npm install react-parallax --save
import { Parallax } from 'react-parallax';
const TheContainer = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<Parallax bgImage="assets/1.jpg" strength={400}>
<h1> some content that is displayed above the bgImage </h1>
For more flexibility and styling purposes you can add a <Background></Background>
section to your Parallax Container. Child nodes inside this Background will be positioned like the bgImage behind the other children. Compared to the bgImage there is no automatic scaling.
import { Parallax, Background } from 'react-parallax';
const TheContainer = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<Parallax strength={300}>
<img src=""/>
<div style={{
width: 800,
height: 300,
backgroundColor: '#450093'
<img src=""/>
<h1>something else</h1>
- bgImage: path to the background image that makes parallax effect visible - (type: String)
- bgStyle: additional style object for the bg image/children - (type: Object) Valid style attributes
- bgWidth: set bgImage width manually - (type: String), eg. '400px', 'auto'
- bgHeight: set bgImage height manually - (type: String), eg. '400px', 'auto'
- strength: parallax effect strength (in pixel), default 100. this will define the amount of pixels the background image is translated - (type: Number)
- blur:
- pixel value for background image blur, default: 0 - (type: Number)
- or object in format
{min:0, max:5}
for dynamic blur depending on scroll position
- disabled: turns off parallax effect if set to true, default: false - (type: Boolean)
- className: set an additional className - (type: String)
- parent: set optional parent for nested scrolling, default: document - (type: Node)
The children are used to display any content inside the react-parallax component
Initial set up, run:
npm install
For watch on files, live reload, JSX transpiling and browserify, run:
npm run dev
Port on Windows is 80, 8080 on all other OS by default. Can be set with option -port=8080