Appears when the following error occurs:
mount -t vboxsf -o uid=1000,gid=1000 home_vagrant_public_html_apps /home/vagrant/public_html/apps
The error output from the command was:
mount: unknown filesystem type ‘vboxsf'”
There are two ways you can fix this problem:
- Install the vagrant vbguest plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest.
- Make sure you’re running the latest box version. Update by running vagrant box update.
Execute the followning command on the host :
vagrant reload
Try to generate the configurations and the vagrant file again, without starting vagrant :
punchbox --config configurations/complete_punch_16G.json \
--generate-vagrantfile \
--punch-conf <path/to/existing/conf>
--deployer ~/pp-punch/pp-packaging/punchplatform-deployer/target/punchplatform-deployer-*.zip
The likely cause is you did not have the RSH public key as required. That will end up with clear error messages when connecting to the boxes, typically a (public key error).
A more tricky error is that ssh works but not for all boxes. This is possibly caused by the local ssh agent having too many registered keys that will be tried when sshing to a boxes. If there are too many after some failed attempt ssh gives up.
Check out the registered keys using:
ssh-add -l
If you have more than five keys, delete them or some of them. To delete them all:
ssh-add -D
After that re-add you default public key: