Create a new template from the admin/templates section.
The Use of the template indicates whether it will be applied as a 'main' template or just the 'Layout' of the page.
The Content field should be defined as per a normal SilverStripe template
Any CSS or JS files uploaded will be included using Requirements:: calls
On a page, navigate to the Settings -> Theme tab. Select the relevant template to use.
If "Inherit" is set, then any parent page with a custom template defined will be used.
You'll need to add a custom template to your theme (on the path
that contains something similar to the following
<% if $ElementControllers.count > 0 %>
<% loop $ElementControllers %>
<div class="ElementAreaElement <% if Last %>ElementAreaElement--Last<% end_if %>">
<% if $isTemplated %>
<% else %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_loop %>
<% end_if %>
to make use of it.
Then, bind the extensions
Name: element_config
- Symbiote\UserTemplates\TemplatedElementExtension
- Symbiote\UserTemplates\TemplatedElementControllerExtension