Releases: siemens/ix
@siemens/[email protected]
Patch Changes
Thanks @matthiashader! - fix(angular/modal): avoid overflow of modal content -
Thanks @nuke-ellington! - feat(core/split-button): add close behavior -
Updated dependencies [
]:- @siemens/[email protected]
@siemens/[email protected]
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [
]:- @siemens/[email protected]
What's Changed
- fix(core/input): update autofill styling by @nuke-ellington in #1237
- fix(core/dropdown): add null check for trigger element by @nuke-ellington in #1241
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- fix(core/slider): fix tick color by @matthiashader in #1175
- fix(toggle): fixed toggle circle with and height by @ridvandmrc in #1185
- fix(core/action-card): change subheading color by @nuke-ellington in #1178
- fix(core/input-group|category-filter): align styling of input components by @nuke-ellington in #1151
- fix(core/select): non string values for the "value" prop of select-items are not working by @jul-lam in #1159
- fix(core/application-switch-modal): add border-radius to app icon by @matthiashader in #1158
- fix(core/card): adjust selected background color by @matthiashader in #1171
- fix(blind): provided ellipsis for blind header by @ridvandmrc in #1186
- fix(date-dropdown): updated the current date when the props are changed by @ridvandmrc in #1139
- fix(core/dropdown): fix runtime & detach issues by @matthiashader in #1192
- fix(core/toast|react/toast|vue/toast): predefine custom elements before usage by @danielleroux in #1201
- fix(core/select-item): check by undefined not by value by @jul-lam in #1214
- fix(core/input-group): update margin by @nuke-ellington in #1218
- fix(echarts): align charting colors by @jul-lam in #1190
- fix(core/workflow-steps): fix initial layout shift by @matthiashader in #1198
- fix(core/tooltip): prevent focusin event call showTooltip by @danielleroux in #1221
- fix(core/select): arrow key navigation by @nuke-ellington in #1196
- fix(core/select): reset input text on blur by @ridvandmrc in #1195
- feat(core): adjust classic theme variables by @danielleroux in #1184
- feat(core/menu): make behavior at breakpoint 'lg' configurable and change 'md' breakpoint menu icons by @jul-lam in #1156
- feat(core/card-list): make show all button optional by @nuke-ellington in #1197
- feat(core/menu-item): show tooltip on hover by @danielleroux in #1200
- feat(core/category-filter): make logical operator optional by @nuke-ellington in #1233
New Contributors
- @kathrinschalber made their first contribution in #1210
- @katjaKoppensteiner made their first contribution in #1216
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.2.0
What's Changed
- fix(core/modal): fix paddings of custom variant by @matthiashader in #1126
- fix(core/dropdown): add null check by @nuke-ellington in #1132
- fix(core/avatar): adapt colors by @jul-lam in #1141
- fix(core/menu) fix overflow behavior by @matthiashader in #1127
- fix(core/select-item): Fixes inherit color by @matthiashader in #1160
- fix(core/typography): use text color value and add vrts by @nuke-ellington in #1155
- fix(core/menu-avatar): align documentation with figma by @matthiashader in #1153
- fix(core/date-dropdown): hide range options column if only one option available by @nuke-ellington in #1162
- fix(core/menu-about-news): adapt styling by @nuke-ellington in #1152
Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2
What's Changed
- fix(core/modal): fixed closing modal issue when press space or enter by @ridvandmrc in #1080
- fix(react|vue): define internal components by @danielleroux in #1099
- fix(core/dropdown): check against undefined access by @danielleroux in #1104
- fix(core/message-bar): remove unwanted margin by @matthiashader in #1064
- fix(core/burger-menu): a11y expand state by @nuke-ellington in #1112
- fix(core/tooltip): remove direct constructor access by @danielleroux in #1118
- fix(core/panes): expanded and slot error by @jul-lam in #1119
- fix(core/menu-category): allow empty icon as menu-category-item by @jul-lam in #1110
- fix(core/menu-category): fix unwanted behavior with active element by @matthiashader in #1102
- fix(core/menu-avatar-item): use host for trigger target by @danielleroux in #1113
- fix(core/menu): fix theme switching icon by @matthiashader in #1121
- fix(core/menu-avatar-item): use correct theme color by @KaiSoellch in #1116
- fix(angular): icon size property missing in wrapper generation by @danielleroux in #1124
- fix(core/blind): refactor header to not use z-index by @nuke-ellington in #1125
New Contributors
- @KaiSoellch made their first contribution in #1116
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1
What's Changed
- fix(core/modal): fixed closing modal issue when press space or enter by @ridvandmrc in #1080
- fix(react|vue): define internal components by @danielleroux in #1099
- fix(core/dropdown): check against undefined access by @danielleroux in #1104
- fix(core/message-bar): remove unwanted margin by @matthiashader in #1064
- fix(core/burger-menu): a11y expand state by @nuke-ellington in #1112
- fix(core/tooltip): remove direct constructor access by @danielleroux in #1118
- fix(core/panes): expanded and slot error by @jul-lam in #1119
- fix(core/menu-category): allow empty icon as menu-category-item by @jul-lam in #1110
- fix(core/menu-category): fix unwanted behavior with active element by @matthiashader in #1102
- fix(core/menu-avatar-item): use host for trigger target by @danielleroux in #1113
- fix(core/menu): fix theme switching icon by @matthiashader in #1121
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1-beta.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- fix(core/modal): ensure that key down listener gets called by @nuke-ellington in #870
- fix(core/push-card): option to collapse and expand push card by @matthiashader in #875
- fix(core/key-value-list): adjust full width input by @matthiashader in #905
- fix(core/group): fixed shift on overflow text by @matthiashader in #916
- fix(core/tooltip): accessibility by @jg0815 in #556
- fix(core/menu-item): suppress icon tooltip by @nuke-ellington in #887
- fix(core/burger-menu): cursor appearance by @jul-lam in #941
- fix(core/pill): fix custom outline variant and add variant examples by @nuke-ellington in #968
- fix(core/utils): prevent undefined access on OnListener decorator by @jul-lam in #1000
- fix(core/event-list): remove unwanted top margin by @nuke-ellington in #997
- fix(core/upload): replace class icons with ix-icon by @danielleroux in #1022
- fix(core/tooltip): positioning initial by @ridvandmrc in #1036
- fix(core/menu): adjust spacing of menu-button and app-switch by @danielleroux in #1040
- fix(core/modal): remove dialog on escape by @nuke-ellington in #1016
- fix(core/validation-tooltip): prevent assignment/reading on null element by @jul-lam in #1001
- fix(core/modal): fixes runtime error by @matthiashader in #902
- fix(core/key-value-list-label): label behavior by @matthiashader in #942
- fix(core): remove type declaration from ts file by @danielleroux in #1052
- fix(core/slider): use correct pointerup event by @danielleroux in #1054
- fix(core/dropdown): use controller instance to handle dropdown instances by @danielleroux in #1051
- fix(toast): fixed initial async undefined error by @ridvandmrc in #1039
- fix(core/workflow-step): retain icon color on state change when disabled by @matthiashader in #1031
- fix(aggrid): aggrid checkbox sizing by @robert-wettstaedt in #1067
- fix(core/dropdown): check submenu item by interface by @danielleroux in #1060
- fix(core/radio-button): fix alignment of checked indicator by @nuke-ellington in #1046
- fix(core/windows-doc-generation): fix for component-doc generation by @matthiashader in #1070
- fix(core/menu-about): unwanted behavior on fast tab change by @matthiashader in #933
- fix(core/card) selected hover by @nuke-ellington in #1089
- fix(core/dropdown) close on escape by @nuke-ellington in #1093
- feat(core/date-dropdown): new date-dropdown component by @matthiashader in #797
- feat(core/menu-avatar): optional logout button, conditional dropdown by @matthiashader in #851
- feat(core/icon-button): implement a11y features for icon-button by @jg0815 in #502
- feat(core/menu-about-news): fullscreen pop up for sm screens by @nuke-ellington in #1005
- feat(core/avatar): add user-info to dropdown by @danielleroux in #1043
- feat(core/application): app switch by @danielleroux in #1007
- feat(core/sidepane): pane component by @matthiashader in #989
New Contributors
- @gyoengyiszabo made their first contribution in #904
- @Siddharth1605 made their first contribution in #1024
- @ridvandmrc made their first contribution in #1036
Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- fix(core/modal): use percentage to align modal centered by @danielleroux in #836
- fix(core/button): prevent interaction of ix-icon by @danielleroux in #839
- fix(core): request animation depending on zonejs; reduce global events by @danielleroux in #855
- fix(core/input-group): add padding left for error image by @danielleroux in #838
- fix(core/tree): add undefined check to disconnected callback by @danielleroux in #867
- fix(core/typography): use ms--1 size in h6 by @danielleroux in #871
- fix(core/basic-navigation): fixed behavior on missing breakpoints by @matthiashader in #874
- fix(core/button): documentation fix by @matthiashader in #885
- fix(core/modal-header): fix by @matthiashader in #883
- fix(core/event-list-item): fix right padding by @matthiashader in #859
- fix(core/select): filter corrections by @goncalosard in #784
- fix(core/ix-dropdown): reworked nested dropdown fix by @lzeiml in #849
- fix(core/blind): remove custom action from button tag by @danielleroux in #876
- fix(core/tabs): flickering by @matthiashader in #890
New Contributors
- @mfruehmannext made their first contribution in #845
- @matthiashader made their first contribution in #874
Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.4
What's Changed
- fix(core/modal): use percentage to align modal centered by @danielleroux in #836
- fix(core/button): prevent interaction of ix-icon by @danielleroux in #839
- fix(core): request animation depending on zonejs; reduce global events by @danielleroux in #855
Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.1.0-beta.0