Source code for grl.algorithms.gmpg
+import os
+import copy
+from typing import List, Tuple, Union
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+from easydict import EasyDict
+from rich.progress import track
+from tensordict import TensorDict
+from import TensorDictReplayBuffer
+from import SamplerWithoutReplacement
+import wandb
+from import GPAgent
+from grl.datasets import create_dataset
+from import GPDataset, GPD4RLDataset
+from grl.generative_models.diffusion_model import DiffusionModel
+from grl.generative_models.conditional_flow_model.optimal_transport_conditional_flow_model import (
+ OptimalTransportConditionalFlowModel,
+from grl.generative_models.conditional_flow_model.independent_conditional_flow_model import (
+ IndependentConditionalFlowModel,
+from grl.generative_models.bridge_flow_model.schrodinger_bridge_conditional_flow_model import (
+ SchrodingerBridgeConditionalFlowModel,
+from grl.rl_modules.simulators import create_simulator
+from grl.rl_modules.value_network.q_network import DoubleQNetwork
+from grl.rl_modules.value_network.value_network import VNetwork, DoubleVNetwork
+from grl.utils.config import merge_two_dicts_into_newone
+from grl.utils.log import log
+from grl.utils import set_seed
+from grl.utils.statistics import sort_files_by_criteria
+from grl.generative_models.metric import compute_likelihood
+from grl.utils.plot import plot_distribution, plot_histogram2d_x_y
+def asymmetric_l2_loss(u, tau):
+ return torch.mean(torch.abs(tau - (u < 0).float()) * u**2)
+[docs]class GMPGCritic(nn.Module):
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Critic network.
+ Interfaces:
+ ``__init__``, ``forward``
+ """
+[docs] def __init__(self, config: EasyDict):
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Initialization of GPO critic network.
+ Arguments:
+ config (:obj:`EasyDict`): The configuration dict.
+ """
+ super().__init__()
+ self.config = config
+ self.q_alpha = config.q_alpha
+ self.q = DoubleQNetwork(config.DoubleQNetwork)
+ self.q_target = copy.deepcopy(self.q).requires_grad_(False)
+ self.v = VNetwork(config.VNetwork)
+[docs] def forward(
+ self,
+ action: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict] = None,
+ ) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Return the output of GPO critic.
+ Arguments:
+ action (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input action.
+ state (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input state.
+ """
+ return self.q(action, state)
+[docs] def compute_double_q(
+ self,
+ action: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict] = None,
+ ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Return the output of two Q networks.
+ Arguments:
+ action (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The input action.
+ state (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The input state.
+ Returns:
+ q1 (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The output of the first Q network.
+ q2 (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The output of the second Q network.
+ """
+ return self.q.compute_double_q(action, state)
+[docs] def in_support_ql_loss(
+ self,
+ action: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ reward: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ next_state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ done: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ fake_next_action: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ discount_factor: float = 1.0,
+ ) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Calculate the Q loss.
+ Arguments:
+ action (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input action.
+ state (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input state.
+ reward (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input reward.
+ next_state (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input next state.
+ done (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input done.
+ fake_next_action (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input fake next action.
+ discount_factor (:obj:`float`): The discount factor.
+ """
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
+ next_energy = (
+ self.q_target(
+ fake_next_action,
+ torch.stack([next_state] * fake_next_action.shape[1], axis=1),
+ )
+ .detach()
+ .squeeze(dim=-1)
+ )
+ next_v = torch.sum(
+ softmax(self.q_alpha * next_energy) * next_energy, dim=-1, keepdim=True
+ )
+ # Update Q function
+ targets = reward + (1.0 - done.float()) * discount_factor * next_v.detach()
+ q0, q1 = self.q.compute_double_q(action, state)
+ q_loss = (
+ torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(q0, targets)
+ + torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(q1, targets)
+ ) / 2
+ return q_loss, torch.mean(q0), torch.mean(targets)
+ def v_loss(self, state, action, next_state, tau):
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ target_q = self.q_target(action, state).detach()
+ next_v = self.v(next_state).detach()
+ # Update value function
+ v = self.v(state)
+ adv = target_q - v
+ v_loss = asymmetric_l2_loss(adv, tau)
+ return v_loss, next_v
+ def iql_q_loss(self, state, action, reward, done, next_v, discount):
+ q_target = reward + (1.0 - done.float()) * discount * next_v.detach()
+ qs = self.q.compute_double_q(action, state)
+ q_loss = sum(torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(q, q_target) for q in qs) / len(qs)
+ return q_loss, torch.mean(qs[0]), torch.mean(q_target)
+[docs]class GMPGPolicy(nn.Module):
+[docs] def __init__(self, config: EasyDict):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.config = config
+ self.device = config.device
+ self.critic = GMPGCritic(config.critic)
+ self.model_type = config.model_type
+ if self.model_type == "DiffusionModel":
+ self.base_model = DiffusionModel(config.model)
+ self.guided_model = DiffusionModel(config.model)
+ self.model_loss_type = config.model_loss_type
+ assert self.model_loss_type in ["score_matching", "flow_matching"]
+ elif self.model_type == "OptimalTransportConditionalFlowModel":
+ self.base_model = OptimalTransportConditionalFlowModel(config.model)
+ self.guided_model = OptimalTransportConditionalFlowModel(config.model)
+ elif self.model_type == "IndependentConditionalFlowModel":
+ self.base_model = IndependentConditionalFlowModel(config.model)
+ self.guided_model = IndependentConditionalFlowModel(config.model)
+ elif self.model_type == "SchrodingerBridgeConditionalFlowModel":
+ self.base_model = SchrodingerBridgeConditionalFlowModel(config.model)
+ self.guided_model = SchrodingerBridgeConditionalFlowModel(config.model)
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ self.softmax = nn.Softmax(dim=1)
+[docs] def forward(
+ self, state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]
+ ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]:
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Return the output of GPO policy, which is the action conditioned on the state.
+ Arguments:
+ state (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The input state.
+ Returns:
+ action (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The output action.
+ """
+ return self.sample(state)
+[docs] def sample(
+ self,
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ batch_size: Union[torch.Size, int, Tuple[int], List[int]] = None,
+ solver_config: EasyDict = None,
+ t_span: torch.Tensor = None,
+ with_grad: bool = False,
+ ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]:
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Return the output of GPO policy, which is the action conditioned on the state.
+ Arguments:
+ state (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The input state.
+ batch_size (:obj:`Union[torch.Size, int, Tuple[int], List[int]]`): The batch size.
+ solver_config (:obj:`EasyDict`): The configuration for the ODE solver.
+ t_span (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The time span for the ODE solver or SDE solver.
+ Returns:
+ action (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The output action.
+ """
+ return self.guided_model.sample(
+ t_span=t_span,
+ condition=state,
+ batch_size=batch_size,
+ with_grad=with_grad,
+ solver_config=solver_config,
+ )
+[docs] def behaviour_policy_sample(
+ self,
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ batch_size: Union[torch.Size, int, Tuple[int], List[int]] = None,
+ solver_config: EasyDict = None,
+ t_span: torch.Tensor = None,
+ with_grad: bool = False,
+ ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]:
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Return the output of behaviour policy, which is the action conditioned on the state.
+ Arguments:
+ state (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The input state.
+ batch_size (:obj:`Union[torch.Size, int, Tuple[int], List[int]]`): The batch size.
+ solver_config (:obj:`EasyDict`): The configuration for the ODE solver.
+ t_span (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The time span for the ODE solver or SDE solver.
+ with_grad (:obj:`bool`): Whether to calculate the gradient.
+ Returns:
+ action (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The output action.
+ """
+ return self.base_model.sample(
+ t_span=t_span,
+ condition=state,
+ batch_size=batch_size,
+ with_grad=with_grad,
+ solver_config=solver_config,
+ )
+[docs] def compute_q(
+ self,
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ action: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ ) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Calculate the Q value.
+ Arguments:
+ state (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The input state.
+ action (:obj:`Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict]`): The input action.
+ Returns:
+ q (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The Q value.
+ """
+ return self.critic(action, state)
+[docs] def behaviour_policy_loss(
+ self,
+ action: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ maximum_likelihood: bool = False,
+ ):
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Calculate the behaviour policy loss.
+ Arguments:
+ action (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input action.
+ state (:obj:`torch.Tensor`): The input state.
+ """
+ if self.model_type == "DiffusionModel":
+ if self.model_loss_type == "score_matching":
+ if maximum_likelihood:
+ return self.base_model.score_matching_loss(action, state)
+ else:
+ return self.base_model.score_matching_loss(
+ action, state, weighting_scheme="vanilla"
+ )
+ elif self.model_loss_type == "flow_matching":
+ return self.base_model.flow_matching_loss(action, state)
+ elif self.model_type in [
+ "OptimalTransportConditionalFlowModel",
+ "IndependentConditionalFlowModel",
+ "SchrodingerBridgeConditionalFlowModel",
+ ]:
+ x0 = self.base_model.gaussian_generator(batch_size=state.shape[0])
+ return self.base_model.flow_matching_loss(x0=x0, x1=action, condition=state)
+ def policy_gradient_loss(
+ self,
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ gradtime_step: int = 1000,
+ beta: float = 1.0,
+ repeats: int = 1,
+ ):
+ t_span = torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, gradtime_step).to(state.device)
+ def log_grad(name, grad):
+ wandb.log(
+ {
+ f"{name}_mean": grad.mean().item(),
+ f"{name}_max": grad.max().item(),
+ f"{name}_min": grad.min().item(),
+ },
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ if repeats == 1:
+ state_repeated = state
+ else:
+ state_repeated = torch.repeat_interleave(
+ state, repeats=repeats, dim=0
+ ).requires_grad_()
+ action_repeated = self.guided_model.sample(
+ t_span=t_span, condition=state_repeated, with_grad=True
+ )
+ q_value_repeated = self.critic(action_repeated, state_repeated).squeeze(dim=-1)
+ log_p = compute_likelihood(
+ model=self.guided_model,
+ x=action_repeated,
+ condition=state_repeated,
+ t=t_span,
+ using_Hutchinson_trace_estimator=True,
+ )
+ bits_ratio =
+ torch.tensor(action_repeated.shape[1], device=state.device)
+ ) * torch.log(torch.tensor(2.0, device=state.device))
+ log_p_per_dim = log_p / bits_ratio
+ log_mu = compute_likelihood(
+ model=self.base_model,
+ x=action_repeated,
+ condition=state_repeated,
+ t=t_span,
+ using_Hutchinson_trace_estimator=True,
+ )
+ log_mu_per_dim = log_mu / bits_ratio
+ if repeats > 1:
+ q_value_repeated = q_value_repeated.reshape(-1, repeats)
+ log_p_per_dim = log_p_per_dim.reshape(-1, repeats)
+ log_mu_per_dim = log_mu_per_dim.reshape(-1, repeats)
+ return (
+ (
+ -beta * q_value_repeated.mean(dim=1)
+ + log_p_per_dim(dim=1)
+ - log_mu_per_dim(dim=1)
+ ),
+ -beta * q_value_repeated.detach().mean(),
+ log_p_per_dim.detach().mean(),
+ -log_mu_per_dim.detach().mean(),
+ )
+ else:
+ return (
+ (-beta * q_value_repeated + log_p_per_dim - log_mu_per_dim).mean(),
+ -beta * q_value_repeated.detach().mean(),
+ log_p_per_dim.detach().mean(),
+ -log_mu_per_dim.detach().mean(),
+ )
+ def policy_gradient_loss_by_REINFORCE(
+ self,
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ gradtime_step: int = 1000,
+ beta: float = 1.0,
+ repeats: int = 1,
+ weight_clamp: float = 100.0,
+ ):
+ t_span = torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, gradtime_step).to(state.device)
+ state_repeated = torch.repeat_interleave(state, repeats=repeats, dim=0)
+ action_repeated = self.base_model.sample(
+ t_span=t_span, condition=state_repeated, with_grad=False
+ )
+ q_value_repeated = self.critic(action_repeated, state_repeated).squeeze(dim=-1)
+ v_value_repeated = self.critic.v(state_repeated).squeeze(dim=-1)
+ weight = (
+ torch.exp(beta * (q_value_repeated - v_value_repeated)).clamp(
+ max=weight_clamp
+ )
+ / weight_clamp
+ )
+ log_p = compute_likelihood(
+ model=self.guided_model,
+ x=action_repeated,
+ condition=state_repeated,
+ t=t_span,
+ using_Hutchinson_trace_estimator=True,
+ )
+ bits_ratio =
+ torch.tensor(action_repeated.shape[1], device=state.device)
+ ) * torch.log(torch.tensor(2.0, device=state.device))
+ log_p_per_dim = log_p / bits_ratio
+ log_mu = compute_likelihood(
+ model=self.base_model,
+ x=action_repeated,
+ condition=state_repeated,
+ t=t_span,
+ using_Hutchinson_trace_estimator=True,
+ )
+ log_mu_per_dim = log_mu / bits_ratio
+ loss = (
+ (
+ -beta * q_value_repeated.detach()
+ + log_p_per_dim.detach()
+ - log_mu_per_dim.detach()
+ )
+ * log_p_per_dim
+ * weight
+ )
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ loss_q = -beta * q_value_repeated.detach().mean()
+ loss_p = log_p_per_dim.detach().mean()
+ loss_u = -log_mu_per_dim.detach().mean()
+ return loss, loss_q, loss_p, loss_u
+ def policy_gradient_loss_by_REINFORCE_softmax(
+ self,
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ gradtime_step: int = 1000,
+ beta: float = 1.0,
+ repeats: int = 10,
+ ):
+ assert repeats > 1
+ t_span = torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, gradtime_step).to(state.device)
+ state_repeated = torch.repeat_interleave(state, repeats=repeats, dim=0)
+ action_repeated = self.base_model.sample(
+ t_span=t_span, condition=state_repeated, with_grad=False
+ )
+ q_value_repeated = self.critic(action_repeated, state_repeated).squeeze(dim=-1)
+ q_value_reshaped = q_value_repeated.reshape(-1, repeats)
+ weight = nn.Softmax(dim=1)(q_value_reshaped * beta)
+ weight = weight.reshape(-1)
+ log_p = compute_likelihood(
+ model=self.guided_model,
+ x=action_repeated,
+ condition=state_repeated,
+ t=t_span,
+ using_Hutchinson_trace_estimator=True,
+ )
+ bits_ratio =
+ torch.tensor(action_repeated.shape[1], device=state.device)
+ ) * torch.log(torch.tensor(2.0, device=state.device))
+ log_p_per_dim = log_p / bits_ratio
+ log_mu = compute_likelihood(
+ model=self.base_model,
+ x=action_repeated,
+ condition=state_repeated,
+ t=t_span,
+ using_Hutchinson_trace_estimator=True,
+ )
+ log_mu_per_dim = log_mu / bits_ratio
+ loss = (
+ (
+ -beta * q_value_repeated.detach()
+ + log_p_per_dim.detach()
+ - log_mu_per_dim.detach()
+ )
+ * log_p_per_dim
+ * weight
+ )
+ loss_q = -beta * q_value_repeated.detach().mean()
+ loss_p = log_p_per_dim.detach().mean()
+ loss_u = -log_mu_per_dim.detach().mean()
+ return loss, loss_q, loss_p, loss_u
+ def policy_gradient_loss_add_matching_loss(
+ self,
+ action: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ state: Union[torch.Tensor, TensorDict],
+ maximum_likelihood: bool = False,
+ gradtime_step: int = 1000,
+ beta: float = 1.0,
+ repeats: int = 1,
+ ):
+ t_span = torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, gradtime_step).to(state.device)
+ if repeats == 1:
+ state_repeated = state
+ else:
+ state_repeated = torch.repeat_interleave(
+ state, repeats=repeats, dim=0
+ ).requires_grad_()
+ action_repeated = self.guided_model.sample(
+ t_span=t_span, condition=state_repeated, with_grad=True
+ )
+ q_value_repeated = self.critic(action_repeated, state_repeated).squeeze(dim=-1)
+ loss_q = -beta * q_value_repeated.mean()
+ loss_matching = self.behaviour_policy_loss(
+ action=action, state=state, maximum_likelihood=maximum_likelihood
+ )
+ loss = loss_q + loss_matching
+ return loss, loss_q, loss_matching
+[docs]class GMPGAlgorithm:
+ """
+ Overview:
+ The Generative Model Policy Gradient(GMPG) algorithm.
+ Interfaces:
+ ``__init__``, ``train``, ``deploy``
+ """
+[docs] def __init__(
+ self,
+ config: EasyDict = None,
+ simulator=None,
+ dataset: GPDataset = None,
+ model: Union[torch.nn.Module, torch.nn.ModuleDict] = None,
+ seed=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Initialize algorithm.
+ Arguments:
+ config (:obj:`EasyDict`): The configuration , which must contain the following keys:
+ train (:obj:`EasyDict`): The training configuration.
+ deploy (:obj:`EasyDict`): The deployment configuration.
+ simulator (:obj:`object`): The environment simulator.
+ dataset (:obj:`GPDataset`): The dataset.
+ model (:obj:`Union[torch.nn.Module, torch.nn.ModuleDict]`): The model.
+ Interface:
+ ``__init__``, ``train``, ``deploy``
+ """
+ self.config = config
+ self.simulator = simulator
+ self.dataset = dataset
+ self.seed_value = set_seed(seed)
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # Customized model initialization code ↓
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ if model is not None:
+ self.model = model
+ self.behaviour_policy_train_epoch = 0
+ self.critic_train_epoch = 0
+ self.guided_policy_train_epoch = 0
+ else:
+ self.model = torch.nn.ModuleDict()
+ config = self.config.train
+ assert hasattr(config.model, "GPPolicy")
+ if torch.__version__ >= "2.0.0":
+ self.model["GPPolicy"] = torch.compile(
+ GMPGPolicy(config.model.GPPolicy).to(config.model.GPPolicy.device)
+ )
+ else:
+ self.model["GPPolicy"] = GMPGPolicy(config.model.GPPolicy).to(
+ config.model.GPPolicy.device
+ )
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter, "checkpoint_path")
+ and config.parameter.checkpoint_path is not None
+ ):
+ if not os.path.exists(config.parameter.checkpoint_path):
+ log.warning(
+ f"Checkpoint path {config.parameter.checkpoint_path} does not exist"
+ )
+ self.behaviour_policy_train_epoch = -1
+ self.critic_train_epoch = -1
+ self.guided_policy_train_epoch = -1
+ else:
+ base_model_files = sort_files_by_criteria(
+ folder_path=config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ start_string="basemodel_",
+ end_string=".pt",
+ )
+ if len(base_model_files) == 0:
+ self.behaviour_policy_train_epoch = -1
+ log.warning(
+ f"No basemodel file found in {config.parameter.checkpoint_path}"
+ )
+ else:
+ checkpoint = torch.load(
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ base_model_files[0],
+ ),
+ map_location="cpu",
+ )
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].base_model.load_state_dict(
+ checkpoint["base_model"]
+ )
+ self.behaviour_policy_train_epoch = checkpoint.get(
+ "behaviour_policy_train_epoch", -1
+ )
+ guided_model_files = sort_files_by_criteria(
+ folder_path=config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ start_string="guidedmodel_",
+ end_string=".pt",
+ )
+ if len(guided_model_files) == 0:
+ self.guided_policy_train_epoch = -1
+ log.warning(
+ f"No guidedmodel file found in {config.parameter.checkpoint_path}"
+ )
+ else:
+ checkpoint = torch.load(
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ guided_model_files[0],
+ ),
+ map_location="cpu",
+ )
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].guided_model.load_state_dict(
+ checkpoint["guided_model"]
+ )
+ self.guided_policy_train_epoch = checkpoint.get(
+ "guided_policy_train_epoch", -1
+ )
+ critic_model_files = sort_files_by_criteria(
+ folder_path=config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ start_string="critic_",
+ end_string=".pt",
+ )
+ if len(critic_model_files) == 0:
+ self.critic_train_epoch = -1
+ log.warning(
+ f"No criticmodel file found in {config.parameter.checkpoint_path}"
+ )
+ else:
+ checkpoint = torch.load(
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ critic_model_files[0],
+ ),
+ map_location="cpu",
+ )
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].critic.load_state_dict(
+ checkpoint["critic_model"]
+ )
+ self.critic_train_epoch = checkpoint.get(
+ "critic_train_epoch", -1
+ )
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # Customized model initialization code ↑
+ # ---------------------------------------
+[docs] def train(self, config: EasyDict = None, seed=None):
+ """
+ Overview:
+ Train the model using the given configuration. \
+ A weight-and-bias run will be created automatically when this function is called.
+ Arguments:
+ config (:obj:`EasyDict`): The training configuration.
+ seed (:obj:`int`): The random seed.
+ """
+ config = (
+ merge_two_dicts_into_newone(
+ self.config.train if hasattr(self.config, "train") else EasyDict(),
+ config,
+ )
+ if config is not None
+ else self.config.train
+ )
+ config["seed"] = self.seed_value if seed is None else seed
+ if not hasattr(config, "wandb"):
+ config["wandb"] = dict(project=config.project)
+ elif not hasattr(config.wandb, "project"):
+ config.wandb["project"] = config.project
+ with wandb.init(**config.wandb) as wandb_run:
+ if not hasattr(config.parameter.guided_policy, "beta"):
+ config.parameter.guided_policy.beta = 1.0
+ assert config.parameter.algorithm_type in [
+ "GMPG",
+ "GMPG_REINFORCE_softmax",
+ "GMPG_add_matching",
+ ]
+ run_name = f"{config.parameter.critic.method}-beta-{config.parameter.guided_policy.beta}-T-{config.parameter.guided_policy.gradtime_step}-batch-{config.parameter.guided_policy.batch_size}-lr-{config.parameter.guided_policy.learning_rate}-seed-{self.seed_value}"
+ = run_name
+ config = merge_two_dicts_into_newone(EasyDict(wandb_run.config), config)
+ wandb_run.config.update(config)
+ self.config.train = config
+ self.simulator = (
+ create_simulator(config.simulator)
+ if hasattr(config, "simulator")
+ else self.simulator
+ )
+ self.dataset = (
+ create_dataset(config.dataset)
+ if hasattr(config, "dataset")
+ else self.dataset
+ )
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # Customized training code ↓
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ def save_checkpoint(model, iteration=None, model_type=False):
+ if iteration == None:
+ iteration = 0
+ if model_type == "base_model":
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter, "checkpoint_path")
+ and config.parameter.checkpoint_path is not None
+ ):
+ if not os.path.exists(config.parameter.checkpoint_path):
+ os.makedirs(config.parameter.checkpoint_path)
+ dict(
+ base_model=model["GPPolicy"].base_model.state_dict(),
+ behaviour_policy_train_epoch=self.behaviour_policy_train_epoch,
+ behaviour_policy_train_iter=iteration,
+ ),
+ f=os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"basemodel_{self.behaviour_policy_train_epoch}_{iteration}.pt",
+ ),
+ )
+ elif model_type == "guided_model":
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter, "checkpoint_path")
+ and config.parameter.checkpoint_path is not None
+ ):
+ if not os.path.exists(config.parameter.checkpoint_path):
+ os.makedirs(config.parameter.checkpoint_path)
+ dict(
+ guided_model=model[
+ "GPPolicy"
+ ].guided_model.state_dict(),
+ guided_policy_train_epoch=self.guided_policy_train_epoch,
+ guided_policy_train_iteration=iteration,
+ ),
+ f=os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"guidedmodel_{self.guided_policy_train_epoch}_{iteration}.pt",
+ ),
+ )
+ elif model_type == "critic_model":
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter, "checkpoint_path")
+ and config.parameter.checkpoint_path is not None
+ ):
+ if not os.path.exists(config.parameter.checkpoint_path):
+ os.makedirs(config.parameter.checkpoint_path)
+ dict(
+ critic_model=model["GPPolicy"].critic.state_dict(),
+ critic_train_epoch=self.critic_train_epoch,
+ critic_train_iter=iteration,
+ ),
+ f=os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"critic_{self.critic_train_epoch}_{iteration}.pt",
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def generate_fake_action(model, states, action_augment_num):
+ fake_actions_sampled = []
+ for states in track(
+ np.array_split(states, states.shape[0] // 4096 + 1),
+ description="Generate fake actions",
+ ):
+ fake_actions_ = model.behaviour_policy_sample(
+ state=states,
+ batch_size=action_augment_num,
+ t_span=(
+ torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, config.parameter.t_span).to(
+ states.device
+ )
+ if hasattr(config.parameter, "t_span")
+ and config.parameter.t_span is not None
+ else None
+ ),
+ )
+ fake_actions_sampled.append(torch.einsum("nbd->bnd", fake_actions_))
+ fake_actions =, dim=0)
+ return fake_actions
+ def evaluate(model, train_epoch, repeat=1):
+ evaluation_results = dict()
+ def policy(obs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
+ if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
+ obs = torch.tensor(
+ obs,
+ dtype=torch.float32,
+ device=config.model.GPPolicy.device,
+ ).unsqueeze(0)
+ elif isinstance(obs, dict):
+ for key in obs:
+ obs[key] = torch.tensor(
+ obs[key],
+ dtype=torch.float32,
+ device=config.model.GPPolicy.device,
+ ).unsqueeze(0)
+ if obs[key].dim() == 1 and obs[key].shape[0] == 1:
+ obs[key] = obs[key].unsqueeze(1)
+ obs = TensorDict(obs, batch_size=[1])
+ action = (
+ model.sample(
+ condition=obs,
+ t_span=(
+ torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, config.parameter.t_span).to(
+ config.model.GPPolicy.device
+ )
+ if hasattr(config.parameter, "t_span")
+ and config.parameter.t_span is not None
+ else None
+ ),
+ )
+ .squeeze(0)
+ .cpu()
+ .detach()
+ .numpy()
+ )
+ return action
+ eval_results = self.simulator.evaluate(
+ policy=policy, num_episodes=repeat
+ )
+ return_results = [
+ eval_results[i]["total_return"] for i in range(repeat)
+ ]
+"Return: {return_results}")
+ return_mean = np.mean(return_results)
+ return_std = np.std(return_results)
+ return_max = np.max(return_results)
+ return_min = np.min(return_results)
+ evaluation_results[f"evaluation/return_mean"] = return_mean
+ evaluation_results[f"evaluation/return_std"] = return_std
+ evaluation_results[f"evaluation/return_max"] = return_max
+ evaluation_results[f"evaluation/return_min"] = return_min
+ if isinstance(self.dataset, GPD4RLDataset):
+ import d4rl
+ env_id = config.dataset.args.env_id
+ evaluation_results[f"evaluation/return_mean_normalized"] = (
+ d4rl.get_normalized_score(env_id, return_mean)
+ )
+ evaluation_results[f"evaluation/return_std_normalized"] = (
+ d4rl.get_normalized_score(env_id, return_std)
+ )
+ evaluation_results[f"evaluation/return_max_normalized"] = (
+ d4rl.get_normalized_score(env_id, return_max)
+ )
+ evaluation_results[f"evaluation/return_min_normalized"] = (
+ d4rl.get_normalized_score(env_id, return_min)
+ )
+ if repeat > 1:
+ f"Train epoch: {train_epoch}, return_mean: {return_mean}, return_std: {return_std}, return_max: {return_max}, return_min: {return_min}"
+ )
+ else:
+"Train epoch: {train_epoch}, return: {return_mean}")
+ return evaluation_results
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # behavior training code ↓
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ behaviour_policy_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].base_model.model.parameters(),
+ lr=config.parameter.behaviour_policy.learning_rate,
+ )
+ replay_buffer = TensorDictReplayBuffer(
+ batch_size=config.parameter.behaviour_policy.batch_size,
+ sampler=SamplerWithoutReplacement(),
+ prefetch=10,
+ pin_memory=True,
+ )
+ behaviour_policy_train_iter = 0
+ logp_min = []
+ logp_max = []
+ logp_mean = []
+ logp_sum = []
+ end_return = []
+ for epoch in track(
+ range(config.parameter.behaviour_policy.epochs),
+ description="Behaviour policy training",
+ ):
+ if self.behaviour_policy_train_epoch >= epoch:
+ continue
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter.evaluation, "analysis_interval")
+ and epoch % config.parameter.evaluation.analysis_interval == 0
+ ):
+ if hasattr(config.parameter.evaluation, "analysis_repeat"):
+ analysis_repeat = config.parameter.evaluation.analysis_repeat
+ else:
+ analysis_repeat = 10
+ analysis_counter = 0
+ for index, data in enumerate(replay_buffer):
+ if analysis_counter == 0:
+ if not os.path.exists(config.parameter.checkpoint_path):
+ os.makedirs(config.parameter.checkpoint_path)
+ plot_distribution(
+ data["a"].detach().cpu().numpy(),
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"action_base_{epoch}.png",
+ ),
+ )
+ action = self.model["GPPolicy"].behaviour_policy_sample(
+ state=data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ t_span=(
+ torch.linspace(
+ 0.0, 1.0, config.parameter.t_span
+ ).to(config.model.GPPolicy.device)
+ if hasattr(config.parameter, "t_span")
+ and config.parameter.t_span is not None
+ else None
+ ),
+ )
+ evaluation_results = evaluate(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].base_model,
+ train_epoch=epoch,
+ repeat=(
+ 1
+ if not hasattr(config.parameter.evaluation, "repeat")
+ else config.parameter.evaluation.repeat
+ ),
+ )
+ if analysis_counter == 0:
+ plot_distribution(
+ action.detach().cpu().numpy(),
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"action_base_model_{epoch}_{evaluation_results['evaluation/return_mean']}.png",
+ ),
+ )
+ log_p = compute_likelihood(
+ model=self.model["GPPolicy"].base_model,
+ x=data["a"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ condition=data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ t=torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100).to(
+ config.model.GPPolicy.device
+ ),
+ using_Hutchinson_trace_estimator=True,
+ )
+ logp_max.append(log_p.max().detach().cpu().numpy())
+ logp_min.append(log_p.min().detach().cpu().numpy())
+ logp_mean.append(log_p.mean().detach().cpu().numpy())
+ logp_sum.append(log_p.sum().detach().cpu().numpy())
+ end_return.append(evaluation_results["evaluation/return_mean"])
+ wandb.log(data=evaluation_results, commit=False)
+ analysis_counter += 1
+ if analysis_counter >= analysis_repeat:
+ logp_dict = {
+ "logp_max": logp_max,
+ "logp_min": logp_min,
+ "logp_mean": logp_mean,
+ "logp_sum": logp_sum,
+ "end_return": end_return,
+ }
+ np.savez(
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"logp_data_based_{epoch}.npz",
+ ),
+ **logp_dict,
+ )
+ plot_histogram2d_x_y(
+ end_return,
+ logp_mean,
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"return_logp_base_{epoch}.png",
+ ),
+ )
+ break
+ counter = 1
+ behaviour_policy_loss_sum = 0
+ for index, data in enumerate(replay_buffer):
+ behaviour_policy_loss = self.model[
+ "GPPolicy"
+ ].behaviour_policy_loss(
+ action=data["a"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ state=data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ maximum_likelihood=(
+ config.parameter.behaviour_policy.maximum_likelihood
+ if hasattr(
+ config.parameter.behaviour_policy, "maximum_likelihood"
+ )
+ else False
+ ),
+ )
+ behaviour_policy_optimizer.zero_grad()
+ behaviour_policy_loss.backward()
+ behaviour_policy_optimizer.step()
+ counter += 1
+ behaviour_policy_loss_sum += behaviour_policy_loss.item()
+ behaviour_policy_train_iter += 1
+ self.behaviour_policy_train_epoch = epoch
+ wandb.log(
+ data=dict(
+ behaviour_policy_train_iter=behaviour_policy_train_iter,
+ behaviour_policy_train_epoch=epoch,
+ behaviour_policy_loss=behaviour_policy_loss_sum / counter,
+ ),
+ commit=True,
+ )
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter, "checkpoint_freq")
+ and (epoch + 1) % config.parameter.checkpoint_freq == 0
+ ):
+ save_checkpoint(
+ self.model,
+ iteration=behaviour_policy_train_iter,
+ model_type="base_model",
+ )
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # behavior training code ↑
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # critic training code ↓
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ q_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].critic.q.parameters(),
+ lr=config.parameter.critic.learning_rate,
+ )
+ v_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].critic.v.parameters(),
+ lr=config.parameter.critic.learning_rate,
+ )
+ replay_buffer = TensorDictReplayBuffer(
+ batch_size=config.parameter.critic.batch_size,
+ sampler=SamplerWithoutReplacement(),
+ prefetch=10,
+ pin_memory=True,
+ )
+ critic_train_iter = 0
+ for epoch in track(
+ range(config.parameter.critic.epochs), description="Critic training"
+ ):
+ if self.critic_train_epoch >= epoch:
+ continue
+ counter = 1
+ v_loss_sum = 0.0
+ v_sum = 0.0
+ q_loss_sum = 0.0
+ q_sum = 0.0
+ q_target_sum = 0.0
+ for index, data in enumerate(replay_buffer):
+ v_loss, next_v = self.model["GPPolicy"].critic.v_loss(
+ state=data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ action=data["a"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ next_state=data["s_"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ tau=config.parameter.critic.tau,
+ )
+ v_optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True)
+ v_loss.backward()
+ v_optimizer.step()
+ q_loss, q, q_target = self.model["GPPolicy"].critic.iql_q_loss(
+ state=data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ action=data["a"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ reward=data["r"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ done=data["d"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ next_v=next_v,
+ discount=config.parameter.critic.discount_factor,
+ )
+ q_optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True)
+ q_loss.backward()
+ q_optimizer.step()
+ # Update target
+ for param, target_param in zip(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].critic.q.parameters(),
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].critic.q_target.parameters(),
+ ):
+ config.parameter.critic.update_momentum *
+ + (1 - config.parameter.critic.update_momentum)
+ *
+ )
+ counter += 1
+ q_loss_sum += q_loss.item()
+ q_sum += q.mean().item()
+ q_target_sum += q_target.mean().item()
+ v_loss_sum += v_loss.item()
+ v_sum += next_v.mean().item()
+ critic_train_iter += 1
+ self.critic_train_epoch = epoch
+ wandb.log(
+ data=dict(v_loss=v_loss_sum / counter, v=v_sum / counter),
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ wandb.log(
+ data=dict(
+ critic_train_iter=critic_train_iter,
+ critic_train_epoch=epoch,
+ q_loss=q_loss_sum / counter,
+ q=q_sum / counter,
+ q_target=q_target_sum / counter,
+ ),
+ commit=True,
+ )
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter, "checkpoint_freq")
+ and (epoch + 1) % config.parameter.checkpoint_freq == 0
+ ):
+ save_checkpoint(
+ self.model,
+ iteration=critic_train_iter,
+ model_type="critic_model",
+ )
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # critic training code ↑
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # guided policy training code ↓
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ if not self.guided_policy_train_epoch > 0:
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].guided_model.model.load_state_dict(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].base_model.model.state_dict()
+ )
+ guided_policy_optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].guided_model.parameters(),
+ lr=config.parameter.guided_policy.learning_rate,
+ )
+ replay_buffer = TensorDictReplayBuffer(
+ batch_size=config.parameter.guided_policy.batch_size,
+ sampler=SamplerWithoutReplacement(),
+ prefetch=10,
+ pin_memory=True,
+ )
+ logp_min = []
+ logp_max = []
+ logp_mean = []
+ logp_sum = []
+ end_return = []
+ guided_policy_train_iter = 0
+ beta = config.parameter.guided_policy.beta
+ for epoch in track(
+ range(config.parameter.guided_policy.epochs),
+ description="Guided policy training",
+ ):
+ if self.guided_policy_train_epoch >= epoch:
+ continue
+ counter = 1
+ guided_policy_loss_sum = 0.0
+ for index, data in enumerate(replay_buffer):
+ if config.parameter.algorithm_type == "GMPG":
+ (
+ guided_policy_loss,
+ q_loss,
+ log_p_loss,
+ log_u_loss,
+ ) = self.model["GPPolicy"].policy_gradient_loss(
+ data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ gradtime_step=config.parameter.guided_policy.gradtime_step,
+ beta=beta,
+ repeats=(
+ config.parameter.guided_policy.repeats
+ if hasattr(config.parameter.guided_policy, "repeats")
+ else 1
+ ),
+ )
+ elif config.parameter.algorithm_type == "GMPG_REINFORCE":
+ (
+ guided_policy_loss,
+ q_loss,
+ log_p_loss,
+ log_u_loss,
+ ) = self.model["GPPolicy"].policy_gradient_loss_by_REINFORCE(
+ data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ gradtime_step=config.parameter.guided_policy.gradtime_step,
+ beta=beta,
+ repeats=(
+ config.parameter.guided_policy.repeats
+ if hasattr(config.parameter.guided_policy, "repeats")
+ else 1
+ ),
+ weight_clamp=(
+ config.parameter.guided_policy.weight_clamp
+ if hasattr(
+ config.parameter.guided_policy, "weight_clamp"
+ )
+ else 100.0
+ ),
+ )
+ elif config.parameter.algorithm_type == "GMPG_REINFORCE_softmax":
+ (
+ guided_policy_loss,
+ q_loss,
+ log_p_loss,
+ log_u_loss,
+ ) = self.model[
+ "GPPolicy"
+ ].policy_gradient_loss_by_REINFORCE_softmax(
+ data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ gradtime_step=config.parameter.guided_policy.gradtime_step,
+ beta=beta,
+ repeats=(
+ config.parameter.guided_policy.repeats
+ if hasattr(config.parameter.guided_policy, "repeats")
+ else 32
+ ),
+ )
+ elif config.parameter.algorithm_type == "GMPG_add_matching":
+ guided_policy_loss = self.model[
+ "GPPolicy"
+ ].policy_gradient_loss_add_matching_loss(
+ data["a"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ maximum_likelihood=(
+ config.parameter.guided_policy.maximum_likelihood
+ if hasattr(
+ config.parameter.guided_policy, "maximum_likelihood"
+ )
+ else False
+ ),
+ gradtime_step=config.parameter.guided_policy.gradtime_step,
+ beta=beta,
+ repeats=(
+ config.parameter.guided_policy.repeats
+ if hasattr(config.parameter.guided_policy, "repeats")
+ else 1
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ guided_policy_optimizer.zero_grad()
+ guided_policy_loss = guided_policy_loss * (
+ data["s"].shape[0] / config.parameter.guided_policy.batch_size
+ )
+ guided_policy_loss = guided_policy_loss.mean()
+ guided_policy_loss.backward()
+ guided_policy_optimizer.step()
+ counter += 1
+ if config.parameter.algorithm_type == "GMPG_add_matching":
+ wandb.log(
+ data=dict(
+ guided_policy_train_iter=guided_policy_train_iter,
+ guided_policy_train_epoch=epoch,
+ guided_policy_loss=guided_policy_loss.item(),
+ ),
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter, "checkpoint_freq")
+ and (guided_policy_train_iter + 1)
+ % config.parameter.checkpoint_freq
+ == 0
+ ):
+ save_checkpoint(
+ self.model,
+ iteration=guided_policy_train_iter,
+ model_type="guided_model",
+ )
+ elif config.parameter.algorithm_type in [
+ "GMPG",
+ "GMPG_REINFORCE_softmax",
+ ]:
+ wandb.log(
+ data=dict(
+ guided_policy_train_iter=guided_policy_train_iter,
+ guided_policy_train_epoch=epoch,
+ guided_policy_loss=guided_policy_loss.item(),
+ q_loss=q_loss.item(),
+ log_p_loss=log_p_loss.item(),
+ log_u_loss=log_u_loss.item(),
+ ),
+ commit=False,
+ )
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter, "checkpoint_freq")
+ and (guided_policy_train_iter + 1)
+ % config.parameter.checkpoint_freq
+ == 0
+ ):
+ save_checkpoint(
+ self.model,
+ iteration=guided_policy_train_iter,
+ model_type="guided_model",
+ )
+ guided_policy_loss_sum += guided_policy_loss.item()
+ self.guided_policy_train_epoch = epoch
+ if (
+ hasattr(config.parameter.evaluation, "analysis_interval")
+ and guided_policy_train_iter
+ % config.parameter.evaluation.analysis_interval
+ == 0
+ ):
+ if hasattr(config.parameter.evaluation, "analysis_repeat"):
+ analysis_repeat = (
+ config.parameter.evaluation.analysis_repeat
+ )
+ else:
+ analysis_repeat = 10
+ if hasattr(
+ config.parameter.evaluation, "analysis_distribution"
+ ):
+ analysis_distribution = (
+ config.parameter.evaluation.analysis_distribution
+ )
+ else:
+ analysis_distribution = True
+ analysis_counter = 0
+ for index, data in enumerate(replay_buffer):
+ if analysis_counter == 0 and analysis_distribution:
+ if not os.path.exists(config.parameter.checkpoint_path):
+ os.makedirs(config.parameter.checkpoint_path)
+ plot_distribution(
+ data["a"].detach().cpu().numpy(),
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"action_guided_{guided_policy_train_iter}.png",
+ ),
+ )
+ action = self.model["GPPolicy"].sample(
+ state=data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ t_span=(
+ torch.linspace(
+ 0.0, 1.0, config.parameter.t_span
+ ).to(config.model.GPPolicy.device)
+ if hasattr(config.parameter, "t_span")
+ and config.parameter.t_span is not None
+ else None
+ ),
+ )
+ evaluation_results = evaluate(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].guided_model,
+ train_epoch=epoch,
+ repeat=(
+ 1
+ if not hasattr(
+ config.parameter.evaluation, "repeat"
+ )
+ else config.parameter.evaluation.repeat
+ ),
+ )
+ log_p = compute_likelihood(
+ model=self.model["GPPolicy"].guided_model,
+ x=data["a"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ condition=data["s"].to(config.model.GPPolicy.device),
+ t=torch.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100).to(
+ config.model.GPPolicy.device
+ ),
+ using_Hutchinson_trace_estimator=True,
+ )
+ logp_max.append(log_p.max().detach().cpu().numpy())
+ logp_min.append(log_p.min().detach().cpu().numpy())
+ logp_mean.append(log_p.mean().detach().cpu().numpy())
+ logp_sum.append(log_p.sum().detach().cpu().numpy())
+ end_return.append(
+ evaluation_results["evaluation/return_mean"]
+ )
+ if analysis_counter == 0 and analysis_distribution:
+ plot_distribution(
+ action.detach().cpu().numpy(),
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"action_guided_model_{guided_policy_train_iter}_{evaluation_results['evaluation/return_mean']}.png",
+ ),
+ )
+ analysis_counter += 1
+ wandb.log(data=evaluation_results, commit=False)
+ if analysis_counter > analysis_repeat:
+ logp_dict = {
+ "logp_max": logp_max,
+ "logp_min": logp_min,
+ "logp_mean": logp_mean,
+ "logp_sum": logp_sum,
+ "end_return": end_return,
+ }
+ np.savez(
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"logp_data_guided_{epoch}.npz",
+ ),
+ **logp_dict,
+ )
+ plot_histogram2d_x_y(
+ end_return,
+ logp_mean,
+ os.path.join(
+ config.parameter.checkpoint_path,
+ f"return_logp_guided_{guided_policy_train_iter}.png",
+ ),
+ )
+ break
+ if (
+ config.parameter.evaluation.eval
+ and hasattr(config.parameter.evaluation, "interval")
+ and guided_policy_train_iter
+ % config.parameter.evaluation.interval
+ == 0
+ ):
+ evaluation_results = evaluate(
+ self.model["GPPolicy"].guided_model,
+ train_epoch=epoch,
+ repeat=(
+ 1
+ if not hasattr(config.parameter.evaluation, "repeat")
+ else config.parameter.evaluation.repeat
+ ),
+ )
+ wandb.log(data=evaluation_results, commit=False)
+ guided_policy_train_iter += 1
+ wandb.log(
+ data=dict(
+ guided_policy_train_iter=guided_policy_train_iter,
+ guided_policy_train_epoch=epoch,
+ ),
+ commit=True,
+ )
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # guided policy training code ↑
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # Customized training code ↑
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ wandb.finish()
+ def deploy(self, config: EasyDict = None) -> GPAgent:
+ if config is not None:
+ config = merge_two_dicts_into_newone(self.config.deploy, config)
+ else:
+ config = self.config.deploy
+ assert "GPPolicy" in self.model, "The model must be trained first."
+ return GPAgent(
+ config=config,
+ model=copy.deepcopy(self.model["GPPolicy"].guided_model),
+ )