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Jelle Feringa jf---
Founder @ Terrestrial, developer @block-foundation

Terrestrial Rotterdam

Arjen Deetman arjendeetman

Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Hai Zhu haiszhu
CCM @flatironinstitute good good study, day day up...

Flatiron Institute New York

Mikkel Paltorp mipals
PostDoc at DTU Compute. Previously a PhD student in computational acoustics @dtu-act.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Hassan Teymoori hassanteymoori

Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Dingding Xie Dingding1996

Eindhoven University of Technology Netherlands

Alexander Nolte alexandernolte
Assistant Professor @ Eindhoven University of Technology, Adjunct Associate Professor @ Carnegie Mellon University, Hackathon Enthusiast

Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven, Netherlands