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Ben Cardoen bencardoen
Computational scientist developing novel algorithms to discover biological function from nanoscale multichannel superresolution microscopy.

University of British Columbia, Nabi Lab Vancouver

Lihua_Luo Ruby-luo-0309
Bioinformatics PhD Stu; Focus on using Multi-omic analysis to reveal molecular events in skin wound healing; Programming language: Python, R, Shell, Perl, et al

Karolinska Institutet Sweden

Yu Zhou audreyeternal

KTH institute of technology Stockholm, Sweden

Artem Aleksandrov ARTALEAL
Frontend Developer

World Wide Web St. Petersburg

GeekPower geekpowerai

Peking University BeiJing China

michael hearn borosilicate
Omega Therapeutics in Cambridge CS Grad and big fan of @ncbi

Omega Therapeutics Somerville Massachusetts

Beatriz Serrano-Solano beatrizserrano

Euro-BioImaging ERIC, EMBL Heidelberg Freiburg (Germany)

草帽lufei gywgithub
Web & JavaScript enthusiast.

Bei Jing

R Gilgahex
Biophysicist turned hardware/software developer :::::::; Fascinated by Cybernetics, Neuroscience, Quantum Physics, Music, AI/ML

Santa Barbara