Releases: poviolabs/Lingua
Releases · poviolabs/Lingua
What's Changed
- Change sha256 by @EgzonArifi in #97
- Omit AssetGen usage by @EgzonArifi in #101
- Fix SwiftLint warnings by @EgzonArifi in #103
- Enhance placeholder type extractor by @EgzonArifi in #104
- Cleanup unused/removed generated files on directory by @EgzonArifi in #105
- Update Readme by @EgzonArifi in #107
- Remove brew formula by @EgzonArifi in #109
- Release/0.2.2 by @EgzonArifi in #108
Full Changelog: 0.2.1...0.2.2
What's Changed
- Rename project folder to lingua by @EgzonArifi in #94
- Rename ToolConfigTransformerTest by @EgzonArifi in #96
- Release/0.2.1 by @EgzonArifi in #95
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1
What's Changed
- Homebrew ruby formula by @EgzonArifi in #67
- Change tool install options by @EgzonArifi in #71
- Omit bin.install_symlink by @EgzonArifi in #72
- Change tool command execution by @EgzonArifi in #69
- Update README install by @EgzonArifi in #73
- Implement StringsFileProcessor by @EgzonArifi in #75
- Implement StringsDictFileProcessor by @EgzonArifi in #76
- Implement FileSectionAndTranslationProcessor class by @EgzonArifi in #78
- Implement LocalizedSwiftCodeGenerator by @EgzonArifi in #80
- Implement LocalizedSwiftCodeOutputStringBuilder by @EgzonArifi in #82
- Implement LocalizedSwiftFileGenerator by @EgzonArifi in #84
- Integrate localized swift code generator in LocalizationModule by @EgzonArifi in #86
- Develop Sync by @EgzonArifi in #88
- Update by @EgzonArifi in #89
- Update brew formula by @EgzonArifi in #91
- Release/0.2.0 by @EgzonArifi in #92
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0
What's Changed
- 1 setup project by @EgzonArifi in #2
- 3 Define domain layer for localization sheet entities and use cases by @EgzonArifi in #4
- HTTPClient - Network Layer 1 by @EgzonArifi in #8
- APIRequestExecutor - Network Layer 2 by @EgzonArifi in #9
- Network layer documentation by @EgzonArifi in #10
- Change platform minimum macOS version to 12 by @yllfejziu in #16
- 11 Implement GoogleSheetsFetcher using Networking Layer by @EgzonArifi in #12
- Implement Data to Domain transformation by @EgzonArifi in #14
- Implement directory operations by @EgzonArifi in #18
- Implement LocalizationContentGenerator by @EgzonArifi in #20
- Define AssetGenConfig and LocalizationPlatform entities by @EgzonArifi in #22
- Implement LocalizedFilesGenerator by @EgzonArifi in #24
- Implement LocalizedPlatformFilesGenerator by @EgzonArifi in #26
- Implement PlatformLocalizationGenerator by @EgzonArifi in #28
- Implement NonPluralFormatting by @EgzonArifi in #30
- Implement PluralFormatting by @EgzonArifi in #32
- Implement IOSPlatformFilesNameGenerator by @EgzonArifi in #34
- Implement Localization Factories by @EgzonArifi in #36
- Refactor iOS localization code to accommodate other platforms by @EgzonArifi in #38
- Implement AndroidPlatformFilesNameGenerator by @EgzonArifi in #40
- Implement Android plural and nonplural formatter by @EgzonArifi in #42
- Implement AndroidPlaceholderMapper by @EgzonArifi in #44
- Implement LocalizationModule by @EgzonArifi in #46
- Extend LocalizationPlatform by @EgzonArifi in #49
- LocalizationModule Integration Tests by @EgzonArifi in #50
- Implement console logger by @EgzonArifi in #52
- Implement EntityFileLoader to load json files and transform to domain entities by @EgzonArifi in #54
- Implement AssetGenConfig entity file loader by @EgzonArifi in #58
- Implement CommandLineParser by @EgzonArifi in #59
- Implement LocalizationProcessor for Command Line Processing by @EgzonArifi in #60
- Update by @EgzonArifi in #62
- Fix special characters and files management in Android by @EgzonArifi in #65
- Release/0.1.0 by @EgzonArifi in #66
New Contributors
- @EgzonArifi made their first contribution in #2
- @yllfejziu made their first contribution in #16
Full Changelog: