the stat value as parems unlike the shit /give command
9)hall of shame built into jar file
1)added pause command that doesnt work coz its called client side but still there for nice
2)added shittp command to teleport to a location (works same way as /tp) but without a tp cutscene
3)added freeze command to freeze ur current character and refresh it allowing u to spam burst with /stats freeze cdr 1? why tf does this command even exist bruh its so useless like [sakura maverick kira oca yuuichi]
1)dumb enemies in setprop, BUT FAILED coz is client sided, but i left it in still why not.
2)spawn now will also spawn with random rotations coz nice
3)shittp now also supports random rotation for no reason at all
4)killobjects command that kills specific entities /ko [entityType]
5)brainfuck command added /bf [no.of.fucks] [interval] [radius]
6)paimonbarrier command /pb to remove paimonial barrier with PacketOpenStateChangeNotify(48,1)
7)fixed pyramid in src/main/java/emu/grasscutter/server/packet/send/
8)added to res point data for 20159 20160 20161 40653
9)allow /l to look for specific types also (in en only coz i suc at coding) usage /l