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See INSTALL for installation.


In addition to this README, there are a number of papers published on Regiment/WaveScript. Further, there is the code-documentation. Finally, there is the WaveScript user Manual.

The code-documentation is generated by Schemedoc.
Please see doc/README.

Overview of implementation

Regiment/WaveScript is written in Scheme. The system has recently [2008.05.08] been ported to R6RS (with some additional language-dependent facilities isolated in compat.sls).

The code is divided into modules ("libraries"), with one module per file.

Intermediate programs within the compiler are simply represented as S-Expressions -- nested lists of symbols, for example:

(foo-language '(program '3 Int))

The key tool used by the compiler for deconstructing programs is "match", a pattern matching macro. It uses antiquote (",") to introduce pattern variables within a pattern:

 (match '(1 2)
  [(,x ,y ,z) 9]
  [(88 ,x) (+ w x)]
  [(,w ,x) (+ w x)])

...will evaluate to 3.

There are also a number of other important tools accumulated over the years. There is a mechanism for automatically traversing the syntax of an AST (so that writing a new pass means only handling the few cases that matter), as well as syntactic sugar for defining passes (see

You can play around with any of the functions exported by the Regiment/WaveScript code by simply executing "regiment i" to run an interactive read-eval-print loop.

For editing the source in emacs, emacs/regiment.el is recommended. In emacs, run "M-x run-scheme" to open up an interactive scheme session, and prefix the M-x command with "ctrl-u" to change the executable to "regiment i".

URGENT note on code: Things in transition.

Certain things are in the process of happening. As a result the inconsistencies might be confusing.

  • Reformatting comments for Schemedoc is a work-in-progress.
  • Windows support comes and goes. I don't use it actively but there's no major barrier to it.

Coding Conventions

[2007.09.17] {TEMPTOGGLE} I'm starting to use the symbol TEMPTOGGLE to tag things that I toggle and need to remember to toggle back. It's been a recurring problem that I will turn, say, profiling off, and then check it in without remembering to turn it off. Thus, in a good checkin, the symbol TEMPTOGGLE should not occur in the code.

[2005.02.13] I have tagged all my little shorthand commands for invoking the system with a ";; shorthand" comment. By searching for this I should be able to find all the shorthands. These are esoteric, and will make the system confusing to others, but you should just be able to ignore them.

Basic Summary of Folders

  • src/ There are only a few files in this directory. Entry points to the system, configuration code, a Makefile, and this README.

  • src/ws/ The vast majority of the code, used by all ports of the system.

  • src/linked_lib/ Header files and other code written in external languages and linked into the output of the WaveScript compiler.

  • src/C/ C extensions to the Scheme source.

Basic Summary of Files

This doesn't cover everything.

  • main_r6rs.sls: Automatically generated aggregate of all libraries.

  • main.sls: This defines the compiler as a composition of the individual passes. It contains run-compiler for invoking the system. (It also, in spite of the name, contains a front-end to the simulator. Really, it's the "main" file.)

  • Configuration options factored out because one might want to change them manually.

  • A top-level program for invoking regiment from the command line.

  • ws/passes/*: These files are the compilers primary transformations.

  • ws/langs/*: These files define executable simulations of the between-pass languages. We do have a simple, non-node-level, simulation that can be run even before the token machine simulator. But these lang files are not used extensively and will be phased out.

  • ws/testing/ The primary system tests.

  • ws/globals.sls: Widely used constants and tunable parameters for the system.

  • ws/util/helpers.sls: Library code. This might have unused stuff in it.

  • ws/compiler_components/prim_defs.sls: The specification for every primitive in the Regiment/WaveScript systems.

  • ws/compiler_components/regiment_helpers.sls: Various helper routines specifically for working with Regiment/WS/TML code.

  • ws/compiler_components/hm_type_inference.sls: The type checker.


Unit Tests:

The unit test executor itself is in ws/testing/

Every file that has unit tests defines its own tester function. The function "test-units" runs (or should) all the unit tests in the system.

I have made some effort to ensure that a unit-tests will execute using only the file in question. Most multi-module tests counts as a "system test", and go in However, in a bunch of places this doesn't quite make sense, so I believe this convention is beginning to slip in certain places. -rrn [2005.09.24]

NOTE on TESTING: There are a number of toggles and parameters in the system (mostly concentrated in I am following a convention where I sprinkle the exact phrase "TOGGLE FOR UNIT TESTING" throughout the code. When unit testing, you should be able to change the values of these parameters and have it complete its tests. In fact, to test thoroughly, you should exercise the system in all of the major configurations. ( [2007.03.12] Note, with the much newer "supertest" system, I hope to at some point automatically permute major system parameters during nightly unit tests. )

Debugging tips

  • Whenever trying to use Chez's interactive debugger (using "(debug)"), you should remember to go to the top of and set the optimize-level to 0. Otherwise inlining might result in you not seeing stack frames in the inspector that you expect to see. [With WaveScript, simply run ws.debug - 2007.03.12]

  • Chez's interactive inspecter is good, use "(break)" or "(call/cc inspect)" liberally (sometimes the latter is what you need).

  • If you're using SWL and you get the cryptic "invalid command name "0"" error, this probably means that you're attempting a method call on a deleted object. Alas I can't remember exactly what causes this.

Profiling instructions

Chez Scheme has very good profiling support. And as of version 7.4, Chez supports "profile-dump-html", which produces a very nice website describing profiling results.

;; You can turn on profiling for a chunk of code like this:
(eval-when (compile eval load) (compile-profile #t))
;; ... CODE ...
(eval-when (compile eval load) (compile-profile #f))

;; The old way of dumping/viewing profiling data was to do this:
(with-output-to-file "./pdump_new"  (lambda () (fasl-write (profile-dump)))  'replace)

;; Then to view it using SWL:
  (import swl:module-setup)
  (import swl:oop)
  (import swl:macros)
  (import swl:option)
  (import swl:threads)
  (import swl:generics)  
;  (load "/usr/lib/swl1.0c/apps/profview/")
   (load "~/wavescript/src/chez/")
  (cd "~/wavescript/src/"))

(p-view (with-input-from-file "/tmp/pdump" read))

Environment variables affecting operation

See the file ./bin/ws_opts.txt for a description of environment variables that affect the WS compiler.

The most important one for setup purposes is "REGIMENTD" which is set by the "install_environment_vars" script in this directory.