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James Reeves edited this page Oct 17, 2023 · 5 revisions

Experimental support for WebSockets in Ring was added in 1.11.0-alpha1.


Here's an example of the syntax:

(ns example.websocket
  (:require [ring.websocket :as ws]))

(defn echo-handler [request]
  (assert (ws/websocket-request? request))
    (fn [socket]
      (ws/send socket "I will echo your messages"))
    (fn [socket message]
      (if (= message "exit")
        (ws/close socket)
        (ws/send socket message)))}})

The connection is upgraded to a WebSocket when the adapter receives a map with the :ring.websocket/listener key. The associated value of the key must satisfy to the ring.websocket.protocols/Listener protocol. Normal Clojure maps satisfy this protocol, so they are a convenient way of creating a listener.


Listeners can handle five events:

Event Parameters Description
on-open socket WebSocket is first opened.
on-message socket message Server receives a message.
on-pong socket buffer Server receives a 'PONG' frame.
on-error socket throwable An error occurs.
on-close socket code reason The WebSocket is closed.

There is also an optional ring.websocket.protocols/PingListener protocol that adds the following event:

Event Parameters Description
on-ping socket buffer Server receives a 'PING' frame.

The parameters have the following types:

Parameter Type
socket satisfies ring.websocket.protocols/Socket
message java.lang.CharSequence or java.nio.ByteBuffer
buffer java.nio.ByteBuffer
code int
reason String


A socket is passed to each listener function. Sockets allow you to respond to messages, or close the WebSocket.

Function Description
(send socket message) Synchronously send a String, byte array or ByteBuffer to the client.
(send socket message succeed fail) As above, but asynchronously, with callbacks for success or failure.
(ping socket) Ping the client.
(ping socket data) Ping the client with a ByteBuffer of application data.
(pong socket) Send an unrequested pong to the client.
(pong socket data) Send an unrequested pong with a ByteBuffer of application data.
(close socket) Close the WebSocket normally.
(close socket code reason) Close the WebSocket with a custom code (int) and reason (String).
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