Releases: notaryproject/notation-go
Releases · notaryproject/notation-go
Documentation 📘
provides the libraries for notation sign|push|validate capabilities. The notation
CLI is implemented based on notation-go
. However, notation-go
may be used in other CLIs.
What's Changed
- Implement generate-envelope workflow #47 by @qmuntal
- Add more validations to trust-policy parsing #43 by @rgnote
- Implement built-in JWS signer in terms of an in-process plugin #46 by @qmuntal
- Implement generate signature plugin workflow #42 by @qmuntal
- Load and Validate Trust policy documents #39 by @rgnote
- Implement plugin manager #37 by @qmuntal
Dependency updates via dependabot
New Contributors
- Special thank you to @qmuntal with first and then numerous contributions after this as noted above.
Full Changelog: v0.8.0-alpha.1...v0.9.0-alpha.1
Documentation 📘
provides the libraries for notation sign|push|validate capabilities. The notation
CLI is implemented based on notation-go
. However, notation-go
may be used in other CLIs.
What's Changed
- Timestamp per signing by @shizhMSFT in #15
- Restrict TSA verify options by @shizhMSFT in #18
- Bump from 4.1.0 to 4.3.0 by @dependabot in #26
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #27
- Rename go module by @shizhMSFT in #34
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #26
Full Changelog: v0.7.0-alpha.1...v0.8.0-alpha.1
Documentation 📘
notation-go-lib provides the libraries for notation sign|push|validate capabilities. The notation cli implements notation-go-lib, however notation-go-lib may be used in other clis.
- Getting started with notation
- Installing notation with linux and wsl2
curl -Lo notation.tar.gz tar xvzf notation.tar.gz -C ~/bin notation
What's Changed
- Add codeowners by @terencet-dev in #7
- Adding information and links to by @terencet-dev in #6
- Notation library baseline by @shizhMSFT in #5
- JWS-based Notation Go Library by @shizhMSFT in #11
- Conform to the signature specification by @shizhMSFT in #21
New Contributors
- @terencet-dev made their first contribution in #7
Full Changelog: