diff --git a/docs/search-and-query/comparison-operators.md b/docs/search-and-query/comparison-operators.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..165447251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/search-and-query/comparison-operators.md
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+sidebar_position: 1
+import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"
+import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"
+# Comparison operators
+This page details the available comparison operators when writing [rules](/search-and-query/#rules) as part of the search route.
+### = (Equal)
+The `=` operator checks exact matches of the specified value:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "=",
+ "property": "myProperty",
+ "value": "myExactValue"
+This operator can also be used to check the value of `boolean` properties:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "=",
+ "property": "myBooleanProperty",
+ "value": true
+### != (Not Equal)
+The `!=` operator checks exact matches of the specified value and returns all results that fail to satisfy the check:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "!=",
+ "property": "myProperty",
+ "value": "myExactValue"
+This operator can also be used to check the value of `boolean` properties:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "!=",
+ "property": "myBooleanProperty",
+ "value": false
+### > (Greater Than)
+The `>` operator checks values larger than the specified value:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": ">",
+ "property": "myNumericProperty",
+ "value": 7
+### >= (Greater Than or Equal)
+The `>=` operator checks values larger than or equal to the specified value:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": ">=",
+ "property": "myNumericProperty",
+ "value": 7
+### > (Less Than)
+The `<` operator checks values less than the specified value:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "<",
+ "property": "myNumericProperty",
+ "value": 7
+### \<\= (Less Than or Equal)
+The `<=` operator checks values less than or equal to the specified value:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "<=",
+ "property": "myNumericProperty",
+ "value": 7
+### isEmpty
+The `isEmpty` operator checks if the value of the specified property is `null`:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "isEmpty",
+ "property": "myProperty"
+### isNotEmpty
+The `isNotEmpty` operator checks if the value of the specified property is not `null`:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "isNotEmpty",
+ "property": "myProperty"
+### propertySchema
+The `propertySchema` filter can be used with any standard operator. It allows you to filter entities based on a properties matching a specific type (for example, find all string properties with a given value):
+```json showLineNumbers
+ // highlight-start
+ "propertySchema": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ // highlight-end
+ "operator": "=",
+ "value": "My value"
+```json showLineNumbers
+ // highlight-start
+ "propertySchema": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "url"
+ },
+ // highlight-end
+ "operator": "=",
+ "value": "https://example.com"
+- The `propertySchema` can be used with any Port [property](/build-your-software-catalog/customize-integrations/configure-data-model/setup-blueprint/properties/properties.md#supported-properties);
+- The `propertySchema` replaces the `property` filter when performing property schema search.
+### between
+The `between` operator checks datetime values and returns entities whose relevant datetime property matches the given range:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "between",
+ "property": "$createdAt",
+ "value": {
+ "preset": "lastWeek"
+ }
+**Available Presets:**
+- tomorrow
+- today
+- yesterday
+- lastWeek
+- last2Weeks
+- lastMonth
+- last3Months
+- last6Months
+- last12Months
+The `between` operator also supports standard date ranges:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "combinator": "and",
+ "rules": [
+ {
+ "operator": "between",
+ "property": "$createdAt",
+ "value": {
+ "from": "2022-07-26T16:38:06.839Z",
+ "to": "2022-07-29T17:00:28.006Z"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+### notBetween
+The `notBetween` operator checks datetime values and returns entities whose relevant datetime property does not match the given range:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "notBetween",
+ "property": "$createdAt",
+ "value": {
+ "preset": "lastWeek"
+ }
+### contains
+The `contains` operator checks if the specified substring exists in the specified property:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "contains",
+ "property": "myStringProperty",
+ "value": "mySubString"
+### doesNotContains
+The `contains` operator checks if the specified value **does not** exists in the specified property:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "doesNotContains",
+ "property": "myStringProperty",
+ "value": "otherValue"
+### containsAny
+The `containsAny` operator checks if **any** of the specified strings exist in the target array:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "containsAny",
+ "property": "myArrayProperty",
+ "value": ["Value1", "Value2", ...]
+### beginsWith
+The `beginsWith` operator checks if the specified property starts with the specified value**
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "beginsWith",
+ "property": "myStringProperty",
+ "value": "myString"
+### doesNotBeginsWith
+The `doesNotBeginsWith` operator checks if the specified property **does not** start with the specified value
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "doesNotBeginsWith",
+ "property": "myStringProperty",
+ "value": "otherValue"
+### endsWith
+The `endsWith` operator checks if the specified property ends with the specified value
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "endsWith",
+ "property": "myStringProperty",
+ "value": "myString"
+### doesNotEndsWith
+The `doesNotEndsWith` operator checks if the specified property **does not** end with the specified value
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "operator": "doesNotEndsWith",
+ "property": "myStringProperty",
+ "value": "otherValue"
+### in
+The `in` operator checks if a `string` property is equal to one or more specified `string` values:
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "property": "myStringProperty",
+ "operator": "in",
+ "value": ["Value1", "Value2"]
+```json showLineNumbers
+ "property": "$team",
+ "operator": "in",
+ "value": ["myTeamsDynamicFilter"]
+- In order to filter entities that **belong to your teams** you can use the special `myTeamsDynamicFilter` filter.
+- Choose field of type `string` format `team` or the metadata `Team` field;
+- Choose `has any of` operator:
+![My Teams Filter](/img/software-catalog/pages/MyTeamsFilter.png)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/search-and-query/search-and-query.md b/docs/search-and-query/search-and-query.md
index 07cba4ca7..b1ba0389c 100644
--- a/docs/search-and-query/search-and-query.md
+++ b/docs/search-and-query/search-and-query.md
@@ -150,429 +150,7 @@ Port has 2 types of search rule operators:
#### Operators
-", value: ">"},
-{label: ">=", value: ">="},
-{label: "<", value: "<"},
-{label: "<=", value: "<="},
-{label: "isEmpty", value: "isEmpty"},
-{label: "isNotEmpty", value: "isNotEmpty"},
-{label: "Property schema", value: "property-schema"},
-{label: "Between", value: "between"},
-{label: "notBetween", value: "notBetween"},
-{label: "Contains", value: "contains"},
-{label: "DoesNotContains", value: "doesNotContains"},
-{label: "ContainsAny", value: "containsAny"},
-{label: "beginsWith", value: "beginsWith"},
-{label: "DoesNotBeginsWith", value: "doesNotBeginsWith"},
-{label: "endsWith", value: "endsWith"},
-{label: "DoesNotEndsWith", value: "doesNotEndsWith"},
-{label: "In", value: "in"}
-The `=` operator checks exact matches of the specified value:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "=",
- "property": "myProperty",
- "value": "myExactValue"
-This operator can also be used to check the value of `boolean` properties:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "=",
- "property": "myBooleanProperty",
- "value": true
-The `!=` operator checks exact matches of the specified value and returns all results that fail to satisfy the check:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "!=",
- "property": "myProperty",
- "value": "myExactValue"
-This operator can also be used to check the value of `boolean` properties:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "!=",
- "property": "myBooleanProperty",
- "value": false
-The `>` operator checks values larger than the specified value:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": ">",
- "property": "myNumericProperty",
- "value": 7
-The `>=` operator checks values larger than or equal to the specified value:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": ">=",
- "property": "myNumericProperty",
- "value": 7
-The `<` operator checks values less than the specified value:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "<",
- "property": "myNumericProperty",
- "value": 7
-The `<=` operator checks values less than or equal to the specified value:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "<=",
- "property": "myNumericProperty",
- "value": 7
-The `isEmpty` operator checks if the value of the specified property is `null`:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "isEmpty",
- "property": "myProperty"
-The `isNotEmpty` operator checks if the value of the specified property is not `null`:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "isNotEmpty",
- "property": "myProperty"
-The `propertySchema` filter can be used with any standard operator. It allows you to filter entities based on a properties matching a specific type (for example, find all string properties with a given value):
-```json showLineNumbers
- // highlight-start
- "propertySchema": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- // highlight-end
- "operator": "=",
- "value": "My value"
-```json showLineNumbers
- // highlight-start
- "propertySchema": {
- "type": "string",
- "format": "url"
- },
- // highlight-end
- "operator": "=",
- "value": "https://example.com"
-- The `propertySchema` can be used with any Port [property](/build-your-software-catalog/customize-integrations/configure-data-model/setup-blueprint/properties/properties.md#supported-properties);
-- The `propertySchema` replaces the `property` filter when performing property schema search.
-The `between` operator checks datetime values and returns entities whose relevant datetime property matches the given range:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "between",
- "property": "$createdAt",
- "value": {
- "preset": "lastWeek"
- }
-**Available Presets:**
-- tomorrow
-- today
-- yesterday
-- lastWeek
-- last2Weeks
-- lastMonth
-- last3Months
-- last6Months
-- last12Months
-The `between` operator also supports standard date ranges:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "combinator": "and",
- "rules": [
- {
- "operator": "between",
- "property": "$createdAt",
- "value": {
- "from": "2022-07-26T16:38:06.839Z",
- "to": "2022-07-29T17:00:28.006Z"
- }
- }
- ]
-The `notBetween` operator checks datetime values and returns entities whose relevant datetime property does not match the given range:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "notBetween",
- "property": "$createdAt",
- "value": {
- "preset": "lastWeek"
- }
-The `contains` operator checks if the specified substring exists in the specified property:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "contains",
- "property": "myStringProperty",
- "value": "mySubString"
-The `contains` operator checks if the specified value **does not** exists in the specified property:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "doesNotContains",
- "property": "myStringProperty",
- "value": "otherValue"
-The `containsAny` operator checks if **any** of the specified strings exist in the target array:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "containsAny",
- "property": "myArrayProperty",
- "value": ["Value1", "Value2", ...]
-The `beginsWith` operator checks if the specified property starts with the specified value**
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "beginsWith",
- "property": "myStringProperty",
- "value": "myString"
-The `doesNotBeginsWith` operator checks if the specified property **does not** start with the specified value
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "doesNotBeginsWith",
- "property": "myStringProperty",
- "value": "otherValue"
-The `endsWith` operator checks if the specified property ends with the specified value
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "endsWith",
- "property": "myStringProperty",
- "value": "myString"
-The `doesNotEndsWith` operator checks if the specified property **does not** end with the specified value
-```json showLineNumbers
- "operator": "doesNotEndsWith",
- "property": "myStringProperty",
- "value": "otherValue"
-The `in` operator checks if a `string` property is equal to one or more specified `string` values:
-```json showLineNumbers
- "property": "myStringProperty",
- "operator": "in",
- "value": ["Value1", "Value2"]
-```json showLineNumbers
- "property": "$team",
- "operator": "in",
- "value": ["myTeamsDynamicFilter"]
-- In order to filter entities that **belong to your teams** you can use the special `myTeamsDynamicFilter` filter.
-- Choose field of type `string` format `team` or the metadata `Team` field;
-- Choose `has any of` operator:
-![My Teams Filter](/img/software-catalog/pages/MyTeamsFilter.png)
+A wide variety of operators are available, see them [here](./comparison-operators).