Releases: saadbruno/openrct2_plugin_repository
Reference menu
Show license for plugins
Hotfix for descriptions not showing
I'm a pepega and forgot to commit before tagging
hotfix for descriptions not showing
hotfix for descriptions not showing
Empty descriptions, better debugging, and bugfixes
fixed bug where empty search results breaks the page
added "no description" feedback message
Creates a debug function that can print messages to:
Upgrades Dev Mysql to be the same as prod
upgrades php-fpm to 7.4
so we can use decorate_workers_output=no
Adjustments to Prod envirnonment
Fixed a few stuff after deploying.
Also added google analytics cause why not
Initial release!
A place where users can share OpenRCT2 plugins
For now, users can submit plugis hosted on GitHub repos. There is a button in the top right to submit links, without needing to log in.
There is server side validation to make sure it's a
link. I'm alsothinking about adding validation to check if the repo has rct2
or OpenRCT2
in the tags, but not everyone uses tags.
There is basic listing (sorting new and rating, which is based on when users submitted the plug-in, and how many stars it has on GitHub), also a basic search functionality.
Users can also check details about the plug-in (which is basicallt the form the GitHub repo), and also list plugins by user (by clicking on their profiles)