The following table defines terms used in this document. See the glossary in the UEFI Specification for definitions of additional terms.
Term | Definition |
'' | Element of an enumeration. Type INTN. |
ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface. |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute. |
API | Application programming interface. |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange. |
ATAPI | Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface. |
BAR | Base Address Register. |
BBS | BIOS Boot Specification. |
BC | Base Code. |
BEV | Bootstrap Entry Vector. A pointer that points to code inside an option ROM that directly loads an OS. |
BIOS | Basic input/output system. |
BIS | Boot Integrity Services. |
BM | Boot manager. |
BOOLEAN | Logical Boolean. 1-byte value containing a 0 for FALSE or a 1 for TRUE . Other values are undefined. |
BOT | Bulk-Only Transport. |
BS | EFI boot services table or EFI Boot Service(s). |
CBI | Control/Bulk/Interrupt Transport. |
CBW | Command Block Wrapper. |
CHAR16 | 2-byte character. Unless otherwise specified, all strings are stored in the UTF-16 encoding format as defined by Unicode 2.1 and ISO/IEC 10646 standards. |
CHAR8 | 1-byte character. |
CID | Compatible ID. |
CONST | Declares a variable to be of type const. This modifier is a hint to the compiler to enable optimization and stronger type checking at compile time. |
CR | Containing Record. |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check. |
CSW | Command Status Wrapper. |
DAC | Dual Address Cycle. |
DHCP4 | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Version 4. |
DID | Device ID. |
DIG64 | Developer's Interface Guide for 64-bit Intel Architecture-based Servers. |
DMA | Direct Memory Access. |
EBC | EFI Byte Code. |
ECR | Engineering Change Request. |
EFI | Extensible Firmware Interface. |
EFI_EVENT | Handle to an event structure. Type VOID *. |
EFI_GUID | 128-bit buffer containing a unique identifier value. Unless otherwise specified, aligned on a 64-bit boundary. |
EFI_HANDLE | A collection of related interfaces. Type VOID *. |
EFI_IP_ADDRESS | 16-byte buffer aligned on a 4-byte boundary. An IPv4 or IPv6 internet protocol address. |
EFI_Ipv4_ADDRESS | 4-byte buffer. An IPv4 internet protocol address. |
EFI_Ipv6_ADDRESS | 16-byte buffer. An IPv6 internet protocol address. |
EFI_LBA | Logical block address. Type UINT64. |
EFI_MAC_ADDRESS | 32-byte buffer containing a network Media Access Controller address. |
EFI_STATUS | Status code. Type INTN. |
EFI_TPL | Task priority level. Type UINTN. |
EISA | Extended Industry Standard Architecture. |
FAT | File allocation table. |
FIFO | First In First Out. |
FPSWA | Floating Point Software Assist. |
FRU | Field Replaceable Unit. |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol. |
GPT | Guided Partition Table. |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier. |
HC | Host controller. |
HID | Hardware ID. |
I/O | Input/output. |
IA32 | 32-bit Intel architecture. |
IBV | Independent BIOS vendor. |
IDE | Integrated Drive Electronics. |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission. |
IHV | Independent hardware vendor. |
IN | Datum is passed to the function. |
INT | Interrupt. |
INT16 | 2-byte signed value. |
INT32 | 4-byte signed value. |
INT64 | 8-byte signed value. |
INT8 | 1-byte signed value. |
INTN | Signed value of native width. (4 bytes on IA32, 8 bytes on X64 and IPF) |
IPF | Itanium processor family. |
Ipv4 | Internet Protocol Version 4. |
Ipv6 | Internet Protocol Version 6. |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture. |
ISO | Industry Standards Organization. |
iSCSI | SCSI protocol over TCP/IP. |
KB | Keyboard. |
LAN | Local area network. |
LUN | Logical Unit Number. |
MAC | Media Access Controller. |
MMIO | Memory Mapped I/O. |
NIC | Network interface controller. |
NII | Network Interface Identifier. |
NVRAM | Nonvolatile RAM. |
OEM | Original equipment manufacturer. |
OHCI | Open Host Controller Interface. |
OpROM | Option ROM. |
OPTIONAL | Datum that is passed to the function is optional, and a NULL may be passed if the value is not supplied. |
OS | Operating system. |
OUT | Datum is returned from the function. |
PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect. |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. |
PE | Portable Executable. |
PE/COFF | PE32, PE32+, or Common Object File Format. |
PNPID | Plug and Play ID. |
POST | Power On Self Test. |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol. |
PUN | Physical Unit Number. |
PEI | Pre-boot Execution Environment. |
PXE BC (or PxeBc) | PXE Base Code Protocol. |
QH | Queue Head. |
RAID | Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. |
RAM | Random access memory. |
ROM | Read-only memory. |
RT | EFI Runtime Table and EFI Runtime Service(s). |
SAL | System Abstraction Layer. |
SCSI | Small Computer System Interface. |
SIG | Special Interest Group. |
S.M.A.R.T. | Self-Monitoring Analysis Reporting Technology. |
SMBIOS | System Management BIOS. |
SMBus | System Management Bus. |
SNP | Simple Network Protocol. |
SPT | SCSI Pass Thru. |
ST | EFI System Table |
STATIC | The function has local scope. This modifier replaces the standard C static key word, so it can be overloaded for debugging. |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. |
TD | Transfer Descriptor. |
TPL | Task Priority Level. |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter. |
UHCI | Universal Host Controller Interface. |
UID | Unique ID. |
UINT16 | 2-byte unsigned value. |
UINT32 | 4-byte unsigned value. |
UINT64 | 8-byte unsigned value. |
UINT8 | 1-byte unsigned value. |