All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.5.1 (2020-02-16)
- public: make icon links relative (03bbd05)
0.5.0 (2020-02-16)
- public: add favicon and other icons (9d60e24)
0.4.0 (2020-01-09)
- index: set text color to white given background-color is black (7babc65)
- scenes: ensure texts have consistent margins (40d0a69)
- index: comment out registerServiceWorker (596bc98)
- index: set body background-color to black (5ed474c)
- public: hide github-corners when window width >=992px (1814e01)
- public: update "short_name" to "FTFY" in manifest.json (1cd2d75)
- public: update meta description, tidy IE comment and noscript (e629168)
0.3.0 (2019-01-28)
- public: add Google Analytics global site tag to index.html (264b9d1)
0.2.1 (2019-01-27)
- invert speeds (f10766c)
0.2.0 (2019-01-27)
- add game logic for winning (eb76120)
- add intro scene (48fe698)
- public: don't load github-corners on screens smaller than 680px (5eac09a)
- add level count (9387b0f)
- add more balls (1501980)
- add more levels (7631fed)
- scenes: create Win scene and constant and add to game config (124ed10)
- clone project from
(4055037) - create all levels config (fd9a00e)
- create base elements for gameplay (2131311)
- constants: add COLORS, FONTS, and SIZES (c6e051b)
- scenes: add event listener for window resize in Boot (bf23a18)
- make game over and win return to proper levels (90931af)
- update assets and bounding boxes (074b62d)
- scenes: resize screen on game init in Boot (1481bd9)
- scenes: update pillow count text and tweak launch ball (5550077)
0.1.0 (2019-01-27)
- add game logic for winning (eb76120)
- add intro scene (48fe698)
- public: don't load github-corners on screens smaller than 680px (5eac09a)
- add level count (9387b0f)
- add more balls (1501980)
- add more levels (7631fed)
- scenes: create Win scene and constant and add to game config (124ed10)
- clone project from
(4055037) - create all levels config (fd9a00e)
- create base elements for gameplay (2131311)
- constants: add COLORS, FONTS, and SIZES (c6e051b)
- scenes: add event listener for window resize in Boot (bf23a18)
- make game over and win return to proper levels (90931af)
- update assets and bounding boxes (074b62d)
- scenes: resize screen on game init in Boot (1481bd9)
- scenes: update pillow count text and tweak launch ball (5550077)