container-id | type | work-package | pilot | funder | credits | layout | title | nav_order | permalink | ecosystem-release | |||||||||
reeco-framework |
Project |
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 101004746. |
default |
Home |
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v1.0 |
{: .fs-9 }
The Research Ecosysten Website template. {: .fs-6 .fw-300 }
Describe here your research ecosystem
{% assign types = site.documents | map: 'type' | join: ',' | split: ',' | uniq | sort %}
The ecosystem includes {% assign types_data = "Data,Dataset,Schema,Repository,Registry,Ontology,Corpus,Lexicon,KnowledgeGraph" | split: "," %}{% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"types_data contains item.type" | size %} {{ncomponents}} data, {% assign software_data = "Software,Workflow,API,UserInterface,SofwareLibrary,DockerImageContainer,Notebook,Script,Application,Website,WebApplication,WebService,SPARQLEndpoint,MobileApp,CLITool" | split: "," %} {% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"software_data contains item.type" | size %} {{ncomponents}} tools, {% assign report_data = "Report,RequirementsCollection,Story,Persona,Mockup,Surbey,InPresenceGroup,Documentation,Tutorial,EvaluationReport" | split: "," %}{% assign ncomponents = site.documents | where_exp: 'item',"report_data contains item.type" | size %} and {{ncomponents}} reports.
Project content is managed on [GitHub]({{ site.github }}).
<script> anychart.onDocumentReady(function() { // set the data var data = [ {% for type in types %} {% if type != "" %} {% assign comps = site.documents | where: 'type',type | size%} {% if comps > 0 %} {x: "{{type}}", value: {{ comps }} }, {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} ]; // create the chart var chart = anychart.pie3d(); // set the chart title // chart.title("Polifonia Project Components by Type"); // add the data; // sort elements chart.sort("desc"); // set legend position chart.legend().position("right"); // set items layout chart.legend().itemsLayout("vertical"); // display the chart in the container chart.container('chart_container_data'); chart.draw(); }); </script>{% for type in types %} {% if type != "" %} {% assign components = site.documents | where: 'type',type %} {% assign numberOf = components | size %} {% if numberOf > 0 %}
There are {{numberOf}} components of type {{type}}: {% for component in components %}
- [{% if %}{{ }}{%else%}{{ component.component-id}} {%endif%}]({{ component.url | relative_url }}) {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}