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Paduris paduris
Cloud Native Applications Developer
Nick Bauer nickfixit
Quixotic IT versatilist and software/hardware craftsman. Thoughts are my own.

8wire - Sin City PC - Elitebench - Phoenix Las Vegas, NV

Mario Stöcklein mstoecklein
Insanely focused until I'm not anymore (JS/TS/Angular/Vue/React).


Youssef Hesham yhnada
Hello there! I'm Youssef, a Business Informatics major passionate about leveraging technology to solve business challenges.

Cairo, Egypt

Sree Manikanta Kumar Kanujula sri-manikanta
Experienced AI/ML Engineer with expertise in PLC programming, SCADA, and Industry 4.0.
Hiroto N. hironow

freelance Tokyo

Talles Gomes Maion tallesgmaion
Specialist in Software architecture and low-level code, consultant e Founder da @ Midastech. Interested in entrepreneurship, innovation, and programming.

Midas Technology Jundiaí, São Paulo

Reda Ermich ermix3
🌟 Full stack web developer specializing in mostly JAVA & PHP


Jean Moura jeanjeferson
Coordenador de BI e Digital
Sand N cryptonomicon46
Web3 auditor 0xMacroSecurity. Twitter: @SandNallani

Self San Jose

PRATIK DAS cuantumQoder
Innovation Lead & GenAI Solutions Developer @Capgemini

@Capgemini India

Sam Wong HyperfocuSam
Tech Enthusiast. Firm supporter of maintaining human touch in the era of AI.
Jonhata Starrelres de Oliveira Lima Santiago jstarrelres
👩🏽‍💻 💡 🌎 🇧🇷 Conectar pessoas e criar oportunidades.

Bluey Russas-Ce

Samuel Kalu eskayML
Software development , Python , Machine learning , Data science

Lagos , Nigeria

DevOps freelancer mostly go, python, ...

@loupzeur ::1

dqj dqj1998

amiPro 東京

Enzo Martins ezpmartins
Architecture/Network Intern | Systems Analysis and Development Student

SEK São Paulo

Viktor Chobanov viktorchobanov
Full Stack Blockchain Engineer | React | NodeJS | Dapps | Smart Contracts | Audits | Security

Sliema, Malta

SHINOMORI sksarvesh007

Nagpur , Maharashtra

Alex_C achris7
Builder of;; and a few other blockchain and ai projects

Achris7 California

Leonam Moreira Ribeiro imLeonam
Software Engeneer Junior/Pleno

Open to Work Curitiba, PR

Narendra Babu narendra751
Cybersecurity Aspirant
Muhammad Jahangeer Shams shams-144
I'm Software Engineer and Web Developer. I love open-source technologies and am very fond of learning.

SMS Studio Lahore Pakistan