SleeVop (Sleep Envelope Synchronisation): a Python package to analyse sleep envelope synchronisation.
This package is optimised for Python 3.10 and above and was tested on both Windows and macOS ARM.
All dependencies are listed in requirements, Python 3.10 minimum.
If you use this toolbox, please cite as follows:
- Guillot, S.J. ( 2023). SleeVop (2023.04.03). GitHub, Zenodo.
This work is based on the following paper, citing it should be considered:
- Ujma, P.P., Dresler, M., Simor, P. et al. The sleep EEG envelope is a novel, neuronal firing-based human biomarker. Sci Rep 12, 18836 (2022).
These pipelines were created and maintained by SJG.
Contributions are welcome, so feel free to submit a pull request!
To report a bug, please open a new issue.
Note that this program is provided with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND under Apache 2.0 license.
To install the toolbox, use:
conda install-c cf-staging sleevop
pip install sleevop