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Christian Glaser edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 37 revisions

Welcome to the NuRadioMC wiki!

If you are new to NuRadioMC check out our tutorial as well as Example2 and Example3 for ways to use NuRadioMC.

You can also check out the two webinars on NuRadioMC and NuRadioReco for a live demonstration and hands-on tutorial.

Installation and dependencies

Since version 2.0, the NuRadioReco code is part of the NuRadioMC repository. No separate installation of NuRadioReco is required, and any old installation of NuRadioReco needs to be removed from the $PYTHONPATH environment variable (or uninstalled if it was installed via pip).

If you only want to use NuRadioMC/Reco then you can just install it via pip (follow the quickstart instructions). If you intend to modify/improve NuRadioMC/Reco for your needs, follow the manual installation instructions.


The release version of NuRadioMC/Reco including all its dependencies can easily installed via pip.

pip install NuRadioMC

where you might want to append a --user to install it in your home directory. Otherwise, it will install it system-wide.

If you are unsure whether something might interfere with your custom installation, please consider using a virtual environment.

python3 -m venv --system-site-packages /path/to/new/virtual/environment
source /path/to/new/virtual/environment/bin/activate

If you installed NuRadioMC with pip you can skip the manual installation section.

manual installation

NuRadioMC requires python 3.6

Additional python dependencies

NuRadioMC/Reco depend on a few python packages that needs to be installed. You can copy-and-paste the following line into your shell to install all dependencies via pip.

pip install numpy scipy tinydb>=4.1.1 tinydb-serialization aenum astropy radiotools>=0.2.0 h5py pyyaml peakutils requests

consider installing the dependencies in a virtual environment or via the additional --user flag (the quickstart instructions for more information).

Ray tracing speed via a dedicated C implementation

If you would like to use the GSL Speed Boosts, you will need to have a working version of gsl installed. This is straightforward both on Mac and Unix. For additional comments please visit the dedicated page. You also need cython which you can install via pip install cython

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