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Path Utilities

Robinicks edited this page Feb 3, 2020 · 4 revisions


Please import FluentFTP to use these extension methods, or access them directly under the FtpExtensions class.

  • GetFtpPath(path) - Converts the specified local file/directory path into a valid FTP file system path

  • GetFtpPath(path, segments) - Creates a valid FTP path by appending the specified segments to this string

  • GetFtpDirectoryName(path) - Gets the parent directory path of the given file path

  • GetFtpFileName(path) - Gets the file name and extension (if any) from the path

  • GetFtpDate(date, styles) - Tries to convert the string FTP date representation into a date time object

  • FileSizeToString(bytes) - Converts a file size in bytes to a string representation (eg. 12345 becomes 12.3 KB)

Please access these static methods directly under the FtpClient class.

  • GetPublicIP() - Use the Ipify service to calculate your public IP. Useful if you are behind a router or don't have a static IP.
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