- {children || 'Select Labels'}
- )}
- placeholderText="Filter Labels"
- open={open}
- onOpenChange={setOpen}
- items={filteredItems}
- selected={selected}
- onSelectedChange={setSelected}
- onFilterChange={setFilter}
- showItemDividers={true}
- overlayProps={{width: 'small', height: 'xsmall'}}
- />
- )
-render( )
-## Accessibility
-### Keyboard
-Pressing `Enter` or `Space` on the `SelectPanel` anchor will
-open the `SelectPanel` and place focus on the filter input. Pressing `Escape` or interacting with the cancel or close buttons will close the `SelectPanel` and restore focus to the anchor.
-A user may use `Tab` and `Shift+Tab` to navigate between the filter input, list of
-items, action buttons, and the close button.
-When focus is on the list of items, pressing `ArrowDown` and `ArrowUp` will allow navigation between items. Support for `Home` and `End` is also provided to quickly navigate to the first and last items in the list, respectively. Pressing `Space` will select an item.
-The `Enter` key may be used when focus is within the `SelectPanel` as an
-alternative to activating the save button.
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/Spinner.mdx b/docs/content/Spinner.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 147f5cac089..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/Spinner.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-title: Spinner
-status: Alpha
-description: Use spinners to let users know that content is being loaded.
-componentId: spinner
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Spinner/Spinner.tsx
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/Spinner/Spinner.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-```jsx live
-## Examples
-### Small
-```jsx live
-### Large
-```jsx live
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/SplitPageLayout.mdx b/docs/content/SplitPageLayout.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2dcf3ab46e0..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/SplitPageLayout.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-title: SplitPageLayout
-componentId: split_page_layout
-status: Alpha
-description: Provides structure for a split page layout, including independent scrolling for the pane and content regions. Useful for responsive list/detail patterns, when an item in the pane updates the page content on selection.
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/SplitPageLayout
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-splitpagelayout--default'
-a11yReviewed: true
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/SplitPageLayout/SplitPageLayout.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-import {SplitPageLayout} from '@primer/react'
-If you need a more flexible layout component, consider using the [PageLayout](/PageLayout) component.
-## Examples
-### Minimal
-```jsx live drafts
-### With overflowing pane content
-```jsx live drafts
- {Array.from({length: 5}).map((_, i) => (
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at enim id lorem tempus egestas a non ipsum.
- Maecenas imperdiet ante quam, at varius lorem molestie vel. Sed at eros consequat, varius tellus et, auctor
- felis. Donec pulvinar lacinia urna nec commodo. Phasellus at imperdiet risus. Donec sit amet massa purus.
- ))}
-### With pane hidden on narrow viewports
-```jsx live drafts
-### With content hidden on narrow viewports
-```jsx live drafts
-### With resizable pane
-```jsx live drafts
-### Without dividers
-```jsx live drafts
-### With pane on right
-```jsx live drafts
-### With condensed padding
-```jsx live drafts
-### Without padding
-```jsx live drafts
-### Without header or footer
-```jsx live drafts
-### With heading
-```jsx live drafts
- Pane Heading
-### With non-sticky pane
-```jsx live drafts
-### With a custom sticky header
-```jsx live drafts
- Custom sticky header
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/StateLabel.mdx b/docs/content/StateLabel.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 38965e9ad01..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/StateLabel.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-componentId: state_label
-title: StateLabel
-status: Alpha
-storybook: '/react/storybook/?path=/story/components-statelabel--default'
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/StateLabel
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/StateLabel/StateLabel.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-## Examples
-```jsx live
- Open
- Closed
- Closed
- Open
- Closed
- Merged
- Queued
- Draft
- Draft
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/SubNav.mdx b/docs/content/SubNav.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f9ef96d4bc..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/SubNav.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-componentId: sub_nav
-title: SubNav
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/SubNav
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/SubNav/SubNav.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-**Attention:** Make sure to properly label your `SubNav` with an `aria-label` to provide context about the type of navigation contained in `SubNav`.
-## Examples
-### Default
-```jsx live
- Home
- Documentation
- Support
-### SubNav with search
-```jsx live
- Home
- Documentation
- Support
-### SubNav with filtered search
-```jsx live
- Filter
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
- Home
- Documentation
- Support
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/TabNav.mdx b/docs/content/TabNav.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b1d29b0bad..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/TabNav.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-componentId: tab_nav
-title: TabNav
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/TabNav
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/TabNav/TabNav.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-**Attention:** Make sure to properly label your `TabNav` with an `aria-label` to provide context about the type of navigation contained in `TabNav`.
-## Examples
-```jsx live
- Home
- Documentation
- Support
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/Text.mdx b/docs/content/Text.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index d75f4b05607..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/Text.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-componentId: text
-title: Text
-a11yReviewed: true
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Text
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/Text/Text.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-The Text component is a wrapper component that will apply typography styles to the text inside.
-## Examples
-```jsx live
- bold
- danger color
- inverse colors
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/TextInput.mdx b/docs/content/TextInput.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a4e93a20e..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/TextInput.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-componentId: text_input
-title: TextInput
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/TextInput
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-forms-textinput--default'
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/TextInput/TextInput.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-TextInput is a form component to add default styling to the native text input.
-**Note:** Don't forget to set `aria-label` to make the TextInput accessible to screen reader users.
-## Examples
-### Basic
-```jsx live
-### With icons
-```jsx live
-### With text visuals
-```jsx live
-### With visuals and loading indicators
-```javascript live noinline
-const WithIconAndLoadingIndicator = () => {
- const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true)
- const toggleLoadingState = () => {
- setLoading(!loading)
- }
- return (
- <>
- Toggle loading state {loading ? 'off' : 'on'}
- No visual
- Leading visual
- Trailing visual
- Both visuals
- Both visuals, position overriden
- >
- )
-render( )
-### With trailing action
-```jsx live
- Icon action
- {
- alert('clear input')
- }}
- icon={XIcon}
- aria-label="Clear input"
- sx={{color: 'fg.subtle'}}
- />
- }
- />
-### With tooltip direction
-```jsx live
- Icon action
- {
- alert('clear input')
- }}
- icon={XIcon}
- aria-label="Clear input"
- tooltipDirection="nw"
- sx={{color: 'fg.subtle'}}
- />
- }
- />
-### With error state
-```jsx live
-### Block text input
-```jsx live
-### Contrast text input
-```jsx live
-### Monospace text input
-```jsx live
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/TextInputWithTokens.mdx b/docs/content/TextInputWithTokens.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c8c4b1b230..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/TextInputWithTokens.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-componentId: text_input_with_tokens
-title: TextInputWithTokens
-status: Alpha
-description: Used to show multiple values in one field
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/TextInputWithTokens
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-forms-textinputwithtokens--default'
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/TextInputWithTokens/TextInputWithTokens.docs.json'
-import {TextInputWithTokens} from '@primer/react'
-A `TextInputWithTokens` component supports all of the features of a [TextInput](/TextInput) component, but it can render a list of [Tokens](/Token) next to the area a user types in.
-## Examples
-### Basic
-```javascript live noinline
-const BasicExample = () => {
- const [tokens, setTokens] = React.useState([
- {text: 'zero', id: 0},
- {text: 'one', id: 1},
- {text: 'two', id: 2},
- ])
- const onTokenRemove = tokenId => {
- setTokens(tokens.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- return (
- Basic example tokens
- )
-### Using a different token component
-By default, the `Token` component is used to render the tokens in the input. If this component does not make sense for the kinds of tokens you're rendering, you can pass a component to the `tokenComponent` prop
-```javascript live noinline
-const UsingIssueLabelTokens = () => {
- const [tokens, setTokens] = React.useState([
- {text: 'enhancement', id: 1, fillColor: '#a2eeef'},
- {text: 'bug', id: 2, fillColor: '#d73a4a'},
- {text: 'good first issue', id: 3, fillColor: '#0cf478'},
- ])
- const onTokenRemove = tokenId => {
- setTokens(tokens.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- return (
- Issue labels
- )
-render( )
-### Dealing with long lists of tokens
-By default, all tokens will be visible when the component is rendered.
-If the component is being used in an area where it's height needs to be constrained, there are options to limit the height of the input.
-```javascript live noinline
-const VisibleTokenCountExample = () => {
- const [tokens, setTokens] = React.useState([
- {text: 'zero', id: 0},
- {text: 'one', id: 1},
- {text: 'two', id: 2},
- {text: 'three', id: 3},
- ])
- const onTokenRemove = tokenId => {
- setTokens(tokens.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- return (
- Tokens truncated after 2
- )
-### Render tokens on a single line
-```javascript live noinline
-const PreventTokenWrappingExample = () => {
- const [tokens, setTokens] = React.useState([
- {text: 'zero', id: 0},
- {text: 'one', id: 1},
- {text: 'two', id: 2},
- {text: 'three', id: 3},
- {text: 'four', id: 4},
- {text: 'five', id: 5},
- {text: 'six', id: 6},
- {text: 'seven', id: 7},
- ])
- const onTokenRemove = tokenId => {
- setTokens(tokens.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- return (
- Tokens on one line
- )
-### Set a maximum height for the input
-```javascript live noinline
-const MaxHeightExample = () => {
- const [tokens, setTokens] = React.useState([
- {text: 'zero', id: 0},
- {text: 'one', id: 1},
- {text: 'two', id: 2},
- {text: 'three', id: 3},
- {text: 'four', id: 4},
- {text: 'five', id: 5},
- {text: 'six', id: 6},
- {text: 'seven', id: 7},
- ])
- const onTokenRemove = tokenId => {
- setTokens(tokens.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- return (
- Tokens restricted to a max height
- )
-### With an error validation status
-```javascript live noinline
-const ErrorExample = () => {
- const [tokens, setTokens] = React.useState([
- {text: 'zero', id: 0},
- {text: 'one', id: 1},
- {text: 'two', id: 2},
- ])
- const onTokenRemove = tokenId => {
- setTokens(tokens.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- return (
- <>
- Basic example tokens
- >
- )
-### With leading and trailing visuals
-```javascript live noinline
-const LeadingVisualExample = () => {
- const [dates, setDates] = React.useState([
- {text: '01 Jan', id: 0},
- {text: '01 Feb', id: 1},
- {text: '01 Mar', id: 2},
- ])
- const [tokens, setTokens] = React.useState([
- {text: 'zero', id: 0},
- {text: 'one', id: 1},
- {text: 'two', id: 2},
- ])
- const onDateRemove = tokenId => {
- setDates(dates.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- const onTokenRemove = tokenId => {
- setTokens(tokens.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- return (
- <>
- Dates
- Tokens
- >
- )
-## With visuals and loading indicators
-```javascript live noinline
-const WithIconAndLoadingIndicator = () => {
- const [dates, setDates] = React.useState([
- {text: '01 Jan', id: 0},
- {text: '01 Feb', id: 1},
- {text: '01 Mar', id: 2},
- ])
- const onDateRemove = tokenId => {
- setDates(dates.filter(token => token.id !== tokenId))
- }
- const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(true)
- const toggleLoadingState = () => {
- setLoading(!loading)
- }
- return (
- <>
- Toggle loading state {loading ? 'off' : 'on'}
- No visual
- Leading visual
- Trailing visual
- Both visuals
- >
- )
-render( )
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/Textarea.mdx b/docs/content/Textarea.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f5b76f58e..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/Textarea.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-componentId: textarea
-title: Textarea
-description: Use Textarea for multi-line text input form fields
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Textarea
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-forms-textarea--textarea-story'
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/Textarea/Textarea.docs.json'
-import {Textarea} from '@primer/react'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-import {Textarea} from '@primer/react'
-## Examples
-Textarea components **must always** be accompanied by a corresponding label to improve support for assistive
-technologies. Examples below are provided for conciseness and may not reflect accessibility best practices.
-Use the [FormControl](/FormControl) component to render a Textarea with a corresponding label.
-### Controlled mode
-```javascript live noinline
-const TextareaExample = () => {
- // Running in controlled mode (recommended)
- const [value, setValue] = React.useState('')
- const handleChange = event => {
- setValue(event.target.value)
- }
- return
-render( )
-### Uncontrolled mode
-```javascript live noinline
-const TextareaExample = () => {
- const ref = React.useRef()
- const handleSubmit = event => {
- event.preventDefault()
- if (!ref.current.value) {
- alert(`Enter a value into the Textarea and press submit`)
- return
- }
- alert(`Current Textarea value: ${ref.current.value}`)
- }
- return (
- )
-render( )
-### Displaying form validation state
-```jsx live
- Success state:
- Error state:
-### Inactive
-```jsx live
- This text is inactive
-### Resize
-By default, `Textarea` can be resized by the user vertically and horizontally. Resizing can be prevented by setting `resize` to `none`
-```jsx live
-### Custom styling
-```jsx live
- Custom styles like `margin` and `padding` can be applied using the `sx` prop
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/Timeline.mdx b/docs/content/Timeline.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 72a00ff4caa..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/Timeline.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-componentId: timeline
-title: Timeline
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Timeline
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/Timeline/Timeline.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-The Timeline.Item component is used to display items on a vertical timeline, connected by Timeline.Badge elements.
-## Examples
-### Example with in-line links
-```jsx live
- Monalisa
- created one
- hot potato
- Just now
-### Default Color example
-The default Timeline.Badge color is dark text on a light grey background.
-```jsx live
- Default badge color
-### Adding color to a Badge
-To have color variants, use the `bg` prop on the `Timeline.Badge`. If an icon is being used, set the `color` prop
-of the child `Octicon` if necessary.
-```jsx live
- Background used when closed events occur
- Background when opened or passed events occur
- Background used when pull requests are merged
-### Condensed items
-Timeline has a condensed prop that will reduce the vertical padding and remove the background from the badge item. These are most commonly used in commits. To condense a single item, remove the top or bottom padding with the `pt={0}` or `pb={0}` prop.
-```jsx live
- This is the message of a condensed TimelineItem
- This is the message of a condensed TimelineItem
-### Timeline Break
-To create a visual break in the timeline, use Timeline.Break. This adds a horizontal bar across the timeline to show that something has disrupted it. Usually this happens when a close or merged event occurs.
-```jsx live
- Background used when closed events occur
- Background when opened or passed events occur
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/ToggleSwitch.mdx b/docs/content/ToggleSwitch.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index c5cfcc8dada..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/ToggleSwitch.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-componentId: toggle_switch
-title: ToggleSwitch
-description: Toggles a setting on or off, and immediately saves the change
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/ToggleSwitch
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-toggleswitch-examples--default'
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/ToggleSwitch/ToggleSwitch.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-## Examples
-### Basic
-```jsx live
- Notifications
-### Uncontrolled with default value
-```jsx live
- Notifications
-### Controlled
-```javascript noinline live
-const Controlled = () => {
- const [isOn, setIsOn] = React.useState(false)
- const onClick = () => {
- setIsOn(!isOn)
- }
- const handleSwitchChange = on => {
- console.log(`new switch "on" state: ${on}`)
- }
- return (
- <>
- Notifications
- The switch is {isOn ? 'on' : 'off'}
- >
- )
-### Small
-```jsx live
- Notifications
-### Delayed toggle with loading state
-```javascript noinline live
-const LoadingToggle = () => {
- const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(false)
- const [isOn, setIsOn] = React.useState(false)
- async function switchSlowly(currentOn) {
- await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500))
- return await !currentOn
- }
- async function onClick() {
- setLoading(!loading)
- const newSwitchState = await switchSlowly(isOn)
- setIsOn(newSwitchState)
- }
- const handleSwitchChange = React.useCallback(
- on => {
- setLoading(false)
- },
- [setLoading],
- )
- return (
- <>
- Notifications
- The switch is {isOn ? 'on' : 'off'}
- >
- )
-### Disabled
-```jsx live
- Notifications
-### With associated caption text
-```jsx live
- Notifications
- Notifications will be delivered via email and the GitHub notification center
-### Left-aligned with label
-```jsx live
- Notifications
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/Token.mdx b/docs/content/Token.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index cd87cd65499..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/Token.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-componentId: token
-title: Token
-status: Alpha
-description: A Token represents a piece of data. They are typically used to show a collection of related attributes.
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Token
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-token--default-token'
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/Token/Token.docs.json'
-import {AvatarToken, IssueLabelToken, Token} from '@primer/react'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-The default `Token` can be used for most cases, but specialized token components are provided for specific use cases (see below for more info).
-All types of tokens may have the same interactive qualities as links or buttons. They also have a sense of being "selected" and ready for user interaction such as being removed from a collection.
-## Examples
-### Basic
-```jsx live
- Token
-### Kitchen sink
-```jsx live
- Resting
- isSelected
- With `leadingVisual` passed
- With `onRemove` passed
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- Size options
-### With leadingVisual
- A leadingVisual should not be used with the small size option if
- you're rendering an icon from Octicons
-```jsx live
-### Interactive tokens
-If any token is interactive (it is a link or a button), it will become focusable, and react to being hovered or focused on.
-If a token is interactive _and_ has a remove button (appears when passing `onRemove`), the remove button should not get focus. To invoke the `onRemove` callback without using the cursor, press 'Backspace' when the token is focused.
-These rules apply to all token components mentioned in this document.
-#### Interactive tokens with and without an `onRemove` prop
-```jsx live
- Interactive
- console.log('clicked')} text="Button" />
- console.log('focused')} text="Focusable Span" />
- Interactive with `onRemove` passed
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- console.log('clicked')}
- text="Button"
- onRemove={() => {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- console.log('focused')}
- text="Focusable Span"
- onRemove={() => {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
-### IssueLabelToken
-Tokens that represent Issue labels should use the `IssueLabelToken` component.
-```jsx live
- Resting
- isSelected
- With `onRemove` passed
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- Size options
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
-### AvatarToken
-Tokens that represent GitHub users should use the `AvatarToken` component.
- This component should not be used with the small or medium size
- option
-```jsx live
- With `onRemove` passed
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- Size options
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
- {
- console.log('remove me')
- }}
- />
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/Tooltip.mdx b/docs/content/Tooltip.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index e18a9f534af..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/Tooltip.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-componentId: tooltip
-title: Tooltip
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.tsx
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/Tooltip/Tooltip.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-## Deprecation
-Use [the next version of Tooltip](/TooltipV2) for accessibility improvements.
-The Tooltip component adds a tooltip to add context to interactive elements on the page.
-## Usage
-**_⚠️ Usage warning! ⚠️_**
-Tooltips as a UI pattern should be our last resort for conveying information because it is hidden by default and often with zero or little visual indicator of its existence.
-Before adding a tooltip, please consider: Is this information essential and necessary? Can the UI be made clearer? Can the information be shown on the page by default? See [Tooltip alternatives](https://primer.style/design/accessibility/tooltip-alternatives) for more accessible alternatives.
-**Attention:** we use `aria-label` for tooltip contents. However, `aria-label` replaces the text content of an element in screen readers, so only use Tooltip on elements with no existing text content.
-A tooltip may only be used on an element that is interactive such as a button or a link. Even if an element is focusable, a tooltip may only be used if the element does something when it's clicked.
-## Examples
-```jsx live
- Hover me
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/TooltipV2.mdx b/docs/content/TooltipV2.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 061ae2fa609..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/TooltipV2.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-componentId: tooltip
-title: Tooltip v2
-status: Beta
-a11yReviewed: true
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/TooltipV2/Tooltip.tsx
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/TooltipV2/Tooltip.docs.json'
-//👇 Notice the new bundle, `next`👇
-import {Tooltip} from '@primer/react/next'
-## Usage
-The Tooltip component is used to add context to interactive elements on the page.
-**_⚠️ Usage warning! ⚠️_**
-Tooltips as a UI pattern should be our last resort for conveying information because it is hidden by default and often with zero or little visual indicator of its existence.
-Before adding a tooltip, please consider: Is this information essential and necessary? Can the UI be made clearer? Can the information be shown on the page by default? See [Tooltip alternatives](https://primer.style/design/accessibility/tooltip-alternatives) for more accessible alternatives.
-Tooltip should only be used on an element that is interactive such as a button or a link.
-## Examples
-### Default (For additional context)
-Default tooltip is suitable for interactive controls that require additional context.
-```jsx live next
- Delete
-### As a label
-Tooltip can be used to label interactive controls that has no visible text label such as interactive icon links.
-```jsx live next
-### With direction
-```jsx live next
- North
- South
- East
- West
- North East
- North West
- Southeast
- Southwest
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/TreeView.mdx b/docs/content/TreeView.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ff83ce131c..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/TreeView.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-title: TreeView
-componentId: tree_view
-status: Beta
-description: A hierarchical list of items where nested items can be expanded and collapsed.
-a11yReviewed: true
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/TreeView
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-treeview'
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/TreeView/TreeView.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-import {TreeView} from '@primer/react'
-## Examples
-### File tree navigation without directory links
-```jsx live drafts
- src
- console.log('src/Avatar.tsx')}>
- Avatar.tsx
- Button.tsx
- package.json
-### File tree navigation with directory links
-```jsx live drafts
- src
- Avatar.tsx
- Button
- Button.tsx
- Button.test.tsx
- package.json
-### With React Router
-import {Link, useMatch, useResolvedPath, navigate} from 'react-router-dom'
-import {TreeView} from '@primer/react'
-function TreeLinkItem({id, to, children}) {
- const resolved = useResolvedPath(to)
- const isCurrent = useMatch({path: resolved.pathname, end: true})
- return (
- navigate(to)}
- >
- {children}
- )
-function App() {
- return (
- Avatar.tsx
- Button.tsx
- )
-### With Next.js
-Please note that we advise against using this pattern for website navigation because it's not the expected semantic structure for a navigation component.
-import {useRouter} from 'next/router'
-import Link from 'next/link'
-import {TreeView} from '@primer/react/drafts'
-function TreeLinkItem({id, href, children}) {
- const router = useRouter()
- const isCurrent = typeof href === 'string' ? router.asPath === href : router.pathname === href.pathname
- return (
- {children}
- )
-function App() {
- return (
- Avatar.tsx
- Button.tsx
- )
-### With controlled expanded state
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-function ControlledTreeView() {
- const [expanded, setExpanded] = React.useState(false)
- return (
- setExpanded(!expanded)}>{expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'}
- src
- Avatar.tsx
- Button.tsx
- )
-render( )
-### With stateful visuals
-To render stateful visuals, pass a render function to `TreeView.LeadingVisual` or `TreeView.TrailingVisual`. The function will be called with the `expanded` state of the item.
-```jsx live drafts
- {({isExpanded}) => (isExpanded ? : )}
- src
- Avatar.tsx
- Button.tsx
-Since stateful directory icons are a common use case for TreeView, we provide a `TreeView.DirectoryIcon` component for convenience. The previous example can be rewritten as:
-```jsx live drafts
- src
- Avatar.tsx
- Button.tsx
-### With asynchronously loaded items
-See [Storybook](https://primer.style/react/storybook?path=/story/components-treeview--async-success) for examples with asynchronously loaded items.
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/Truncate.mdx b/docs/content/Truncate.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index ee5d63d53a9..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/Truncate.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-componentId: truncate
-title: Truncate
-status: Alpha
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Truncate
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/Truncate/Truncate.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-The Truncate component will shorten text with an ellipsis. Always add a `title` attribute to the truncated element so the full text remains accessible.
-## Examples
-### Default
-Truncate will prevent text that overflows from wrapping. The default max-width is 125px.
-```jsx live
- Some text with a branch-name-that-is-really-long
-### Custom max-width
-You can override the maximum width of the truncated text with the `maxWidth` prop.
-```jsx live
- Some text with a branch-name-that-is-really-long
-### Inline
-You can use the `inline` boolean prop for inline (or inline-block) elements with a fixed maximum width (default: 125px).
-```jsx live
- Some text with a branch-name-that-is-really-long
-### Expandable
-You can use the `expandable` boolean prop to display the truncated text on hover.
-```jsx live
- Some text with a branch-name-that-is-really-long
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/UnderlineNav.mdx b/docs/content/UnderlineNav.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index c182c76c1ad..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/UnderlineNav.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-title: UnderlineNav
-componentId: underline_nav
-status: Beta
-a11yReviewed: true
-description: Use an underlined nav to allow tab like navigation with overflow behaviour in your UI.
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/UnderlineNav
-storybook: '/react/storybook/?path=/story/components-underlinenav--playground'
-import data from '../../packages/react/src/UnderlineNav/UnderlineNav.docs.json'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-import {UnderlineNav} from '@primer/react'
-## Examples
-### Simple
-```jsx live drafts
- Code
- Issues
- Pull Requests
-### With Icons
-```jsx live drafts
- Code
- Issues
- Pull Requests
- Discussions
- Actions
- Projects
-### Overflow Behaviour
-Component first hides icons if they present to optimize for space and show as many items as possible. If there is still an overflow, it will display the items that don't fit in the `More` menu.
-```javascript noinline live drafts
-const Navigation = () => {
- const items = [
- {navigation: 'Code', icon: CodeIcon},
- {navigation: 'Issues', icon: IssueOpenedIcon, counter: 120},
- {navigation: 'Pull Requests', icon: GitPullRequestIcon, counter: 13},
- {navigation: 'Discussions', icon: CommentDiscussionIcon, counter: 5},
- {navigation: 'Actions', icon: PlayIcon, counter: 4},
- {navigation: 'Projects', icon: ProjectIcon, counter: 9},
- {navigation: 'Insights', icon: GraphIcon},
- {navigation: 'Settings', icon: GearIcon, counter: 10},
- {navigation: 'Security', icon: ShieldLockIcon},
- ]
- const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = React.useState(0)
- return (
- {items.map((item, index) => (
- {
- setSelectedIndex(index)
- e.preventDefault()
- }}
- counter={item.counter}
- >
- {item.navigation}
- ))}
- )
-render( )
-### Loading State For Counters
-```jsx live drafts
- Code
- Issues
- Pull Requests
-### With React Router
-import {Link, useMatch, useResolvedPath} from 'react-router-dom'
-import {UnderlineNav} from '@primer/react'
-function UnderlineNavItem({to, children, ...rest}) {
- const resolved = useResolvedPath(to)
- const isCurrent = useMatch({path: resolved.pathname, end: true})
- return (
- {children}
- )
-const Navigation = () => {
- return (
- Code
- Issues
- Pull Requests
- )
-### With Next.js
-import {useRouter} from 'next/router'
-import Link from 'next/link'
-import {UnderlineNav} from '@primer/react'
-function UnderlineNavItem({href, children, ...rest}) {
- const router = useRouter()
- const isCurrent = typeof href === 'string' ? router.asPath === href : router.pathname === href.pathname
- return (
- {children}
- )
-const Navigation = () => {
- return (
- Code
- Issues
- Pull Requests
- )
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/anchoredPosition.mdx b/docs/content/anchoredPosition.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ef3d862e8a..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/anchoredPosition.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-title: Anchored Position Behavior
-The `getAnchoredPosition` behavior and `useAnchoredPosition` hook are used to calculate the position of a "floating" element that is anchored to another DOM element. This is useful for implementing overlay UI, such as dialogs, popovers, tooltips, toasts, and dropdown-style menus.
-At a high level, the `getAnchoredPosition` algorithm will attempt to find the most suitable position for the floating element based on the passed-in settings, its containing element, and the size and position of the anchor element. Specifically, the calculated position should try to ensure that the floating element, when positioned at the calculated coordinates, does not overflow or underflow the container's bounding box.
-Settings for this behavior allow the user to customize several aspects of this calculation. See **PositionSettings** below for a detailed description of these settings.
-### Positioning algorithm
-When calculating the position of the floating element, the algorithm relies on different measurements from three separate elements:
-1. The floating element's width and height
-2. The anchor element's x/y position and its width and height
-3. The floating element's clipping container (for x/y position, width and height, and border sizes)
-The public API only asks for the first two elements; the floating element's container is discovered via DOM traversal.
-#### Finding the floating element's clipping container
-The returned anchored position calculation is relative to the floating element's closest [_positioned_](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position#types_of_positioning) ancestor. To find this ancestor, we try to check parents of the floating element until we find one that has a position set to anything other than `static` and use that element's bounding box as the container. If we can't find such an element, we will try to use `document.body`.
-Once we have found the appropriate relative ancestor, we attempt to find the floating element's _clipping container_. The clipping container is an element that: 1) has `overflow` set to something other than `visible`, and 2) is either an ancestor of the relative ancestor, or is itself the relative ancestor. Again, if we cannot locate such an element, we will use `document.body` as the clipping container.
-Once we have the clipping container, its bounding box is used as the viewport for the position calculation (see the next section). If the clipping container ends up being `document.body`, we take one additional step, allowing the clipping rectangle to be at least as tall as the window. This is done because the `body` element doesn't take up the full window size by default, but we still want to allow the entire space to be used as the viewport for the position calculation. It may be a good idea to ensure that this clipping container element _also_ contains the anchor element and is scrollable. This will ensure that if scrolled, the anchor and floating element will move together.
-#### Positioning and overflow
-With the positions and sizes of the above DOM elements, the algorithm calculates the (x, y) coordinate for the floating element. Then, it checks to see if, based on the floating element's size, if it would overflow the bounds of the container. If it would, it does one of two things:
-A) If the overflow happens in the same direction as the anchor side (e.g. side is `'outside-bottom'` and the overflowing portion of the floating element is the bottom), try to find a different side, recalculate the position, and check for overflow again. If we check all four sides and don't find one that fits, revert to the bottom side, in hopes that a scrollbar might appear.
-B) Otherwise, adjust the alignment offset so that the floating element can stay inside the container's bounds.
-For a more in-depth explanation of the positioning settings, see `PositionSettings` below.
-### Demo
-Deploy Storybook to see a live demo of `anchoredPosition`.
-### Usage
-const settings = {
- side: 'outside-right',
- align: 'center',
- alignmentOffset: 10,
- anchorOffset: -10,
-} as Partial
-const float = document.getElementById('floatingElement')
-const anchor = document.getElementById('anchorElement')
-const {top, left} = getAnchoredPosition(float, anchor, settings)
-float.style.top = `${top}px`
-float.style.left = `${left}px`
-### API
-The `getAnchoredPosition` function takes the following arguments.
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :-------------- | :----------------- | :-----: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| floatingElement | `Element` | | This is an Element that is currently rendered on the page. `getAnchoredPosition` needs to be able to measure this element's `width` and `height`. |
-| anchorElement | `Element` | | This is an Element that the floating element will be "anchored" to. In other words, the calculated position of the floating element will be based on this element's position and size. |
-| settings | `PositionSettings` | `{}` | Settings to customize the positioning algorithm. See below for a description of each setting. |
-#### PositionSettings interface
-`PositionSettings` is an object with the following interface
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :--------------- | :---------------- | :----------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| side | `AnchorSide` | `"outside-bottom"` | Sets the side of the anchor element that the floating element should be pinned to. This side is given by a string starting with either `inside` or `outside`, followed by a hyphen, followed by either `top`, `right`, `bottom`, or `left`. Additionally, `"inside-center"` is an allowed value. The first part of this string, `inside` or `outside`, determines whether the floating element should be attempted to be placed "inside" the anchor element or "outside" of it. Using `inside` is useful for making it appear that the anchor _contains_ the floating element, and it can be used for implementing a dialog that is centered on the screen. The `outside` value is more common and can be used for tooltips, popovers, menus, etc. The second part of this string determines the _edge_ on the anchor element that the floating element will be anchored to. If side is `"inside-center"`, then the floating element will be centered in the X-direction (while `align` is used to position it in the Y-direction). |
-| align | `AnchorAlignment` | `"start"` | Determines how the floating element should align with the anchor element. If set to `"start"`, the floating element's first edge (top or left) will align with the anchor element's first edge. If set to `"center"`, the floating element will be centered along the axis of the anchor edge. If set to `"end"`, the floating element's last edge will align with the anchor element's last edge. |
-| anchorOffset | `number` | `4`\* | The number of pixels between the anchor edge and the floating element. Positive values move the floating element farther from the anchor element (for outside positioning) or further inside the anchor element (for inside positioning). Negative values have the opposite effect. |
-| alignmentOffset | `number` | `4`\*\* | An additional offset, in pixels, to move the floating element from the aligning edge. Positive values move the floating element in the direction of center-alignment. Negative values move the floating element away from center-alignment. When align is `"center"`, positive offsets move the floating element right (top or bottom anchor side) or down (left or right anchor side). |
-| allowOutOfBounds | `boolean` | `false` | If false, when the above settings result in rendering the floating element wholly or partially off-screen, attempt to adjust the settings to prevent this. Only applies to `outside` positioning. First, attempt to flip to the opposite edge of the anchor if the floating element is getting clipped in that direction. If flipping results in a similar clipping, try moving to the adjacent sides. Once we find a side that does not clip the overlay in its own dimension, check the rest of the sides to see if we need to adjust the alignment offset to fit in other dimensions. If we try all four sides and get clipped each time, settle for overflowing and use the `bottom` side, since the ability to scroll is most likely in this direction. |
-\* If `side` is set to `"inside-center"`, this defaults to `0` instead of `4`.
-\*\* If using outside positioning, or if `align` is set to `"center"`, this defaults to `0` instead of `4`.
-#### AnchorSide
-`AnchorSide` can be any of the following strings:
-`'inside-top'`, `'inside-bottom'`, `'inside-left'`, `'inside-right'`, `'inside-center'`, `'outside-top'`, `'outside-bottom'`, `'outside-left'`, `'outside-right'`
-#### AnchorAlignment
-`AnchorAlignment` can be any of the following strings:
-`'start'`, `'center'`, `'end'`
-### Best practices
-As discussed above, the positioning algorithm needs to first measure the size of three different elements. Therefore, all three of these elements (anchor element, floating element, and the floating element's closest positioned container) must be rendered at the time `getAnchoredPosition` is called. To avoid a frame where the floating element is rendered at the `(0, 0)` position, give it a style of `visibility: hidden` until its position is returned at set. This allows the element to be measured without showing up on the page.
-### A note on performance
-Every time `getAnchoredPosition` is called, it causes a [reflow](https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/browser-reflow) because it needs to query the rendering engine for the positions of 3 elements: the anchor element, the floating element, and the closest ancestor of the floating element that is [_positioned_](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/position#types_of_positioning). Therefore, this function should not be called until it is needed (e.g. an overlay-style menu is invoked and displayed).
-## useAnchoredPosition hook
-The `useAnchoredPosition` hook is used to provide anchored positioning data for React components. The hook returns refs that must be added to the anchor and floating elements, and a `position` object containing `top` and `left`. This position is tracked as state, so the component will re-render whenever it changes. It is the responsibility of the consumer to apply the top and left styles to the floating element in question.
-### Using your own refs
-The `useAnchoredPosition` hook will return two refs for the anchor element and the floating element, which must be added to their respective JSX. If you would like to use your own refs, you can pass them into the hook as part of the settings object (see the interface below).
-### Recalculating position
-Like other hooks such as `useCallback` and `useEffect`, this hook takes a dependencies array. If defined, the position will only be recalculated when one of the dependencies in this array changes. Otherwise, the position will be calculated when the component is first mounted, but never again.
-### useAnchoredPosition usage
-export const AnchoredPositionExample = () => {
- const {floatingElementRef, anchorElementRef, position} = useAnchoredPosition({side: 'outside-bottom', align: 'center'})
- return (
- }
- >
- Floating element
- }>
- Anchor Element
- )
-### useAnchoredPosition
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :----------- | :----------------------------- | :-------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| settings | `AnchoredPositionHookSettings` | undefined | Optional settings to control how the anchored position is calculated. See below. |
-| dependencies | `React.DependencyList` | undefined | Dependencies to determine when to re-calculate the position. If undefined or `[]`, only calculate the position once. |
-#### Return value
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :----------------- | :---------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------- |
-| floatingElementRef | `React.RefObject` | This ref must be added to the floating element JSX |
-| anchorElementRef | `React.RefObject` | This ref must be added to the anchor element JSX |
-| position | `{top: number, left: number}` | The calculated position |
-### AnchoredPositionHookSettings interface
-`AnchoredPositionHookSettings` is an object with an interface that extends `PositionSettings` (see above). Additionally, it adds the following properties:
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :----------------- | :----------------------------- | :---------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| floatingElementRef | `React.RefObject` | `undefined` | If provided, this will be the ref used to access the element that will be used for the floating element. Its size measurements are needed by the underlying `useAnchoredPosition` behavior. Otherwise, this hook will create the ref for you and return it. In both cases, the ref must be provided to the floating element's JSX. |
-| anchorElementRef | `React.RefObject` | `undefined` | If provided, this will be the ref used to access the element that will be used for the anchor element. Its position and size measurements are needed by the underlying `useAnchoredPosition` behavior. Otherwise, this hook will create the ref for you and return it. In both cases, the ref must be provided to the anchor element's JSX. |
diff --git a/docs/content/core-concepts.md b/docs/content/core-concepts.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f3f2b8302c..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/core-concepts.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-title: Core Concepts
-This document aims to discuss some of the core concepts of building with Primer React.
-## Responsive props
-It's really easy to set different values for most of our component props based on screen size! We take advantage of [styled-system](https://github.com/styled-system/styled-system)'s responsive props API in our components.
-## Providing your own theme
-You can provide your own theme to Primer React! There are a few ways of doing this to varying degrees, checkout the [theme docs](https://primer.style/components/primer-theme) for more information.
-## The `css` prop
-When push comes to shove and you just _really_ need to add a custom CSS rule, you can do that with the `css` prop. Please don't abuse this :)
-Please note that you will need to have the **[styled-components babel plugin](https://www.styled-components.com/docs/tooling#babel-plugin)** set up in your project in order to use the `css` prop.
-## Types of components
-We categorize our components into 3 general types. Building block components, pattern components, and helper components. Understanding how these types of components interact with each other can help you better understand how to get the most out of Primer React.
-- Building Blocks
-Building block components are components that are basic in their functions and can be used together with other components to build just about any UI. Some examples of building block components are `Box`, `Avatar`, `Details`, and `Link`.
-- Pattern Components
-Pattern components are components that are made up of several building block components to represent a commonly used pattern in our UI. Some examples of pattern components are `UnderlineNav` and `FilterList`. We plan on expanding our offering of pattern components in the near future.
-- Helper Components
-Helper components are components that help the user achieve common CSS patterns while maintaining some control over values used. An example of a helper component is `Box`.
-## The `as` prop
-The `as` prop is a feature that all of our components get from [styled-components](https://www.styled-components.com). It allows you to pass a HTML tag or another component to a Primer Component to be rendered as the base tag of that component along with all of it's styles and props.
-For example, say you are using a `Button` component, and you really need to apply `Box` styles to it. You can compose `Box` and `Button` like so:
-This will allow you to use all of the `Button` props _and_ all of the `Box` props without having to wrap your `Button` component in another `Box` component.
-**This pattern does have some limitations.** Usage of the `as` prop can lead to unexpected output. In the example above, if the user had done `` instead, because the `Box`'s render method is ultimately applied, and `Box` components render `div`'s, you'll see that the rendered component is a `div` when ideally you'd like it to be a `button`. It is also not always clear how the styles in both components will interact and/or override each other.
-For these reasons, **we recommend only using the `as` prop when you cannot achieve the same result by nesting components.** The `Box` / `Button` example could be done like so:
- Hi
diff --git a/docs/content/deprecated/ActionList.mdx b/docs/content/deprecated/ActionList.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index de4190eb538..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/deprecated/ActionList.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-title: ActionList (legacy)
-status: Deprecated
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/deprecated/ActionList
-An `ActionList` is a list of items which can be activated or selected. `ActionList` is the base component for many of our menu-type components, including and `ActionMenu`.
-## Deprecation
-Use [new version of ActionList](/components/action-list/react/latest) with composable API, design updates and accessibility fixes.
-### Before
-### After
- New file
- Copy link
- Edit file
- Delete file
-Or continue using deprecated API:
-import {ActionList} from '@primer/react/deprecated'
-## Minimal example
-```jsx live deprecated
-## Example with grouped items
-```jsx live deprecated
-## Example with custom item renderer
-```jsx deprecated
- ,
- },
- {
- text: 'React Router link',
- renderItem: props => ,
- },
- {
- text: 'NextJS style',
- renderItem: props => (
- ),
- },
- ]}
-## Props
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :--------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | :---------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| items | `(ItemProps & Omit, keyof ItemProps>) \| ((Partial & {renderItem: RenderItemFn}) & {key?: Key})` | `undefined` | Required. A list of item objects conforming to the `ActionList.Item` props interface. |
-| renderItem | `(props: ItemProps) => JSX.Element` | `ActionList.Item` | Optional. If defined, each item in `items` will be passed to this function, allowing for `ActionList`-wide custom item rendering. |
-| groupMetadata | `GroupProps[]` | `undefined` | Optional. If defined, `ActionList` will group `items` into `ActionList.Group`s separated by `ActionList.Divider` according to their `groupId` property. |
-| showItemDividers | `boolean` | `false` | Optional. If `true` dividers will be displayed above each `ActionList.Item` which does not follow an `ActionList.Header` or `ActionList.Divider` |
diff --git a/docs/content/deprecated/ActionMenu.mdx b/docs/content/deprecated/ActionMenu.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e2ca0fb3aa..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/deprecated/ActionMenu.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-title: ActionMenu (legacy)
-status: Deprecated
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/deprecated/ActionMenu.tsx
-An `ActionMenu` is an ActionList-based component for creating a menu of actions that expands through a trigger button.
-## Deprecation
-Use [new version of ActionMenu](/components/action-menu/react/latest) with composable API, design updates and accessibility fixes.
-### Before
-### After
- Menu
- New file
- Copy link
- Edit file
- Delete file
-Or continue using deprecated API:
-import {ActionMenu} from '@primer/react/deprecated'
-## Default example
-```jsx live deprecated
- console.log(text)}
- items={[
- {text: 'New file', key: 'new-file'},
- ActionMenu.Divider,
- {text: 'Copy link', key: 'copy-link'},
- {text: 'Edit file', key: 'edit-file'},
- {text: 'Delete file', variant: 'danger', key: 'delete-file'},
- ]}
-## Example with grouped items
-```jsx live deprecated
- console.log(text)}
- groupMetadata={[
- {groupId: '0'},
- {groupId: '1', header: {title: 'Live query', variant: 'subtle'}},
- {groupId: '2', header: {title: 'Layout', variant: 'subtle'}},
- {groupId: '3'},
- {groupId: '4'},
- ]}
- items={[
- {key: '1', leadingVisual: TypographyIcon, text: 'Rename', groupId: '0'},
- {key: '2', leadingVisual: VersionsIcon, text: 'Duplicate', groupId: '0'},
- {key: '3', leadingVisual: SearchIcon, text: 'repo:github/github', groupId: '1'},
- {
- key: '4',
- leadingVisual: NoteIcon,
- text: 'Table',
- description: 'Information-dense table optimized for operations across teams',
- descriptionVariant: 'block',
- groupId: '2',
- },
- {
- key: '5',
- leadingVisual: ProjectIcon,
- text: 'Board',
- description: 'Kanban-style board focused on visual states',
- descriptionVariant: 'block',
- groupId: '2',
- },
- {
- key: '6',
- leadingVisual: FilterIcon,
- text: 'Save sort and filters to current view',
- disabled: true,
- groupId: '3',
- },
- {key: '7', leadingVisual: FilterIcon, text: 'Save sort and filters to new view', groupId: '3'},
- {key: '8', leadingVisual: GearIcon, text: 'View settings', groupId: '4'},
- ]}
-## Component props
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :------------ | :------------------------------------ | :---------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| items | `ItemProps[]` | `undefined` | Required. A list of item objects conforming to the `ActionList.Item` props interface. |
-| renderItem | `(props: ItemProps) => JSX.Element` | `ActionList.Item` | Optional. If defined, each item in `items` will be passed to this function, allowing for `ActionList`-wide custom item rendering. |
-| groupMetadata | `GroupProps[]` | `undefined` | Optional. If defined, `ActionList` will group `items` into `ActionList.Group`s separated by `ActionList.Divider` according to their `groupId` property. |
-| renderAnchor | `(props: ButtonProps) => JSX.Element` | `Button` | Optional. If defined, provided component will be used to render the menu anchor. Will receive the selected `Item` text as `children` prop when an item is activated. |
-| anchorContent | React.ReactNode | `undefined` | Optional. If defined, it will be passed to the trigger as the elements child. |
-| onAction | (props: ItemProps) => void | `undefined` | Optional. If defined, this function will be called when a menu item is activated either by a click or a keyboard press. |
-| open | boolean | `undefined` | Optional. If defined, ActionMenu will use this to control the open/closed state of the Overlay instead of controlling the state internally. Should be used in conjunction with the `setOpen` prop. |
-| setOpen | (state: boolean) => void | `undefined` | Optional. If defined, ActionMenu will use this to control the open/closed state of the Overlay instead of controlling the state internally. Should be used in conjunction with the `open` prop. |
diff --git a/docs/content/deprecated/Buttons.mdx b/docs/content/deprecated/Buttons.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e2d3910109..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/deprecated/Buttons.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-title: Button (legacy)
-status: Deprecated
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Button
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-button--default-button'
-## Deprecation
-Use [Button](/components/button/react/latest) instead.
-`Button` is used for actions, like in forms, while `Link` is used for destinations, or moving from one page to another.
-In special cases where you'd like to use a `` styled like a Button, use `` and provide an `href`.
-To create a button group, wrap `Button` elements in the `ButtonGroup` element. `ButtonGroup` gets the same props as `Box`.
-## Examples
-### Kitchen sink
-```jsx live deprecated
- Button
- Button danger
- Button outline
- Button primary
- Button invisible
- window.alert('button clicked')} />
- Button
- Button
- Button
- Button table list
-## Props
-Native `` HTML attributes are forwarded to the underlying React `button` component and are not listed below.
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/deprecated/SideNav.md b/docs/content/deprecated/SideNav.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 63472ef9a2b..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/deprecated/SideNav.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-componentId: side_nav
-title: SideNav
-status: Deprecated
-The Side Nav is a vertical list of navigational links, typically used on the left side of a page. For maximum flexibility, SideNav elements have no default width or positioning.
-## Deprecation
-Use [NavList](/components/nav-list/react/latest) instead.
-### Before
- Home
- About
- Contact
-### After
- Home
- About
- Contact
-## Default example
-```jsx live
- Account
- Profile
- Emails
- Notifications
-Different kinds of content can be added inside a SideNav item. Use system props to further style them if needed.
-## Full variant
-Add the `variant='full'` prop to a `SideNav.Link` to spread child elements across the link, which is useful for status icons, labels, and the like.
-```jsx live
- Text Only
- With an avatar
- With an Octicon
- With a status icon
- With a label
- label
- With a counter
- 16
- A heading
- and some more content
-## Lightweight variant
-Add the `variant="lightweight"` prop to `SideNav` to render an alternative, more lightweight version that has items with no borders and are more condensed.
-```jsx live
- Menu
- Account
- Profile
- Emails
- Notifications
-It can also appear nested, as a sub navigation. Use margin/padding [System Props](/system-props) to add indentation.
-```jsx live
- Account
- Profile
- Sub item 1
- Sub item 2
- Sub item 3
- Emails
-## Usage with React Router
-If using React Router, you can use the `as` prop to render the element as a `NavLink`. React Router will automatically handle setting `aria-current="page"` for you.
-## Component props
-### SideNav
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :------- | :---------------- | :------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| as | String | 'nav' | Sets the HTML tag for the component. |
-| bordered | Boolean | false | Renders the component with a border. |
-| variant | String | 'normal' | Set to `lightweight` to render [in a lightweight style](#lightweight-variant). |
-| sx | SystemStyleObject | {} | Style to be applied to the component |
-### SideNav.Link
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :-------- | :---------------- | :------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| as | String | 'a' | Sets the HTML tag for the component. |
-| href | String | | URL to be used for the Link |
-| muted | Boolean | false | Uses a less prominent shade for Link color, and the default link shade on hover |
-| selected | Boolean | false | Sets the link as selected, giving it a different style and setting the `aria-current` attribute. |
-| underline | Boolean | false | Adds underline to the Link |
-| variant | String | 'normal' | Set to `full` to render [a full variant](#full-variant), suitable for including icons and labels. |
-| sx | SystemStyleObject | {} | Style to be applied to the component |
diff --git a/docs/content/deprecated/UnderlineNav.mdx b/docs/content/deprecated/UnderlineNav.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4729b87407b..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/deprecated/UnderlineNav.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-componentId: legacy_underline_nav
-title: UnderlineNav (legacy)
-status: Deprecated
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/deprecated/UnderlineNav/UnderlineNav.docs.json'
-Use the UnderlineNav component to style navigation with a minimal underlined selected state, typically used for navigation placed at the top of the page.
-## Deprecation
-Use [the new version of UnderlineNav](/components/react/underline-nav/latest) with design and accessibility updates.
-**Attention:** Make sure to properly label your `UnderlineNav` with an `aria-label` to provide context about the type of navigation contained in `UnderlineNav`.
-## Examples
-```jsx live deprecated
- Home
- Documentation
- Support
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/drafts/DataTable.mdx b/docs/content/drafts/DataTable.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 60fc40a7eb9..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/drafts/DataTable.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-title: DataTable
-componentId: data_table
-status: Draft
-a11yReviewed: true
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/DataTable/DataTable.docs.json'
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/drafts/Dialog.mdx b/docs/content/drafts/Dialog.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 791d871f6e8..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/drafts/Dialog.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-title: Dialog v2
-componentId: dialog
-status: Draft
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/Dialog/Dialog.docs.json'
-import {Dialog} from '@primer/react/experimental'
-import State from '../../components/State'
-The dialog component is the Primer implementation of the ARIA design pattern [Dialog](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#dialog_modal). A dialog is a type of overlay that can be used for confirming actions, asking for disambiguation, and presenting small forms. They generally allow the user to focus on a quick task without having to navigate to a different page.
-**Dialogs appear in the page after a direct user interaction**. Don't show dialogs on page load or as system alerts.
-**Dialogs appear centered in the page**, with a visible backdrop that dims the rest of the window for focus.
-**All dialogs should have a title and a close button**. Use the `title` prop to set the title. The close button is created automatically, but must be handled with an `onClose` prop.
-**Dialogs are modal**. Dialogs can be dismissed by clicking on the close button, by interacting with another button in the overlay, or by clicking outside of the overlay.
-Dialogs should not be dismissed by clicking outside the dialog's content area if used to add, update, or remove information. This would be the equivalent of a cancel action and may cause accidental data loss.
-**(Coming soon) Make sure larger dialogs remain mobile-friendly**. Even large dialogs need to be responsive. A dialog's width and height will be readjusted depending on the screen size and should never exceed the available space. Use responsive solutions to adjust the UI so they behave well on smaller screens.
-**(Coming soon) Simple and small dialogs can remain as-is on mobile**. As more elements are added to it, mobile-specific style variations such as **Bottom sheet** and **Full-screen** should be considered.
-### State
-The dialog component is completely stateless. The parent component must conditionally render a dialog based on the necessary criteria. The parent component can be notified by a gesture to close the dialog (e.g. by clicking the "X" button or by pressing the Escape key) by passing in the `onClose` prop.
-### Accessibility
-The dialog component is fully accessible out-of-the-box. The dialog's title is used for `aria-labelledby`, and the dialog's description is used for `aria-describedby`. The `aria-modal="true"` attribute is used to inform screen readers that the rest of the content on the page is inert.
-#### Keyboard
-The default keyboard API for a dialog employs three mechanisms:
-1. The Escape key can be pressed to close the dialog.
-2. Focus is trapped within the top-most dialog. When a dialog is opened, the close button receives initial focus by default, or on a button defined with `autoFocus: true`.
-3. If there are buttons in the dialog footer, focus can be moved between them with left and right arrow keys or tab/shift+tab.
-4. When a dialog is closed, it can optionally handle returning focus to the element that was focused immediately before the dialog was opened. Otherwise, it is the consumer's responsibility to move focus to a suitable element.
-### Custom rendering
-**Note: using custom rendering allows breaking out of the defined design, UX, and accessibility patterns of the dialog. Use only as a last resort.**
-By default, the Dialog component implements the design and interactions defined by the Primer design system. If necessary, you can provide custom renderers for the header, body, or footer using the `renderHeader`, `renderBody`, and `renderFooter` props, respectively. The JSX produced by these render props will render full-bleed into their respective areas of the dialog. If you are using the custom renderers, you should use the provided sub-components `Dialog.Header`, `Dialog.Title`, `Dialog.Subtitle`, `Dialog.CloseButton`, `Dialog.Body`, `Dialog.Footer`, and `Dialog.Buttons` to the extent possible.
-### Example
-```jsx live drafts
- {([isOpen, setIsOpen]) => {
- const openDialog = React.useCallback(() => setIsOpen(true), [setIsOpen])
- const closeDialog = React.useCallback(() => setIsOpen(false), [setIsOpen])
- return (
- <>
- Open
- {isOpen && (
- This is a description of the dialog.
- >
- }
- footerButtons={[{content: 'Ok', onClick: closeDialog}]}
- onClose={closeDialog}
- >
- Some content
- )}
- >
- )
- }}
-## Props
-### DialogHeaderProps
-The `DialogHeaderProps` interface extends `DialogProps` and adds these additional properties:
-| Prop name | Type | Description |
-| :------------------ | :------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| dialogLabelId | `string` | ID of the element that will be used as the `aria-labelledby` attribute on the dialog. This ID should be set to the element that renders the dialog's title. |
-| dialogDescriptionId | `string` | ID of the element that will be used as the `aria-describedby` attribute on the dialog. This ID should be set to the element that renders the dialog's subtitle. |
-### DialogButtonProps
-The `DialogButtonProps` interface extends `ButtonProps` (see Button) and adds these additional properties:
-| Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :--------- | :-------------------------------- | :------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| buttonType | `"normal" │ "primary" │ "danger"` | `Button` | The type of button to render |
-| content | `React.ReactNode` | | Required. The button's inner content. |
-| autoFocus | `boolean` | false | If true, this button will be automatically focused when the dialog is first rendered. If `autoFocus` is true on subsequent button definitions, it will be ignored. |
-## ConfirmationDialog
-A `ConfirmationDialog` is a special kind of dialog with more rigid behavior. It is used to confirm a user action. `ConfirmationDialog`s always have exactly two buttons: one to cancel the action and one to confirm it. No custom rendering capabilities are provided for ConfirmationDialog.
-### useConfirm hook
-An alternate way to use `ConfirmationDialog` is with the `useConfirm()` hook. It takes no parameters and returns an `async` function, `confirm`. When `confirm` is called (see ConfirmOptions below for its argument), it shows the confirmation dialog. When the dialog is dismissed, a promise is resolved with `true` or `false` depending on whether or not the confirm button was used.
-### Example (with `useConfirm` hook)
-```javascript live noinline
-function ShorthandExample2() {
- const confirm = useConfirm()
- const buttonClick = React.useCallback(
- async function (e) {
- if (await confirm({title: 'Are you sure?', content: 'You must confirm this action to continue.'})) {
- e.target.textContent = 'Confirmed!'
- }
- },
- [confirm],
- )
- return (
- <>
- Confirmable action
- >
- )
-render( )
-### Example (using the full `ConfirmationDialog` component)
-```jsx live
- {([isOpen, setIsOpen]) => {
- const openDialog = React.useCallback(() => setIsOpen(true), [setIsOpen])
- const closeDialog = React.useCallback(() => setIsOpen(false), [setIsOpen])
- return (
- <>
- Open
- {isOpen && (
- Are you sure you want to confirm this action?
- )}
- >
- )
- }}
-### ConfirmationDialogProps
-| Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| title | `React.ReactNode` | | Required. Sets the title of the dialog, which by default is also used as the `aria-labelledby` attribute. |
-| onClose | `(gesture: 'confirm' │ 'cancel' │ 'close-button' │ 'escape') => void` | | Required. This callback is invoked when a gesture to close the dialog is performed. The first argument indicates the gesture. |
-| cancelButtonContent | `React.ReactNode` | `"Cancel"` | The content to use for the cancel button. |
-| confirmButtonContent | `React.ReactNode` | `"OK"` | The content to use for the confirm button. |
-| confirmButtonType | `"normal" │ "primary" │ "danger"` | `Button` | The type of button to use for the confirm button. |
-### ConfirmOptions
-| Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :------------------- | :-------------------------------- | :--------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| title | `React.ReactNode` | | Required. Sets the title of the dialog, which by default is also used as the `aria-labelledby` attribute. |
-| content | `React.ReactNode` | | Required. Used as the body of the ConfirmationDialog that is displayed. |
-| cancelButtonContent | `React.ReactNode` | `"Cancel"` | The content to use for the cancel button. |
-| confirmButtonContent | `React.ReactNode` | `"OK"` | The content to use for the confirm button. |
-| confirmButtonType | `"normal" │ "primary" │ "danger"` | `Button` | The type of button to use for the confirm button. |
diff --git a/docs/content/drafts/Hidden.mdx b/docs/content/drafts/Hidden.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ce8d461ad3..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/drafts/Hidden.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-title: Hidden
-componentId: hidden
-status: Draft
-description: Use Hidden to responsively hide or show content in narrow, regular and wide viewports.
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/Hidden/index.tsx
-storybook: '/react/storybook/?path=/story/drafts-components-hidden--playground'
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/Hidden/Hidden.docs.json'
-The `Hidden` component is a utility component that will help you hide or show content/components in different viewports.
-Use Hidden only to control behaviour in a responsive manner. It does not take any `sx` props.
-## Examples
-### Single viewport value provided
-```jsx live drafts
-### Multiple viewport values provided
-```jsx live drafts
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/drafts/InlineAutocomplete.mdx b/docs/content/drafts/InlineAutocomplete.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index a6c8bae50b9..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/drafts/InlineAutocomplete.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-title: InlineAutocomplete
-componentId: inline_autocomplete
-status: Deprecated
-description: Provides inline auto completion suggestions for an input or textarea.
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/drafts/InlineAutocomplete
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/deprecated-components-inlineautocomplete--default'
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/drafts/InlineAutocomplete/InlineAutocomplete.docs.json'
-import {InlineAutocomplete} from '@primer/react/drafts'
-The `InlineAutocomplete` component extends an `Input` or `Textarea` component to provide inline suggestions, similar to those provided by a code editor.
-## Examples
-Input components **must always** be accompanied by a corresponding label to improve support for assistive
-technologies. Examples below are provided for conciseness and may not reflect accessibility best practices.
-`InlineAutocomplete` can be used with the [`FormControl`](/FormControl) component to render a corresponding label.
-### Multi-line input
-Try typing a `#` symbol to see suggestions. Use `Enter` or click to apply a suggestion.
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const options = ['javascript', 'typescript', 'css', 'html', 'webassembly']
-const SimpleExample = () => {
- const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = React.useState([])
- return (
- setSuggestions(options.filter(tag => tag.includes(query)))}
- onHideSuggestions={() => setSuggestions([])}
- >
- )
-### Single-line input
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const options = ['javascript', 'typescript', 'css', 'html', 'webassembly']
-const SimpleExample = () => {
- const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = React.useState([])
- return (
- setSuggestions(options.filter(tag => tag.includes(query)))}
- onHideSuggestions={() => setSuggestions([])}
- >
- )
-### Labelled
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const options = ['javascript', 'typescript', 'css', 'html', 'webassembly']
-const SimpleExample = () => {
- const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = React.useState([])
- return (
- Example
- setSuggestions(options.filter(tag => tag.includes(query)))}
- onHideSuggestions={() => setSuggestions([])}
- >
- )
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/drafts/MarkdownEditor.mdx b/docs/content/drafts/MarkdownEditor.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 36e67a8a2c3..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/drafts/MarkdownEditor.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-componentId: markdown_editor
-title: MarkdownEditor
-status: Deprecated
-description: Full-featured Markdown input.
-storybook: '/react/storybook?path=/story/components-forms-markdowneditor--default'
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/drafts/MarkdownEditor/MarkdownEditor.docs.json'
-import {MarkdownEditor} from '@primer/react/drafts'
-`MarkdownEditor` is a full-featured editor for GitHub Flavored Markdown, with support for:
-- Formatting (keyboard shortcuts & toolbar buttons)
-- File uploads (drag & drop, paste, click to upload)
-- Inline suggestions (emojis, `@` mentions, and `#` references)
-- Saved replies
-- Markdown pasting (ie, paste URL onto selected text to create a link)
-- List editing (create a new list item on `Enter`)
-- Indenting selected text
-## Examples
-### Minimal Example
-A `Label` is always required for accessibility:
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const renderMarkdown = async markdown => {
- // In production code, this would make a query to some external API endpoint to render
- return 'Rendered Markdown.'
-const MinimalExample = () => {
- const [value, setValue] = React.useState('')
- return (
- Minimal Example
- )
-### Suggestions, File Uploads, and Saved Replies
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const renderMarkdown = async markdown => 'Rendered Markdown.'
-const uploadFile = async file => ({
- url: `https://example.com/${encodeURIComponent(file.name)}`,
- file,
-const emojis = [
- {name: '+1', character: '👍'},
- {name: '-1', character: '👎'},
- {name: 'heart', character: '❤️'},
- {name: 'wave', character: '👋'},
- {name: 'raised_hands', character: '🙌'},
- {name: 'pray', character: '🙏'},
- {name: 'clap', character: '👏'},
- {name: 'ok_hand', character: '👌'},
- {name: 'point_up', character: '☝️'},
- {name: 'point_down', character: '👇'},
- {name: 'point_left', character: '👈'},
- {name: 'point_right', character: '👉'},
- {name: 'raised_hand', character: '✋'},
- {name: 'thumbsup', character: '👍'},
- {name: 'thumbsdown', character: '👎'},
-const references = [
- {id: '1', titleText: 'Add logging functionality', titleHtml: 'Add logging functionality'},
- {
- id: '2',
- titleText: 'Error: `Failed to install` when installing',
- titleHtml: 'Error: Failed to install
when installing',
- },
- {id: '3', titleText: 'Add error-handling functionality', titleHtml: 'Add error-handling functionality'},
-const mentionables = [
- {identifier: 'monalisa', description: 'Monalisa Octocat'},
- {identifier: 'github', description: 'GitHub'},
- {identifier: 'primer', description: 'Primer'},
-const savedReplies = [
- {name: 'Duplicate', content: 'Duplicate of #'},
- {name: 'Welcome', content: 'Welcome to the project!\n\nPlease be sure to read the contributor guidelines.'},
- {name: 'Thanks', content: 'Thanks for your contribution!'},
-const MinimalExample = () => {
- const [value, setValue] = React.useState('')
- return (
- Suggestions, File Uploads, and Saved Replies Example
- )
-### Custom Buttons
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const renderMarkdown = async markdown => 'Rendered Markdown.'
-const MinimalExample = () => {
- const [value, setValue] = React.useState('')
- return (
- Custom Buttons
- Custom Button
- Cancel
- Submit
- )
-## Props
diff --git a/docs/content/drafts/MarkdownViewer.mdx b/docs/content/drafts/MarkdownViewer.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index d303a6acb80..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/drafts/MarkdownViewer.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-componentId: markdown_viewer
-title: MarkdownViewer
-status: Deprecated
-description: Displays rendered Markdown and facilitates interaction.
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/drafts/MarkdownViewer/MarkdownViewer.docs.json'
-import {MarkdownViewer} from '@primer/react/drafts'
-The `MarkdownViewer` displays rendered Markdown and handles interaction (link clicking and checkbox checking/unchecking) with that content.
-## Examples
-### Simple Example
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const MarkdownViewerExample = () => {
- return (
- // eslint-disable-next-line github/unescaped-html-literal
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'}} />
- )
-### Link-Handling Example
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const MarkdownViewerExample = () => {
- return (
- Example link "}}
- onLinkClick={ev => console.log(ev)}
- />
- )
-### Checkbox Interaction Example
-```javascript live noinline drafts
-const markdownSource = `
-text before list
-- [ ] item 1
-- [ ] item 2
-text after list`
-const renderedHtml = `
-text before list
-text after list
-const MarkdownViewerExample = () => {
- return (
- console.log(value) /* save the value to the server */}
- disabled={false}
- />
- )
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/drafts/PageHeader.mdx b/docs/content/drafts/PageHeader.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d26c715c5e..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/drafts/PageHeader.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-title: PageHeader
-componentId: page_header
-status: Draft
-description: PageHeader is used to determine the arrangement of the top-level headings and how elements adopt to different viewports.
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/PageHeader
-storybook: '/react/storybook/?path=/story/drafts-components-pageheader--playground'
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/PageHeader/PageHeader.docs.json'
-import {PageHeader} from '@primer/react/drafts'
-## Examples
-### Has title only
-```jsx live drafts
- Title
-### Title `variant="large"`
-```jsx live drafts
- Title
-### With leading and trailing visuals
-```jsx live drafts
- Title
- Beta
-### With leading visual is hidden on regular viewport
-```jsx live drafts
- Title
- Beta
-### Component as Title
-```jsx live drafts
- ...
- primer
- react
- src
- PageHeader
- PageHeader.tsx
- Visually Hidden Title
-### With leading and trailing actions
-```jsx live drafts
- Title
-### With actions
-```jsx live drafts
- Title
- Add Item
-### With description slot
-```jsx live drafts
- add-pageheader-docs
- broccolinisoup
- {' '}
- created this branch 5 days ago · 14 commits · updated today
-### With navigation slot
-#### Utilizing a Navigation component
-```jsx live drafts
- Pull request title
- Conversation
- Commits
- Checks
- Files Changes
-#### Utilizing a custom navigation
-```jsx live drafts
- Page Title
- Item 1
- Item 2
-### With ContextArea
-#### With parent link and actions (only visible on mobile)
-```jsx live drafts
- Parent Link
- Main
- Title
-#### With context bar and actions (only visible on mobile)
-```jsx live drafts
- ...
- primer
- react
- src
- PageHeader
- PageHeader.tsx
- Main
- Title
-#### With a ContextArea with all possible children (always visible)
-```jsx live drafts
- Parent Link
- ...
- primer
- react
- src
- PageHeader
- PageHeader.tsx
- Main
- Title
-### With actions that have responsive content
-```jsx live drafts
- Webhooks
- New webhook
- New
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/drafts/SelectPanel.mdx b/docs/content/drafts/SelectPanel.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index bbd98e1c380..00000000000
--- a/docs/content/drafts/SelectPanel.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-componentId: selectpanel_v2
-title: SelectPanel v2
-status: Draft
-source: https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/drafts/SelectPanel2
-storybook: '/react/storybook/?path=/story/drafts-components-selectpanel'
-import data from '../../../packages/react/src/drafts/SelectPanel2/SelectPanel.docs.json'
-A `SelectPanel` provides an anchor that will open an overlay with a list of selectable items, and a text input to filter the selectable items
-## Props
-## Status
diff --git a/docs/content/focusTrap.mdx b/docs/content/focusTrap.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/content/focusTrap.mdx
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@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-title: Focus Trap Behavior
-The `focusTrap` behavior and `useFocusTrap` hook are used prevent focus from leaving a particular element. This is useful for implementing modal dialogs: only the content within the dialog should be interactive, even though the UI underneath may still be visible.
-### Behavior
-- Activation: As soon as the focus trap is activated, it will ensure that an element within the container has focus. If it doesn't, it will focus the first focusable element within the container, or, if provided, the element indicated by the `initialFocus` parameter (see API below).
-- External focus changes: If an external cause (e.g. mouse click, scripts, or accessibility software) results in an element outside the container to be focused, focus will immediately be redirected to the last-focused element that is inside the container.
-- Circular tab focus: Using the `TAB` key on the last focusable element within the container will result in the first focusable element within the container receiving focus. Similarly, `Shift+TAB` can be used to focus the last element from the first.
-- Global: Only one focus trap can be _active_ at a time. When a focus trap is enabled, if there is already an active focus trap, it becomes suspended and pushed onto a stack. Once the newly-active focus trap is disabled, the most recently-suspended trap will reactivate. Suspended focus traps can be disabled, causing them to be removed from the stack of suspended traps.
-### Demo
-To see a demo, deploy Storybook and find the `useFocusTrap` stories.
-### Usage
-function showDialog() {
- const dialog = document.getElementById('myDialog')
- if (dialog instanceof HTMLElement) {
- dialog.style.display = ''
- return focusTrap(dialog)
- }
-function hideDialog(controller: AbortController) {
- document.getElementById('myDialog')?.style.display = 'none'
- controller.abort()
-const dialogController = showDialog()
-// later
-if (dialogController) {
- hideDialog(controller)
-### API
-The `focusTrap` function takes the following arguments.
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :----------- | :------------- | :---------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| container | `HTMLElement` | | When active, only elements within this container (along with the container itself) can be focused. |
-| initialFocus | `HTMLElement` | | Specifies the element which will receive focus when the focus trap is activated. Defaults to the first tabbable element inside the container. |
-| signal | `AbortSignal?` | `undefined` | Optional abort signal to control the focus trap. If one is not provided, an `AbortController` will be returned, which can be used to disable the focus trap. |
-#### Return value
-If the `signal` argument is omitted, `focusTrap()` will return an `AbortController`. This object has an `abort()` method, which can be called to disable the focus trap.
-### Best practices
-- Focus management is an important consideration for accessible applications. Sometimes poor focus management can make certain tasks impossible to complete for users not using a mouse. To learn more, read the [ARIA guidelines for keyboard focus](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/#kbd_focus_discernable_predictable).
-- Only activate a focus trap if all UI outside of the trap container should be inert (non-interactive).
-- Avoid situations where multiple focus traps may be active (e.g. dialogs that open more dialogs). This behavior handles those situations, but the pattern may indicate poor UX.
-### A note on performance
-When focus trap is activated, it must perform [reflow](https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/browser-reflow) to discover focusable elements. Use caution not to rapidly enable and disable focus traps.
-## useFocusTrap hook
-The `useFocusTrap` hook is used to achieve focus trapping for React components. The hook returns a `ref` that must be applied to the focus trap container. The hook also returns a ref that can be used to indicate the initially-focused element when a focus trap is activated.
-The focus trap can be disabled in two ways:
-1. Simply do not render the component. When a component that uses focus trapping is unmounted, its focus trap will be aborted automatically.
-2. Pass `disabled: true` to the settings argument of `useFocusTrap`.
-The `useFocusTrap` hook also has an additional setting, `restoreFocusOnCleanUp`. If this is set to true, when the hook is either disabled (called with `disabled: true` or unmounted), we will attempt to re-focus the element that was focused immediately before the focus trap was enabled.
-### Using your own refs
-If you would like to use your own refs, you can pass them into the hook as part of the settings object (see the interface below).
-### useFocusTrap usage
-export const FocusTrapExample = () => {
- const {containerRef} = useFocusTrap()
- return (
- }>
- Apple
- Banana
- Cantaloupe
- )
-### FocusTrapHookSettings interface
-`FocusTrapHookSettings` has the following properties:
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :-------------------- | :---------------- | :---------: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| containerRef | `React.RefObject` | `undefined` | If provided, this will be the ref used to access the focus trap container. Otherwise, this hook will create the ref for you and return it. In both cases, the ref must be provided to the container element's JSX. |
-| initialFocusRef | `React.RefObject` | `undefined` | If provided, this will be the ref used to access the element that should receive initial focus when the focus trap is activated. Otherwise, this hook will create the ref for you and return it. If unused, the first tabbable element inside the container will be focused. |
-| disabled | `boolean` | `false` | If true, the previously-established focus trap for this container will be aborted. |
-| restoreFocusOnCleanUp | `boolean` | `false` | If true, attempt to restore focus to the previously-focused element when the trap is disabled or unmounted. |
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-title: Focus Zone Behavior
-The `focusZone` behavior and `useFocusZone` hook are used to designate a container where focus can be moved using keys other than `Tab`. This is useful for implementing many of the patterns described in [Section 6](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#keyboard) of the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices document. The most common use case of this behavior is to allow arrow keys (up and down or left and right) to move focus between related elements, such as items in a menu.
-At a high level, the `focusZone` behavior works by adjusting the `tabindex` attribute on focusable elements and setting up event listeners on the container that respond to the relevant key presses.
-Settings for this behavior allow the user to customize several aspects of the focus zone. See **FocusZoneSettings** below for a detailed description of these settings.
-### Focusability: which elements participate in the Focus Zone?
-When the `focusZone` behavior is established, it will discover all _focusable_ elements within the given container and allow them to be focused with the bound keys. _Focusable_ elements are those that either are normally focusable via the Tab key OR have a valid `tabindex` attribute (including `"-1"`). The easiest way to ensure an element participates in the focus zone is by applying the attribute `tabindex="-1"`. If you need to prevent a focusable element from participating in the focus zone, you can provide a `focusableElementFilter`.
-### Focus order
-The `focusZone` behavior uses the natural DOM ordering of elements to determine focus order. This means that a key that moves focus will either move to a "next" element or to a "previous" element. For example, the left arrow key and the up arrow key would both move focus to the previous element in the DOM order, while the right arrow key and the down arrow key would both move focus to the next element in the DOM order.
-Focus cannot be moved beyond the last element of the container (other than using the Tab key). The `focusOutBehavior` option can be used to allow focus to wrap around from last to first element (or vice-versa).
-For a more customized focus movement behavior, the consumer has the ability to supply a custom callback that identifies the next element to focus.
-#### Entering the focus zone
-By default, when focus enters a focus zone, the element that receives focus will be the most recently-focused element within that focus zone. If no element had previously been focused, or if that previously-focused element was removed, focus will revert to the first focusable element within the focus zone, regardless of the direction of focus movement.
-Using the `focusInStrategy` option, you can change this behavior. Setting this option to `"first"` will simply cause the first focusable element in the container to be focused whenever focus enters the focus zone. Setting it to `"closest"` will cause either the first or last focusable element in the container to be focused depending on the direction of focus movement (for example, a shift+tab that brings focus to the container will cause the last focusable element to be focused, whereas a regular tab would cause the first focusable element to be focused). Otherwise, you may provide a callback to choose a custom element to receive initial focus. One scenario where this would be useful is if you wanted to focus an item that is "selected" in a list.
-For more information on choosing the right focus in behavior, see [6.6 Keyboard Navigation Inside Components](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#kbd_general_within) from the ARIA Authoring Practices document.
-### Supported keys
-The `focusZone` behavior supports different sets of keys for moving focus around. The `bindKeys` option is used to set which of the following keys can be used to move focus.
-| Key(s) | Notes | Use case |
-| :-------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| ArrowVertical | Prevents default behavior of scrolling where applicable | Most focus zones with vertically-positioned elements |
-| ArrowHorizontal | Prevents default behavior of scrolling where applicable | Most focus zones with horizontally-positioned elements |
-| HomeAndEnd | Causes focus to jump to the first or last focusable item in the container. Does not move focus if the currently-focused element is a text box. | Generally used with arrow keys |
-| PageUpDown | Works the same as the Home and End keys. Advisable only when supplying a custom callback that supports paging. | In a long, scrollable list |
-| Tab/Shift+Tab | Unlike other keys, the Tab key will always allow movement outside of the focus zone (use the Focus Trap behavior to prevent this). Tab moves to the next item, Shift+Tab moves to the previous. | Bind Tab if you want to continue allowing tab to move focus between elements in your container rather than jumping out of the container. |
-| JK | J moves focus to the next item, K moves to the previous. Does not move focus if the currently-focused element is a text box. [Originally from](https://catonmat.net/why-vim-uses-hjkl-as-arrow-keys) the vi keybindings | Used in certain lists |
-| HL | H moves focus to the previous item, L moves to the next. Does not move focus if the currently-focused element is a text box. [Originally from](https://catonmat.net/why-vim-uses-hjkl-as-arrow-keys) the vi keybindings | Used in certain lists |
-| WS | W moves focus to the previous item, S moves to the next. Does not move focus if the currently-focused element is a text box. | Any situation where it is more ergonomic for the left hand to perform this action, such as in a gaming context (rare) |
-| AD | A moves focus to the previous item, D moves to the next. Does not move focus if the currently-focused element is a text box. | Any situation where it is more ergonomic for the left hand to perform this action, such as in a gaming context (rare) |
-### DOM Focus vs. Active Descendant
-The `focusZone` behavior supports two modes of operation: DOM Focus and Active Descendant.
-- DOM Focus is the default mode and by far the most commonly needed. When a key is used to move focus, we call `.focus()` directly on the element to receive focus. This results in `document.activeElement` getting set to this new element, and it will receive any necessary styles via `:focus` and `:focus-within`.
-- Active Descendant mode does _not_ move DOM focus. Instead, focus remains on the _control_ element, and its `aria-activedescendant` attribute is set to the ID of the relevant element. Because there are no `:focus` styles applied and no `focus` events fired, you can supply an `onActiveDescendantChanged` callback to handle any necessary styles or other logic as the active descendant changes. For more information on the Active Descendant focus pattern, see [6.6.2 Managing Focus in Composites Using `aria-activedescendant`](https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/#kbd_focus_activedescendant) from the ARIA Authoring Practices document.
-### Demo
-Deploy Storybook to see live demos of `focusZone`.
-### Usage
-const settings = {
- bindKeys: FocusKeys.ArrowVertical | FocusKeys.HomeAndEnd,
-} as FocusZoneSettings
-const focusZone = document.getElementById('focusZoneContainer')
-focusZone(focusZone, settings)
-### API
-The `focusZone` function takes the following arguments.
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :-------- | :------------------ | :-----: | :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| container | `Element` | | The focus zone will apply to this container and all of its focusable descendants. |
-| settings | `FocusZoneSettings` | `{}` | Settings to customize the focus zone. See below for a description of each setting. |
-#### FocusZoneSettings interface
-`FocusZoneSettings` is an object with the following interface. All properties are optional and have default behaviors.
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :--------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| bindKeys | `FocusKeys` (numeric enum) | `FocusKeys.ArrowVertical │ FocusKeys.HomeAndEnd` | Bit flags that identify keys that will move focus around the focus zone. Each available key either moves focus to the "next", "previous", "start", or "end" element, so it is best to only bind the keys that make sense to move focus in your UI. Use the `FocusKeys` object to discover supported keys (listed in the "Supported keys" section above). Use the bitwise "OR" operator (|) to combine key types. For example, `FocusKeys.WASD │ FocusKeys.HJKL` represents all of W, A, S, D, H, J, K, and L. The default for this setting is `FocusKeys.ArrowVertical │ FocusKeys.HomeAndEnd`, unless `getNextFocusable` is provided, in which case `FocusKeys.ArrowAll │ FocusKeys.HomeAndEnd` is used as the default. |
-| focusOutBehavior | `"stop" │ "wrap"` | `"stop"` | Choose the behavior applied in cases where focus is currently at either the first or last element of the container. `"stop"` - do nothing and keep focus where it was; `"wrap"` - wrap focus around to the first element from the last, or the last element from the first |
-| focusInStrategy | `"first" │ "closest" │ "previous" │ Function` | `"previous"` | This option allows customization of the behavior that determines which of the focusable elements should be focused when focus enters the container via the Tab key. When set to `"first"`, whenever focus enters the container via Tab, we will focus the first focusable element. When set to `"previous"`, the most recently focused element will be focused (fallback to first if there was no previous). The "closest" strategy works like "first", except either the first or the last element of the container will be focused, depending on the direction from which focus comes. If a function is provided, this function should return the `HTMLElement` intended to receive focus. This is useful if you want to focus the currently "selected" item or element. |
-| getNextFocusable | `Function` | | This is a callback used to customize the next element to focus when a bound key is pressed. The function takes 3 arguments: `direction` (`"previous"`, `"next"`, `"start"`, or `"end"`), `from` (Element or `undefined`), and `event` (KeyboardEvent). The function should return the next element to focus, or `undefined`. If `undefined` is returned, the regular algorithm to select the next element to focus will be used. |
-| focusableElementFilter | `Function` | | This is a callback used to cull focusable elements from participating in the focus zone. |
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-title: Getting started
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-## Installation
-To get started using Primer React, install the package and its peer dependencies with your package manager of choice:
-# with npm
-npm install @primer/react react react-dom styled-components@5
-# with yarn
-yarn add @primer/react react react-dom styled-components@5
-You can now import Primer React from the main package module:
-// using import syntax
-import {Box} from '@primer/react'
-// using require syntax
-const {Box} = require('@primer/react')
-### Polyfills & Browser Support
-Primer React supports the current versions of [Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/), [Firefox](http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/), [Safari](http://www.apple.com/safari/), and [Microsoft Edge](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/microsoft-edge), as well as the [Firefox Extended Support Release](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/). This is in-line with [GitHub's Browser Support](https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/github/getting-started-with-github/supported-browsers).
-Primer React does not transform code to support older ECMAScript versions, such as ES5, and it uses ECMAScript features such as `Object.assign`, as well as syntax features such as native classes and Object destructuring and spreading.
-Environments that Primer React is used in should have all the necessary polyfills to comply with the latest code standards, as Primer React will not ship with these. Additionally, as Primer React does not transform code to support older versions, it may be necessary for projects to transform this code if support for older browsers (such as Edge 18) is needed.
-### Minimizing bundle size
-Module bundlers that use ECMAScript modules (ESM) will automatically tree-shake Primer React, ensuring that no unused code is included in your final bundle. However, if you're not using ESM, you may be able to drastically reduce the size of your final bundle by importing components individually from the `lib` subfolder:
-// using import syntax
-import Box from '@primer/react/lib/Box'
-// using require syntax
-const Box = require('@primer/react/lib/Box')
-Note that the modules in the `lib` folder are CommonJS-style modules; if you're using ESM and a compatible module bundler, importing files individually from `lib` provides no benefit.
-### Peer dependencies
-Primer React ships with a few libraries labeled as peer dependencies. These libraries are separated because they are commonly already installed in the host project and having multiple versions can introduce errors.
-Primer React requires the following libraries to be installed along with it:
-- `styled-components` at version 4.0.0 or higher
-- `react` at versions 17.x or higher
-- `react-dom` at versions 17.x or higher
-## ThemeProvider
-For Primer React to work correctly and accurately apply color schemes, you must add `ThemeProvider` to the root of your application:
-import {ThemeProvider} from '@primer/react'
-function App() {
- return (
- ...
- )
-See [Theming](/theming) for more details on advanced configuration, color modes, and overriding theme values.
-## BaseStyles
-In order to set baseline color, font-family, and line-heights across your project, you will need to establish base Primer styles for your app by wrapping all of your Primer components in `` at the root of your app:
-import {BaseStyles, Box, Heading} from '@primer/react'
-export default () => (
- Hello, world!
- This will get Primer text styles.
-This will apply the same `color`, `font-family`, and `line-height` styles to the `` as [Primer CSS's base styles](https://github.com/primer/css/blob/main/src/base/base.scss#L15-L20).
-## Static CSS rendering
-If you're rendering React components both server- and client-side, we suggest following [styled-component's server-side rendering instructions](https://www.styled-components.com/docs/advanced#server-side-rendering) to avoid the flash of unstyled content for server-rendered components.
-## TypeScript
-Primer React includes TypeScript support and ships with its own typings. You will still need to install type definitions for the peer dependencies if you import those in your own application code.
-Once installed, you can import components and their prop type interfaces from the `@primer/react` package:
-import {Button, ButtonProps} from '@primer/react'
-### Fixing "Duplicate identifier 'FormData'"
-Ever since `@types/styled-components` version `4.1.19`, it has had a dependency on both `@types/react` and `@types/react-native`. Unfortunately, those declarations clash; for more information, see [issue 33311](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/33311) and [issue 33015](https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/33015) in the DefinitelyTyped repo.
-You may run into this conflict even if you're not importing anything from `react-native` or don't have it installed. This is because some package managers hoist packages to the top-level `node_modules` folder, and the TypeScript compiler automatically includes types from all folders in `node_modules/@types` by default.
-The TypeScript compiler allows you to opt-out of this behavior [using the `typeRoots` and `types` configuration options](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html#types-typeroots-and-types), and the best solution for this error — for now — seems to be to opt out the automatic inclusion of `node_modules/@types` and instead list the types you want to be included individually.
-In your `tsconfig.json`, set the `types` array under the `compilerOptions` like so:
- "compilerOptions": {
- "types": ["node", "react", "styled-components", "jest"]
- }
-Of course, customize the array based on the `@types/` packages you have installed for your project.
-## Silencing warnings
-Like React, Primer React emits warnings to the JavaScript console under certain conditions, like using deprecated components or props. Similar to React, you can silence these warnings by setting the `NODE_ENV` environment variable to `production` during bundling.
-## Testing
-Testing your application with Primer React is no different than testing your application with any other React library. Depending on your test environment and the testing libraries you use, you may need polyfills. For example if you are using `jest`, it runs via Node runtime and uses [JSDOM](https://github.com/jsdom/jsdom) as a DOM implementation, so you will need to mock some browser APIs. We have [helpers](https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/utils/test-helpers.tsx) that you can utilize to mock some of these APIs. You can import the helpers in your test setup file like so:
-import '@primer/react/lib-esm/utils/test-helpers' // For ESM
-import '@primer/react/lib/utils/test-helpers' // For CommonJS
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-title: Getting started
-import {HeroLayout} from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat'
-export default HeroLayout
-## Primer React
-Primer React is a React implementation of GitHub's [Primer Design System](https://primer.style/) 🎉
-## Principles
-- Everything is a component.
-- Aim for total style encapsulation; don't rely on inheritance to provide default styles.
-- Build small building blocks with minimal props to keep complexity low.
-- Keep system constrained by only including props needed per component.
-- Favor wrapping or extending components for more complex operations.
-- Maintain design system consistency with utilities as props (for spacing, color, font-size, line-height, widths, and radii).
-## Getting started
-Check out [our getting started guide](/getting-started) for everything you need to know about installing and using Primer React.
-## Local development
-To run `@primer/react` locally when adding or updating components:
-1. Clone this repo: `git clone https://github.com/primer/react`
-2. Install dependencies: `npm install`
-3. Run the dev app: `npm start`
-> 👉 See [the contributing docs](https://github.com/primer/react/blob/main/contributor-docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) for more info on code style, testing, and coverage.
diff --git a/docs/content/linting.md b/docs/content/linting.md
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-title: Linting
-description: Primer React offers an ESLint plugin to enforce best practices and fix common problems.
-`eslint-plugin-primer-react` is experimental. Please report issues in the [primer/react](https://github.com/primer/react) repository.
-## Installation
-1. Assuming you already have [ESLint](https://www.npmjs.com/package/eslint) and [Primer React](https://github.com/primer/react) installed, run:
- ```shell
- npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-primer-react
- # or
- yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-primer-react
- ```
-2. In your [ESLint configuration file](https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring/configuration-files), extend the recommended Primer React ESLint config:
- ```json
- {
- "extends": [
- // ...
- "plugin:primer-react/recommended"
- ]
- }
- ```
-See the [eslint-plugin-primer-react](https://github.com/primer/eslint-plugin-primer-react) repository for a list of included lint rules.
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-title: Overriding styles with the sx prop
-Our goal with Primer React is to hit the sweet spot between providing too little and too much styling flexibility; too little and the design system is too rigid, and too much and it becomes too difficult to maintain a consistent style. Our components are designed to cover common usage patterns, but sometimes a component just isn't _quite_ flexible enough to look the way you need it to look. For those cases, we provide the `sx` prop.
-The `sx` prop allows ad-hoc styling that is still theme-aware. Declare the styles you want to apply in camelCase object notation, and try to use theme values in appropriate CSS properties when possible. If you've passed a custom theme using `ThemeProvider` or a `theme` prop, the `sx` prop will honor the custom theme. For more information on theming in Primer React, check out [the Primer Theme documentation](/primer-theme).
-## When to use the `sx` prop
-The `sx` prop provides a lot of power, which means it is an easy tool to abuse. To best make use of it, we recommend following these guidelines:
-- Use the `sx` prop for small stylistic changes to components. For more substantial changes, consider abstracting your style changes into your own wrapper component.
-- Avoid nesting and pseudo-selectors in `sx` prop values when possible.
-## Basic example
-This example demonstrates applying a bottom border to `Heading`, a component that does not receive `BORDER` system props. The `borderBottomWidth` value comes from `theme.borderWidths` and `borderBottomColor` comes from `theme.colors`.
-```jsx live
- Heading
- Heading with bottom border
-## Responsive values
-Values in the `sx` prop can be provided as arrays to provide responsive styling.
-```jsx live
- Resize window to see responsive background color
-This generates the following CSS:
-.Box-hsdYAF {
- background-color: var(--bgColor-open-emphasis); /* default */
- padding: 8px;
- color: var(--fgColor-onEmphasis);
- border-radius: 6px;
-@media screen and (min-width: 544px /* small */) {
- .Box-hsdYAF {
- background-color: var(--bgColor-done-emphasis);
- padding: 8px;
- }
-@media screen and (min-width: 768px /* medium */) {
- .Box-hsdYAF {
- background-color: var(--bgColor-accent-emphasis);
- padding: 16px;
- }
-@media screen and (min-width: 1012px /* large */) {
- .Box-hsdYAF {
- background-color: var(--bgColor-danger-emphasis);
- }
-@media screen and (min-width: 1280px /* xlarge */) {
- .Box-hsdYAF {
- background-color: var(--bgColor-attention-emphasis);
- }
-## Nesting, pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements
-The `sx` prop also allows for declaring styles based on media queries, pseudo-classes, and pseudo-elements. This example, though contrived, demonstrates the ability:
-```jsx live
- *': {
- borderWidth: 1,
- borderColor: 'border.default',
- borderStyle: 'solid',
- borderBottomWidth: 0,
- padding: 2,
- ':last-child': {
- borderBottomWidth: 1,
- },
- ':hover': {
- bg: 'neutral.muted',
- },
- },
- }}
- First
- Second
- Third
-## Value reference
-- For a reference of possible values for this prop, see the [Styled System reference table](https://github.com/styled-system/styled-system/blob/master/docs/table.md).
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-title: Primer React Philosophy
-## Presentational Components
-We are focusing primarily on presentational components that help standardize common design patterns. Primer React components don't handle fetching and submitting data to/from APIs. If you would like to handle data in a Primer Component, feel free to create a wrapper around the Primer Component to do so.
-## Assume that people will break the rules, provide safe ways for them to do so
-While we aim to standardize design in Primer React, we also provide additional styling flexibility through the [`sx` prop](/overriding-styles). This enables small customizations to color and spacing, using values from the theme. Users also have the option to override the theme with a theme of their own.
-## Pattern Components vs Helper Components
-Our components can roughly be categorized into two different component types:
-- Pattern Components
-Pattern components help us repeat commonly used UI patterns and interactions in order to maintain our brand and provide a great user experience. Some examples of pattern components are `Button`, `Avatar`, or `Label`.
-- Helper Components
-Helper components are components that help the user achieve common CSS patterns while maintaining some control over values used. An example of a helper component is `Box`.
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-title: Primer Theme
-import {theme} from '@primer/react'
-Primer React components come with built-in access to our Primer theme. The [theme file](https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/theme.ts) contains an object which holds values for common variables such as color, fonts, box shadows, and more. Our theme file pulls many of its color and typography values from [primer-primitives](https://github.com/primer/primer-primitives).
-Many of our theme keys correspond to system props on our components. For example, if you'd like to set the max width on a `` set the `maxWidth` prop to `medium`: ``
-In the background, [styled-system](https://github.com/styled-system/styled-system) does the work of finding the `medium` value from `maxWidth` key in the theme file and applying the corresponding CSS.
-Learn more about [our full theme](https://github.com/primer/react/tree/main/packages/react/src/theme.ts).
-### Custom Theming
-Custom theming is an optional way to override the Primer values that control color, spacing, typography, and other aspects of our components.
-There are two ways to change the theme of Primer components:
-1. You can override the entire theme for an entire tree of components using the `` from [styled-components]:
- ```javascript
- import {Box, Button, Text, theme as primer} from '@primer/react'
- import {ThemeProvider} from 'styled-components'
- // a theme with custom spacing and font sizes
- const theme = {
- ...primer,
- space: [0, 8, 16, 32, 64],
- fontSizes: [10, 12, 16, 24, 48],
- }
- // override
- theme.colors.bodytext = '#111'
- export default () => (
- Hello, world!
- )
- ```
- **⚠️ Note: [styled-components]'s `` only allows exactly one child.**
-2. You can merge the Primer theme with your custom theme using Object.assign:
- ```javascript
- import {ThemeProvider} from 'styled-components'
- import {theme} from '@primer/react'
- const customTheme = {} // Theme overrides
- const App = props => {
- return (
- {/* matching keys in customTheme will override keys in the Primer theme */}
- your app here
- )
- }
- ```
-3. You can theme individual components by passing the `theme` prop directly:
- ```javascript
- import {Text} from '@primer/react'
- const theme = {
- colors: {
- magenta: '#f0f',
- },
- }
- export default () => (
- Hi, I'm magenta!
- )
- ```
- **☝️ This is an intentionally convoluted example, since you can use `` out of the box.**
-Read the [styled-system docs](https://styled-system.com/#theming) for more information on theming in styled-system.
-[styled-components]: https://styled-components.com/
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-title: Component status
-description: Check the current status of Primer React components.
-import {ComponentStatuses} from '../src/component-statuses'
-import DeprecationBanner from '../components/DeprecationBanner'
-See the [component lifecycle](https://primer.style/contribute/component-lifecycle) for more information about each status.
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-title: System Props
-import {PropsList, COMMON, LAYOUT, BORDER, TYPOGRAPHY} from '../components'
-System props are deprecated in all components except [Box](/Box) and [Text](/Text). Please use the [`sx` prop](/overriding-styles) instead.
-Primer React components utilize what we call "system props" to apply a standard set of props to each component. Using [styled-system](https://github.com/jxnblk/styled-system), groups of props are automatically applied to each component. Most components get the `COMMON` set of props which give the component access to color and space props (margin, padding, color and background color). These groups correspond to the `color` and `space` functions from `styled-system` which can be referenced in the styled system [table of style functions](https://github.com/jxnblk/styled-system/blob/master/docs/table.md#core).
-To check which system props each component includes, check the documentation for that component.
-### The `as` prop
-All Primer React components have access to the `as` prop, provided by [styled-components](https://www.styled-components.com/docs/api#as-polymorphic-prop). We use the `as` prop to render a component with the styles of the passed component in `as`, but with the system props of the base component.
-For example, if you wanted to add some flex utilities to the `Text` component, you could do:
-```jsx live deprecated
-### System Prop Categories
-| Category | Included Props | styled-system docs |
-| ------------ | ------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `COMMON` | | [styled-system core docs](https://github.com/jxnblk/styled-system/blob/master/docs/table.md#core) |
-| `TYPOGRAPHY` | | [styled-system typography docs](https://github.com/jxnblk/styled-system/blob/master/docs/table.md#typography) |
-| `BORDER` | | [styled-system border docs](https://github.com/jxnblk/styled-system/blob/master/docs/table.md#border) |
-| `LAYOUT` | | [styled-system layout docs](https://github.com/jxnblk/styled-system/blob/master/docs/table.md#layout) [styled-system misc docs](https://github.com/jxnblk/styled-system/blob/master/docs/table.md#misc) |
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-title: Theme Reference
-description: The default theme object for Primer React components
-import {theme, TreeView} from '@primer/react'
-import ThemeReferenceTree from '../components/ThemeReferenceTree'
-Colors in this theme object are imported from [Primer Primitives](https://primer.style/primitives/colors).
-See [Theming](/theming) to learn how theming works in Primer React.
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-title: Theming
-description: Theming in Primer React is made possible by a theme object that defines your application's colors, spacing, fonts, and more.
-import Code from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/code'
-## ThemeProvider
-To give components access to the theme object, you must add `ThemeProvider` to the root of your application:
-import {ThemeProvider} from '@primer/react'
-function App() {
- return (
- ...
- )
-`ThemeProvider` comes with a [default theme object](/theme-reference) that includes colors, spacing, fonts, etc. for building applications at GitHub.
-## Customizing the theme
-To customize the [default theme](/theme-reference), you can pass your custom theme to `ThemeProvider` using the `theme` prop:
-import {ThemeProvider, theme} from '@primer/react'
-import deepmerge from 'deepmerge'
-const customTheme = deepmerge(theme, {
- fonts: {
- mono: 'MonoLisa, monospace',
- },
-function App() {
- return (
- ...
- )
-Some components may break if your custom theme does not include all the same keys as the [default theme](/theme-reference). For that reason, we recommend extending the default theme using [deepmerge](https://www.npmjs.com/package/deepmerge).
-## Referencing theme values
-You can reference theme values in your application using the [`sx` prop](/overriding-styles), the `themeGet` function, or the `useTheme` hook.
-Only use `theme` objects accessed via Primer's theme context to ensure your application’s styling draws from the same theme as Primer components’ internal styling. The `sx` prop, styled system props, `themeGet`, and `useTheme` all use the theme from context.
- {``}
- Use the theme from the same context as Primer.
- {`import {theme} from '@primer/react'\n\n`}
- Don't style components with any other instance of theme
-### System props and the `sx` prop
-Some [system props](/system-props) and [`sx` prop](/overriding-styles) keys are theme-aware. For example, the `bg` prop maps to the `colors` theme key which means you can use the `bg` prop to reference values in the `colors` object:
-const theme = {
- colors: {
- canvas: {
- default: '#fff',
- },
- },
-function App() {
- return (
- )
-See the [Styled System Reference Table](https://github.com/styled-system/styled-system/blob/master/docs/table.md) for a complete list of mappings.
-### themeGet
-The `themeGet` function is a convenient way to reference theme values in styled-components template literals:
-import {themeGet} from '@primer/react'
-import styled from 'styled-components'
-const Example = styled.div`
- background-color: ${themeGet('colors.canvas.default')};
-### useTheme
-You can use the `useTheme` hook to reference theme values from inside any function component nested under the `ThemeProvider`:
-import {ThemeProvider, useTheme} from '@primer/react'
-function Example() {
- const {theme} = useTheme()
- // theme.colors.canvas.default
-function App() {
- return (
- )
-Only use `useTheme` to reference theme values in places where it's not possible to use system props, the `sx` prop, or `themeGet`.
-## Color modes and color schemes
-The terms "color mode" and "color scheme" are often used interchangeably. However, in Primer React, they are two separate (but related) concepts.
-The "color mode" of an application can be either `day`, `night`, or `auto` (i.e. synced with the operating system).
-A "color scheme", on the other hand, is a collection of colors that can be associated with a color mode. The [default theme](/theme-reference) includes several color schemes, including `light`, `dark`, and `dark_dimmed`. By default, the `light` scheme is displayed when the application is in `day` mode and the `dark` scheme is displayed in `night` mode.
-### Setting the color mode
-By default, Primer React is in `day` mode. To change the color mode, use the `colorMode` prop on `ThemeProvider` or the `setColorMode` function from the `useTheme` hook:
-#### `colorMode` prop
-import {ThemeProvider} from '@primer/react'
-function App() {
- return (
- // colorMode can be "day" (default), "night", or "auto"
- ...
- )
-#### `setColorMode` function
-import {useTheme} from '@primer/react'
-function Example() {
- const {setColorMode} = useTheme()
- return setColorMode('auto')}>Activate auto mode
-#### `preventSSRMismatch` prop
-If you are doing server-side rendering, pass the `preventSSRMismatch` prop to ensure the rendered output from the server and browser match even when they resolve "auto" color mode differently.
- ...
-### Setting color schemes
-To choose which color schemes will be displayed in `day` and `night` mode, use the `dayScheme` and `nightScheme` props on `ThemeProvider` or the `setDayScheme` and `setNightScheme` functions from the `useTheme` hook:
-#### `dayScheme` and `nightScheme` props
-import {ThemeProvider} from '@primer/react'
-function App() {
- return (
- // The default theme includes `light`, `dark`, and `dark_dimmed` schemes
- ...
- )
-#### `setDayScheme` and `setNightScheme` functions
-import {useTheme} from '@primer/react'
-function Example() {
- const {setDayScheme, setNightScheme} = useTheme()
- return setNightScheme('auto')}>Activate auto mode
-### Customizing or adding color schemes
-To customize or add color schemes, update the `colorSchemes` object in the theme:
-import {ThemeProvider, theme} from '@primer/react'
-import deepmerge from 'deepmerge'
-const customTheme = deepmerge(theme, {
- colorSchemes: {
- // Customize an existing scheme
- light: {
- colors: {
- text: {
- primary: '#f00',
- },
- },
- },
- // Add a new scheme
- my_scheme_name: {
- colors: {},
- shadows: {},
- },
- },
-function App() {
- return (
- ...
- )
-### Creating local color scheme variables
-If you need to use a color that is not defined in the theme, avoid hard coding the color value like this:
-function Example() {
- return (
- // BAD: #aaa may not look good in all color schemes
- Hello world
- )
-Instead, use the `useColorSchemeVar` hook to create a local variable that will update based on the active color scheme:
-import {useColorSchemeVar} from '@primer/react'
-import {colors} from '@primer/primitives'
-function Example() {
- // GOOD: The value of `customBg` changes based on the active color scheme
- const customBg = useColorSchemeVar({
- light: colors.light.scale.gray[1],
- dark: colors.dark.scale.gray[9],
- dark_dimmed: colors.dark_dimmed.scale.gray[2],
- })
- return Hello world
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-title: useOnEscapePress
-`useOnEscapePress` is a simple utility Hook that calls a user-provided function when the `Escape` key is pressed. The hook sets up `keydown` event listener on `window.document` and executes the user-provided function if these conditions are met:
-1. The Escape key was pressed
-2. The `preventDefault` method has not yet been called on the event object.
-Furthermore, unlike the normal behavior for multiple event listeners existing on the same DOM Node, if multiple `useOnEscapePress` hooks are active simultaneously, the callbacks will occur in reverse order. In other words, if a parent component and a child component both call `useOnEscapePress`, when the user presses Escape, the child component's callback will execute, followed by the parent's callback. Each callback has the chance to call `.preventDefault()` on the event to prevent further callbacks.
-### Dependencies
-Similar to `useCallback`, `useOnEscapePress` takes a `React.DependencyList` as its second argument. These are the dependencies used to memoize the callback. Failing to provide the correct dependency list can result in degraded performance. If this argument is omitted, we will assume that the callback is already memoized. In the example below, that memoization occurs in `DemoComponent` with a call to `React.useCallback`, so `OverlayDemo` does not need to pass a dependency list.
-### Usage
-```javascript live noinline
-const OverlayDemo = ({onEscape, children}) => {
- useOnEscapePress(onEscape)
- return {children}
-function DemoComponent() {
- const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false)
- const toggleOverlay = React.useCallback(() => {
- setIsOpen(isOpen => !isOpen)
- }, [])
- const closeOverlay = React.useCallback(() => {
- setIsOpen(false)
- }, [])
- return (
- <>
- toggle
- {isOpen && (
- Button One
- Button Two
- )}
- >
- )
-render( )
-#### useOnEscapePress
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :------------------- | :------------------------------- | :-----: | :----------------------------------------------------- |
-| onEscape | `(event: KeyboardEvent) => void` | | Function to call when user presses the Escape key |
-| callbackDependencies | `React.DependencyList` | | Array of dependencies for memoizing the given callback |
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-title: useOnOutsideClick
-`useOnOutsideClick` is a utility Hook that calls a user provided callback function when the user clicks outside of the provided container.
-You can also pass an array of `ignoredRefs` to prevent calling the callback function on additional elements on the page. This can be handy for ignoring clicks on trigger buttons that already manage the open/closed state of content.
-### Usage
-```jsx live
- {([isOpen, setIsOpen]) => {
- const containerRef = React.useRef(null)
- const triggerRef = React.useRef(null)
- const closeOverlay = React.useCallback(() => {
- setIsOpen(false)
- }, [setIsOpen])
- const toggleOverlay = React.useCallback(() => {
- setIsOpen(!isOpen)
- }, [setIsOpen, isOpen])
- useOnOutsideClick({onClickOutside: closeOverlay, containerRef, ignoreClickRefs: [triggerRef]})
- return (
- <>
- toggle
- {isOpen && (
- content
- )}
- >
- )
- }}
-#### useOnOutsideClick settings
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :------------- | :-------------------------------- | :-----: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| onOutsideClick | `function` | | Function to call when user clicks outside of the container. Usually this manages the state of the visibility of the container. |
-| ignoredRefs | `React.RefObject []` | | Elements outside of the container to ignore clicks on. |
-| containerRef | `React.RefObject` | | Required. A ref for the containing element. |
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-title: useOpenAndCloseFocus
-`useOpenAndCloseFocus` is a utility Hook that manages focusing an element when a component is first mounted, and returns focus to an element on the page when that component unmounts.
-If no ref is passed to `initialFocusRef` , the hook focuses the first focusable element inside of the container.
-### Usage
-```javascript live noinline
-const Overlay = ({returnFocusRef, initialFocusRef, children}) => {
- const containerRef = React.useRef(null)
- useOpenAndCloseFocus({containerRef, returnFocusRef, initialFocusRef})
- return (
- {children}
- )
-function Component() {
- const returnFocusRef = React.useRef(null)
- const initialFocusRef = React.useRef(null)
- const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false)
- return (
- setIsOpen(!isOpen)}>
- toggle
- {isOpen && (
- Button One
- Button Two
- )}
- )
-render( )
-#### useOpenAndCloseFocus settings
-| Name | Type | Default | Description |
-| :-------------- | :----------------------------- | :-----: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| initialFocusRef | `React.RefObject` | | Optional. The element to focus when the container is mounted on the page. |
-| returnFocusRef | `React.RefObject` | | Required. The element to focus when the container is unmounted. |
-| containerRef | `React.RefObject` | | Required. A ref for the containing element. |
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-title: useOverlay
-`useOverlay` calls all of the relevant behavior Hooks that all `Overlay` components & composite components should have and returns a ref to be passed down to the overlay's container.
-These behaviors include:
-- Correctly positioning the component based on the values provided to `positionSettings` and `positionDeps`.
-- Trapping focus
-- Calling a user provided function when the user presses `Escape`
-- Calling a user provided function when the user clicks outside of the container
-- Focusing the either a user provided element, or the first focusable element in the container when it is opened.
-- Returning focus to an element when container is closed
-**Note:** `useOverlay` and `Overlay` do not manage the open state of the overlay. We leave control of the open state up to the user. All behaviors are built with the assumption that the overlay will not be rendered on the page & fully unmounted when it is not visible. See the examples for details on how to conditionally render a component in JSX.
-### Usage
-```javascript live noinline
-const DemoOverlay = ({onClickOutside, initialFocusRef, returnFocusRef, ignoreClickRefs, onEscape, ...rest}) => {
- const overlayProps = useOverlay({returnFocusRef, onEscape, ignoreClickRefs, onClickOutside, initialFocusRef})
- return
-const DemoComponent = () => {
- const returnFocusRef = React.useRef(null)
- const initialFocusRef = React.useRef(null)
- const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = React.useState(false)
- const closeOverlay = () => setIsOpen(false)
- return (
- <>
- setIsOpen(!isOpen)}>
- toggle
- {isOpen && (
- Button One
- Button Two
- )}
- >
- )
-render( )
-#### UseOverlaySettings
-| Name | Type | Required | Description |
-| :-------------- | :-------------------------------- | :------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| onEscapePress | `function` | required | Function to call when user presses the Escape key |
-| onOutsideClick | `function` | required | Function to call when user clicks outside of the overlay |
-| ignoreClickRefs | `React.RefObject []` | optional | Refs to click clicks on in the `onOutsideClick` function, useful for ignoring clicks on elements that trigger the overlay visibility. |
-| initialFocusRef | `React.RefObject` | optional | Ref to focus when overlay is mounted. |
-| returnFocusRef | `React.RefObject` | required | Ref to focus when overlay is unmounted. Important for accessibility. |
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-title: useSafeTimeout
-`useSafeTimeout` is a utility Hook that allows you to safely call `setTimeout` and `clearTimeout` within a component, ensuring that all timeouts are cleared when the component unmounts.
-### Usage
-```jsx live
- {([]) => {
- const {safeSetTimeout, safeClearTimeout} = useSafeTimeout()
- let timeoutId = null
- const handleOnClick = () => {
- timeoutId = safeSetTimeout(() => window.alert('hello!'), 5000)
- }
- const cancelTimeout = () => {
- safeClearTimeout(timeoutId)
- }
- return (
- <>
- Click me
- Cancel timeout
- >
- )
- }}
diff --git a/docs/gatsby-config.js b/docs/gatsby-config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bf53e096a2..00000000000
--- a/docs/gatsby-config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-const path = require('path')
-const ROOT_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '..')
-module.exports = {
- siteMetadata: {
- title: 'Primer React',
- header: {
- title: 'Primer Design System',
- },
- shortName: 'React',
- description: 'React components for the Primer design system',
- },
- plugins: [
- 'gatsby-plugin-typescript',
- {
- resolve: '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat',
- options: {
- repoRootPath: '..',
- defaultBranch: 'main',
- },
- },
- {
- resolve: `gatsby-plugin-alias-imports`,
- options: {
- alias: {
- '@primer/components': path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages/react/src'),
- '@primer/react': path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages/react/src'),
- '@primer/react/drafts': path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages/react/src/drafts'),
- 'styled-components': path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'node_modules', 'styled-components'),
- react: path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'node_modules', 'react'),
- },
- },
- },
- ],
- pathPrefix: '/react',
diff --git a/docs/gatsby-node.js b/docs/gatsby-node.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1958a43cf..00000000000
--- a/docs/gatsby-node.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-const defines = require('../packages/react/babel-defines')
-const docgen = require('react-docgen-typescript')
-const globby = require('globby')
-exports.onCreateWebpackConfig = ({actions, plugins, loaders, getConfig}) => {
- const config = getConfig()
- // Add our `__DEV__` and `process.env.NODE_ENV` defines
- config.plugins.push(plugins.define(defines[process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development']))
- config.module.rules = [
- ...config.module.rules,
- // Create a custom configuration.
- {
- // The new configuration is based off the original...
- ...loaders.js(),
- test: /\.jsx?$/,
- exclude: modulePath => /node_modules/.test(modulePath),
- // ...except that we want to run Primer React through webpack as well.
- // By default, Gatsby won't use the define plugin we added above on Primer React.
- include: modulePath => /@primer\/components/.test(modulePath),
- },
- ]
- // Polyfill `path` and stub `fs` for use in the browser
- // https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/reference/release-notes/migrating-from-v2-to-v3/#webpack-5-node-configuration-changed-nodefs-nodepath-
- config.resolve = {
- ...config.resolve,
- alias: {
- ...config.resolve.alias,
- path: require.resolve('path-browserify'),
- },
- fallback: {
- ...config.resolve.fallback,
- fs: false,
- },
- }
- actions.replaceWebpackConfig(config)
-exports.sourceNodes = ({actions, createNodeId, createContentDigest}) => {
- const {createNode} = actions
- // Extract component metadata from source files
- const files = globby.sync(['../packages/react/src/**/*.tsx'], {absolute: true})
- const data = docgen.parse(files, {
- savePropValueAsString: true,
- propFilter: prop => {
- if (prop.declarations !== undefined && prop.declarations.length > 0) {
- const hasPropAdditionalDescription = prop.declarations.find(declaration => {
- return !declaration.fileName.includes('node_modules')
- })
- return Boolean(hasPropAdditionalDescription)
- }
- return true
- },
- })
- const components = data.map(component => {
- return {
- name: component.displayName,
- description: component.description,
- props: Object.values(component.props)
- .map(prop => {
- return {
- name: prop.name,
- description: prop.description,
- defaultValue: prop.defaultValue ? prop.defaultValue.value : '',
- required: prop.required,
- type: prop.type.name,
- }
- })
- // Move required props to beginning of the list
- .sort((a, b) => {
- if (a.required && !b.required) return -1
- if (!a.required && b.required) return 1
- return 0
- }),
- }
- })
- // Add component metadata to GraphQL API
- for (const component of components) {
- const nodeContent = JSON.stringify(component)
- const nodeMeta = {
- id: createNodeId(component.name),
- parent: null,
- children: [],
- internal: {
- type: `ComponentMetadata`,
- mediaType: `text/html`,
- content: nodeContent,
- contentDigest: createContentDigest(component),
- },
- }
- const node = Object.assign({}, component, nodeMeta)
- createNode(node)
- }
diff --git a/docs/package.json b/docs/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e5a1503868e..00000000000
--- a/docs/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- "name": "docs",
- "private": true,
- "repository": "primer/react",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "scripts": {
- "clean": "gatsby clean",
- "develop": "NODE_OPTIONS='--openssl-legacy-provider --no-experimental-fetch' gatsby develop",
- "build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production NODE_OPTIONS='--openssl-legacy-provider --no-experimental-fetch' gatsby build --prefix-paths",
- "build:preview": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production NODE_OPTIONS='--openssl-legacy-provider --no-experimental-fetch' gatsby build"
- },
- "engines": {
- "node": ">=12",
- "npm": ">=7"
- },
- "dependencies": {
- "@mdx-js/mdx": "1.6.22",
- "@mdx-js/react": "1.6.22",
- "@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat": "0.0.0-2023930155223",
- "@primer/octicons-react": "^19.9.0",
- "@primer/primitives": "4.1.0",
- "@styled-system/prop-types": "^5.1.0",
- "@styled-system/theme-get": "^5.1.0",
- "deepmerge": "4.3.1",
- "gatsby": "3.15.0",
- "gatsby-plugin-alias-imports": "^1.0.5",
- "gatsby-plugin-mdx": "1.10.1",
- "gatsby-plugin-typescript": "3.15.0",
- "graphql": "^15.8.0",
- "prop-types": "^15.7.2",
- "react": "^18.3.1",
- "react-docgen-typescript": "^2.0.0",
- "react-dom": "^18.3.1",
- "styled-system": "^5.1.0"
- },
- "devDependencies": {
- "cross-env": "7.0.3",
- "eslint": "8.56.0",
- "eslint-config-react-app": "7.0.1",
- "globby": "^11.0.4",
- "minipass": "^7.1.1",
- "path-browserify": "^1.0.1",
- "webpack": "5.94.0"
- }
diff --git a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/hero.js b/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/hero.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 909b9aee9a5..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/hero.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import {Box, Heading, Text, ThemeProvider} from '@primer/react'
-import React from 'react'
-import {Container} from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat'
-import heroIllustration from '../primer-components-hero.svg'
-import packageJson from '../../../../../packages/react/package.json'
-export default function Hero() {
- return (
- Primer React
- v{packageJson.version}
- )
diff --git a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/live-preview-wrapper.js b/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/live-preview-wrapper.js
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/components/live-preview-wrapper.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-import {ActionMenu, ActionList, BaseStyles, Box, ThemeProvider, useTheme} from '@primer/react'
-function ThemeSwitcher() {
- const {theme, dayScheme, setDayScheme} = useTheme()
- const items = Object.keys(theme.colorSchemes).map(scheme => ({name: scheme.replace(/_/g, ' '), key: scheme}))
- const selectedItem = React.useMemo(() => items.find(item => item.key === dayScheme), [items, dayScheme])
- const itemsKeys = items.map(item => item.key)
- const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = React.useState(itemsKeys.indexOf(dayScheme))
- return (
- {selectedItem?.name}
- {items.map((type, index) => (
- {
- setSelectedIndex(index)
- setDayScheme(items[index].key)
- }}
- >
- {type.name}
- ))}
- )
-// Users can shadow this file to wrap live previews.
-// This is useful for applying global styles.
-function LivePreviewWrapper({children}) {
- return (
- {children}
- )
-export default LivePreviewWrapper
diff --git a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/live-code-scope.js b/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/live-code-scope.js
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/live-code-scope.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-import * as doctocatComponents from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat'
-import * as octicons from '@primer/octicons-react'
-import * as primerComponents from '@primer/react'
-import * as drafts from '@primer/react/drafts'
-import * as deprecated from '@primer/react/deprecated'
-import * as experimental from '@primer/react/experimental'
-import * as next from '@primer/react/next'
-import {Placeholder} from '@primer/react/Placeholder'
-import React from 'react'
-import State from '../../../components/State'
-const ReactRouterLink = ({to, children, ...props}) => {
- return (
- {children}
- )
-// Exclude octicons-react's default export because it's deprecated
-const {default: _, ...octiconComponents} = octicons
-export default function resolveScope(metastring) {
- return {
- ...doctocatComponents,
- ...primerComponents,
- ...octiconComponents,
- ...(metastring.includes('drafts') ? drafts : {}),
- ...(metastring.includes('experimental') ? experimental : {}),
- ...(metastring.includes('deprecated') ? deprecated : {}),
- ...(metastring.includes('next') ? next : {}),
- ReactRouterLink,
- State,
- Placeholder,
- }
diff --git a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/mdx-components.js b/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/mdx-components.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 894ffda8652..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/mdx-components.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-import {Box, Link} from '@primer/react'
-import InlineCode from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/inline-code'
-import {ComponentChecklist} from '../../component-checklist'
-// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-deprecated
-import {Props} from '../../props'
-import {PropsTable} from '../../props-table'
-import {ComponentProps} from '../../component-props'
-export default {
- Box,
- Link,
- InlineCode,
- ComponentChecklist,
- // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-deprecated
- Props,
- PropsTable,
- ComponentProps,
- // HACK: MDX doesn't support rendering subcomponents with dot notation
- // so we need to alias them
- PropsTableRow: PropsTable.Row,
- PropsTableBasePropRows: PropsTable.BasePropRows,
- PropsTablePassthroughPropsRow: PropsTable.PassthroughPropsRow,
- PropsTableAsRow: PropsTable.AsRow,
- PropsTableRefRow: PropsTable.RefRow,
- PropsTableSxRow: PropsTable.SxRow,
diff --git a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/nav.yml b/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/nav.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e2c5e49d499..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/nav.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-- title: Introduction
- children:
- - title: Getting started
- url: /getting-started
- - title: Theming
- url: /theming
- - title: Theme reference
- url: /theme-reference
- - title: Linting
- url: /linting
- - title: System props
- url: /system-props
- - title: Core concepts
- url: /core-concepts
- - title: Philosophy
- url: /philosophy
- - title: Overriding styles
- url: /overriding-styles
- - title: Server-side rendering
- url: /ssr
- - title: Component status
- url: /status
-- title: Hooks
- children:
- - title: useSafeTimeout
- url: /useSafeTimeout
- # - title: useOnOutsideClick
- # url: /useOnOutsideClick
- # - title: useOpenAndCloseFocus
- # url: /useOpenAndCloseFocus
- # - title: useOnEscapePress
- # url: /useOnEscapePress
- # - title: useOverlay
- # url: /useOverlay
-- title: Components
- children:
- - title: ActionList
- url: /ActionList
- - title: ActionMenu
- url: /ActionMenu
- - title: AnchoredOverlay
- url: /AnchoredOverlay
- - title: Autocomplete
- url: /Autocomplete
- - title: Avatar
- url: /Avatar
- - title: AvatarPair
- url: /AvatarPair
- - title: AvatarStack
- url: /AvatarStack
- - title: Box
- url: /Box
- - title: BranchName
- url: /BranchName
- - title: Breadcrumbs
- url: /Breadcrumbs
- - title: Button
- url: /Button
- - title: ButtonGroup
- url: /ButtonGroup
- - title: Checkbox
- url: /Checkbox
- - title: CheckboxGroup
- url: /CheckboxGroup
- - title: CircleBadge
- url: /CircleBadge
- - title: CircleOcticon
- url: /CircleOcticon
- - title: CounterLabel
- url: /CounterLabel
- - title: Details
- url: /Details
- - title: Dialog
- url: /Dialog
- - title: Flash
- url: /Flash
- - title: FormControl
- url: /FormControl
- - title: Header
- url: /Header
- - title: Heading
- url: /Heading
- - title: IconButton
- url: /IconButton
- - title: KeybindingHint
- url: /KeybindingHint
- - title: Label
- url: /Label
- - title: LabelGroup
- url: /LabelGroup
- - title: Link
- url: /Link
- - title: NavList
- url: /NavList
- - title: Octicon
- url: /Octicon
- - title: Overlay
- url: /Overlay
- - title: Pagehead
- url: /Pagehead
- - title: PageLayout
- url: /PageLayout
- - title: Pagination
- url: /Pagination
- - title: PointerBox
- url: /PointerBox
- - title: Popover
- url: /Popover
- # - title: Portal
- # url: /Portal
- - title: ProgressBar
- url: /ProgressBar
- - title: RelativeTime
- url: /RelativeTime
- - title: Radio
- url: /Radio
- - title: RadioGroup
- url: /RadioGroup
- - title: SegmentedControl
- url: /SegmentedControl
- - title: Select
- url: /Select
- - title: SelectPanel
- url: /SelectPanel
- - title: Spinner
- url: /Spinner
- - title: SplitPageLayout
- url: /SplitPageLayout
- - title: StateLabel
- url: /StateLabel
- - title: SubNav
- url: /SubNav
- - title: ToggleSwitch
- url: /ToggleSwitch
- - title: TabNav
- url: /TabNav
- - title: Textarea
- url: /Textarea
- - title: Text
- url: /Text
- - title: TextInput
- url: /TextInput
- - title: TextInputWithTokens
- url: /TextInputWithTokens
- - title: Timeline
- url: /Timeline
- - title: Token
- url: /Token
- - title: Tooltip
- url: /Tooltip
- - title: Tooltip v2
- url: /TooltipV2
- - title: TreeView
- url: /TreeView
- - title: Truncate
- url: /Truncate
- - title: UnderlineNav
- url: /UnderlineNav
-- title: Drafts
- children:
- - title: DataTable
- url: /drafts/DataTable
- - title: Dialog v2
- url: /drafts/Dialog
- - title: Hidden
- url: /drafts/Hidden
- - title: InlineAutocomplete
- url: /drafts/InlineAutocomplete
- - title: MarkdownEditor
- url: /drafts/MarkdownEditor
- - title: MarkdownViewer
- url: /drafts/MarkdownViewer
- - title: PageHeader
- url: /drafts/PageHeader
- - title: SelectPanel v2
- url: /drafts/SelectPanel
- - title: TabPanels
- url: /drafts/TabPanels
-- title: Deprecated
- children:
- - title: ActionList (legacy)
- url: /deprecated/ActionList
- - title: ActionMenu (legacy)
- url: /deprecated/ActionMenu
- - title: Buttons (legacy)
- url: /deprecated/Buttons
- - title: FilteredSearch
- url: /deprecated/FilteredSearch
- - title: FilterList
- url: /deprecated/FilterList
- - title: SideNav
- url: /deprecated/SideNav
- - title: UnderlineNav
- url: /deprecated/UnderlineNav
diff --git a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/primer-components-hero.svg b/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/primer-components-hero.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index ba0b8cd63c7..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/primer-components-hero.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1411 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/docs/src/component-checklist.js b/docs/src/component-checklist.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 757efb30f64..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/component-checklist.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-import {Box, Octicon, Link, Text} from '@primer/react'
-import {H3} from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/heading'
-import {CheckCircleFillIcon, CircleIcon, SkipIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react'
-import React from 'react'
-/** Render component status checklist in documentation pages */
-export function ComponentChecklist({items}) {
- return (
- <>
- Alpha
- Component props and basic example usage of the component are documented on{' '}
- primer.style/react.
- Component does not have any unnecessary third-party dependencies.
- Component can adapt to different themes.
- Component can adapt to different screen sizes.
- Component has robust unit test coverage (100% where achievable).
- Component has visual regression coverage of its default and interactive states.
- Component does not introduce any axe violations.
- Component has been manually reviewed by the accessibility team and any resulting issues have been addressed.
- Beta
- Component is used in a production application.
- Common usage examples are documented on primer.style/react.
- Common usage examples are documented in storybook{' '}
- stories.
- Component has been reviewed by a systems designer and any resulting issues have been addressed.
- Component does not introduce any performance regressions.
- Stable
- Component API has been stable with no breaking changes for at least one month.
- Feedback on API usability has been sought from developers using the component and any resulting issues have
- been addressed.
- Component has corresponding design guidelines documented in the{' '}
- interface guidelines.
- Component has corresponding Figma component in the Primer Web library.
- Tooling (such as linters, codemods, etc.) exists to prevent further use of alternatives.
- >
- )
-// TODO: This component should live in Doctocat
-function Checklist({'aria-describedby': ariaDescribedby, children}) {
- return (
- {children}
- )
-Checklist.Item = ({checked, children}) => {
- return (
- {checked ? (
- ) : checked === null ? (
- ) : (
- )}
- {checked === null ? N/A: : null}
- {children}
- )
diff --git a/docs/src/component-props.js b/docs/src/component-props.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fc728ef11e9..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/component-props.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-import {Box, Link} from '@primer/react'
-import {PropsTable} from './props-table'
-import {H3} from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/heading'
-import InlineCode from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/inline-code'
-// We're moving the source of truth for component prop documentation out of .mdx
-// files and into .docs.json files that live in the same directory as the
-// component's source code. Example:
-// src/
-// Button/
-// Button.tsx
-// Button.docs.json
-// We'll use this `ComponentProps` component to render the prop tables for
-// components given the data defined in the .docs.json file.
-// To render prop documentation in an .mdx file, import the component data:
-// import data from '../../packages/react/src/Button/Button.docs.json'
-// Then pass the data to `ComponentProps`:
-// ## Props
-// The schema for the `data` object is defined in /script/component-props/component.schema.json
-export function ComponentProps({data}) {
- return (
- <>
- {data.name}
- {data.subcomponents?.map(subcomponent => {
- return (
- <>
- {subcomponent.name}
- >
- )
- })}
- >
- )
-function Props({props, passthrough}) {
- return props.length > 0 ? (
- {props.map(prop => {
- const isPolymorphic = props.some(prop => prop.name === 'as')
- let type = prop.type
- let description = prop.description
- // Provide default types and descriptions for common props like `as`, `ref`, and `sx`
- switch (prop.name) {
- case 'as':
- type = (
- React.ElementType
- )
- description =
- description || 'The underlying element to render — either a HTML element name or a React component.'
- break
- case 'ref':
- if (isPolymorphic) {
- description = description || (
- <>
- A ref to the element rendered by this component. Because this component is polymorphic, the type will
- vary based on the value of the as prop.
- >
- )
- } else {
- description = description || 'A ref to the element rendered by this component.'
- }
- break
- case 'sx':
- type = (
- SystemStyleObject
- )
- description = description || (
- <>
- Style overrides to apply to the component. See also{' '}
- overriding styles.
- >
- )
- break
- }
- return (
- )
- })}
- {passthrough ? (
- {passthrough.element} docs}
- />
- ) : null}
- ) : (
- No props
- )
diff --git a/docs/src/component-statuses.js b/docs/src/component-statuses.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c431c6072..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/component-statuses.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-import componentMetadata from '@primer/component-metadata'
-import {Link, Label, Octicon} from '@primer/react'
-import {AccessibilityInsetIcon} from '@primer/octicons-react'
-import StatusLabel from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/status-label'
-import Table from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/table'
-import {graphql, Link as GatsbyLink, useStaticQuery} from 'gatsby'
-import React from 'react'
-export function ComponentStatuses() {
- const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
- query ComponentStatuses {
- allSitePage {
- nodes {
- path
- context {
- frontmatter {
- title
- status
- description
- a11yReviewed
- componentId
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- `)
- const pages = data.allSitePage.nodes
- // Only show components that have a status
- .filter(node => node.context.frontmatter && node.context.frontmatter.status !== null)
- // Sort alphabetically by title
- .sort((a, b) => a.context.frontmatter.title.localeCompare(b.context.frontmatter.title))
- return (
- Component
- Status
- Accessibility
- Description
- {pages.map(page => {
- // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
- let {title, status, description, componentId, a11yReviewed} = page.context.frontmatter
- const component = componentMetadata.components[componentId]
- // Auto-populate title and description using component metadata
- if (component) {
- title ||= component.displayName
- description ||= component.description
- }
- return (
- {title}
- {a11yReviewed ? (
- Reviewed
- ) : (
- Not reviewed
- )}
- {description}
- )
- })}
- )
diff --git a/docs/src/props-table.js b/docs/src/props-table.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 15ab447e617..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/props-table.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-import {Box, Link, Label} from '@primer/react'
-import InlineCode from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/inline-code'
-import Table from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/table'
-import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'
-function PropsTable({children}) {
- return (
- Name
- Type
- Default
- Description
- {children}
- )
-function Row({name, type, defaultValue, description, required, deprecated}) {
- return (
- {name}
- {required ? (
- <>
- {` `}
- Required
- >
- ) : null}
- {deprecated ? (
- <>
- {` `}
- Deprecated
- >
- ) : null}
- {type}
- {defaultValue}
- {description}
- )
-function BasePropRows({passthroughPropsLink, elementType, isPolymorphic, refType}) {
- return (
- <>
- {isPolymorphic && }
- {refType && }
- >
- )
-function PassthroughPropsRow({elementName, isPolymorphic, passthroughPropsLink}) {
- return (
- Additional props are passed to the <{elementName}> element. See{' '}
- {passthroughPropsLink} for a list of props accepted by the <{elementName}> {' '}
- element.
- {isPolymorphic && (
- <>
- {' '}
- If an as prop is specified, the accepted props will change accordingly.
- >
- )}
- )
-function AsRow({defaultElementType}) {
- // Element is a component if the first letter is uppercase (e.g. Button)
- const isComponent = defaultElementType[0].toUpperCase() === defaultElementType[0]
- return (
- React.ElementType
- }
- description="The underlying element to render — either a HTML element name or a React component."
- />
- )
-function RefRow({refType, isPolymorphic}) {
- return (
- `}
- description={
- <>
- A ref to the element rendered by this component.
- {isPolymorphic && (
- <>
- {' '}
- Because this component is polymorphic, the type will vary based on the value of the{' '}
- as prop.
- >
- )}
- >
- }
- />
- )
-function SxRow() {
- return (
- SystemStyleObject
- }
- description={
- <>
- Style overrides to apply to the component. See also{' '}
- overriding styles.
- >
- }
- />
- )
-Object.assign(PropsTable, {Row, BasePropRows, AsRow, RefRow, PassthroughPropsRow, SxRow})
-export {PropsTable}
diff --git a/docs/src/props.js b/docs/src/props.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 04b9bf73ede..00000000000
--- a/docs/src/props.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-import {H3} from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/heading'
-import Paragraph from '@primer/gatsby-theme-doctocat/src/components/paragraph'
-import {Flash} from '@primer/react'
-import {graphql, useStaticQuery} from 'gatsby'
-import React from 'react'
-import {PropsTable} from './props-table'
- * Render prop documentation for the given component
- *
- * @deprecated This component does not reliably generate the correct prop types. Use `ComponentProps` instead.
- */
-export function Props({of}) {
- const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
- query {
- allComponentMetadata {
- nodes {
- id
- name
- props {
- description
- defaultValue
- name
- required
- type
- }
- }
- }
- }
- `)
- const displayName = of?.displayName || of?.name || ''
- const component = data.allComponentMetadata.nodes.find(node => node.name === displayName)
- if (!component) {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- console.error(`Could not find component ${displayName}`)
- return (
- <>
- {displayName}
- Component not found
- >
- )
- }
- return (
- <>
- {component.name}
- {component.props.length > 0 ? (
- {component.props.map(prop => (
- ))}
- ) : (
- No props
- )}
- >
- )
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