diff --git a/docs/guides/all/copy-pipeline-template-to-target-repo.md b/docs/guides/all/copy-pipeline-template-to-target-repo.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/guides/all/copy-pipeline-template-to-target-repo.md
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+sidebar_position: 2
+displayed_sidebar: null
+description: Learn how to copy pipeline template from one repository to another using Port Actions.
+# Copy Pipeline Template to Target Repo
+This guide demonstrates how to copy a `pipeline.yaml` template from a base Azure DevOps repository to a target repository using a Port action and an Azure DevOps pipeline.
+## Prerequisites
+- Ensure you have a Port account and have completed the [onboarding process](https://docs.getport.io/quickstart).
+- You can either:
+ - Install the [Azure DevOps integration](https://docs.getport.io/build-your-software-catalog/sync-data-to-catalog/git/azure-devops/#installation) to create the blueprint and mappings automatically, or
+ - Alternatively, create only the `Azure DevOps Repository` blueprint and ingest repositories directly using [Port’s APIs](https://docs.getport.io/api-reference/create-an-entity)
+## Copy pipeline template from a repo to another
+1. Create an Azure DevOps repository called `pipeline_copier` in your Azure DevOps Organization/Project and [configure a service connection](/actions-and-automations/setup-backend/azure-pipeline#define-incoming-webhook-in-azure).
+:::note Port trigger
+Use `port_trigger` for both `WebHook Name` and `Service connection name` when configuring your [Service Connection](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/library/service-endpoints?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml)
+:::info Option to use an existing repository
+You may use an existing repository instead of creating a new one. Just ensure that you add the `azure-pipelines.yaml` file in **Step 4** to the repository's root.
+2. Update the `azureDevopsRepository` blueprint and mapping configuration with the `defaultBranch` property, depending on how your setup was created:
+ - **If you installed the Azure DevOps integration**, update the `defaultBranch` property in the mapping config file.
+ - **If you created the blueprint manually** (without the integration), add the JSON blueprint below and use Port's API to ingest the repository data.
+:::info Using Port's API
+If you’re not using the Azure DevOps integration, you will need to use Port's API to ingest repository data based on the blueprint you created.
+Here’s the blueprint JSON configuration to use for manual creation:
+ Azure DevOps repository blueprint
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "identifier": "azureDevopsRepository",
+ "title": "Repository",
+ "icon": "AzureDevops",
+ "schema": {
+ "properties": {
+ "url": {
+ "title": "URL",
+ "format": "url",
+ "type": "string",
+ "icon": "Link"
+ },
+ "readme": {
+ "title": "README",
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "markdown",
+ "icon": "Book"
+ },
+ "defaultBranch": {
+ "title": "Default Branch",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": []
+ },
+ "mirrorProperties": {},
+ "calculationProperties": {},
+ "aggregationProperties": {},
+ "relations": {
+ "project": {
+ "title": "Project",
+ "target": "project",
+ "required": true,
+ "many": false
+ }
+ }
+ Azure DevOps repository mapping config
+```yaml showLineNumbers
+ - kind: repository
+ selector:
+ query: 'true'
+ port:
+ entity:
+ mappings:
+ identifier: .project.name + "/" + .name | gsub(" "; "")
+ title: .name
+ blueprint: '"azureDevopsRepository"'
+ properties:
+ url: .url
+ readme: file://README.md
+ defaultBranch: .defaultBranch # Add this line
+ relations:
+ project: .project.id | gsub(" "; "")
+3. Create Port action using the following JSON definition:
+:::tip Organization and repository placeholders
+Make sure to replace the placeholder for AZURE_DEVOPS_ORGANIZATION_NAME to where your source repository resides.
+ie is the organization in Azure DevOps where the `pipeline-copier` is located in the case of this example.
+Also validate that `invocationMethod.webhook` equals `port_trigger`.
+ Port Action
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "identifier": "copy_pipeline_template",
+ "title": "Copy Pipeline Template to Target Repo",
+ "icon": "Azure",
+ "trigger": {
+ "type": "self-service",
+ "operation": "DAY-2",
+ "userInputs": {
+ "properties": {
+ "base_repo": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "title": "Base Repository",
+ "icon": "Azure",
+ "blueprint": "azureDevopsRepository",
+ "format": "entity"
+ },
+ "target_repo": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "title": "Target Repository",
+ "icon": "Azure",
+ "blueprint": "azureDevopsRepository",
+ "format": "entity"
+ }
+ },
+ "required": [
+ "base_repo",
+ "target_repo"
+ ],
+ "order": [
+ "base_repo",
+ "target_repo"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "invocationMethod": {
+ "type": "AZURE_DEVOPS",
+ "webhook": "port_trigger",
+ "org": "",
+ "payload": {
+ "base_repo_url": "{{ .inputs.base_repo.properties.url }}",
+ "target_repo_url": "{{ .inputs.target_repo.properties.url }}",
+ "base_repo_branch": "{{ .inputs.base_repo.properties.defaultBranch }}",
+ "target_repo_branch": "{{ .inputs.target_repo.properties.defaultBranch }}",
+ "azure_organization": "",
+ "pipeline_file_name": "pipeline.yaml", # Update this if your pipeline file name is different
+ "port_context": {
+ "runId": "{{ .run.id }}"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "requiredApproval": false,
+ "publish": true
+4. In your `pipeline_copier` Azure DevOps Repository, create an Azure Pipeline file under `azure-pipelines.yml` in the root of the repo's main branch with the following content:
+Azure DevOps Pipeline Script
+```yml showLineNumbers
+trigger: none
+ vmImage: "ubuntu-latest"
+ RUN_ID: "${{ parameters.port_trigger.port_context.runId }}"
+ BASE_REPO_URL: "${{ parameters.port_trigger.base_repo_url }}"
+ TARGET_REPO_URL: "${{ parameters.port_trigger.target_repo_url }}"
+ BASE_REPO_BRANCH_REF: "${{ parameters.port_trigger.base_repo_branch }}"
+ TARGET_REPO_BRANCH_REF: "${{ parameters.port_trigger.target_repo_branch }}"
+ AZURE_ORGANIZATION: "${{ parameters.port_trigger.azure_organization }}"
+ PIPELINE_FILE_NAME: "${{ parameters.port_trigger.pipeline_file_name }}"
+ # Ensure that PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN is set as a secret variable in your pipeline settings
+ webhooks:
+ - webhook: port_trigger
+ connection: port_trigger
+ # Stage 1: Fetch Port Access Token
+ - stage: fetch_port_access_token
+ jobs:
+ - job: fetch_port_access_token
+ steps:
+ - script: |
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get install -y jq
+ displayName: "Install jq"
+ - script: |
+ accessToken=$(curl -X POST \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -d '{"clientId": "$(PORT_CLIENT_ID)", "clientSecret": "$(PORT_CLIENT_SECRET)"}' \
+ -s 'https://api.getport.io/v1/auth/access_token' | jq -r '.accessToken')
+ echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=accessToken;isOutput=true]$accessToken"
+ displayName: "Fetch Port Access Token"
+ name: getToken
+ # Stage 2: Copy and Create Pipeline
+ - stage: copy_and_create_pipeline
+ displayName: "Copy and Create Pipeline"
+ dependsOn:
+ - fetch_port_access_token
+ jobs:
+ - job: copy_and_create_pipeline
+ displayName: "Copy Pipeline and Create ADO Pipeline"
+ variables:
+ accessToken: $[ stageDependencies.fetch_port_access_token.fetch_port_access_token.outputs['getToken.accessToken'] ]
+ steps:
+ - script: |
+ sudo apt-get update
+ sudo apt-get install -y jq git
+ displayName: "Install jq and git"
+ - script: |
+ # Set default branch ref if TARGET_REPO_BRANCH_REF is empty
+ if [ -z "$TARGET_REPO_BRANCH_REF" ]; then
+ echo "TARGET_REPO_BRANCH_REF is empty. Setting default to 'refs/heads/main'."
+ TARGET_REPO_BRANCH_REF="refs/heads/main"
+ fi
+ # Extract project names from URLs
+ BASE_PROJECT_NAME=$(echo "$BASE_REPO_URL" | awk -F'/' '{print $5}')
+ TARGET_PROJECT_NAME=$(echo "$TARGET_REPO_URL" | awk -F'/' '{print $5}')
+ # Extract repository names from URLs
+ # Extract branch names from refs (e.g., "refs/heads/main" -> "main")
+ # Validate extracted values
+ if [ -z "$BASE_PROJECT_NAME" ] || [ -z "$TARGET_PROJECT_NAME" ] || [ -z "$BASE_REPO_NAME" ] || [ -z "$TARGET_REPO_NAME" ] || [ -z "$BASE_REPO_BRANCH" ] || [ -z "$TARGET_REPO_BRANCH" ] || [ -z "$PIPELINE_FILE_NAME" ]; then
+ echo "Error: One or more required variables are empty."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Construct API URLs
+ BASE_REPO_API_URL="https://dev.azure.com/${AZURE_ORGANIZATION}/${BASE_PROJECT_NAME}/_apis/git/repositories/${BASE_REPO_NAME}"
+ TARGET_REPO_API_URL="https://dev.azure.com/${AZURE_ORGANIZATION}/${TARGET_PROJECT_NAME}/_apis/git/repositories/${TARGET_REPO_NAME}"
+ # Fetch pipeline file content from base_repo at specified branch
+ HTTP_RESPONSE=$(curl -s -w "HTTPSTATUS:%{http_code}" -u :$PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN \
+ "${BASE_REPO_API_URL}/items?path=/${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME}&versionDescriptor.versionType=branch&versionDescriptor.version=${BASE_REPO_BRANCH}&api-version=6.0&format=text")
+ # Extract the body and status
+ PIPELINE_CONTENT=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | sed -e 's/HTTPSTATUS\:.*//g')
+ HTTP_STATUS=$(echo "$HTTP_RESPONSE" | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/.*HTTPSTATUS://')
+ # Check if the status is 200 OK
+ if [ "$HTTP_STATUS" -ne 200 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to retrieve ${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME} from base repository."
+ echo "HTTP Status: $HTTP_STATUS"
+ echo "Response: $PIPELINE_CONTENT"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Base64 encode the pipeline content
+ # Check if the pipeline file exists in target_repo
+ response_target_code=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -u :$PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN \
+ "${TARGET_REPO_API_URL}/items?path=/${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME}&versionDescriptor.versionType=branch&versionDescriptor.version=${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}&api-version=6.0")
+ if [ "$response_target_code" == "200" ]; then
+ echo "${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME} already exists in target repository. Skipping copy."
+ else
+ # Initialize LAST_COMMIT_ID to zeros by default
+ LAST_COMMIT_ID="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
+ # Get repository info to check if it's empty
+ "${TARGET_REPO_API_URL}?api-version=6.0")
+ DEFAULT_BRANCH=$(echo "$REPO_INFO" | jq -r '.defaultBranch')
+ if [ -z "$DEFAULT_BRANCH" ] || [ "$DEFAULT_BRANCH" == "null" ]; then
+ echo "Target repository is empty."
+ else
+ echo "Target repository is not empty."
+ fi
+ if [ "$REPO_IS_EMPTY" = true ]; then
+ echo "Repository is empty. Using LAST_COMMIT_ID as zeros for initial commit."
+ else
+ # Repository is not empty, check if branch exists
+ "${TARGET_REPO_API_URL}/refs/heads/${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}?api-version=6.0")
+ BRANCH_EXISTS=$(echo "$BRANCH_INFO" | jq -r '.value[0].objectId')
+ if [ -n "$BRANCH_EXISTS" ] && [ "$BRANCH_EXISTS" != "null" ]; then
+ echo "Branch exists. LAST_COMMIT_ID: $LAST_COMMIT_ID"
+ else
+ echo "Branch does not exist. Need to create branch."
+ # Get the commit ID of the default branch to base the new branch on
+ "${TARGET_REPO_API_URL}/refs/heads/${DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME}?api-version=6.0")
+ DEFAULT_BRANCH_COMMIT_ID=$(echo "$DEFAULT_BRANCH_INFO" | jq -r '.value[0].objectId')
+ if [ -n "$DEFAULT_BRANCH_COMMIT_ID" ] && [ "$DEFAULT_BRANCH_COMMIT_ID" != "null" ]; then
+ # Use the default branch's commit ID as LAST_COMMIT_ID
+ echo "Using default branch ${DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME} commit ID: $LAST_COMMIT_ID as base for new branch."
+ else
+ echo "Failed to get default branch commit ID."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Create a push to add the pipeline file using base64 encoded content
+ -X POST \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ -d "{
+ \"refUpdates\": [{
+ \"name\": \"refs/heads/${TARGET_REPO_BRANCH}\",
+ \"oldObjectId\": \"${LAST_COMMIT_ID}\"
+ }],
+ \"commits\": [{
+ \"comment\": \"Adding ${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME}\",
+ \"changes\": [{
+ \"changeType\": \"add\",
+ \"item\": { \"path\": \"/${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME}\" },
+ \"newContent\": {
+ \"content\": \"${PIPELINE_CONTENT_BASE64}\",
+ \"contentType\": \"base64encoded\"
+ }
+ }]
+ }]
+ }" \
+ "${TARGET_REPO_API_URL}/pushes?api-version=6.0")
+ if ! echo "$ADD_FILE_RESPONSE" | jq -e '.commits' > /dev/null; then
+ echo "Failed to add ${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME} to target repository."
+ echo "API Response: $ADD_FILE_RESPONSE"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Check if the pipeline already exists
+ "https://dev.azure.com/${AZURE_ORGANIZATION}/${TARGET_PROJECT_NAME}/_apis/pipelines?api-version=6.0-preview.1")
+ if [ -n "$EXISTING_PIPELINE_ID" ]; then
+ # Optionally update the existing pipeline or skip creation
+ echo "Pipeline already exists with ID: $EXISTING_PIPELINE_ID. Skipping creation."
+ else
+ # Create the pipeline in Azure DevOps
+ -X POST \
+ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ -d "{
+ \"name\": \"${PIPELINE_NAME}\",
+ \"configuration\": {
+ \"type\": \"yaml\",
+ \"path\": \"/${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME}\",
+ \"repository\": {
+ \"id\": \"${TARGET_REPO_NAME}\",
+ \"type\": \"azureReposGit\"
+ }
+ }
+ }" \
+ "https://dev.azure.com/${AZURE_ORGANIZATION}/${TARGET_PROJECT_NAME}/_apis/pipelines?api-version=7.1-preview.1")
+ if [ -z "$PIPELINE_ID" ] || [ "$PIPELINE_ID" == "null" ]; then
+ echo "Failed to create pipeline."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ displayName: "Copy ${PIPELINE_FILE_NAME} and Create ADO Pipeline"
+ env:
+ - stage: update_run_status
+ dependsOn:
+ - fetch_port_access_token
+ - copy_and_create_pipeline
+ condition: succeeded()
+ jobs:
+ - job: update_run_status
+ variables:
+ accessToken: $[ stageDependencies.fetch_port_access_token.fetch_port_access_token.outputs['getToken.accessToken'] ]
+ steps:
+ - script: |
+ curl -X PATCH \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -H 'Authorization: Bearer $(accessToken)' \
+ -d '{"status":"SUCCESS","statusLabel":"Successfully copied file","message": {"run_status": "Copying finished successfully!" }}' \
+ "https://api.getport.io/v1/actions/runs/${{ variables.RUN_ID }}"
+ displayName: "Update Port with Success Status"
+ - stage: update_run_status_failed
+ dependsOn:
+ - fetch_port_access_token
+ - copy_and_create_pipeline
+ condition: failed()
+ jobs:
+ - job: update_run_status_failed
+ variables:
+ accessToken: $[ stageDependencies.fetch_port_access_token.fetch_port_access_token.outputs['getToken.accessToken'] ]
+ steps:
+ - script: |
+ curl -X PATCH \
+ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+ -H 'Authorization: Bearer $(accessToken)' \
+ -d '{"status":"FAILURE","statusLabel":"Failed to copy file","message": {"run_status": "Copying pipeline failed" }}' \
+ "https://api.getport.io/v1/actions/runs/${{ variables.RUN_ID }}"
+ displayName: "Update Port with Failure Status"
+5. To configure the Pipeline in your project go to Pipelines -> Create Pipeline -> Azure Repos Git and choose `pipeline_copier` and click Save (in "Run" dropdown menu).
+6. Create the following variables as [Secret Variables](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/process/set-secret-variables?view=azure-devops&tabs=yaml%2Cbash):
+ 1. `PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN` - a [Personal Access Token](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/organizations/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=azure-devops&tabs=Windows) with the following scopes:
+ - Code: Full.
+ - Build: Read, Read & execute.
+ - Project and Team: Read, Write.
+ 2. `PORT_CLIENT_ID` - Port Client ID [learn more](/build-your-software-catalog/custom-integration/api/#get-api-token).
+ 3. `PORT_CLIENT_SECRET` - Port Client Secret [learn more](/build-your-software-catalog/custom-integration/api/#get-api-token).
+7. Trigger the action from the [Self-service](https://app.getport.io/self-serve) page of your Port application.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/guides-section/consts.js b/src/components/guides-section/consts.js
index 93f6b7906..966db4810 100644
--- a/src/components/guides-section/consts.js
+++ b/src/components/guides-section/consts.js
@@ -836,6 +836,15 @@ export const availableGuides = [
link: "/guides/all/automatically-approve-action-using-automation"
+ title: "Copy ADO Pipeline Template to Target Repo",
+ description: "Create a self-service action that copies an AzureDevops pipeline template to a target repository",
+ tags: ["SDLC", "AzureDevops", "Actions"],
+ logos: ["AzureDevops"],
+ link: "/guides/all/copy-pipeline-template-to-target-repo",
+ },
+ {
title: "Track SLOs and SLIs for services",
description: "Track service level objectives (SLOs) and service level indicators (SLIs) for services in Port",
tags: ["Engineering metrics", "New Relic", "Dashboards"],