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Anna Nelles edited this page Jun 18, 2019 · 37 revisions

Welcome to the NuRadioMC wiki!

If you are new to NuRadioMC check out our tutorial as well as Example2 and Example3 for ways to use NuRadioMC.

Installation and dependencies


The release version of NuRadioMC including all its dependencies can easily installed via pip.

If you are unsure whether something might interfere with your custom installation, please consider using a virtual environment.

Virtualenv --system-site-packages my_project
source my_project/bin/activate
pip install --user NuRadioMC

where you might want to append a --user to install it in your home directory. Otherwise, it will install it system-wide and put it where your python packages reside.

If you installed NuRadioMC with pip you can skip the manual installation section.

manual installation

NuRadioMC requires python 2.7 (we are working on compatibility with python 3.0) and the usual scientific python libraries (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, etc.).

NuRadioMC is built to work with NuRadioReco and it uses its tools for the detector simulation and the data structure. Please refer to the details on the respective page.

Additional python dependencies

  • yaml: "YAML may be the most human-friendly format for structured data invented so far." It is used to parse configuration files. It can be installed via pip install pyyaml

Ray tracing speed via a dedicated C implementation

If you would like to use the GSL Speed Boosts, you will need to have a working version of gsl installed. This is straightforward both on Mac and Unix. For additional comments please visit the dedicated page.

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