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Ember.js Style Guide

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Create local version of Ember.* and DS.*

Future versions of Ember will be released as ES2015 modules, so we'll be able to import Ember.computed directly as computed. This includes computed.alias or computed.bool, should be set to alias and bool, respectively. Do not use extend prototype syntax

// Good

var computed = Ember.computed;
var alias = computed.alias;
var attr = DS.attr;
var Model = DS.Model;

export default Model.extend({
  firstName: attr('string'),
  lastName: attr('string'),

  surname: alias('lastName'),

  fullName: computed('firstName', 'lastName', function() {
    // Code

// Bad

export default DS.Model.extend({
  firstName: DS.attr('string'),
  lastName: DS.attr('string'),

  fullName: Ember.computed('firstName', 'lastName', function() {
    // Code

  fullNameBad: function() {
    // Code
  }.property('firstName', 'lastName')

Organizing your modules

export default Component.extend({
  // Defaults
  tagName: 'span',

  // Single line CP
  post: alias('myPost'),

  // Multiline CP
  authorName: computed('author.firstName', 'author.lastName', function() {
    // Code

  actions: {
    someAction: function() {
      // Code

Define default values first

Define your object's default values first.

Define single line computed properties second

Define single line computed properties (thing: alias('myThing')) after default values

Define multi-line computed properties third

Multi-line computed properties should follow your single line CPs.

Define actions last

Define your route/component/controller's action last, to provide a common place that actions can be found.

Avoid overwriting init

Unless you want to change an object's init function, perform actions by hooking into the object's init hook via on. This prevents you from forgetting to call _super. Here is why you shouldn't override init.

Use Pods structure

Store local components within their pod, global components in the components structure

      blog-listing/ - component only used on the index template
    comment-details/ - used within blog templats

    tag-listing/ - used throughout the app



Define query params first

For consistancy and ease of discover, list your query params first in your contoller. These should be listed above default values.

Do not use ObjectController or ArrayController

ObjectController is presently deprecated, and ArrayController will be as well. Controllers are not going to be used in Ember 2.0, so by using Controller, you will make it easier to migrate to 2.0.

Alias your model

It provides a cleaner code to name your model user if it is a user. It is more maintainable, and will fall in line with future routable components

export default Controller.extend({
  user: alias('model')


Do not use partials

Always use components. Parials share scope with the parent view, use components will provide a consistent scope.

Use block syntax

Use block syntax instead of in syntax with block helpers

{{! Good }}
{{#each posts as |post|}}

{{! Bad }}
{{#each post in posts}}

Use components in {{#each}} blocks

Contents of your each blocks should be a single line, use components when more than one line is needed. This will allow you to test the contents in isolation via unit tests, as your loop will likely contain more complex logic in this case.

{{! Good }}
{{#each posts as |post|}}
  {{post-summary post=post}}

{{! Bad }}
{{#each posts as |post|}}
    <img src={{post.image}} />


Perform all async actions required for the page to load in model hooks

The model hooks are async hooks, and will wait for any promises returned to resolve. An example of this would be models needed to fill a drop down in a form, you don't want to render this page without the options in the dropdown. A counter example would be comments on a page. The comments should be fetched along side the model, but should not block your page from loading if the required model is there.

Ember Data

Be explicit with Ember Data attribute types

Even though Ember Data can be used without using explicit types in attr, always supply an attribute type to ensure the right data transform is used.

// Good

export default Model.extend({
  firstName: attr('string'),
  jerseyNumber: attr('number')

// Bad

export default Model.extend({
  firstName: attr(),
  jerseyNumber: attr()

Organize your models

Group attributes, relations, then computed properties. Organize each subgroup alphabetically.