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Quantizing Big Models with HF Accelerate

llmcompressor integrates with accelerate to support quantizing large models such as Llama 70B and 405B, or quantizing any model with limited GPU resources.


accelerate is a highly useful library in the Hugging Face ecosystem that supports for working with large models, including:

  • Offloading parameters to CPU
  • Sharding models across multiple GPUs with pipeline-parallelism

Using device_map

To enable accelerate features with llmcompressor, simple insert device_map in from_pretrained during model load.

from llmcompressor.transformers import SparseAutoModelForCausalLM
MODEL_ID = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct"

# device_map="auto" triggers usage of accelerate
# if > 1 GPU, the model will be sharded across the GPUs
# if not enough GPU memory to fit the model, parameters are offloaded to the CPU
model = SparseAutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
    MODEL_ID, device_map="auto", torch_dtype="auto")

llmcompressor is designed to respect the device_map, so calls to oneshot will work properly out of the box for basic quantization with QuantizationModifier, even for CPU offloaded models.

To enable CPU offloading for second-order quantization methods such as GPTQ, we need to allocate additional memory upfront when computing the device map. Note that this device map will only compatible with GPTQModifier(sequential_update=True, ...)

from llmcompressor.transformers.compression.helpers import calculate_offload_device_map
from llmcompressor.transformers import SparseAutoModelForCausalLM,
MODEL_ID = "meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct"

# Load model, reserving memory in the device map for sequential GPTQ (adjust num_gpus as needed)
device_map = calculate_offload_device_map(MODEL_ID, reserve_for_hessians=True, num_gpus=1)
model = SparseAutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(

Practical Advice

When working with accelerate, it is important to keep in mind that CPU offloading and naive pipeline-parallelism will slow down forward passes through the model. As a result, we need to take care to ensure that the quantization methods used fit well with the offloading scheme as methods that require many forward passes though the model will be slowed down.

General rules of thumb:

  • CPU offloading is best used with data-free quantization methods (e.g. PTQ with FP8_DYNAMIC)
  • Multi-GPU is fast enough to be used with calibration data-based methods with sequential_update=False
  • It is possible to use Multi-GPU with sequential_update=True to save GPU memory, but the runtime will be slower


We will show working examples for each use case:

  • CPU Offloading: Quantize Llama-70B to FP8 using PTQ with a single GPU
  • Multi-GPU: Quantize Llama-70B to INT8 using GPTQ and SmoothQuant with 8 GPUs


Install llmcompressor:

pip install llmcompressor==0.1.0

CPU Offloading: FP8 Quantization with PTQ

CPU offloading is slow. As a result, we recommend using this feature only with data-free quantization methods. For example, when quantizing a model to fp8, we typically use simple PTQ to statically quantize the weights and use dynamic quantization for the activations. These methods do not require calibration data.

  • demonstrates quantizing the weights and activations of Llama-70B to fp8 on a single GPU:

The resulting model ./Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct-FP8-Dynamic is ready to run with vllm!

Multi-GPU: INT8 Quantization with GPTQ

For quantization methods that require calibration data (e.g. GPTQ), CPU offloading is too slow. For these methods, llmcompressor can use accelerate multi-GPU to quantize models that are larger than a single GPU. For example, when quantizing a model to int8, we typically use GPTQ to statically quantize the weights, which requires calibration data.

Note that running non-sequential GPTQ requires significant additional memory beyond the model size. As a rough rule of thumb, running GPTQModifier non-sequentially will take up 3x the model size for a 16-bit model and 2x the model size for a 32-bit model (these estimates include the memory required to store the model itself in GPU).

  • demonstrates quantizing the weights and activations of Llama-70B to int8 on 8 A100s:
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7

The resulting model ./Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct-INT8-Dynamic is quantized and ready to run with vllm!

Questions or Feature Request?

Please open up an issue on vllm-project/llm-compressor