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Richer Input

Author @bassosimone
Last-Updated 2024-07-02
Reviewed-by @DecFox
Status living document

This document is a living document documenting our in-progress design for implementing richer input. The intent for the final document is to explain the problem we wanted to solve, the alternatives we considered, and how we specifically implemented it.

We define as richer input the possibility of using the OONI backend API to provide OONI experiments with not only inputs but also options.

Problem Statement

Traditionally, OONI experiments measure inputs. For example, the following command measures the URL using the web_connectivity experiment.

./miniooni web_connectivity -i

Some experiments support providing options via command line. For example, the following command runs the dnscheck experiment measuring and using the HTTP3Enabled option set to true.

./miniooni dnscheck -i -O HTTP3Enabled=true

Additionally, OONI Run v2 allows to run experiments with options. For example, the following JSON document is equivalent to the previous miniooni command:

	"nettests": [{
		"test_name": "dnscheck",
		"options": {
			"HTTP3Enabled": true
		"inputs": [

However, when OONI Probe runs without options, as shown in the following commands, it either uses hardcoded defaults or OONI backend APIs to retrieve the list of inputs to measure. Crucially, this list of inputs comes with no additional options.

# Running dnscheck without options with miniooni
./miniooni dnscheck

# Same as above but with ooniprobe
ooniprobe run experimental

To better understand what is going on, we need to briefly take a look at the types and interfaces used by OONI Probe v3.22.0, which are roughly the following:

// ExperimentDescriptor is filled by OONI Run or by the command line.
type ExperimentDescriptor struct {
	Inputs   []string        // OPTIONAL
	Options  map[string]any  // OPTIONAL
	Name     string          // MANDATORY

// ExperimentBuilder is the constructor for an experiment.
type ExperimentBuilder interface {
	// SetOptionsAny configures the options from the descriptor.
	SetOptionsAny(options map[string]any) error

	// NewExperiment constructs an experiment with the options.
	NewExperiment() Experiment

// InputLoader loads inputs, typically invoking OONI backend APIs though
// for some experiments the input is hardcoded in the source code.
type InputLoader interface {
	Load(ctx context.Context) ([]OOAPIURLInfo, error)

// OOAPIURLInfo is the structure returned by the input loader.
type OOAPIURLInfo struct {
	CategoryCode string
	CountryCode  string
	URL          string

// Experiment transforms inputs and options into OONI measurements.
type Experiment interface {
	MeasureWithContext(ctx context.Context, input string) (*Measurement, error)

With this data model we run experiments using the following pseudo-code:

// RunExperiment runs the experiment described by the descriptor.
// We omit error handling for simplicity.
func RunExperiment(ctx context.Context, descriptor *ExperimentDescritor) {
	// Create experiment builder by name.
	builder, err := NewExperimentBuilder(descriptor.Name)
	// [...]

	// Create empty inputs.
	inputs := []OOAPIURLInfo{}

	// If we have either options or inputs from the user or from OONI RUN v2
	// use them, otherwise load inputs from the OONI backend.
	if len(descriptor.Options) > 0 || len(descriptor.Inputs) > 0 {
		inputs := NewOOAPIURLInfo(descriptor.Inputs...)
	} else {
		loader := NewInputLoader(builder)
		inputs, err = loader.Load(ctx)
		// [...]

	// Create experiment.
	// Note that this constructor communicates the options to the experiment.
	exp := builder.NewExperiment()

	// Measure inputs
	for _, input := range input {
		meas, err := exp.MeasureWithContext(ctx, input)
		// [...]

This pseudo-code should clarify the problem. The data structure representing input (OOAPIURLInfo) does not allow loading options from the backend when we are using an InputLoader. We say that adding support for returning options along with inputs provides us with "richer input", because we will enrich the input URLs to measure with additional options.

Solving this problem is crucial because most OONI measurements run automatically in the background with input provided by the backend. Therefore, by enabling richer input, we open up the possibility of answering specific research questions requiring options at scale. For example, richer input would enable us to study DNS over HTTP/3 blocking) at scale.

Design choice: deprecating the check-in API

We originally envisioned distributing richer input through the check-in API but we later realized that this design would be problematic because:

  1. it prevents us from having experiments implemented as scripts, a solution that we heavily explored while researching richer input;

  2. the check-in API serves URLs for Web Connectivity, which is the most important experiment we run, which means that changing the component serving the richer input API requires careful vetting of the changes and could potentially hamper our ability to iterate quickly.

For this reason, we determined that all richer input enabled experiments will eventually invoke their own API, like the tor experiment does.

Design choice: distributing feature flags using check-in

OONI Probe consists of several experiments, some of which are stable, such as Web Connectivity, and some of which are hightly experimental, such as the recently added openvpn experiment.

So, we need a mechanism to flag experiments as unstable and remotely enable/disable them if needed. Because we implemented this functionality while still researching richer input, currently we use the check-in API feature flags to implement this functionality.

We initially implemented check-in feature flags to dynamically enable the experimental Web Connectivity LTE implementation in probe-cli#1123 for selected users.

Subsequently, in probe-cli#1355, we extended the feature flags to conditionally enable/disable the experiments that we know could potentially become problematic.

Refactoring: enabling richer input

In probe-cli#1615 we modified the codebase so that, instead of using OOAPIURLInfo we now use:

type ExperimentTarget struct {
	Category() string  // equivalent to OOAPIURLInfo.CategoryCode
	Country() string   // equivalent to OOAPIURLInfo.CountryCode
	Input() string     // equivalent to OOAPIURLInfo.URL
	String() string    // serializes to the input

type InputLoader = TargetLoader // we renamed to reflect the change of purpose

type TargetLoader interface {
	Load(ctx context.Context) ([]ExperimentTarget, error)

type Experiment interface {
	MeasureWithContext(ctx context.Context, target ExperimentTarget) (*Measurement, error)

The String method is used to reduce the ExperimentTarget to the input string, which allows for backwards compatibility. We can obtain a string representation of the target's input and use it every time where previous we used the input string.

Note that we also renamed the InputLoader to TargetLoader to reflect the fact that we're not loading bare input anymore, rather we're loading richer input targets.

Also, OOAPIURLInfo implements ExperimentTarget and the mapping between its fields and ExperimentTarget methods is made explicit by comments in the code above.

In probe-cli#1617 and probe-cli#1618 we additionally modified the ExperimentBuilder model as follows:

type ExperimentBuilder interface {
	// ...

	NewTargetLoader(staticInputs []string) TargetLoader

Therefore, now we create an ExperimentBuilder-dependent TargetLoader and each experiment could use its own implementation, if needed.

Thanks to this change, code in ./cmd/ooniprobe and ./internal/oonirun (used by ./internal/cmd/miniooni to run experiments) now is written in a style that supports using richer input. We can therefore update our pseudo-code:

 // RunExperiment runs the experiment described by the descriptor.
 // We omit error handling for simplicity.
 func RunExperiment(ctx context.Context, descriptor *ExperimentDescritor) {
 	// Create experiment builder by name.
 	builder, err := NewExperimentBuilder(descriptor.Name)
 	// [...]

-	// Create empty inputs.
-	inputs := []OOAPIURLInfo{}

 	// If we have either options or inputs from the user or from OONI RUN v2
 	// use them, otherwise load inputs from the OONI backend.
-	if len(descriptor.Options) > 0 || len(descriptor.Inputs) > 0 {
-		builder.SetOptionsAny(descriptor.Options)
-		inputs := NewOOAPIURLInfo(descriptor.Inputs...)
-	} else {
-		loader := NewInputLoader(builder)
-		inputs, err = loader.Load(ctx)
-		// [...]
-	}
+	builder.SetOptionsAny(descriptor.Options)
+	loader := builder.NewTargetLoader(descriptor.Inputs...)
+	inputs, err := loader.Load(ctx)
+	// [...]

 	// Create experiment.
 	// Note that this constructor communicates the options to the experiment.
 	exp := builder.NewExperiment()

 	// Measure inputs
 	for _, input := range input {
 		meas, err := exp.MeasureWithContext(ctx, input)
 		// [...]

In turn, the specific implementation of Load would do something like:

type target struct {
	options map[string]any
	input  string

var _ ExperimentTarget = &target{}
// [...]

type targetLoader struct {
	// inputs and options is configured by builder.NewTargetLoader
	inputs  []string
	options map[string]any

func (tl *targetLoader) Load(ctx context.Context) ([]model.ExperimentTarget, error) {
	if len(descriptor.Options) <= 0 && len(descriptor.Inputs) <= 0 {
		return tl.invokeRicherInputAPI(ctx)
	inputs := NewOOAPIURLInfo(descriptor.Inputs...)
	var output []model.ExperimentTarget
	for _, input := range inputs {
		output = append(outputs, &target{tl.options, input})
	return output, nil

We also modified richer input enabled experiments (for now just dnscheck) such that, rather than setting the options as part of builder.NewExperiment, we are now passing both options and each input together. In pseudo-code, the changes roughly look like this:

 type ExperimentArgs struct {
	// [...]

	Measurement *Measurement

+	Target model.ExperimentTarget

 type ExperimentMeasurer interface {
	Run(ctx context.Context, args *ExperimentArgs) error

 type experimentMeasurer struct{
-	options map[string]any

-func NewMeasurer(options map[string]any) ExperimentMeasurer {
-	return &experimentMeasurer{options}
+func NewMeasurer() ExperimentMeasurer {
+	return &experimentMeasurer{}

 var _ ExperimentMeasurer = &experimentMeasurer{}

 func (mx *experimentMeasurer) Run(ctx context.Context, args *ExperimentArgs) error {
-	input := string(args.Measurement.Input)
-	options := mx.options
+	if args.Target == nil {
+		return ErrInputRequired
+	}
+	input, ok := args.Target.(*target).input
+	if !ok {
+		return ErrInvalidInputType
+	}
+	options := args.Target.(*target).options
	// [...]

Note how we MUST gracefully cast to *target (as we did in probe-cli#1623) because richer input could potentially come from ~any source, including the mobile app. While richer input is anything that fullfills the model.ExperimentTarget interface, mobile apps could, for example, construct a Java class implementing such an interface but we wouldn't be able to cast such an interface to the *target type. Therefore, unconditionally casting could lead to crashes when integrating new code and generally makes for a less robust codebase.

Implementation: add OpenVPN

Pull request #1625 added richer input support for the openvpn experiment. Because this experiment already supports richer input through the backend, we now have the first experiment capable of using richer input.

Implementation: fix serializing options

Pull request #1630 adds support for correctly serializing options. We extend the model of a richer input target to include the following function:

type ExperimentTarget struct {
	// ...
	Options() []string

Then we implement Options for every possible experiment target. There is a default implementation in the experimentconfig package implementing the default semantics that was also available before:

  1. skip fields whose name starts with Safe;

  2. only serialize scalar values;

  3. do not serializes any zero value.

Additionally, we now serialize the options inside the newMeasurement constructor typical of each experiment.

Implementation: improve passing options to experiments

Pull request #1629 modifies the way in which the ./internal/oonirun package loads data for experiments such that, when using OONI Run v2, we load its options field as a json.RawMessage rather than using a map[string]any. This fact is significant because, previously, we could only unmarshal options provided by command line, which were always scalar. With this change, instead, we can keep backwards compatibility with respect to the command line but it's now also possible for experiments options specified via OONI Run v2 to provide non-scalar options.

The key change to enable this is to modify a *registry.Factory type to add:

type Factory struct { /* ... */ }

func (fx *Factory) SetOptionsJSON(value json.RawMessage) error

In this way, we can directly assign the raw JSON to the experiment config that is kept inside of the *Factory itself.

Additionally, constructing an experiment using *oonirun.Experiment now includes two options related field:

type Experiment struct {
	InitialOptions json.RawMessage  // new addition
	ExtraOptions   map[string]any   // also present before

Initialization of experiment options will work as follows:

  1. the per-experiment *Factory constructor initializes fields to their default value, which, in most cases, SHOULD be the zero value;

  2. we update the config using InitialOptions unless it is empty;

  3. we update the config using ExtraOptions unless it is empty.

In practice, the code would always use either InitialOptions or ExtraOptions, but we also wanted to specify priority in case both of them were available.

Implementation: oonimkall changes

In #1620, we started to modify the ./pkg/oonimkall package to support richer input.

Before this diff, the code was not using a loader for loading targets for experiments, and the code roughly looked like this:

switch builder.InputPolicy() {
	case model.InputOrQueryBackend, model.InputStrictlyRequired:
		if len(r.settings.Inputs) <= 0 {
			r.emitter.EmitFailureStartup("no input provided")

	case model.InputOrStaticDefault:
		if len(r.settings.Inputs) <= 0 {
			inputs, err := targetloading.StaticBareInputForExperiment(r.settings.Name)
			if err != nil {
				r.emitter.EmitFailureStartup("no default static input for this experiment")
			r.settings.Inputs = inputs

	case model.InputOptional:
		if len(r.settings.Inputs) <= 0 {
			r.settings.Inputs = append(r.settings.Inputs, "")

	default: // treat this case as engine.InputNone.
		if len(r.settings.Inputs) > 0 {
			r.emitter.EmitFailureStartup("experiment does not accept input")
		r.settings.Inputs = append(r.settings.Inputs, "")

Basically, we were switching on the experiment builder's InputPolicy and checking whether input was present or absent according to policy. But, we were not actually loading input when needed.

To support richer input for experiments such as openvpn, instead, we must use a loader and fetch such input, as follows:

loader := builder.NewTargetLoader(&model.ExperimentTargetLoaderConfig{
	CheckInConfig: &model.OOAPICheckInConfig{ /* not needed for now */ },
	Session:      sess,
	StaticInputs: r.settings.Inputs,
	SourceFiles:  []string{},
loadCtx, loadCancel := context.WithTimeout(rootCtx, 30*time.Second)
defer loadCancel()
targets, err := loader.Load(loadCtx)
if err != nil {

After this change, we still assume the mobile app is providing us with inputs for Web Connectivity. Because the loader honours user-provided inputs, there's no functional change with the previous behavior. However, if there is no input, we're going to load it using the proper mechanisms, including using the correct backend API for the openvpn experiment.

Also, to pave the way for supporting loading for Web Connectivity as well, we need to supply the information required to populate the URLs table as part of the status.measurement_start event, as follows:

 type eventMeasurementGeneric struct {
+	CategoryCode string `json:"category_code,omitempty"`
+	CountryCode  string `json:"country_code,omitempty"`
	Failure      string `json:"failure,omitempty"`
	Idx          int64  `json:"idx"`
	Input        string `json:"input"`
	JSONStr      string `json:"json_str,omitempty"`

 r.emitter.Emit(eventTypeStatusMeasurementStart, eventMeasurementGeneric{
+	CategoryCode: target.Category(),
+	CountryCode:  target.Country(),
 	Idx:          int64(idx),
 	Input:        target.Input(),

By providing the CategoryCode and the CountryCode, the mobile app is now able to correctly populate the URLs table ahead of measuring.

Future work will address passing the correct check-in options to the experiment runner, so that we can actually remove the mobile app source code that invokes the check-in API, and simplify both the codebase of the mobile app and the one of ./pkg/oonimkall.

Next steps

This is a rough sequence of next steps that we should expand as we implement additional bits of richer input and for which we need reference issues.

  • fully convert dnscheck's static list to live inside dnscheck instead of targetloading and to use the proper richer input.

  • implement backend API

    • for serving dnscheck richer input.

    • implement backend API for serving stunreachability richer input.

  • deliver feature flags using experiment-specific richer input rather than using the check-in API (and maybe keep the caching support?).

  • try to eliminate InputPolicy and instead have each experiment define its own constructor for the proper target loader, and split the implementation inside of the targetloader package to have multiple target loaders.

    • make sure richer-input-enabled experiments can run with oonimkall after we have performed the previous change

    • make sure we're passing the correct check-in settings to oonimkall such that it's possible to run Web Connectivity from mobile using the loader and we can simplify the mobile app codebase

  • devise long term strategy for delivering richer input to oonimkall from mobile apps, which we'll need as soon as we convert the IM experiments