diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci-docs.yaml b/.github/workflows/ci-docs.yaml
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--- a/.github/workflows/ci-docs.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci-docs.yaml
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ jobs:
run: |
python -m pip install ".[all]"
- uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2
+ with:
+ tinytex: true
- name: Build docs
run: |
make docs-build
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index 20f5bf690..8b8f53c5d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -107,10 +107,14 @@ docs/source/generated/
# Playground Scripts and temporary outputs
diff --git a/docs/_quarto.yml b/docs/_quarto.yml
index a0ca0dd64..7dd56f3b3 100644
--- a/docs/_quarto.yml
+++ b/docs/_quarto.yml
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ quartodoc:
- GT.save
- GT.show
- GT.as_raw_html
+ - GT.as_latex
- title: Value formatting functions
desc: >
If you have single values (or lists of them) in need of formatting, we have a set of
diff --git a/docs/a-latex_examples/index.qmd b/docs/a-latex_examples/index.qmd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..503c7b22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/a-latex_examples/index.qmd
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+format: pdf
+#| label: setup
+#| include: false
+import polars as pl
+from great_tables import GT
+from great_tables.data import gtcars, islands, airquality, constants, exibble
+# | output: asis
+# | echo: false
+gtcars_pl = (
+ pl.from_pandas(gtcars)
+ .select(["mfr", "model", "hp", "trq", "mpg_c", "msrp"])
+ GT(
+ gtcars[["mfr", "model", "hp", "trq", "msrp"]].head(5),
+ )
+ .tab_header(
+ title="Some Cars from the gtcars Dataset",
+ subtitle="Five Cars are shown here"
+ )
+ .tab_spanner(
+ label="Make and Model",
+ columns=["mfr", "model"],
+ id="make_model"
+ )
+ .tab_spanner(
+ label="Performance",
+ columns=["hp", "trq", "msrp"]
+ )
+ .tab_spanner(
+ label="Everything but the cost",
+ columns=["mfr", "model", "hp", "trq"]
+ )
+ .fmt_integer(columns=["hp", "trq"])
+ .fmt_currency(columns="msrp")
+ .tab_source_note("Cars are all 2015 models.")
+ .tab_source_note("Horsepower and Torque values are estimates.")
+ .tab_options(table_width="600pt")
+ .as_latex()
+# | output: asis
+# | echo: false
+islands_mini = islands.head(10)
+ (
+ GT(islands_mini)
+ .tab_header(
+ title="Large Landmasses of the World",
+ subtitle="The top ten largest are presented"
+ )
+ .fmt_integer(columns="size")
+ .tab_source_note(
+ source_note="Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406."
+ )
+ .tab_source_note(
+ source_note="Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) *Interactive Data Analysis*. Wiley."
+ )
+ ).as_latex()
+# | output: asis
+# | echo: false
+airquality_mini = airquality.head(10).assign(Year = 1973)
+ (
+ GT(airquality_mini)
+ .tab_header(
+ title="New York Air Quality Measurements",
+ subtitle="Daily measurements in New York City (May 1-10, 1973)"
+ )
+ ).as_latex()
+# | output: asis
+# | echo: false
+constants_mini = (
+ pl.from_pandas(constants)
+ .filter(pl.col("name").str.contains("molar")).sort("value")
+ .with_columns(
+ name=pl.col("name")
+ .str.to_titlecase()
+ .str.replace("Kpa", "kpa")
+ .str.replace("Of", "of")
+ )
+ GT(constants_mini)
+ .cols_hide(columns=["uncert", "sf_value", "sf_uncert", "units"])
+ .fmt_scientific(columns="value", decimals=3)
+ .tab_header(title="Physical Constants Having a Molar Basis")
+ .tab_options(column_labels_hidden=True)
+ .as_latex()
+# | output: asis
+# | echo: false
+exibble_mini = (
+ pl.from_pandas(exibble)
+ .select(["num", "date", "time", "currency"])
+ .head(5)
+ .with_columns(time=pl.concat_str("[" + pl.col("time") + "]"))
+ .with_columns(num=pl.col("num") * 1000)
+ GT(exibble_mini)
+ .fmt_bytes(columns="num", standard="binary")
+ .fmt_currency(columns="currency", rows=[2, 3, 4], pattern="_{x}_")
+ .fmt_date(columns="date", date_style="wday_month_day_year")
+ .as_latex()
+import polars as pl
+from great_tables import GT, md, html
+from great_tables.data import islands
+islands_mini = pl.from_pandas(islands).sort("size", descending=True).head(10)
+ GT(islands_mini)
+ .tab_header(title="Large Landmasses of the World", subtitle="The top ten largest are presented")
+ # .tab_stub(rowname_col="name")
+ .tab_source_note(source_note="Source: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975, page 406.")
+ .tab_source_note(
+ # source_note=md("Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) *Interactive Data Analysis*. Wiley.")
+ source_note=html("Reference: McNeil, D. R. (1977) *Interactive Data Analysis*. Wiley.$")
+ )
+ .tab_stubhead(label="landmass")
+ .fmt_image(columns="size")
+ .as_latex()
+from great_tables import GT, html
+from great_tables.data import airquality
+airquality_mini = airquality.head(10).assign(Year=1973)
+ GT(airquality_mini)
+ .tab_header(
+ title="New York Air Quality Measurements",
+ subtitle="Daily measurements in New York City (May 1-10, 1973)",
+ )
+ .tab_spanner(label="Time", columns=["Year", "Month", "Day"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Measurement", columns=["Ozone", "Solar_R", "Wind", "Temp"])
+ .cols_move_to_start(columns=["Year", "Month", "Day"])
+ .cols_label(
+ Ozone=html("Ozone,
+ Solar_R=html("Solar R.,
+ Wind=html("Wind,
+ Temp=html("Temp,
+ )
+ .as_latex()
+#| eval: false
+from great_tables import GT
+from great_tables.data import countrypops
+import polars as pl
+import polars.selectors as cs
+# Get vectors of 2-letter country codes for each region of Oceania
+oceania = {
+ "Australasia": ["AU", "NZ"],
+ "Melanesia": ["NC", "PG", "SB", "VU"],
+ "Micronesia": ["FM", "GU", "KI", "MH", "MP", "NR", "PW"],
+ "Polynesia": ["PF", "WS", "TO", "TV"],
+# Create a dictionary mapping country to region (e.g. AU -> Australasia)
+country_to_region = {
+ country: region for region, countries in oceania.items() for country in countries
+wide_pops = (
+ pl.from_pandas(countrypops)
+ .filter(
+ pl.col("country_code_2").is_in(list(country_to_region))
+ & pl.col("year").is_in([2000, 2010, 2020])
+ )
+ .with_columns(pl.col("country_code_2").replace(country_to_region).alias("region"))
+ .pivot(index=["country_name", "region"], on="year", values="population")
+ .sort("2020", descending=True)
+ GT(wide_pops)
+ .tab_header(title="Populations of Oceania's Countries in 2000, 2010, and 2020")
+ .tab_spanner(label="Total Population", columns=cs.all())
+ #.tab_stub(rowname_col="country_name", groupname_col="region")
+ .fmt_integer() # example fails because of this method
+ .as_latex()
+towny example
+# | echo: false
+# | eval: false
+from great_tables import GT, html
+from great_tables.data import towny
+towny_mini = (
+ towny[["name", "website", "density_2021", "land_area_km2", "latitude", "longitude"]]
+ .sort_values("density_2021", ascending=False)
+ .head(10)
+towny_mini["url_name"] = ["["] + towny_mini["name"] + ["]"] + ["("] + towny_mini["website"] + [")"]
+towny_mini["location"] = (
+ ["[map](http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&hq=&ll="]
+ + towny_mini["latitude"].astype(str)
+ + [","]
+ + towny_mini["longitude"].astype(str)
+ + ["&z=13)"]
+ GT(
+ towny_mini[["url_name", "location", "land_area_km2", "density_2021"]],
+ # rowname_col="url_name",
+ )
+ .tab_header(
+ title="The Municipalities of Ontario",
+ subtitle="The top 10 highest population density in 2021",
+ )
+ .tab_stubhead(label="Municipality")
+ .fmt_markdown(
+ columns=["url_name", "location"]
+ ) # fmt_markdown() in LaTeX context doesn't Latex escape chars
+ .fmt_number(columns=["land_area_km2", "density_2021"], decimals=1)
+ .cols_label(
+ land_area_km2=html("land area,
+ density_2021=html("density,
+ )
+ .as_latex()
+from great_tables import GT, html
+from great_tables.data import sza
+import polars as pl
+import polars.selectors as cs
+sza_pivot = (
+ pl.from_pandas(sza)
+ .filter((pl.col("latitude") == "20") & (pl.col("tst") <= "1200"))
+ .select(pl.col("*").exclude("latitude"))
+ .drop_nulls()
+ .pivot(values="sza", index="month", on="tst", sort_columns=True)
+ GT(
+ sza_pivot,
+ #rowname_col="month"
+ )
+ .data_color(
+ domain=[90, 0],
+ palette=["rebeccapurple", "white", "orange"],
+ na_color="white",
+ )
+ .tab_header(
+ title="Solar Zenith Angles from 05:30 to 12:00",
+ subtitle=html("Average monthly values at latitude of 20°N."),
+ )
+ .sub_missing(missing_text="")
+ .as_latex()
+# | echo: false
+from great_tables import GT, md, html, system_fonts
+import pandas as pd
+power_cie_prepared_tbl = pd.read_csv("../examples/_data/power_cie_prepared_tbl.csv")
+# Create a Great Tables object
+ciep_gt_tbl = GT(data=power_cie_prepared_tbl)
+# Apply wider color ranges & formatting
+ ciep_gt_tbl.fmt_percent(
+ columns=[
+ "Hydro",
+ "Nuclear",
+ "Wind",
+ "Solar",
+ "Geothermal",
+ "Biomass",
+ "Gas",
+ "Coal",
+ "Oil",
+ "Unknown",
+ "Hydro Discharge",
+ "Battery Discharge",
+ ],
+ decimals=1,
+ )
+ .fmt_number(columns=["CO2 Intensity"], decimals=0)
+ .data_color(
+ columns=["CO2 Intensity"],
+ palette=[
+ "#00A600",
+ "#E6E600",
+ "#E8C32E",
+ "#D69C4E",
+ "#Dc863B",
+ "sienna",
+ "sienna4",
+ "tomato4",
+ "brown",
+ ],
+ domain=[0, 900],
+ )
+ .data_color(
+ columns=["Hydro", "Nuclear", "Wind", "Solar", "Geothermal"],
+ palette=["#00A600", "chartreuse3", "chartreuse4", "snow"][::-1],
+ domain=[0, 1],
+ )
+ .data_color(
+ columns=["Hydro", "Geothermal"],
+ palette=["#00A600", "chartreuse3", "chartreuse4", "snow"][::-1],
+ domain=[0, 1],
+ )
+ .data_color(
+ columns=["Biomass"], palette=["snow", "#EEC900", "#E8C32E", "#D69C4E"], domain=[0, 0.3]
+ )
+ .data_color(
+ columns=["Gas", "Coal", "Oil"],
+ palette=["tomato4", "sienna4", "#D69C4E", "#Dc863B", "snow"][::-1],
+ domain=[0, 1],
+ )
+ .data_color(
+ columns=["Zone", "Unknown", "Hydro Discharge", "Battery Discharge"],
+ palette=["snow", "snow", "snow", "snow"],
+ )
+ .cols_width(
+ {
+ "CO2 Intensity": "58px",
+ "Hydro": "58px",
+ "Nuclear": "58px",
+ "Wind": "58px",
+ "Solar": "58px",
+ "Geothermal": "58px",
+ "Biomass": "58px",
+ "Gas": "58px",
+ "Coal": "58px",
+ "Oil": "58px",
+ "Unknown": "58px",
+ "Hydro Discharge": "58px",
+ "Battery Discharge": "58px",
+ }
+ )
+ .tab_header(
+ # title=md(
+ # "2023 Mean **Carbon Intensity** (gCO2eq/kWh) and **Power Consumption** Breakdown (%)"
+ # )
+ title="2023 Mean **Carbon Intensity** (gCO2eq/kWh) and **Power Consumption** Breakdown (%)"
+ )
+ # .tab_source_note(
+ # md(
+ # '
+ # "**Source**: api.electricitymap.org"
+ # " | **Methodology**: https://www.electricitymaps.com/methodology."
+ # " Some emissions factors are based on IPCC 2014 defaults, while some are based on more #accurate regional factors."
+ # "
All zones are publicly available on the *Carbon intensity and emission factors* tab #via Google docs link
+ # "
+ # "
+ # )
+ # )
+ .tab_options(
+ source_notes_font_size="x-small",
+ source_notes_padding=3,
+ table_font_names=system_fonts("humanist"),
+ data_row_padding="1px",
+ heading_background_color="antiquewhite",
+ source_notes_background_color="antiquewhite",
+ column_labels_background_color="antiquewhite",
+ table_background_color="snow",
+ data_row_padding_horizontal=3,
+ column_labels_padding_horizontal=58,
+ )
+ .cols_align(align="center")
+ .cols_align(align="left", columns=["Zone"])
+ .opt_table_outline()
+ .as_latex()
+import polars as pl
+import polars.selectors as cs
+from great_tables import GT, loc, style
+coffee_sales = pl.DataFrame.deserialize("../examples/_data/coffee-sales.json", format="json")
+sel_rev = cs.starts_with("revenue")
+sel_prof = cs.starts_with("profit")
+# yo
+ GT(coffee_sales)
+ .tab_header("Sales of Coffee Equipment")
+ .tab_spanner(label="Revenue", columns=sel_rev)
+ .tab_spanner(label="Profit", columns=sel_prof)
+ .cols_label(
+ revenue_dollars="Amount",
+ profit_dollars="Amount",
+ revenue_pct="Percent",
+ profit_pct="Percent",
+ monthly_sales="Monthly Sales",
+ icon="",
+ product="Product",
+ )
+ # formatting ----
+ .fmt_number(
+ columns=cs.ends_with("dollars"),
+ compact=True,
+ pattern="${x}",
+ n_sigfig=3,
+ )
+ .fmt_percent(columns=cs.ends_with("pct"), decimals=0)
+ # style ----
+ .tab_style(
+ style=style.fill(color="aliceblue"),
+ locations=loc.body(columns=sel_rev),
+ )
+ .tab_style(
+ style=style.fill(color="papayawhip"),
+ locations=loc.body(columns=sel_prof),
+ )
+ .tab_style(
+ style=style.text(weight="bold"),
+ locations=loc.body(rows=pl.col("product") == "Total"),
+ )
+ # .fmt_nanoplot("monthly_sales", plot_type="bar")
+ #.fmt_image("icon", path="docs/examples/_data/coffee-table-icons/")
+ .sub_missing(missing_text="")
+ .as_latex()
diff --git a/great_tables/_boxhead.py b/great_tables/_boxhead.py
index 32b1b827b..b204d1ce8 100644
--- a/great_tables/_boxhead.py
+++ b/great_tables/_boxhead.py
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
from ._locations import resolve_cols_c
from ._utils import _assert_list_is_subset
from ._tbl_data import SelectExpr
-from ._text import Text
+from ._text import BaseText
from ._types import GTSelf
def cols_label(
- self: GTSelf, cases: dict[str, str | Text] | None = None, **kwargs: str | Text
+ self: GTSelf, cases: dict[str, str | BaseText] | None = None, **kwargs: str | BaseText
) -> GTSelf:
Relabel one or more columns.
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def cols_label(
_assert_list_is_subset(mod_columns, set_list=column_names)
# Handle units syntax in labels (e.g., "Density ({{ppl / mi^2}})")
- new_kwargs: dict[str, UnitStr | str | Text] = {}
+ new_kwargs: dict[str, UnitStr | str | BaseText] = {}
for k, v in new_cases.items():
@@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ def cols_label(
new_kwargs[k] = unitstr_v
- elif isinstance(v, Text):
+ elif isinstance(v, BaseText):
new_kwargs[k] = v
raise ValueError(
- "Column labels must be strings or Text objects. Use `md()` or `html()` for formatting."
+ "Column labels must be strings or BaseText objects. Use `md()` or `html()` for formatting."
boxhead = self._boxhead._set_column_labels(new_kwargs)
diff --git a/great_tables/_export.py b/great_tables/_export.py
index 0e033dd03..29fc31577 100644
--- a/great_tables/_export.py
+++ b/great_tables/_export.py
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
from ._utils import _try_import
+from ._utils_render_latex import _render_as_latex
# Note that as_raw_html uses methods on the GT class, not just data
@@ -166,6 +168,98 @@ def as_raw_html(
return html_table
+def as_latex(self: GT, use_longtable: bool = False, tbl_pos: str | None = None) -> str:
+ """
+ Output a GT object as LaTeX
+ The `as_latex()` method outputs a GT object as a LaTeX fragment. This method is useful for when
+ you need to include a table as part of a LaTeX document. The LaTeX fragment contains the table
+ as a string.
+ :::{.callout-warning}
+ `as_latex()` is still experimental.
+ :::
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ use_longtable
+ An option to use the `longtable` environment in LaTeX output. This is useful for tables that
+ span multiple pages and don't require precise positioning.
+ tbl_pos
+ The position of the table in the LaTeX output when `use_longtable=False`. Valid values for
+ positioning include `"!t"` (top of page), `"!b"` (bottom of the page), `"!h"` (here),
+ `"!p"` (on a separate page), and `"!H"` (exactly here). If a value is not provided then the
+ table will be placed at the top of the page; if in the Quarto render then the table
+ positioning option will be ignored in favor of any setting within the Quarto rendering
+ environment.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ A LaTeX fragment that contains the table.
+ Limitations
+ -----------
+ The `as_latex()` method is still experimental and has some limitations. The following
+ functionality that is supported in HTML output tables is not currently supported in LaTeX
+ output tables:
+ - the rendering of the stub and row group labels (via the `=rowname_col` and `=groupname_col`
+ args in the `GT()` class)
+ - the use of the `md()` helper function to signal conversion of Markdown text
+ - units notation within the `cols_labels()` and `tab_spanner()` methods
+ - the `fmt_markdown()`, `fmt_units()`, `fmt_image()`, and `fmt_nanoplot()` methods
+ - the `sub_missing()` and `sub_zero()` methods
+ - most options in the `tab_options()` method, particularly those that are specific to styling
+ text, borders, or adding fill colors to cells
+ As development continues, we will work to expand the capabilities of the `as_latex()` method to
+ reduce these limitations and more clearly document what is and is not supported.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ Let's use a subset of the `gtcars` dataset to create a new table.
+ ```{python}
+ from great_tables import GT
+ from great_tables.data import gtcars
+ import polars as pl
+ gtcars_mini = (
+ pl.from_pandas(gtcars)
+ .select(["mfr", "model", "msrp"])
+ .head(5)
+ )
+ gt_tbl = (
+ GT(gtcars_mini)
+ .tab_header(
+ title="Data Listing from the gtcars Dataset",
+ subtitle="Only five rows from the dataset are shown here."
+ )
+ .fmt_currency(columns="msrp")
+ )
+ gt_tbl
+ ```
+ Now we can return the table as string of LaTeX code using the `as_latex()` method.
+ ```{python}
+ gt_tbl.as_latex()
+ ```
+ The LaTeX string contains the code just for the table (it's not a complete LaTeX document).
+ This output can be useful for embedding a GT table in an existing LaTeX document.
+ """
+ built_table = self._build_data(context="latex")
+ latex_table = _render_as_latex(data=built_table, use_longtable=use_longtable, tbl_pos=tbl_pos)
+ return latex_table
# Create a list of all selenium webdrivers
WebDrivers: TypeAlias = Literal[
diff --git a/great_tables/_formats.py b/great_tables/_formats.py
index d061162d4..cc8cc63d9 100644
--- a/great_tables/_formats.py
+++ b/great_tables/_formats.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date, datetime, time
from decimal import Decimal
+from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Literal, TypedDict, TypeVar, cast
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
-from ._text import _md_html
+from ._text import _md_html, escape_pattern_str_latex
from ._utils import _str_detect, _str_replace
from ._utils_nanoplots import _generate_nanoplot
@@ -285,66 +286,90 @@ def fmt_number(
sep_mark = _get_locale_sep_mark(default=sep_mark, use_seps=use_seps, locale=locale)
dec_mark = _get_locale_dec_mark(default=dec_mark, locale=locale)
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_number_fn(
- x: float | None,
- decimals: int = decimals,
- n_sigfig: int | None = n_sigfig,
- drop_trailing_zeros: bool = drop_trailing_zeros,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool = drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps: bool = use_seps,
- scale_by: float = scale_by,
- compact: bool = compact,
- sep_mark: str = sep_mark,
- dec_mark: str = dec_mark,
- force_sign: bool = force_sign,
- ):
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_number_context,
+ data=self,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ scale_by=scale_by,
+ compact=compact,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ )
- # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
- x = x * scale_by
- # Determine whether the value is positive
- is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
- if compact:
- x_formatted = _format_number_compactly(
- value=x,
- decimals=decimals,
- n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
- drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps=use_seps,
- sep_mark=sep_mark,
- dec_mark=dec_mark,
- force_sign=force_sign,
- )
- else:
- x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
- value=x,
- decimals=decimals,
- n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
- drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps=use_seps,
- sep_mark=sep_mark,
- dec_mark=dec_mark,
- force_sign=force_sign,
- )
- # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
- if is_negative:
- minus_mark = _context_minus_mark()
- x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
- return x_formatted
+def fmt_number_context(
+ x: float | None,
+ data: GTData,
+ decimals: int,
+ n_sigfig: int | None,
+ drop_trailing_zeros: bool,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool,
+ use_seps: bool,
+ scale_by: float,
+ compact: bool,
+ sep_mark: str,
+ dec_mark: str,
+ force_sign: bool,
+ pattern: str,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
+ # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
+ x = x * scale_by
+ # Determine whether the value is positive
+ is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
+ if compact:
+ x_formatted = _format_number_compactly(
+ value=x,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ )
+ else:
+ x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
+ value=x,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ )
+ # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
+ if is_negative:
+ minus_mark = _context_minus_mark(context=context)
+ x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_number_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_integer(
@@ -458,59 +483,81 @@ def fmt_integer(
# Use locale-based marks if a locale ID is provided
sep_mark = _get_locale_sep_mark(default=sep_mark, use_seps=use_seps, locale=locale)
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in
- # the table body
- def fmt_integer_fn(
- x: float,
- scale_by: float = scale_by,
- ):
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_integer_context,
+ data=self,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ scale_by=scale_by,
+ compact=compact,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ )
- # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
- x = x * scale_by
- # Determine whether the value is positive
- is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
- if compact:
- x_formatted = _format_number_compactly(
- value=x,
- decimals=0,
- n_sigfig=None,
- drop_trailing_zeros=False,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark=True,
- use_seps=use_seps,
- sep_mark=sep_mark,
- dec_mark="not used",
- force_sign=force_sign,
- )
- else:
- x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
- value=x,
- decimals=0,
- n_sigfig=None,
- drop_trailing_zeros=False,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark=True,
- use_seps=use_seps,
- sep_mark=sep_mark,
- dec_mark="not used",
- force_sign=force_sign,
- )
- # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
- if is_negative:
- minus_mark = _context_minus_mark()
- x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
- return x_formatted
+def fmt_integer_context(
+ x: float | None,
+ data: GTData,
+ use_seps: bool,
+ scale_by: float,
+ compact: bool,
+ sep_mark: str,
+ force_sign: bool,
+ pattern: str,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
+ # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
+ x = x * scale_by
+ # Determine whether the value is positive
+ is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
+ if compact:
+ x_formatted = _format_number_compactly(
+ value=x,
+ decimals=0,
+ n_sigfig=None,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=False,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=True,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark="not used",
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ )
+ else:
+ x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
+ value=x,
+ decimals=0,
+ n_sigfig=None,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=False,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=True,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark="not used",
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ )
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_integer_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
+ if is_negative:
+ minus_mark = _context_minus_mark(context=context)
+ x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_scientific(
@@ -663,112 +710,136 @@ def fmt_scientific(
sep_mark = _get_locale_sep_mark(default=sep_mark, use_seps=use_seps, locale=locale)
dec_mark = _get_locale_dec_mark(default=dec_mark, locale=locale)
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_scientific_fn(
- x: float,
- decimals: int = decimals,
- n_sigfig: int | None = n_sigfig,
- drop_trailing_zeros: bool = drop_trailing_zeros,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool = drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- scale_by: float = scale_by,
- exp_style: str = exp_style,
- sep_mark: str = sep_mark,
- dec_mark: str = dec_mark,
- force_sign_m: bool = force_sign_m,
- force_sign_n: bool = force_sign_n,
- ):
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_scientific_context,
+ data=self,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ scale_by=scale_by,
+ exp_style=exp_style,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign_m=force_sign_m,
+ force_sign_n=force_sign_n,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ )
- # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
- x = x * scale_by
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Determine whether the value is positive
- is_positive = _has_positive_value(value=x)
- minus_mark = _context_minus_mark()
+# Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
+def fmt_scientific_context(
+ x: float | None,
+ data: GTData,
+ decimals: int,
+ n_sigfig: int | None,
+ drop_trailing_zeros: bool,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool,
+ scale_by: float,
+ exp_style: str,
+ sep_mark: str,
+ dec_mark: str,
+ force_sign_m: bool,
+ force_sign_n: bool,
+ pattern: str,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
- x_sci_notn = _value_to_scientific_notation(
- value=x,
- decimals=decimals,
- n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
- dec_mark=dec_mark,
- )
+ # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
+ x = x * scale_by
- sci_parts = x_sci_notn.split("E")
+ # Determine whether the value is positive
+ is_positive = _has_positive_value(value=x)
- m_part, n_part = sci_parts
+ minus_mark = _context_minus_mark(context=context)
- # Remove trailing zeros and decimal marks from the `m_part`
- if drop_trailing_zeros:
- m_part = m_part.rstrip("0")
- if drop_trailing_dec_mark:
- m_part = m_part.rstrip(".")
+ x_sci_notn = _value_to_scientific_notation(
+ value=x,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ )
- # Force the positive sign to be present if the `force_sign_m` option is taken
- if is_positive and force_sign_m:
- m_part = "+" + m_part
+ sci_parts = x_sci_notn.split("E")
- if exp_style == "x10n":
- # Define the exponent string based on the `exp_style` that is the default
- # ('x10n'); this is styled as 'x 10^n' instead of using a fixed symbol like 'E'
+ m_part, n_part = sci_parts
- # Determine which values don't require the (x 10^n) for scientific formatting
- # since their order would be zero
- small_pos = _has_sci_order_zero(value=x)
+ # Remove trailing zeros and decimal marks from the `m_part`
+ if drop_trailing_zeros:
+ m_part = m_part.rstrip("0")
+ if drop_trailing_dec_mark:
+ m_part = m_part.rstrip(".")
- # Force the positive sign to be present if the `force_sign_n` option is taken
- if force_sign_n and not _str_detect(n_part, "-"):
- n_part = "+" + n_part
+ # Force the positive sign to be present if the `force_sign_m` option is taken
+ if is_positive and force_sign_m:
+ m_part = "+" + m_part
- # Implement minus sign replacement for `m_part` and `n_part`
- m_part = _replace_minus(m_part, minus_mark=minus_mark)
- n_part = _replace_minus(n_part, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ if exp_style == "x10n":
+ # Define the exponent string based on the `exp_style` that is the default
+ # ('x10n'); this is styled as 'x 10^n' instead of using a fixed symbol like 'E'
- if small_pos:
- # If the value is small enough to not require the (x 10^n) notation, then
- # the formatted value is based on only the `m_part`
- x_formatted = m_part
- else:
- # Get the set of exponent marks, which are used to decorate the `n_part`
- exp_marks = _context_exp_marks()
+ # Determine which values don't require the (x 10^n) for scientific formatting
+ # since their order would be zero
+ small_pos = _has_sci_order_zero(value=x)
+ # Force the positive sign to be present if the `force_sign_n` option is taken
+ if force_sign_n and not _str_detect(n_part, "-"):
+ n_part = "+" + n_part
- # Create the formatted string based on `exp_marks` and the two `sci_parts`
- x_formatted = m_part + exp_marks[0] + n_part + exp_marks[1]
+ # Implement minus sign replacement for `m_part` and `n_part`
+ m_part = _replace_minus(m_part, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ n_part = _replace_minus(n_part, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ if small_pos:
+ # If the value is small enough to not require the (x 10^n) notation, then
+ # the formatted value is based on only the `m_part`
+ x_formatted = m_part
- # Define the exponent string based on the `exp_style` that's not the default
- # value of 'x10n'
+ # Get the set of exponent marks, which are used to decorate the `n_part`
+ exp_marks = _context_exp_marks(context=context)
- exp_str = _context_exp_str(exp_style=exp_style)
+ # Create the formatted string based on `exp_marks` and the two `sci_parts`
+ x_formatted = m_part + exp_marks[0] + n_part + exp_marks[1]
- n_min_width = 1 if _str_detect(exp_style, r"^[a-zA-Z]1$") else 2
+ else:
+ # Define the exponent string based on the `exp_style` that's not the default
+ # value of 'x10n'
- # The `n_part` will be extracted here and it must be padded to
- # the defined minimum number of decimal places
- if _str_detect(n_part, "-"):
- n_part = _str_replace(n_part, "-", "")
- n_part = n_part.ljust(n_min_width, "0")
- n_part = "-" + n_part
- else:
- n_part = n_part.ljust(n_min_width, "0")
- if force_sign_n:
- n_part = "+" + n_part
+ exp_str = _context_exp_str(exp_style=exp_style)
+ n_min_width = 1 if _str_detect(exp_style, r"^[a-zA-Z]1$") else 2
- # Implement minus sign replacement for `m_part` and `n_part`
- m_part = _replace_minus(m_part, minus_mark=minus_mark)
- n_part = _replace_minus(n_part, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ # The `n_part` will be extracted here and it must be padded to
+ # the defined minimum number of decimal places
+ if _str_detect(n_part, "-"):
+ n_part = _str_replace(n_part, "-", "")
+ n_part = n_part.ljust(n_min_width, "0")
+ n_part = "-" + n_part
+ else:
+ n_part = n_part.ljust(n_min_width, "0")
+ if force_sign_n:
+ n_part = "+" + n_part
- x_formatted = m_part + exp_str + n_part
+ # Implement minus sign replacement for `m_part` and `n_part`
+ m_part = _replace_minus(m_part, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ n_part = _replace_minus(n_part, minus_mark=minus_mark)
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ x_formatted = m_part + exp_str + n_part
- return x_formatted
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_scientific_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_percent(
@@ -919,72 +990,100 @@ def fmt_percent(
scale_by = 1.0
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_percent_fn(
- x: float,
- decimals: int = decimals,
- drop_trailing_zeros: bool = drop_trailing_zeros,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool = drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps: bool = use_seps,
- scale_by: float = scale_by,
- sep_mark: str = sep_mark,
- dec_mark: str = dec_mark,
- force_sign: bool = force_sign,
- placement: str = placement,
- incl_space: bool = incl_space,
- ):
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_percent_context,
+ data=self,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ scale_by=scale_by,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ placement=placement,
+ incl_space=incl_space,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ )
- # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
- x = x * scale_by
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Determine properties of the value
- is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
- is_positive = _has_positive_value(value=x)
- x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
- value=x,
- decimals=decimals,
- n_sigfig=None,
- drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps=use_seps,
- sep_mark=sep_mark,
- dec_mark=dec_mark,
- force_sign=force_sign,
- )
+def fmt_percent_context(
+ x: float | None,
+ data: GTData,
+ decimals: int,
+ drop_trailing_zeros: bool,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool,
+ use_seps: bool,
+ scale_by: float,
+ sep_mark: str,
+ dec_mark: str,
+ force_sign: bool,
+ placement: str,
+ incl_space: bool,
+ pattern: str,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
- # Create a percent pattern for affixing the percent sign
- space_character = " " if incl_space else ""
- percent_pattern = (
- f"{{x}}{space_character}%" if placement == "right" else f"%{space_character}{{x}}"
- )
+ # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
+ x = x * scale_by
- if is_negative and placement == "left":
- x_formatted = x_formatted.replace("-", "")
- x_formatted = percent_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
- x_formatted = "-" + x_formatted
- elif is_positive and force_sign and placement == "left":
- x_formatted = x_formatted.replace("+", "")
- x_formatted = percent_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
- x_formatted = "+" + x_formatted
- else:
- x_formatted = percent_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Determine properties of the value
+ is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
+ is_positive = _has_positive_value(value=x)
- # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
- if is_negative:
- minus_mark = _context_minus_mark()
- x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
+ value=x,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=None,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ )
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Get the context-specific percent mark
+ percent_mark = _context_percent_mark(context=context)
- return x_formatted
+ # Create a percent pattern for affixing the percent sign
+ space_character = " " if incl_space else ""
+ percent_pattern = (
+ f"{{x}}{space_character}{percent_mark}"
+ if placement == "right"
+ else f"{percent_mark}{space_character}{{x}}"
+ )
+ if is_negative and placement == "left":
+ x_formatted = x_formatted.replace("-", "")
+ x_formatted = percent_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ x_formatted = "-" + x_formatted
+ elif is_positive and force_sign and placement == "left":
+ x_formatted = x_formatted.replace("+", "")
+ x_formatted = percent_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ x_formatted = "+" + x_formatted
+ else:
+ x_formatted = percent_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
+ if is_negative:
+ minus_mark = _context_minus_mark(context="html")
+ x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_percent_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_currency(
@@ -1151,79 +1250,105 @@ def fmt_currency(
currency=currency_resolved, decimals=decimals, use_subunits=use_subunits
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_currency_fn(
- x: float,
- currency: str = currency_resolved,
- decimals: int = decimals,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool = drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps: bool = use_seps,
- scale_by: float = scale_by,
- sep_mark: str = sep_mark,
- dec_mark: str = dec_mark,
- force_sign: bool = force_sign,
- placement: str = placement,
- incl_space: bool = incl_space,
- ):
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_currency_context,
+ data=self,
+ currency=currency_resolved,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ scale_by=scale_by,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ placement=placement,
+ incl_space=incl_space,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ )
- # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
- x = x * scale_by
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Determine properties of the value
- is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
- is_positive = _has_positive_value(value=x)
- # Get the currency symbol on the basis of a valid currency code
- currency_symbol = _get_currency_str(currency=currency)
+def fmt_currency_context(
+ x: float | None,
+ data: GTData,
+ currency: str,
+ decimals: int,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool,
+ use_seps: bool,
+ scale_by: float,
+ sep_mark: str,
+ dec_mark: str,
+ force_sign: bool,
+ placement: str,
+ incl_space: bool,
+ pattern: str,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
- # Format the value to decimal notation; this is done before the currency symbol is
- # affixed to the value
- x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
- value=x,
- decimals=decimals,
- n_sigfig=None,
- drop_trailing_zeros=False,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps=use_seps,
- sep_mark=sep_mark,
- dec_mark=dec_mark,
- force_sign=force_sign,
- )
+ # Scale `x` value by a defined `scale_by` value
+ x = x * scale_by
- # Create a currency pattern for affixing the currency symbol
- space_character = " " if incl_space else ""
- currency_pattern = (
- f"{{x}}{space_character}{currency_symbol}"
- if placement == "right"
- else f"{currency_symbol}{space_character}{{x}}"
- )
+ # Determine properties of the value
+ is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
+ is_positive = _has_positive_value(value=x)
- if is_negative and placement == "left":
- x_formatted = x_formatted.replace("-", "")
- x_formatted = currency_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
- x_formatted = "-" + x_formatted
- elif is_positive and force_sign and placement == "left":
- x_formatted = x_formatted.replace("+", "")
- x_formatted = currency_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
- x_formatted = "+" + x_formatted
- else:
- x_formatted = currency_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Get the currency symbol on the basis of a valid currency code
+ currency_symbol = _get_currency_str(currency=currency)
- # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
- if is_negative:
- minus_mark = _context_minus_mark()
- x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ if currency_symbol == "$":
+ currency_symbol = _context_dollar_mark(context=context)
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Format the value to decimal notation; this is done before the currency symbol is
+ # affixed to the value
+ x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
+ value=x,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=None,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=False,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ )
- return x_formatted
+ # Create a currency pattern for affixing the currency symbol
+ space_character = " " if incl_space else ""
+ currency_pattern = (
+ f"{{x}}{space_character}{currency_symbol}"
+ if placement == "right"
+ else f"{currency_symbol}{space_character}{{x}}"
+ )
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_currency_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ if is_negative and placement == "left":
+ x_formatted = x_formatted.replace("-", "")
+ x_formatted = currency_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ x_formatted = "-" + x_formatted
+ elif is_positive and force_sign and placement == "left":
+ x_formatted = x_formatted.replace("+", "")
+ x_formatted = currency_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ x_formatted = "+" + x_formatted
+ else:
+ x_formatted = currency_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
+ if is_negative:
+ minus_mark = _context_minus_mark(context=context)
+ x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_roman(
@@ -1290,50 +1415,64 @@ def fmt_roman(
# Check that the `case` value is valid and only consists of the string 'upper' or 'lower'
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_roman_fn(
- x: float,
- case: str = case,
- ):
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_roman_context,
+ data=self,
+ case=case,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ )
- # Get the absolute value of `x` so that negative values are handled
- x = abs(x)
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Round x to 0 digits with the R-H-U method of rounding (for reproducibility purposes)
- x = _round_rhu(x, 0)
- # Determine if `x` is in the range of 1 to 3899 and if it is zero
- x_is_in_range = x > 0 and x < 3900
- x_is_zero = x == 0
+def fmt_roman_context(
+ x: float,
+ data: GTData,
+ case: str,
+ pattern: str,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
+ # Get the absolute value of `x` so that negative values are handled
+ x = abs(x)
+ # Round x to 0 digits with the R-H-U method of rounding (for reproducibility purposes)
+ x = _round_rhu(x, 0)
+ # Determine if `x` is in the range of 1 to 3899 and if it is zero
+ x_is_in_range = x > 0 and x < 3900
+ x_is_zero = x == 0
+ if not x_is_in_range and not x_is_zero:
+ # We cannot format a 'large' integer to roman numerals, so we return a string
+ # that indicates this
+ return "ex terminis"
+ elif x_is_zero:
+ # Zero is a special case and is handled separately with the character 'N'
+ # which stands for 'nulla' (i.e., 'nothing')
+ x_formatted = "N"
+ else:
+ # All other values are formatted with the `_as_roman()` utility function
+ x_formatted = _as_roman(x)
- if not x_is_in_range and not x_is_zero:
- # We cannot format a 'large' integer to roman numerals, so we return a string
- # that indicates this
- return "ex terminis"
- elif x_is_zero:
- # Zero is a special case and is handled separately with the character 'N'
- # which stands for 'nulla' (i.e., 'nothing')
- x_formatted = "N"
- else:
- # All other values are formatted with the `_as_roman()` utility function
- x_formatted = _as_roman(x)
+ # Transform the case of the formatted value
+ if case == "upper":
+ pass
+ else:
+ x_formatted = x_formatted.lower()
- # Transform the case of the formatted value
- if case == "upper":
- pass
- else:
- x_formatted = x_formatted.lower()
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
- return x_formatted
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_roman_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_bytes(
@@ -1486,88 +1625,112 @@ def fmt_bytes(
base = 1024
byte_units = ["B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB", "ZiB", "YiB"]
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_bytes_fn(
- x: float,
- base: int = base,
- byte_units: list[str] = byte_units,
- decimals: int = decimals,
- n_sigfig: int | None = n_sigfig,
- drop_trailing_zeros: bool = drop_trailing_zeros,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool = drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps: bool = use_seps,
- sep_mark: str = sep_mark,
- dec_mark: str = dec_mark,
- force_sign: bool = force_sign,
- incl_space: bool = incl_space,
- ):
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_bytes_context,
+ data=self,
+ base=base,
+ byte_units=byte_units,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ incl_space=incl_space,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ )
- # Truncate all byte values by casting to an integer; this is done because bytes
- # are always whole numbers
- x = int(x)
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Determine properties of the value
- is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
- # Determine the power index for the value
- if x == 0:
- # If the value is zero, then the power index is 1; otherwise, we'd get
- # an error when trying to calculate the log of zero
- num_power_idx = 1
- else:
- # Otherwise, we can calculate the power index by taking the log of the value
- # and dividing by the log of the base; we add 1 to the result to account for
- # the fact that the power index is 1-based (i.e., the first element in the
- # `byte_units` list is at index 0) --- the final statement ensures that the
- # power index is always at least 1
- num_power_idx = math.floor(math.log(abs(x), base)) + 1
- num_power_idx = max(1, min(len(byte_units), num_power_idx))
- # The `units_str` is obtained by indexing the `byte_units` list with the `num_power_idx`
- # value; this is the string that will be affixed to the formatted value
- units_str = byte_units[num_power_idx - 1]
- # Scale `x` value by a defined `base` value, this is done by dividing by the
- # `base` value raised to the power index minus 1 (we subtract 1 because the
- # power index is 1-based)
- x = x / base ** (num_power_idx - 1)
- # Format the value to decimal notation; this is done before the `byte_units` text
- # is affixed to the value
- x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
- value=x,
- decimals=decimals,
- n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
- drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
- drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
- use_seps=use_seps,
- sep_mark=sep_mark,
- dec_mark=dec_mark,
- force_sign=force_sign,
- )
+def fmt_bytes_context(
+ x: float,
+ data: GTData,
+ base: int,
+ byte_units: list[str],
+ decimals: int,
+ n_sigfig: int | None,
+ drop_trailing_zeros: bool,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark: bool,
+ use_seps: bool,
+ sep_mark: str,
+ dec_mark: str,
+ force_sign: bool,
+ incl_space: bool,
+ pattern: str,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
- # Create a `bytes_pattern` object for affixing the `units_str`, which is the
- # string that represents the byte units
- space_character = " " if incl_space else ""
- bytes_pattern = f"{{x}}{space_character}{units_str}"
+ # Truncate all byte values by casting to an integer; this is done because bytes
+ # are always whole numbers
+ x = int(x)
- x_formatted = bytes_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Determine properties of the value
+ is_negative = _has_negative_value(value=x)
- # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
- if is_negative:
- minus_mark = _context_minus_mark()
- x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ # Determine the power index for the value
+ if x == 0:
+ # If the value is zero, then the power index is 1; otherwise, we'd get
+ # an error when trying to calculate the log of zero
+ num_power_idx = 1
+ else:
+ # Otherwise, we can calculate the power index by taking the log of the value
+ # and dividing by the log of the base; we add 1 to the result to account for
+ # the fact that the power index is 1-based (i.e., the first element in the
+ # `byte_units` list is at index 0) --- the final statement ensures that the
+ # power index is always at least 1
+ num_power_idx = math.floor(math.log(abs(x), base)) + 1
+ num_power_idx = max(1, min(len(byte_units), num_power_idx))
+ # The `units_str` is obtained by indexing the `byte_units` list with the `num_power_idx`
+ # value; this is the string that will be affixed to the formatted value
+ units_str = byte_units[num_power_idx - 1]
+ # Scale `x` value by a defined `base` value, this is done by dividing by the
+ # `base` value raised to the power index minus 1 (we subtract 1 because the
+ # power index is 1-based)
+ x = x / base ** (num_power_idx - 1)
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ # Format the value to decimal notation; this is done before the `byte_units` text
+ # is affixed to the value
+ x_formatted = _value_to_decimal_notation(
+ value=x,
+ decimals=decimals,
+ n_sigfig=n_sigfig,
+ drop_trailing_zeros=drop_trailing_zeros,
+ drop_trailing_dec_mark=drop_trailing_dec_mark,
+ use_seps=use_seps,
+ sep_mark=sep_mark,
+ dec_mark=dec_mark,
+ force_sign=force_sign,
+ )
- return x_formatted
+ # Create a `bytes_pattern` object for affixing the `units_str`, which is the
+ # string that represents the byte units
+ space_character = " " if incl_space else ""
+ bytes_pattern = f"{{x}}{space_character}{units_str}"
+ x_formatted = bytes_pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_bytes_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ # Implement minus sign replacement for `x_formatted`
+ if is_negative:
+ minus_mark = _context_minus_mark(context="html")
+ x_formatted = _replace_minus(x_formatted, minus_mark=minus_mark)
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_date(
@@ -1677,40 +1840,57 @@ def fmt_date(
# Get the date format string based on the `date_style` value
date_format_str = _get_date_format(date_style=date_style)
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_date_fn(
- x: Any, date_format_str: str = date_format_str, locale: str | None = locale
- ) -> str:
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_date_context,
+ data=self,
+ date_format_str=date_format_str,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ locale=locale,
+ )
- # If `x` is a string, we assume it is an ISO date string and convert it to a date object
- if isinstance(x, str):
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Convert the ISO date string to a date object
- x = _iso_str_to_date(x)
- else:
- # Stop if `x` is not a valid date object
- _validate_date_obj(x=x)
+def fmt_date_context(
+ x: Any,
+ data: GTData,
+ date_format_str: str,
+ pattern: str,
+ locale: str | None,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
- # Fix up the locale for `format_date()` by replacing any hyphens with underscores
- if locale is None:
- locale = "en_US"
- else:
- locale = _str_replace(locale, "-", "_")
+ # If `x` is a string, we assume it is an ISO date string and convert it to a date object
+ if isinstance(x, str):
- # Format the date object to a string using Babel's `format_date()` function
- x_formatted = format_date(x, format=date_format_str, locale=locale)
+ # Convert the ISO date string to a date object
+ x = _iso_str_to_date(x)
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ else:
+ # Stop if `x` is not a valid date object
+ _validate_date_obj(x=x)
- return x_formatted
+ # Fix up the locale for `format_date()` by replacing any hyphens with underscores
+ if locale is None:
+ locale = "en_US"
+ else:
+ locale = _str_replace(locale, "-", "_")
+ # Format the date object to a string using Babel's `format_date()` function
+ x_formatted = format_date(x, format=date_format_str, locale=locale)
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_date_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_time(
@@ -1808,40 +1988,57 @@ def fmt_time(
# Get the time format string based on the `time_style` value
time_format_str = _get_time_format(time_style=time_style)
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_time_fn(
- x: Any, time_format_str: str = time_format_str, locale: str | None = locale
- ) -> str:
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_time_context,
+ data=self,
+ time_format_str=time_format_str,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ locale=locale,
+ )
- # If `x` is a string, assume it is an ISO time string and convert it to a time object
- if isinstance(x, str):
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # Convert the ISO time string to a time object
- x = _iso_str_to_time(x)
- else:
- # Stop if `x` is not a valid time object
- _validate_time_obj(x=x)
+def fmt_time_context(
+ x: Any,
+ data: GTData,
+ time_format_str: str,
+ pattern: str,
+ locale: str | None,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
- # Fix up the locale for `format_time()` by replacing any hyphens with underscores
- if locale is None:
- locale = "en_US"
- else:
- locale = _str_replace(locale, "-", "_")
+ # If `x` is a string, assume it is an ISO time string and convert it to a time object
+ if isinstance(x, str):
- # Format the time object to a string using Babel's `format_time()` function
- x_formatted = format_time(x, format=time_format_str, locale=locale)
+ # Convert the ISO time string to a time object
+ x = _iso_str_to_time(x)
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ else:
+ # Stop if `x` is not a valid time object
+ _validate_time_obj(x=x)
- return x_formatted
+ # Fix up the locale for `format_time()` by replacing any hyphens with underscores
+ if locale is None:
+ locale = "en_US"
+ else:
+ locale = _str_replace(locale, "-", "_")
+ # Format the time object to a string using Babel's `format_time()` function
+ x_formatted = format_time(x, format=time_format_str, locale=locale)
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_time_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_datetime(
@@ -1958,48 +2155,64 @@ def fmt_datetime(
# Get the time format string based on the `time_style` value
time_format_str = _get_time_format(time_style=time_style)
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body using both
- # the date and time format strings
- def fmt_datetime_fn(
- x: Any,
- date_format_str: str = date_format_str,
- time_format_str: str = time_format_str,
- sep: str = sep,
- locale: str | None = locale,
- ) -> str:
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_datetime_context,
+ data=self,
+ date_format_str=date_format_str,
+ time_format_str=time_format_str,
+ sep=sep,
+ pattern=pattern,
+ locale=locale,
+ )
- # From the date and time format strings, create a datetime format string
- datetime_format_str = f"{date_format_str}'{sep}'{time_format_str}"
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- # If `x` is a string, assume it is an ISO datetime string and convert it to a datetime object
- if isinstance(x, str):
- # Convert the ISO datetime string to a datetime object
- x = _iso_str_to_datetime(x)
+def fmt_datetime_context(
+ x: Any,
+ data: GTData,
+ date_format_str: str,
+ time_format_str: str,
+ sep: str,
+ pattern: str,
+ locale: str | None,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
- else:
- # Stop if `x` is not a valid datetime object
- _validate_datetime_obj(x=x)
+ # From the date and time format strings, create a datetime format string
+ datetime_format_str = f"{date_format_str}'{sep}'{time_format_str}"
- # Fix up the locale for `format_datetime()` by replacing any hyphens with underscores
- if locale is None:
- locale = "en_US"
- else:
- locale = _str_replace(locale, "-", "_")
+ # If `x` is a string, assume it is an ISO datetime string and convert it to a datetime object
+ if isinstance(x, str):
- # Format the datetime object to a string using Babel's `format_datetime()` function
- x_formatted = format_datetime(x, format=datetime_format_str, locale=locale)
+ # Convert the ISO datetime string to a datetime object
+ x = _iso_str_to_datetime(x)
- # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
- if pattern != "{x}":
- x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ else:
+ # Stop if `x` is not a valid datetime object
+ _validate_datetime_obj(x=x)
- return x_formatted
+ # Fix up the locale for `format_datetime()` by replacing any hyphens with underscores
+ if locale is None:
+ locale = "en_US"
+ else:
+ locale = _str_replace(locale, "-", "_")
+ # Format the datetime object to a string using Babel's `format_datetime()` function
+ x_formatted = format_datetime(x, format=datetime_format_str, locale=locale)
+ # Use a supplied pattern specification to decorate the formatted value
+ if pattern != "{x}":
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_datetime_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ # Escape LaTeX special characters from literals in the pattern
+ if context == "latex":
+ pattern = escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str=pattern)
+ x_formatted = pattern.replace("{x}", x_formatted)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_markdown(
@@ -2067,19 +2280,31 @@ def fmt_markdown(
single string value (or a list of them).
- # Generate a function that will operate on single `x` values in the table body
- def fmt_markdown_fn(x: Any) -> str:
- # If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
- if is_na(self._tbl_data, x):
- return x
+ pf_format = partial(
+ fmt_markdown_context,
+ data=self,
+ )
- x_str: str = str(x)
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=pf_format, columns=columns, rows=rows)
- x_formatted = _md_html(x_str)
- return x_formatted
+def fmt_markdown_context(
+ x: Any,
+ data: GTData,
+ context: str,
+) -> str:
+ if context == "latex":
+ raise NotImplementedError("fmt_markdown() is not supported in LaTeX.")
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_markdown_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ if is_na(data._tbl_data, x):
+ return x
+ x_str: str = str(x)
+ x_formatted = _md_html(x_str)
+ return x_formatted
def fmt_units(
@@ -2662,8 +2887,16 @@ def _has_sci_order_zero(value: int | float) -> bool:
return (value >= 1 and value < 10) or (value <= -1 and value > -10) or value == 0
-def _context_exp_marks() -> list[str]:
- return [" \u00D7 10", ""]
+def _context_exp_marks(context: str) -> list[str]:
+ if context == "html":
+ marks = [" \u00D7 10", ""]
+ elif context == "latex":
+ marks = [" $\\times$ 10\\textsuperscript{", "}"]
+ else:
+ marks = [" \u00D7 10^", ""]
+ return marks
def _context_exp_str(exp_style: str) -> str:
@@ -2683,8 +2916,34 @@ def _context_exp_str(exp_style: str) -> str:
return exp_str
-def _context_minus_mark() -> str:
- return "\u2212"
+def _context_minus_mark(context: str) -> str:
+ if context == "html":
+ mark = "\u2212"
+ else:
+ mark = "-"
+ return mark
+def _context_percent_mark(context: str) -> str:
+ if context == "latex":
+ mark = "\\%"
+ else:
+ mark = "%"
+ return mark
+def _context_dollar_mark(context: str) -> str:
+ if context == "latex":
+ mark = "\\$"
+ else:
+ mark = "$"
+ return mark
def _replace_minus(string: str, minus_mark: str) -> str:
@@ -3451,7 +3710,12 @@ def fmt_image(
height = "2em"
formatter = FmtImage(self._tbl_data, height, width, sep, str(path), file_pattern, encode)
- return fmt(self, fns=formatter.to_html, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ return fmt(
+ self,
+ fns=FormatFns(html=formatter.to_html, latex=formatter.to_latex, default=formatter.to_html),
+ columns=columns,
+ rows=rows,
+ )
@@ -3517,6 +3781,15 @@ def to_html(self, val: Any):
return span
+ def to_latex(self, val: Any):
+ from ._gt_data import FormatterSkipElement
+ from warnings import warn
+ warn("fmt_image() is not currently implemented in LaTeX output.")
+ return FormatterSkipElement()
def _apply_pattern(file_pattern: str, files: list[str]) -> list[str]:
return [file_pattern.format(file) for file in files]
@@ -3875,6 +4148,7 @@ def fmt_nanoplot(
# the date and time format strings
def fmt_nanoplot_fn(
x: Any,
+ context: str,
plot_type: PlotType = plot_type,
plot_height: str = plot_height,
missing_vals: MissingVals = missing_vals,
@@ -3883,6 +4157,10 @@ def fmt_nanoplot_fn(
all_single_y_vals: list[int | float] | None = all_single_y_vals,
options_plots: dict[str, Any] = options_plots,
) -> str:
+ if context == "latex":
+ raise NotImplementedError("fmt_nanoplot() is not supported in LaTeX.")
# If the `x` value is a Pandas 'NA', then return the same value
# We have to pass in a dataframe to this function. Everything action that
# requires a dataframe import should go through _tbl_data.
@@ -3930,7 +4208,7 @@ def fmt_nanoplot_fn(
return nanoplot
- return fmt(self, fns=fmt_nanoplot_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
+ return fmt_by_context(self, pf_format=fmt_nanoplot_fn, columns=columns, rows=rows)
def _generate_data_vals(
@@ -4064,3 +4342,21 @@ def _process_time_stream(data_vals: str) -> list[float]:
time_stream_vals = [float(val) for val in time_stream]
return time_stream_vals
+def fmt_by_context(
+ self: GTSelf,
+ pf_format: Callable[[Any], str],
+ columns: SelectExpr,
+ rows: int | list[int] | None,
+) -> GTSelf:
+ return fmt(
+ self,
+ fns=FormatFns(
+ html=partial(pf_format, context="html"), # type: ignore
+ latex=partial(pf_format, context="latex"), # type: ignore
+ default=partial(pf_format, context="html"), # type: ignore
+ ),
+ columns=columns,
+ rows=rows,
+ )
diff --git a/great_tables/_gt_data.py b/great_tables/_gt_data.py
index 697c2404b..17880d6db 100644
--- a/great_tables/_gt_data.py
+++ b/great_tables/_gt_data.py
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
from typing import Any, Callable, Literal, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, overload, TYPE_CHECKING
from typing_extensions import Self, TypeAlias
+from functools import partial
# TODO: move this class somewhere else (even gt_data could work)
from ._options import tab_options
@@ -24,10 +25,11 @@
+from ._text import BaseText
from ._utils import _str_detect, OrderedSet
- from ._helpers import Md, Html, UnitStr, Text
+ from ._helpers import Md, Html, UnitStr
from ._locations import Loc
T = TypeVar("T")
@@ -403,7 +405,7 @@ def _get_column_labels(self) -> list[str | None]:
return [x.column_label for x in self._d]
# Set column label
- def _set_column_labels(self, col_labels: dict[str, str | UnitStr | Text]) -> Self:
+ def _set_column_labels(self, col_labels: dict[str, str | UnitStr | BaseText]) -> Self:
out_cols: list[ColInfo] = []
for x in self._d:
new_label = col_labels.get(x.var, None)
@@ -762,7 +764,7 @@ def indices_map(self, n: int) -> list[tuple[int, GroupRowInfo]]:
class SpannerInfo:
spanner_id: str
spanner_level: int
- spanner_label: str | Text | UnitStr | None = None
+ spanner_label: str | BaseText | UnitStr | None = None
spanner_units: str | None = None
spanner_pattern: str | None = None
vars: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
diff --git a/great_tables/_helpers.py b/great_tables/_helpers.py
index 0e27c82fe..eca10af0c 100644
--- a/great_tables/_helpers.py
+++ b/great_tables/_helpers.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias, Self
-from ._text import Text, Md, Html
+from ._text import Md, Html, BaseText
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ def to_html(self):
return units_str
-class UnitStr:
+class UnitStr(BaseText):
def __init__(self, units_str: list[str | UnitDefinitionList]):
self.units_str = units_str
@@ -850,6 +850,10 @@ def to_html(self) -> str:
return built_units
+ def to_latex(self) -> str:
+ raise NotImplementedError("LaTeX conversion of units is not yet supported.")
def _repr_html_(self):
return self.to_html()
diff --git a/great_tables/_options.py b/great_tables/_options.py
index e2d62101a..896136885 100644
--- a/great_tables/_options.py
+++ b/great_tables/_options.py
@@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ def tab_options(
An option for whether to include the table body when striping rows.
diff --git a/great_tables/_spanners.py b/great_tables/_spanners.py
index c854c97a5..4039dfa98 100644
--- a/great_tables/_spanners.py
+++ b/great_tables/_spanners.py
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
from ._gt_data import SpannerInfo, Spanners
from ._locations import resolve_cols_c
from ._tbl_data import SelectExpr
-from ._text import Text
+from ._text import BaseText
from ._utils import OrderedSet, _assert_list_is_subset
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
def tab_spanner(
self: GTSelf,
- label: str | Text,
+ label: str | BaseText,
columns: SelectExpr = None,
spanners: str | list[str] | None = None,
level: int | None = None,
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def tab_spanner(
if id is None:
# The label may contain HTML or Markdown, so we need to extract
# it from the Text object
- if isinstance(label, Text):
+ if isinstance(label, BaseText):
id = label.text
id = label
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ def tab_spanner(
new_label = unitstr
- elif isinstance(label, Text):
+ elif isinstance(label, BaseText):
new_label = label
diff --git a/great_tables/_text.py b/great_tables/_text.py
index 74239776a..33d31f37d 100644
--- a/great_tables/_text.py
+++ b/great_tables/_text.py
@@ -3,52 +3,145 @@
import html
import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import Literal, Union
+from typing import Callable
import commonmark
+class BaseText:
+ """Abstract base class for text elements"""
+ def to_html(self) -> str:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented")
+ def to_latex(self) -> str:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented")
-class Text:
+class Text(BaseText):
+ """As-is text"""
text: str
+ def to_html(self) -> str:
+ return self.text
+ def to_latex(self) -> str:
+ return self.text
class Md(Text):
"""Markdown text"""
+ def to_html(self) -> str:
+ return _md_html(self.text)
+ def to_latex(self) -> str:
+ return _md_latex(self.text)
class Html(Text):
"""HTML text"""
+ def to_html(self) -> str:
+ return self.text
+ def to_latex(self) -> str:
+ from ._utils_render_latex import _not_implemented
+ _not_implemented(
+ "Using the `html()` helper function won't convert HTML to LaTeX. Escaping HTML string instead."
+ )
+ return _latex_escape(self.text)
def _md_html(x: str) -> str:
str = commonmark.commonmark(x)
return re.sub(r"^|
\n$", "", str)
-def _process_text(x: str | Text | None) -> str:
- from great_tables._helpers import UnitStr
+def _md_latex(x: str) -> str:
+ # TODO: Implement commonmark to LaTeX conversion (through a different library as
+ # commonmark-py does not support it)
+ raise NotImplementedError("Markdown to LaTeX conversion is not supported yet")
+def _process_text(x: str | BaseText | None, context: str = "html") -> str:
if x is None:
return ""
- if isinstance(x, Md):
- return _md_html(x.text)
- elif isinstance(x, Html):
- return x.text
- elif isinstance(x, str):
- return _html_escape(x)
- elif isinstance(x, Text):
- return x.text
- elif isinstance(x, UnitStr):
- return x.to_html()
- else:
- raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {type(x)}")
-def _process_text_id(x: str | Text | None) -> str:
+ escape_fn = _html_escape if context == "html" else _latex_escape
+ if isinstance(x, str):
+ return escape_fn(x)
+ elif isinstance(x, BaseText):
+ return x.to_html() if context == "html" else x.to_latex()
+ raise TypeError(f"Invalid type: {type(x)}")
+def _process_text_id(x: str | BaseText | None) -> str:
return _process_text(x)
def _html_escape(x: str) -> str:
return html.escape(x)
+def _latex_escape(text: str) -> str:
+ latex_escape_regex = "[\\\\&%$#_{}~^]"
+ text = re.sub(latex_escape_regex, lambda match: "\\" + match.group(), text)
+ return text
+def escape_pattern_str_latex(pattern_str: str) -> str:
+ pattern = r"(\{[x0-9]+\})"
+ return process_string(pattern_str, pattern, _latex_escape)
+def process_string(string: str, pattern: str, func: Callable[[str], str]) -> str:
+ """
+ Apply a function to segments of a string that are unmatched by a regex pattern.
+ This function splits a string based on a regex pattern to a list of strings, and invokes the
+ supplied function (in `func=`) to those list elements that *do not* match the pattern (i.e.,
+ the matched components are untouched). Finally, the processed list of text fragments is then
+ joined back into a single .
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ string
+ The string to process.
+ pattern
+ The regex pattern used for splitting the input string.
+ func
+ The function applied to elements that do not match the pattern.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ A processed string.
+ """
+ # Split the string by the pattern
+ split_result = re.split(pattern, string)
+ # Apply the function to elements that do not match the pattern
+ processed_list = [func(part) if not re.match(pattern, part) else part for part in split_result]
+ # Recombine the list elements to obtain a selectively processed string
+ combined_str = "".join(processed_list)
+ return combined_str
diff --git a/great_tables/_utils.py b/great_tables/_utils.py
index 5cdfa85e9..c8ca9ae2b 100644
--- a/great_tables/_utils.py
+++ b/great_tables/_utils.py
@@ -9,7 +9,15 @@
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any, Iterable
-from ._tbl_data import PdDataFrame
+from ._tbl_data import PdDataFrame, _set_cell, _get_cell, get_column_names, n_rows
+from ._text import _process_text
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+ from great_tables._tbl_data import TblData
+ from great_tables._gt_data import FormatInfo, GTData
def _try_import(name: str, pip_install_line: str | None = None) -> ModuleType:
@@ -237,3 +245,59 @@ def seq_groups(seq: Iterable[str]) -> Generator[tuple[str, int], None, None]:
def is_equal(x: Any, y: Any) -> bool:
return x is not None and x == y
+# TODO: type annotations for `data`, `data_tbl`, `formats`, and the return value are not included
+# yet since that would result in a circular import. This will be fixed in the future (when HTML
+# escaping is implemented).
+def _migrate_unformatted_to_output(
+ data: GTData, data_tbl: TblData, formats: list[FormatInfo], context: str
+) -> GTData:
+ """
+ Escape unformatted cells so they are safe for a specific output context.
+ """
+ # TODO: This function will eventually be applied to all context types but for now
+ # it's just used for LaTeX output
+ if context != "latex":
+ return data
+ all_formatted_cells = []
+ for fmt in formats:
+ eval_func = getattr(fmt.func, context, fmt.func.default)
+ if eval_func is None:
+ raise Exception("Internal Error")
+ # Accumulate all formatted cells in the table
+ all_formatted_cells.append(fmt.cells.resolve())
+ # Deduplicate the list of formatted cells
+ all_formatted_cells = list(set([item for sublist in all_formatted_cells for item in sublist]))
+ # Get all visible cells in the table
+ all_visible_cells = _get_visible_cells(data=data_tbl)
+ # Get the difference between the visible cells and the formatted cells
+ all_unformatted_cells = list(set(all_visible_cells) - set(all_formatted_cells))
+ # TODO: this currently will only be used for LaTeX (HTML escaping will be performed
+ # in the future)
+ for col, row in all_unformatted_cells:
+ # Get the cell value and cast as string
+ cell_value = _get_cell(data_tbl, row, col)
+ cell_value_str = str(cell_value)
+ result = _process_text(cell_value_str, context=context)
+ _set_cell(data._body.body, row, col, result)
+ return data
+# Get a list of tuples for all visible cells in the table
+# TODO: define the type of `data` as `TblData` when doing so won't result in a circular import
+def _get_visible_cells(data) -> list[tuple[str, int]]:
+ return [(col, row) for col in get_column_names(data) for row in range(n_rows(data))]
diff --git a/great_tables/_utils_render_latex.py b/great_tables/_utils_render_latex.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa6760646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/great_tables/_utils_render_latex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+import warnings
+import re
+from ._tbl_data import _get_cell, cast_frame_to_string, replace_null_frame
+from .quarto import is_quarto_render
+from ._spanners import spanners_print_matrix
+from ._utils import heading_has_subtitle, heading_has_title, seq_groups
+from ._utils_render_html import _get_spanners_matrix_height
+from ._text import _process_text
+ from ._gt_data import GTData, GroupRowInfo
+ "px": 1.0,
+ "pt": 4 / 3,
+ "in": 96.0,
+ "cm": 37.7952755906,
+ "emu": 1 / 9525,
+ "em": 16.0,
+def _not_implemented(msg: str) -> None:
+ warnings.warn(msg)
+def is_css_length_string(x: str) -> bool:
+ # This checks if there is a number followed by an optional string (only of letters)
+ return re.match(r"^[0-9.]+[a-zA-Z]*$", x) is not None
+def is_number_without_units(x: str) -> bool:
+ # This check if the string is a number without any text
+ return re.match(r"^[0-9.]+$", x) is not None
+def css_length_has_supported_units(x: str, no_units_valid: bool = True) -> bool:
+ # Check if the the string is a valid CSS length string with a text string
+ if not is_css_length_string(x):
+ return False
+ # If the string is a number without units, we can return the value of `no_units_valid`
+ if is_number_without_units(x):
+ return no_units_valid
+ units = get_units_from_length_string(x)
+ return units in LENGTH_TRANSLATIONS_TO_PX.keys()
+def get_units_from_length_string(length: str) -> str:
+ # Extract the units from a string that is likely in the form of '123px' or '3.23in' in
+ # order to return 'px' or 'in' respectively; we'll also need to trim any whitespace and
+ # convert the string to lowercase
+ units_str = re.sub(r"[0-9.]+", "", length).strip().lower()
+ if units_str == "":
+ return "px"
+ return units_str
+def get_px_conversion(length: str) -> float:
+ input_units = get_units_from_length_string(length)
+ if input_units == "px":
+ return 1.0
+ valid_units = list(LENGTH_TRANSLATIONS_TO_PX.keys())
+ if input_units not in valid_units:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid units: {input_units}")
+ return LENGTH_TRANSLATIONS_TO_PX.get(input_units, 0.0)
+def convert_to_px(length: str) -> float:
+ # Extract the units from a string that is likely in the form of '123px' or '3.23in'
+ units = get_units_from_length_string(length=length)
+ # Extract the numeric value from the string and convert to a float
+ value = float(re.sub(r"[a-zA-Z\s]", "", length))
+ # If the units are already in pixels, we can return the value as-is (w/o rounding)
+ if units == "px":
+ return value
+ # Get the conversion factor for the units
+ # - this defaults to 1.0 if the units are 'px'
+ # - otherwise, it will be a value that converts the units `value` to pixels
+ px_conversion = get_px_conversion(length=units)
+ return round(value * px_conversion)
+def convert_to_pt(x: str) -> float:
+ px_value = convert_to_px(x)
+ return px_value * 3 / 4
+def latex_heading_row(content: list[str]) -> str:
+ return "".join([" & ".join(content) + " \\\\ \n", "\\midrule\\addlinespace[2.5pt]"])
+def create_table_start_l(data: GTData, use_longtable: bool) -> str:
+ """
+ Create the table start component for LaTeX output.
+ This function generates the LaTeX code that signifies the start of the table. The output is
+ different depending on whether the table uses the `longtable` environment or not.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : GTData
+ The GTData object that contains all the information about the table.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The LaTeX code that signifies the start of the table.
+ """
+ # Determine if there are any source notes; if any, add a `\setlength` command that will pull up
+ # the minipage environment for the footer block
+ # Get all source notes as a list
+ source_notes = data._source_notes
+ if len(source_notes) > 0:
+ longtable_post_length = "\\setlength{\\LTpost}{0mm}\n"
+ else:
+ longtable_post_length = ""
+ # Get the column alignments for the visible columns as a list of `col_defs`
+ col_defs = [align[0] for align in data._boxhead._get_default_alignments()]
+ # If a table width is specified, add an extra column
+ # space to fill in enough space to match the width
+ extra_sep = ""
+ # Obtain the table width value from the `table_width` options value
+ table_width = data._options.table_width.value
+ if table_width != "auto":
+ extra_sep = "@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}"
+ # determine string for table width if using tabular* environment
+ hdr_tabular = ""
+ if not use_longtable:
+ # we need to use the extracolsep here for tabular* regardless of width
+ extra_sep = "@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}"
+ if table_width.endswith("%"):
+ tw = float(table_width.replace("%", ""))
+ tw_frac = tw / 100
+ hdr_tabular = f"\\begin{{tabular*}}{{{tw_frac}\\linewidth}}{{"
+ elif table_width.endswith("px"):
+ width_in_pt = convert_to_pt(table_width)
+ hdr_tabular = f"\\begin{{tabular*}}{{{width_in_pt}pt}}{{"
+ else:
+ hdr_tabular = "\\begin{tabular*}{\\linewidth}{"
+ # Generate setup statements for table including default left
+ # alignments and vertical lines for any stub columns
+ table_start = "".join(
+ [
+ longtable_post_length if use_longtable else "",
+ "\\begin{longtable}{" if use_longtable else hdr_tabular,
+ extra_sep,
+ "".join(col_defs),
+ "}",
+ ]
+ )
+ return table_start
+def create_heading_component_l(data: GTData, use_longtable: bool) -> str:
+ """
+ Create the heading component for LaTeX output.
+ This function generates the LaTeX code for the heading component of a table which involves the
+ title and the optional subtitle. There is variation in the output based on whether the table
+ uses the `longtable` environment or not.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : GTData
+ The GTData object that contains all the information about the table.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The LaTeX code for the heading component of the table.
+ """
+ title = data._heading.title
+ subtitle = data._heading.subtitle
+ line_continuation = "\\\\"
+ has_title = heading_has_title(title)
+ # If there is no title, then return an empty string
+ if not has_title:
+ return ""
+ title_str = _process_text(title, context="latex")
+ title_row = f"{{\\large {title_str}}}"
+ has_subtitle = heading_has_subtitle(subtitle)
+ if has_subtitle:
+ subtitle_str = _process_text(subtitle, context="latex")
+ subtitle_row = f"{{\\small {subtitle_str}}}"
+ header_component = f"""\\caption*{{
+{title_row} \\\\
+}} {line_continuation if use_longtable else ""}"""
+ else:
+ header_component = f"""\\caption*{{
+}} {line_continuation if use_longtable else ""}"""
+ return header_component
+def create_columns_component_l(data: GTData) -> str:
+ """
+ Create the columns component for LaTeX output.
+ This function generates the LaTeX code for the columns component of a table which involves the
+ column headings and the spanners.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : GTData
+ The GTData object that contains all the information about the table.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The LaTeX code for the columns component of the table.
+ """
+ # Determine the finalized number of spanner rows
+ spanner_row_count = _get_spanners_matrix_height(data=data, omit_columns_row=True)
+ # Get the column headings
+ headings_vars = data._boxhead._get_default_columns()
+ headings_labels = data._boxhead._get_default_column_labels()
+ # Ensure that the heading labels are processed for LaTeX
+ headings_labels = [_process_text(x, context="latex") for x in headings_labels]
+ table_col_headings = "".join(latex_heading_row(content=headings_labels))
+ if spanner_row_count > 0:
+ boxhead = data._boxhead
+ table_col_spanners = []
+ spanners, _ = spanners_print_matrix(
+ spanners=data._spanners,
+ boxhead=boxhead,
+ include_hidden=False,
+ ids=False,
+ omit_columns_row=True,
+ )
+ # TODO: ensure that spanner IDs are not included in the output (spanner
+ # labels should be used instead)
+ spanner_ids, spanner_col_names = spanners_print_matrix(
+ spanners=data._spanners,
+ boxhead=boxhead,
+ include_hidden=False,
+ ids=True,
+ omit_columns_row=True,
+ )
+ for i in range(len(spanners)):
+ spanners_row = spanners[i]
+ for k, v in spanners_row.items():
+ if v is None:
+ spanners_row[k] = ""
+ spanner_ids_index = spanners_row.values()
+ spanners_rle = seq_groups(seq=spanner_ids_index)
+ group_spans = [[x[1]] + [0] * (x[1] - 1) for x in spanners_rle]
+ colspans = list(chain(*group_spans))
+ level_i_spanners = []
+ for colspan, span_label in zip(colspans, spanners_row.values()):
+ if colspan > 0:
+ if span_label:
+ span = _process_text(span_label, context="latex")
+ else:
+ span = None
+ level_i_spanners.append(span)
+ spanner_labs = []
+ spanner_lines = []
+ span_accumlator = 0
+ for j, _ in enumerate(level_i_spanners):
+ if level_i_spanners[j] is None:
+ # Get the number of columns to span nothing
+ span = group_spans[j][0]
+ spanner_labs.append("" * span)
+ elif level_i_spanners[j] is not None:
+ # Get the number of columns to span the spanner
+ span = group_spans[j][0]
+ # TODO: Get alignment for spanner, for now it's center (`c`)
+ # Get multicolumn statement for spanner
+ multicolumn_stmt = f"\\multicolumn{{{span}}}{{c}}{{{level_i_spanners[j]}}}"
+ spanner_labs.append(multicolumn_stmt)
+ # Get cmidrule statement for spanner, it uses 1-based indexing
+ # and the span is the number of columns to span; we use the `span_accumlator`
+ # across iterations to adjust the starting index (j) to adjust for previous
+ # multicolumn spanning values
+ begin = j + span_accumlator + 1
+ end = j + span_accumlator + span
+ cmidrule = f"\\cmidrule(lr){{{begin}-{end}}}"
+ span_accumlator += span - 1
+ spanner_lines.append(cmidrule)
+ spanner_labs_row = " & ".join(spanner_labs) + " \\\\ \n"
+ spanner_lines_row = " ".join(spanner_lines) + "\n"
+ col_spanners_i = spanner_labs_row + spanner_lines_row
+ table_col_spanners.append(col_spanners_i)
+ table_col_spanners = "".join(table_col_spanners)
+ else:
+ table_col_spanners = ""
+ columns_component = "\\toprule\n" + table_col_spanners + table_col_headings
+ return columns_component
+def create_body_component_l(data: GTData) -> str:
+ """
+ Create the body component for LaTeX output.
+ This function generates the LaTeX code for the body component of a table which involves the
+ data cells, the row groups, and the stub.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : GTData
+ The GTData object that contains all the information about the table.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The LaTeX code for the body component of the table.
+ """
+ _str_orig_data = cast_frame_to_string(data._tbl_data)
+ tbl_data = replace_null_frame(data._body.body, _str_orig_data)
+ # Get the default column vars
+ column_vars = data._boxhead._get_default_columns()
+ body_rows = []
+ ordered_index: list[tuple[int, GroupRowInfo]] = data._stub.group_indices_map()
+ for i, _ in ordered_index:
+ body_cells: list[str] = []
+ # Create a body row
+ for colinfo in column_vars:
+ cell_content = _get_cell(tbl_data, i, colinfo.var)
+ cell_str: str = str(cell_content)
+ body_cells.append(cell_str)
+ # When joining the body cells together, we need to ensure that each item is separated by
+ # an ampersand and that the row is terminated with a double backslash
+ body_cells = " & ".join(body_cells) + " \\\\"
+ body_rows.append("".join(body_cells))
+ # When joining all the body rows together, we need to ensure that each row is separated by
+ # newline except for the last
+ all_body_rows = "\n".join(body_rows)
+ return all_body_rows
+def create_footer_component_l(data: GTData) -> str:
+ """
+ Create the footer component for LaTeX output.
+ This function generates the LaTeX code for the footer component of a table which involves the
+ source notes.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : GTData
+ The GTData object that contains all the information about the table.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The LaTeX code for the footer component of the table.
+ """
+ # Get all source notes as a list
+ source_notes = data._source_notes
+ if len(source_notes) == 0:
+ return ""
+ # Ensure that the source notes are processed for LaTeX
+ source_notes = [_process_text(x, context="latex") for x in source_notes]
+ # Create a formatted source notes string
+ source_notes = "\\\\\n".join(source_notes) + "\\\\"
+ # Create the footer block
+ footer_block = f"""\\begin{{minipage}}{{\\linewidth}}
+ return footer_block
+def create_table_end_l(use_longtable: bool) -> str:
+ """
+ Create the table end component for LaTeX output.
+ This function generates the LaTeX code that signifies the end of the table. The output is
+ different depending on whether the table uses the `longtable` environment or not.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data : GTData
+ The GTData object that contains all the information about the table.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str
+ The LaTeX code that signifies the end of the table.
+ """
+ table_end = "\\bottomrule\n" + ("\\end{longtable}" if use_longtable else "\\end{tabular*}")
+ return table_end
+def derive_table_width_statement_l(data: GTData, use_longtable: bool) -> str:
+ # Get the table width value
+ tbl_width = data._options.table_width.value
+ # Initialize the statement variables LTleft and LTright
+ sides = ["LTleft", "LTright"]
+ # Bookends are not required if a table width is not specified or if using floating table
+ if tbl_width == "auto" or not use_longtable:
+ statement = ""
+ elif tbl_width.endswith("%"):
+ tw = float(tbl_width.strip("%"))
+ side_width = (100 - tw) / 200
+ side_width = f"{side_width:.6f}".rstrip("0").rstrip(".")
+ statement = "\n".join([f"\\setlength\\{side}{{{side_width}\\linewidth}}" for side in sides])
+ else:
+ width_in_pt = convert_to_pt(tbl_width)
+ halfwidth_in_pt = f"{width_in_pt / 2:.6f}".rstrip("0").rstrip(".")
+ statement = "\n".join(
+ f"\\setlength\\{side}{{\\dimexpr(0.5\\linewidth - {halfwidth_in_pt}pt)}}"
+ for side in sides
+ )
+ return statement
+def create_fontsize_statement_l(data: GTData) -> str:
+ table_font_size = data._options.table_font_size.value
+ fs_fmt = "\\fontsize{%3.1fpt}{%3.1fpt}\\selectfont\n"
+ if table_font_size.endswith("%"):
+ multiple = float(table_font_size.strip("%")) / 100
+ fs_statement = fs_fmt % (multiple * 12, multiple * 12 * 1.2)
+ elif table_font_size.endswith("pt"):
+ size_in_pt = float(table_font_size[:-2])
+ fs_statement = fs_fmt % (size_in_pt, size_in_pt * 1.2)
+ elif css_length_has_supported_units(table_font_size):
+ size_in_pt = convert_to_px(table_font_size) * 0.75
+ fs_statement = fs_fmt % (size_in_pt, size_in_pt * 1.2)
+ else:
+ fs_statement = ""
+ return fs_statement
+def create_wrap_start_l(use_longtable: bool, tbl_pos: str | None) -> str:
+ if is_quarto_render():
+ tbl_pos = ""
+ else:
+ if tbl_pos is None:
+ tbl_pos = "!t"
+ tbl_pos = f"[{tbl_pos}]"
+ if use_longtable:
+ return "\\begingroup"
+ else:
+ return f"\\begin{{table}}{tbl_pos}"
+def create_wrap_end_l(use_longtable: bool) -> str:
+ wrap_end = "\\endgroup" if use_longtable else "\\end{table}"
+ return wrap_end
+def _render_as_latex(data: GTData, use_longtable: bool = False, tbl_pos: str | None = None) -> str:
+ # Check for styles (not yet supported so warn user)
+ if data._styles:
+ _not_implemented("Styles are not yet supported in LaTeX output.")
+ # Get list representation of stub layout
+ stub_layout = data._stub._get_stub_layout(options=data._options)
+ # Throw exception if a stub is present in the table
+ if "rowname" in stub_layout or "group_label" in stub_layout:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ "The table stub (row names and/or row groups) are not yet supported in LaTeX output."
+ )
+ # Determine if row groups are used
+ has_groups = len(data._stub.group_ids) > 0
+ # Throw exception if row groups are used in LaTeX output (extra case where row
+ # groups are used but not in the stub)
+ if has_groups:
+ raise NotImplementedError("Row groups are not yet supported in LaTeX output.")
+ # Create a LaTeX fragment for the start of the table
+ table_start = create_table_start_l(data=data, use_longtable=use_longtable)
+ # Create the heading component
+ heading_component = create_heading_component_l(data=data, use_longtable=use_longtable)
+ # Create the columns component
+ columns_component = create_columns_component_l(data=data)
+ # Create the body component
+ body_component = create_body_component_l(data=data)
+ # Create the footnotes component
+ footer_component = create_footer_component_l(data=data)
+ # Create a LaTeX fragment for the ending tabular statement
+ table_end = create_table_end_l(use_longtable=use_longtable)
+ # Create a LaTeX fragment for the table width statement
+ table_width_statement = derive_table_width_statement_l(data=data, use_longtable=use_longtable)
+ # Allow user to set a font-size
+ fontsize_statement = create_fontsize_statement_l(data=data)
+ # Create wrapping environment
+ wrap_start_statement = create_wrap_start_l(use_longtable=use_longtable, tbl_pos=tbl_pos)
+ wrap_end_statement = create_wrap_end_l(use_longtable=use_longtable)
+ # Compose the LaTeX table
+ if use_longtable:
+ finalized_table = f"""{wrap_start_statement}
+ else:
+ finalized_table = f"""{wrap_start_statement}
+ return finalized_table
diff --git a/great_tables/gt.py b/great_tables/gt.py
index 5715720a9..b62759df0 100644
--- a/great_tables/gt.py
+++ b/great_tables/gt.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
from great_tables._body import body_reassemble
from great_tables._boxhead import cols_align, cols_label
from great_tables._data_color import data_color
-from great_tables._export import as_raw_html, save, show
+from great_tables._export import as_raw_html, as_latex, save, show
from great_tables._formats import (
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
from great_tables._substitution import sub_missing, sub_zero
from great_tables._tab_create_modify import tab_style
from great_tables._tbl_data import _get_cell, n_rows
+from great_tables._utils import _migrate_unformatted_to_output
from great_tables._utils_render_html import (
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@
__all__ = ["GT"]
@@ -270,6 +272,7 @@ def __init__(
save = save
show = show
as_raw_html = as_raw_html
+ as_latex = as_latex
# -----
@@ -302,7 +305,11 @@ def _build_data(self, context: str) -> Self:
# Build the body of the table by generating a dictionary
# of lists with cells initially set to nan values
built = self._render_formats(context)
- # built._body = _migrate_unformatted_to_output(body)
+ if context == "latex":
+ built = _migrate_unformatted_to_output(
+ data=built, data_tbl=self._tbl_data, formats=self._formats, context=context
+ )
# built._perform_col_merge()
final_body = body_reassemble(built._body, built._stub, built._boxhead)
diff --git a/great_tables/quarto.py b/great_tables/quarto.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f4e05b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/great_tables/quarto.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import os
+def is_quarto_render() -> bool:
+ """
+ Check if the current environment is a Quarto environment.
+ This environment variable check is used to determine if there is currently a Quarto
+ render occurring. This is useful for determining if certain rendering options should be
+ enabled or disabled for this specific environment.
+ """
+ return "QUARTO_BIN_PATH" in os.environ
diff --git a/tests/__snapshots__/test_export.ambr b/tests/__snapshots__/test_export.ambr
index aa967589e..b47a75c80 100644
--- a/tests/__snapshots__/test_export.ambr
+++ b/tests/__snapshots__/test_export.ambr
@@ -135,3 +135,69 @@
# ---
+# name: test_snap_as_latex
+ '''
+ \begingroup
+ \setlength\LTleft{\dimexpr(0.5\linewidth - 225pt)}
+ \setlength\LTright{\dimexpr(0.5\linewidth - 225pt)}
+ \fontsize{9.0pt}{10.8pt}\selectfont
+ \setlength{\LTpost}{0mm}
+ \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}llrrr}
+ \caption*{
+ {\large The \_title\_} \\
+ {\small The subtitle}
+ } \\
+ \toprule
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Make \_and\_ Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Performance} & \\
+ \cmidrule(lr){1-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-4}
+ mfr & model & hp & trq & msrp \\
+ \midrule\addlinespace[2.5pt]
+ Ford & GT & 647.0 & 550.0 & \$447,000.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Speciale & 597.0 & 398.0 & \$291,744.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Spider & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$263,553.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Italia & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$233,509.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 488 GTB & 661.0 & 561.0 & \$245,400.00 \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{longtable}
+ \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
+ Note 1\\
+ Note 2\\
+ \end{minipage}
+ \endgroup
+ '''
+# ---
+# name: test_snap_render_as_latex
+ '''
+ \begingroup
+ \setlength\LTleft{\dimexpr(0.5\linewidth - 225pt)}
+ \setlength\LTright{\dimexpr(0.5\linewidth - 225pt)}
+ \fontsize{9.0pt}{10.8pt}\selectfont
+ \setlength{\LTpost}{0mm}
+ \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}llrrr}
+ \caption*{
+ {\large The \_title\_} \\
+ {\small The subtitle}
+ } \\
+ \toprule
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Make \_and\_ Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Performance} & \\
+ \cmidrule(lr){1-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-4}
+ mfr & model & hp & trq & msrp \\
+ \midrule\addlinespace[2.5pt]
+ Ford & GT & 647.0 & 550.0 & \$447,000.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Speciale & 597.0 & 398.0 & \$291,744.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Spider & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$263,553.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Italia & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$233,509.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 488 GTB & 661.0 & 561.0 & \$245,400.00 \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{longtable}
+ \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
+ Note 1\\
+ Note 2\\
+ \end{minipage}
+ \endgroup
+ '''
+# ---
diff --git a/tests/__snapshots__/test_utils_render_latex.ambr b/tests/__snapshots__/test_utils_render_latex.ambr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..813970c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/__snapshots__/test_utils_render_latex.ambr
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# serializer version: 1
+# name: test_snap_render_as_latex
+ '''
+ \begingroup
+ \setlength\LTleft{\dimexpr(0.5\linewidth - 225pt)}
+ \setlength\LTright{\dimexpr(0.5\linewidth - 225pt)}
+ \fontsize{9.0pt}{10.8pt}\selectfont
+ \setlength{\LTpost}{0mm}
+ \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}llrrr}
+ \caption*{
+ {\large The \_title\_} \\
+ {\small The subtitle}
+ } \\
+ \toprule
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Make \_and\_ Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Performance} & \\
+ \cmidrule(lr){1-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-4}
+ mfr & model & hp & trq & msrp \\
+ \midrule\addlinespace[2.5pt]
+ Ford & GT & 647.0 & 550.0 & \$447,000.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Speciale & 597.0 & 398.0 & \$291,744.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Spider & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$263,553.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Italia & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$233,509.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 488 GTB & 661.0 & 561.0 & \$245,400.00 \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{longtable}
+ \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
+ Note 1\\
+ Note 2\\
+ \end{minipage}
+ \endgroup
+ '''
+# ---
+# name: test_snap_render_as_latex_floating_table
+ '''
+ \begin{table}[!t]
+ \caption*{
+ {\large The \_title\_} \\
+ {\small The subtitle}
+ }
+ \fontsize{9.0pt}{10.8pt}\selectfont
+ \begin{tabular*}{450.0pt}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}llrrr}
+ \toprule
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Make \_and\_ Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Performance} & \\
+ \cmidrule(lr){1-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-4}
+ mfr & model & hp & trq & msrp \\
+ \midrule\addlinespace[2.5pt]
+ Ford & GT & 647.0 & 550.0 & \$447,000.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Speciale & 597.0 & 398.0 & \$291,744.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Spider & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$263,553.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Italia & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$233,509.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 488 GTB & 661.0 & 561.0 & \$245,400.00 \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular*}
+ \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
+ Note 1\\
+ Note 2\\
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{table}
+ '''
+# ---
+# name: test_snap_render_as_latex_longtable
+ '''
+ \begingroup
+ \setlength\LTleft{\dimexpr(0.5\linewidth - 225pt)}
+ \setlength\LTright{\dimexpr(0.5\linewidth - 225pt)}
+ \fontsize{9.0pt}{10.8pt}\selectfont
+ \setlength{\LTpost}{0mm}
+ \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}llrrr}
+ \caption*{
+ {\large The \_title\_} \\
+ {\small The subtitle}
+ } \\
+ \toprule
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{Make \_and\_ Model} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Performance} & \\
+ \cmidrule(lr){1-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-4}
+ mfr & model & hp & trq & msrp \\
+ \midrule\addlinespace[2.5pt]
+ Ford & GT & 647.0 & 550.0 & \$447,000.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Speciale & 597.0 & 398.0 & \$291,744.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Spider & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$263,553.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 458 Italia & 562.0 & 398.0 & \$233,509.00 \\
+ Ferrari & 488 GTB & 661.0 & 561.0 & \$245,400.00 \\
+ \bottomrule
+ \end{longtable}
+ \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}
+ Note 1\\
+ Note 2\\
+ \end{minipage}
+ \endgroup
+ '''
+# ---
diff --git a/tests/test_export.py b/tests/test_export.py
index a382912a3..9f2514f9b 100644
--- a/tests/test_export.py
+++ b/tests/test_export.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
import time
from great_tables import GT, exibble, md
+from great_tables.data import gtcars
from great_tables._export import _infer_render_target, _create_temp_file_server
from pathlib import Path
@@ -96,3 +97,23 @@ def test_create_temp_file_server():
r.content.decode() == "abc"
+def test_snap_as_latex(snapshot):
+ gt_tbl = (
+ GT(
+ gtcars[["mfr", "model", "hp", "trq", "msrp"]].head(5),
+ )
+ .tab_header(title="The _title_", subtitle="The subtitle")
+ .tab_spanner(label="Make _and_ Model", columns=["mfr", "model"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Performance", columns=["hp", "trq"])
+ .fmt_currency(columns="msrp")
+ .tab_source_note("Note 1")
+ .tab_source_note("Note 2")
+ .tab_options(table_width="600px", table_font_size="12px")
+ )
+ latex_str_as_latex = gt_tbl.as_latex(use_longtable=True)
+ assert snapshot == latex_str_as_latex
diff --git a/tests/test_helpers.py b/tests/test_helpers.py
index d0ef6215f..f6b5162d5 100644
--- a/tests/test_helpers.py
+++ b/tests/test_helpers.py
@@ -381,6 +381,14 @@ def test_unit_str_unmatched_brackets():
assert res[2] == ""
+def test_define_units_latex_raises():
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info:
+ UnitStr.from_str("a b").to_latex()
+ assert "LaTeX conversion of units is not yet supported." in exc_info.value.args[0]
"value, scale, expected", [("0.5px", 0.5, 0), ["1px", 1, 1], ["2.1px", 2.1, 4]]
diff --git a/tests/test_text.py b/tests/test_text.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18479235e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_text.py
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+import pytest
+from great_tables._text import (
+ BaseText,
+ Text,
+ Md,
+ Html,
+ _latex_escape,
+ escape_pattern_str_latex,
+ _process_text,
+def test_base_text_class():
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+ BaseText().to_html()
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+ BaseText().to_latex()
+def test_text_class():
+ assert Text("Some Text
").to_html() == "Some Text
+ assert Text("__Some Text__").to_latex() == "__Some Text__"
+def test_md_class():
+ assert Md("**text**").to_html() == "text"
+def test_html_class():
+ assert Html("text").to_html() == "text"
+ assert Html("text").to_latex() == "text"
+def test_latex_escape():
+ assert _latex_escape("a & b") == "a \\& b"
+ assert _latex_escape("a & b & c") == "a \\& b \\& c"
+ assert _latex_escape("\\a_\\d") == "\\\\a\\_\\\\d"
+def test_escape_pattern_str_latex():
+ assert escape_pattern_str_latex("{x}") == "{x}"
+ assert escape_pattern_str_latex("a $_{1} %ab {2}") == "a \\$\\_{1} \\%ab {2}"
+ assert escape_pattern_str_latex("a{b}c") == "a\\{b\\}c"
+def test_process_text_html():
+ assert _process_text("a & ", context="html") == "a & <b>"
+ assert _process_text(Text("a & "), context="html") == "a & "
+ assert _process_text(Md("**a** & "), context="html") == "a & "
+ assert _process_text(Html("**a** & "), context="html") == "**a** & "
+ assert _process_text(None, context="html") == ""
+def test_process_text_latex():
+ assert _process_text("a & _b_", context="latex") == "a \\& \\_b\\_"
+ assert _process_text(Text("\\_\\$"), context="latex") == "\\_\\$"
+ assert _process_text(Html("**a** & "), context="latex") == "**a** \\& "
+ assert _process_text(None, context="latex") == ""
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info:
+ _process_text(Md("**a** & "), context="latex")
+ assert "Markdown to LaTeX conversion is not supported yet" in exc_info.value.args[0]
+def test_process_text_raises():
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc_info:
+ _process_text(1, context="html") # type: ignore
+ assert "Invalid type: " in exc_info.value.args[0]
diff --git a/tests/test_utils.py b/tests/test_utils.py
index df6323703..60d179431 100644
--- a/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
from collections.abc import Generator
import pytest
+from great_tables import GT, exibble
+from great_tables._tbl_data import is_na
from great_tables._utils import (
@@ -8,6 +11,7 @@
+ _migrate_unformatted_to_output,
@@ -175,3 +179,41 @@ def test_seq_groups_raises():
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc_info:
assert "StopIteration" in str(exc_info.value)
+def test_migrate_unformatted_to_output_latex():
+ gt_tbl = GT(exibble.head(2)).fmt_number(columns="num", decimals=3)
+ # After rendering the data cells all the unformatted cells will be NA values in the
+ # body of the table
+ rendered = gt_tbl._render_formats(context="latex")
+ assert is_na(rendered._body.body, rendered._body.body["char"].tolist()).tolist() == [True, True]
+ # Migrate unformatted data to their corresponding data cells, the expectation is that
+ # unformatted cells will no longer be NA but have the values from the original data
+ migrated = _migrate_unformatted_to_output(
+ data=rendered, data_tbl=rendered._tbl_data, formats=rendered._formats, context="latex"
+ )
+ assert migrated._body.body["char"].tolist() == ["apricot", "banana"]
+def test_migrate_unformatted_to_output_html():
+ gt_tbl = GT(exibble.head(2)).fmt_number(columns="num", decimals=3)
+ # After rendering the data cells all the unformatted cells will be NA values in the
+ # body of the table
+ rendered = gt_tbl._render_formats(context="html")
+ assert is_na(rendered._body.body, rendered._body.body["char"].tolist()).tolist() == [True, True]
+ # For HTML output, the `_migrate_unformatted_to_output()` has not been implemented yet so
+ # we expect the same output as the input (NA values for unformatted cells)
+ migrated = _migrate_unformatted_to_output(
+ data=rendered, data_tbl=rendered._tbl_data, formats=rendered._formats, context="html"
+ )
+ assert is_na(migrated._body.body, migrated._body.body["char"].tolist()).tolist() == [True, True]
diff --git a/tests/test_utils_render_latex.py b/tests/test_utils_render_latex.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d5d0fee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_utils_render_latex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+import pytest
+from unittest import mock
+import pandas as pd
+import os
+from great_tables import GT, exibble
+from great_tables.data import gtcars
+from great_tables._utils_render_latex import (
+ is_css_length_string,
+ is_number_without_units,
+ css_length_has_supported_units,
+ get_px_conversion,
+ get_units_from_length_string,
+ convert_to_px,
+ convert_to_pt,
+ create_wrap_start_l,
+ create_fontsize_statement_l,
+ create_heading_component_l,
+ create_body_component_l,
+ create_columns_component_l,
+ create_footer_component_l,
+ create_wrap_end_l,
+ create_table_end_l,
+ create_table_start_l,
+ derive_table_width_statement_l,
+ _render_as_latex,
+def gt_tbl():
+ return GT(pd.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2], "y": [4, 5]}))
+def gt_tbl_dec():
+ return GT(pd.DataFrame({"x": [1.52, 2.23], "y": [4.75, 5.23]}))
+def gt_tbl_sci():
+ return GT(pd.DataFrame({"x": [465633.46, -0.00000000345], "y": [4.509, 176.23]}))
+def gt_tbl_pct():
+ return GT(pd.DataFrame({"x": [0.53, 0.0674], "y": [0.17, 0.32]}))
+def gt_tbl_dttm():
+ return GT(
+ pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ "date": ["2023-08-12", "2020-11-17"],
+ "time": ["09:21:23", "22:45:02"],
+ "dttm": ["2023-08-12 09:21:23", "2020-11-17 22:45:02"],
+ }
+ )
+ )
+def test_is_css_length_string():
+ assert is_css_length_string("12.5pt")
+ assert is_css_length_string("12.5px")
+ assert is_css_length_string("12.5")
+ assert is_css_length_string("12.5units")
+def test_is_number_without_units():
+ assert is_number_without_units("12.5")
+ assert not is_number_without_units("12.5pt")
+def test_css_length_has_supported_units():
+ assert css_length_has_supported_units("12.5pt")
+ assert css_length_has_supported_units("12.5px")
+ assert css_length_has_supported_units("12.5")
+ assert css_length_has_supported_units("12.5pt", no_units_valid=False)
+ assert css_length_has_supported_units("12.5px", no_units_valid=False)
+ assert not css_length_has_supported_units("12.5", no_units_valid=False)
+ assert not css_length_has_supported_units("12.8units")
+ assert not css_length_has_supported_units("units12.8")
+def test_get_units_from_length_string():
+ assert get_units_from_length_string("12.5pt") == "pt"
+ assert get_units_from_length_string("") == "px"
+def test_get_px_conversion_val():
+ assert get_px_conversion(length="2343.23pt") == 4 / 3
+ assert get_px_conversion(length="43.2px") == 1.0
+def test_get_px_conversion_val_raises():
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
+ get_px_conversion(length="12.8bolts")
+ assert "Invalid units: bolts" in exc_info.value.args[0]
+def test_convert_to_px():
+ assert convert_to_px("12.5pt") == 17.0
+ assert convert_to_px("12.5px") == 12.5
+def test_convert_to_pt():
+ assert convert_to_pt("16px") == 12.0
+def test_create_fontsize_statement_l(gt_tbl: GT):
+ assert create_fontsize_statement_l(gt_tbl) == "\\fontsize{12.0pt}{14.4pt}\\selectfont\n"
+def test_create_fontsize_statement_l_pt(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_font_size="18.2pt")
+ assert create_fontsize_statement_l(gt_tbl_new) == "\\fontsize{18.2pt}{21.8pt}\\selectfont\n"
+def test_create_fontsize_statement_l_px(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_font_size="11px")
+ assert create_fontsize_statement_l(gt_tbl_new) == "\\fontsize{8.2pt}{9.9pt}\\selectfont\n"
+def test_create_fontsize_statement_l_pct(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_font_size="50%")
+ assert create_fontsize_statement_l(gt_tbl_new) == "\\fontsize{6.0pt}{7.2pt}\\selectfont\n"
+def test_create_fontsize_statement_l_cm(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_font_size="0.6cm")
+ assert create_fontsize_statement_l(gt_tbl_new) == "\\fontsize{17.2pt}{20.7pt}\\selectfont\n"
+def test_create_fontsize_statement_l_unknown_unit(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_font_size="1span")
+ assert create_fontsize_statement_l(gt_tbl_new) == ""
+def test_derive_table_width_statement_l_px_lt(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_width="500px")
+ assert (
+ derive_table_width_statement_l(gt_tbl_new, use_longtable=True)
+ == "\\setlength\\LTleft{\\dimexpr(0.5\\linewidth - 187.5pt)}\n\\setlength\\LTright{\\dimexpr(0.5\\linewidth - 187.5pt)}"
+ )
+def test_derive_table_width_statement_l_pct_lt(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_width="45%")
+ assert (
+ derive_table_width_statement_l(gt_tbl_new, use_longtable=True)
+ == "\\setlength\\LTleft{0.275\\linewidth}\n\\setlength\\LTright{0.275\\linewidth}"
+ )
+def test_derive_table_width_statement_l_px_no_lt(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_width="500px")
+ assert derive_table_width_statement_l(gt_tbl_new, use_longtable=False) == ""
+def test_create_fontsize_statement_l_settings():
+ gt_tbl = GT(exibble).tab_options(table_font_size="18.5px")
+ assert create_fontsize_statement_l(gt_tbl) == "\\fontsize{13.9pt}{16.6pt}\\selectfont\n"
+def test_create_heading_component_l():
+ gt_tbl_no_heading = GT(exibble)
+ gt_tbl_title = GT(exibble).tab_header(title="Title")
+ gt_tbl_title_subtitle = GT(exibble).tab_header(title="Title", subtitle="Subtitle")
+ assert create_heading_component_l(gt_tbl_no_heading, use_longtable=False) == ""
+ assert (
+ create_heading_component_l(gt_tbl_title, use_longtable=False)
+ == "\\caption*{\n{\\large Title}\n} "
+ )
+ assert (
+ create_heading_component_l(gt_tbl_title_subtitle, use_longtable=False)
+ == "\\caption*{\n{\\large Title} \\\\\n{\\small Subtitle}\n} "
+ )
+def test_create_columns_component_l_simple():
+ gt_tbl = GT(exibble)
+ assert (
+ create_columns_component_l(data=gt_tbl)
+ == "\\toprule\nnum & char & fctr & date & time & datetime & currency & row & group \\\\ \n\\midrule\\addlinespace[2.5pt]"
+ )
+def test_create_columns_component_l_simple_hidden_cols():
+ gt_tbl = GT(exibble).cols_hide(columns=["char", "date"])
+ assert (
+ create_columns_component_l(data=gt_tbl)
+ == "\\toprule\nnum & fctr & time & datetime & currency & row & group \\\\ \n\\midrule\\addlinespace[2.5pt]"
+ )
+def test_create_columns_component_l_one_spanner():
+ gt_tbl = GT(exibble).tab_spanner(label="Spanner", columns=["num", "char"])
+ assert (
+ create_columns_component_l(data=gt_tbl)
+ == "\\toprule\n\\multicolumn{2}{c}{Spanner} & \\\\ \n\\cmidrule(lr){1-2}\nnum & char & fctr & date & time & datetime & currency & row & group \\\\ \n\\midrule\\addlinespace[2.5pt]"
+ )
+def test_create_columns_component_l_adjacent_spanners_hiding():
+ gt_tbl = (
+ GT(exibble)
+ .tab_spanner(label="Spanner 1", columns=["num", "char"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Spanner 2", columns=["date", "time"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Spanner 3", columns=["currency", "row"])
+ .cols_hide(columns="row")
+ )
+ assert (
+ create_columns_component_l(data=gt_tbl)
+ == "\\toprule\n\\multicolumn{2}{c}{Spanner 1} & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Spanner 2} & & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Spanner 3} & \\\\ \n\\cmidrule(lr){1-2} \\cmidrule(lr){4-5} \\cmidrule(lr){7-7}\nnum & char & fctr & date & time & datetime & currency & group \\\\ \n\\midrule\\addlinespace[2.5pt]"
+ )
+def test_create_columns_component_l_many_spanners():
+ gt_tbl = (
+ GT(exibble)
+ .tab_spanner(label="Spanner 1", columns=["num", "char"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Spanner 2", columns=["date", "time"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Spanner 3", columns=["currency", "row"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Spanner Above 1", columns=["char", "fctr"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Spanner Above 2", columns=["time", "datetime"])
+ )
+ assert (
+ create_columns_component_l(data=gt_tbl)
+ == "\\toprule\n & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Spanner Above 1} & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Spanner Above 2} & \\\\ \n\\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \\cmidrule(lr){5-6}\n\\multicolumn{2}{c}{Spanner 1} & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Spanner 2} & & \\multicolumn{2}{c}{Spanner 3} & \\\\ \n\\cmidrule(lr){1-2} \\cmidrule(lr){4-5} \\cmidrule(lr){7-8}\nnum & char & fctr & date & time & datetime & currency & row & group \\\\ \n\\midrule\\addlinespace[2.5pt]"
+ )
+def test_create_body_component_l_simple(gt_tbl: GT):
+ assert create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl) == "1 & 4 \\\\\n2 & 5 \\\\"
+def test_create_footer_component_one_note(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_source_note(source_note="Source Note.")
+ assert (
+ create_footer_component_l(gt_tbl_new)
+ == "\\begin{minipage}{\\linewidth}\nSource Note.\\\\\n\\end{minipage}"
+ )
+def test_create_footer_component_two_notes(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_source_note(source_note="Source Note 1.").tab_source_note(
+ source_note="Source Note 2."
+ )
+ assert (
+ create_footer_component_l(gt_tbl_new)
+ == "\\begin{minipage}{\\linewidth}\nSource Note 1.\\\\\nSource Note 2.\\\\\n\\end{minipage}"
+ )
+def test_create_footer_component_no_notes(gt_tbl: GT):
+ assert create_footer_component_l(gt_tbl) == ""
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_number(gt_tbl_dec: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_dec.fmt_number(
+ columns="x", rows=0, scale_by=-1, decimals=3, pattern="{x} _"
+ )._build_data(context="latex")
+ assert create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built) == "-1.520 \\_ & 4.75 \\\\\n2.23 & 5.23 \\\\"
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_integer(gt_tbl_dec: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_dec.fmt_integer(
+ columns="x", rows=0, scale_by=-1, pattern="{x} _"
+ )._build_data(context="latex")
+ assert create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built) == "-2 \\_ & 4.75 \\\\\n2.23 & 5.23 \\\\"
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_scientific(gt_tbl_sci: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_sci.fmt_scientific(columns="x", pattern="{x} _")._build_data(
+ context="latex"
+ )
+ assert (
+ create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built)
+ == "4.66 $\\times$ 10\\textsuperscript{5} \\_ & 4.509 \\\\\n-3.45 $\\times$ 10\\textsuperscript{-9} \\_ & 176.23 \\\\"
+ )
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_percent(gt_tbl_pct: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_pct.fmt_percent(columns="x", pattern="{x} _")._build_data(context="latex")
+ assert (
+ create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built)
+ == "53.00\\% \\_ & 0.17 \\\\\n6.74\\% \\_ & 0.32 \\\\"
+ )
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_currency(gt_tbl_dec: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_dec.fmt_currency(columns="x", pattern="{x} _")._build_data(
+ context="latex"
+ )
+ assert (
+ create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built)
+ == "\\$1.52 \\_ & 4.75 \\\\\n\\$2.23 \\_ & 5.23 \\\\"
+ )
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_bytes(gt_tbl_sci: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_sci.fmt_bytes(columns="x", pattern="{x} _")._build_data(context="latex")
+ assert (
+ create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built)
+ == "465.6 kB \\_ & 4.509 \\\\\n0 B \\_ & 176.23 \\\\"
+ )
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_date(gt_tbl_dttm: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_dttm.fmt_date(
+ columns="date", date_style="wday_month_day_year", pattern="{x} _"
+ )._build_data(context="latex")
+ assert (
+ create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built)
+ == "Saturday, August 12, 2023 \\_ & 09:21:23 & 2023-08-12 09:21:23 \\\\\nTuesday, November 17, 2020 \\_ & 22:45:02 & 2020-11-17 22:45:02 \\\\"
+ )
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_time(gt_tbl_dttm: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_dttm.fmt_time(
+ columns="time", time_style="h_m_s_p", pattern="{x} _"
+ )._build_data(context="latex")
+ assert (
+ create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built)
+ == "2023-08-12 & 9:21:23 AM \\_ & 2023-08-12 09:21:23 \\\\\n2020-11-17 & 10:45:02 PM \\_ & 2020-11-17 22:45:02 \\\\"
+ )
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_datetime(gt_tbl_dttm: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_dttm.fmt_datetime(
+ columns="dttm", date_style="wday_month_day_year", time_style="h_m_s_p", pattern="{x} _"
+ )._build_data(context="latex")
+ assert (
+ create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built)
+ == "2023-08-12 & 09:21:23 & Saturday, August 12, 2023 9:21:23 AM \\_ \\\\\n2020-11-17 & 22:45:02 & Tuesday, November 17, 2020 10:45:02 PM \\_ \\\\"
+ )
+def test_create_body_component_l_fmt_roman(gt_tbl_dec: GT):
+ gt_tbl_built = gt_tbl_dec.fmt_roman(columns="x", rows=0, pattern="{x} _")._build_data(
+ context="latex"
+ )
+ assert create_body_component_l(data=gt_tbl_built) == "II \\_ & 4.75 \\\\\n2.23 & 5.23 \\\\"
+def test_create_wrap_start():
+ assert create_wrap_start_l(use_longtable=False, tbl_pos=None) == "\\begin{table}[!t]"
+ assert create_wrap_start_l(use_longtable=False, tbl_pos="!b") == "\\begin{table}[!b]"
+ assert create_wrap_start_l(use_longtable=True, tbl_pos=None) == "\\begingroup"
+@mock.patch.dict(os.environ, {"QUARTO_BIN_PATH": "1"}, clear=True)
+def test_create_wrap_start_quarto():
+ assert create_wrap_start_l(use_longtable=False, tbl_pos="!t") == "\\begin{table}"
+ assert create_wrap_start_l(use_longtable=True, tbl_pos="!t") == "\\begingroup"
+def test_create_wrap_end_l():
+ assert create_wrap_end_l(use_longtable=False) == "\\end{table}"
+ assert create_wrap_end_l(use_longtable=True) == "\\endgroup"
+def test_create_table_end_l_longtable():
+ assert create_table_end_l(use_longtable=False) == "\\bottomrule\n\\end{tabular*}"
+ assert create_table_end_l(use_longtable=True) == "\\bottomrule\n\\end{longtable}"
+def test_create_table_start_l_longtable(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_no_source_notes = gt_tbl._build_data(context="latex")
+ gt_tbl_source_notes = gt_tbl.tab_source_note(source_note="Note")._build_data(context="latex")
+ assert (
+ create_table_start_l(
+ data=gt_tbl_no_source_notes,
+ use_longtable=True,
+ )
+ == "\\begin{longtable}{rr}"
+ )
+ assert (
+ create_table_start_l(
+ data=gt_tbl_source_notes,
+ use_longtable=True,
+ )
+ == "\\setlength{\\LTpost}{0mm}\n\\begin{longtable}{rr}"
+ )
+def test_create_table_start_l_float_tbl_pct(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_width="50%")
+ assert (
+ create_table_start_l(
+ data=gt_tbl_new,
+ use_longtable=False,
+ )
+ == "\\begin{tabular*}{0.5\\linewidth}{@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}rr}"
+ )
+def test_create_table_start_l_float_tbl_px(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_width="500px")
+ assert (
+ create_table_start_l(
+ data=gt_tbl_new,
+ use_longtable=False,
+ )
+ == "\\begin{tabular*}{375.0pt}{@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}rr}"
+ )
+def test_create_table_start_l_float_tbl_auto(gt_tbl: GT):
+ gt_tbl_new = gt_tbl.tab_options(table_width="auto")
+ assert (
+ create_table_start_l(
+ data=gt_tbl_new,
+ use_longtable=False,
+ )
+ == "\\begin{tabular*}{\\linewidth}{@{\\extracolsep{\\fill}}rr}"
+ )
+def test_snap_render_as_latex_longtable(snapshot):
+ gt_tbl = (
+ GT(
+ gtcars[["mfr", "model", "hp", "trq", "msrp"]].head(5),
+ )
+ .tab_header(title="The _title_", subtitle="The subtitle")
+ .tab_spanner(label="Make _and_ Model", columns=["mfr", "model"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Performance", columns=["hp", "trq"])
+ .fmt_currency(columns="msrp")
+ .tab_source_note("Note 1")
+ .tab_source_note("Note 2")
+ .tab_options(table_width="600px", table_font_size="12px")
+ )
+ latex_str = _render_as_latex(
+ data=gt_tbl._build_data(context="latex"), use_longtable=True, tbl_pos=None
+ )
+ assert snapshot == latex_str
+def test_snap_render_as_latex_floating_table(snapshot):
+ gt_tbl = (
+ GT(
+ gtcars[["mfr", "model", "hp", "trq", "msrp"]].head(5),
+ )
+ .tab_header(title="The _title_", subtitle="The subtitle")
+ .tab_spanner(label="Make _and_ Model", columns=["mfr", "model"])
+ .tab_spanner(label="Performance", columns=["hp", "trq"])
+ .fmt_currency(columns="msrp")
+ .tab_source_note("Note 1")
+ .tab_source_note("Note 2")
+ .tab_options(table_width="600px", table_font_size="12px")
+ )
+ latex_str = _render_as_latex(
+ data=gt_tbl._build_data(context="latex"), use_longtable=False, tbl_pos=None
+ )
+ assert snapshot == latex_str
+def test_render_as_latex_stub_raises():
+ gt_tbl = GT(exibble, rowname_col="row")
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info:
+ _render_as_latex(data=gt_tbl._build_data(context="latex"))
+ assert (
+ "The table stub (row names and/or row groups) are not yet supported in LaTeX output."
+ in exc_info.value.args[0]
+ )
+def test_render_as_latex_rowgroup_raises():
+ gt_tbl = GT(exibble, groupname_col="group")
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info:
+ _render_as_latex(data=gt_tbl._build_data(context="latex"))
+ assert "Row groups are not yet supported in LaTeX output." in exc_info.value.args[0]