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File metadata and controls

255 lines (191 loc) · 8.99 KB


This is an exemplary contribution guide from the development phase of a teaching material repository in DataPLANT prior to the status of this teaching materials concept repository as of March 2023.

It also contains a repository overview and some suggested file, figure and slide conventions which are helpful when exploring this concept repository.

Repository rules for collaborators

Pull requests

  • Do not push into the main branch.
  • Use branches or forks and make pull requests.
  • Make sure that tasks / files modified of different contributors do not overlap to avoid merge conflicts.
  • Assign reviewer(s).
  • Merge PR after at least one positive review / approval.
  • Delete local and remote branch after merging. (optional)
  • Minimize road blocks with "hanging" PRs.
  • Create small "actionable" PRs.


  • Short title (as short as possible but meaningful).
  • Concise, non-cryptic description to your perception.
  • As small as possible, actionable, checkable
  • Single issues
    • Bundle single steps towards one outcome via task lists within one issue.
    • Bundle multiple ("independent") issues into a milestone.
  • You can use labels to categorize.
  • If a major contributor: self-assign unless discussed in meeting / in person.
  • When somebody is already assigned, only assign as well when discussed with the first assignee.

Project Board

You might find it supportive to use a project board.

There, you can

  • Create issues.
  • Self-assign in the board.
  • Use milestones and labels.
  • See above.

Repository Overview

folder content
.vscode settings relevant for vs code (extensions)
bricks individual bricks that can be combined into units see brick-types
units units that can be combined into disseminations see unit-types
disseminations disseminations that can be used for an event see dissemination-types
images images
style css-theme(s) for Marp slides

Brick types

  • markdown slides
  • docs
  • ...

Unit types

type description typical layout(s)
lesson convey knowledge slides
exercise educational, learn from (inter)active practice slides, docs
demo demonstrate tool, showcase skill slides, (videos, screencasts)
feedback collect participant feedback slides
tutorial (self-)guided tutorial slides, docs, (videos, screencasts)
article written out text (knowledge base) docs
handout Literally a (few-pager) handout to give away docs?
checklist Provides an overview of items to be considered for a specific purpose docs, slides

Dissemination types

Dissemination type Target audience Example
One-on-one / consulting PIs, CIs, lab member responsible for data management call (phone/zoom ) during proposals or other funding / associating a (new/existing) group / CRC / preparing a lab consulting
Train-the-trainer Data Stewards Onboarding of new DataPLANT data stewards
Training (practical) all (DataPLANT) users Training on a (specific) DataPLANT tool(s)
Teaching (theory + practical) Students/PhD/PostDoc PhD course on good data management practice
Workshop all (DataPLANT) users Bring your own data (and build your ARC)

File naming convention


  • short title with content information


  • "unit-type_consecutive number_specifier"

Improving reusability

  • Small packages
    • The smaller ~ the more re-usable
    • The smaller ~ the easier to collaborate using Git without merge conflicts
  • Metadata header (see below)
  • Markdown (slides)
    • YAML header for metadata (context)
    • formulated text can easily be converted into slide notes
  • Distinguish "figures" from "slides"
    • figures can be used for multiple output formats (website/knowledge based, slides, tutorials, handouts)
    • The directory images holds image (*.svg, *.png) files (not slides) and/or the original source file (.pptx, .drawio.svg) used to create the image file(s).
  • If powerpoint is used to create a figure
    • the pptx stored in images is supposed to be a file of only a single slide or slide sequence (i.e. consecutive slides, where one image builds on the previous)
    • the name of the resulting figure file (e.g. "FAIRprinciples.png") MUST be aligned with the source file (e.g. "FAIRprinciples.pptx")
      • a consecutive number is suffixed to images from slide sequences (e.g. "FAIRprinciples_seq1.png", "FAIRprinciples_seq2.png")
  • optional, not implemented yet: A directory for other media types like videos could be added and used similar as the images directory.

Figure design


  • pure figures

    • no caption
    • no link
  • image directory: reusable, named, single image files

  • copyright, licenses

    • list file name, authors (with ORCID), source (link) and license for all figures in `resource_lists/_images.csv``


  • powerpoint
  • Inkscape
  • (e.g. VS code extension)

Output formats

  1. svg (preferred)
  2. png
  3. jpeg
  4. pdf

Slide Design

Currently (March 2023), slides in this repo are built from markdown files using the marpit framework.

There are some technical flavors that let Marp interpret the slide design differently.
To avoid incompatibilities when combining multiple slide decks into one, add the following global directives to your YAML header:

marp: true
theme: dataplant_marp-theme
  - 1
  - 2
  1. This makes sure that e.g. all slides are "cut" at level 1 (h1, #) and level 2 (h2, ##) headers.
    Note, also a line with '---' below the yaml header will break slides.
  2. If you want to apply a directive only to a single page (Spot directives),
    use the underscore mechanism, e.g. <!-- _paginate: false -->
    Otherwise the adapted style applies to all slides (of a combined slide deck).
  3. In contrast <!-- paginate: false --> is a local directive which will be followed from the slide onwards on which it appears first but can be escaped for a slide by a spot directive like <!-- _paginate: skip -->.

"File specs"

  • bricks, units and disseminations are markdown files (file extension: .md)
    • they can be interpreted and rendered as-is by e.g. VS Code (extensions), GitHub, marp-cli, etc
    • they contain a suitable yaml header
    • points to the paths of bricks or units in the desired order
    • is interpreted by a script, which compiles the listed bricks and units into a unit or dissemination
    • MAY contain a suitable yaml header
    • MAY contain empty lines and comments (lines starting with #)

Training material metadata header

  • We use YAML metadata header aiming to provide FAIR training material (for details, see below in the file specs).
  • Inspired by
  • Why YAML (or YML)?
    • hidden from rendered markdown
    • machine-readable (databases, keywords, etc.)

YAML headers

  • brick level metadata

    # Slide-related yaml  
    marp: true  
    theme: dataplant_marp-theme  
    # Training yaml  
    layout: slides  
    title: "brick_dummy"  
    - contributor1  
    - contributor2  # this is how to add multiple values  
    date: YYYY-MM-DD  
    status: empty #or draft or ready  
  • additional unit level metadata

    learning outcomes:
    required resources:
    teaching mode:
    links and references:
  • additional dissemination level metadata to bricks and unit level metadata

    target audience:

Note, if a dissemination is built only from bricks, the dissemination metadata should comprise all entries from bricks, units and disseminations. Similarly, if it is built only from units, it will already contain the bricks metadata as this will be inherited by the unit level metadata.

Relative paths (to images)

Needs careful construction, especially when trying to compile across multiple folder (e.g. submodules).

  1. Any link within a "source" file (brick, style, etc.) MUST be a correct relative path.

    Example If a references an image at ../images/image.png, the image MUST exist at ../images/image.png relative to the

  2. A unit folder MUST contain a file.
  3. The style directory MUST contain a style-css and style-yaml file (see examples).
  4. The name of the compiled output is the same as the folder (e.g. a unit folder "dummy" will contain a "" and a "dummy.html")
  5. Bricks and images MAY be organized into subfolders of bricks and images, but it's probably safer to avoid this. So far, we only placed _logos and _qr-codes in subfolders which are unique to the respective user group which needs to be considered when referencing.