All about OCI devops deployment samples .. Blue-Green deployment strategy - click to expand Deploy to OKE following OCI Devops blue-green deployment strategy Deploy to Instances following OCI Devops blue-green deployment strategy Canary deployment strategy - click to expand Deploy to OKE with a stateful backend data with canary strategy Deploy to OKE following OCI Devops canary deployment strategy Deploy to Instances following OCI Devops canary deployment strategy Github Action - click to expand Deploy to OKE with Github actions Helm deployments - click to expand Deploy to OKE using signed helm chart Kubernetes deployments - click to expand Deploy using helmchart to an OKE on an artifact upload Invoke deployment pipeline on a container image upload Shell stages - click to expand Using variables with in shell stage Deploy to Container instances using shell stage Using shell stages with deployment pipeline Set Stage level parameters - click to expand Set Stage level parameters Back to examples. 🏝️ Back to OCI Devops sample