diff --git a/modules.json b/modules.json index ebbc5dc..4a3b241 100644 --- a/modules.json +++ b/modules.json @@ -5,6 +5,16 @@ "https://github.com/nf-core/modules.git": { "modules": { "nf-core": { + "bbmap/clumpify": { + "branch": "master", + "git_sha": "3f5420aa22e00bd030a2556dfdffc9e164ec0ec5", + "installed_by": ["modules"] + }, + "fastp": { + "branch": "master", + "git_sha": "95cf5fe0194c7bf5cb0e3027a2eb7e7c89385080", + "installed_by": ["modules"] + }, "fastqc": { "branch": "master", "git_sha": "f4ae1d942bd50c5c0b9bd2de1393ce38315ba57c", diff --git a/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/environment.yml b/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/environment.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bef6899 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/environment.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +name: bbmap_clumpify +channels: + - conda-forge + - bioconda + - defaults +dependencies: + - bioconda::bbmap=39.01 diff --git a/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/main.nf b/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/main.nf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1b2a0a --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/main.nf @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +process BBMAP_CLUMPIFY { + tag "$meta.id" + label 'process_single' + label 'process_high_memory' + + conda "${moduleDir}/environment.yml" + container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ? + 'https://depot.galaxyproject.org/singularity/bbmap:39.01--h5c4e2a8_0': + 'biocontainers/bbmap:39.01--h5c4e2a8_0' }" + + input: + tuple val(meta), path(reads) + + output: + tuple val(meta), path('*.fastq.gz'), emit: reads + tuple val(meta), path('*.log') , emit: log + path "versions.yml" , emit: versions + + when: + task.ext.when == null || task.ext.when + + script: + def args = task.ext.args ?: '' + def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${meta.id}" + def raw = meta.single_end ? "in=$reads" : "in1=${reads[0]} in2=${reads[1]}" + def clumped = meta.single_end ? "out=${prefix}.clumped.fastq.gz" : "out1=${prefix}_1.clumped.fastq.gz out2=${prefix}_2.clumped.fastq.gz" + """ + clumpify.sh \\ + $raw \\ + $clumped \\ + $args \\ + &> ${prefix}.clumpify.log + cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml + "${task.process}": + bbmap: \$(bbversion.sh | grep -v "Duplicate cpuset") + END_VERSIONS + """ +} diff --git a/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/meta.yml b/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/meta.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed33397 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/meta.yml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +name: bbmap_clumpify +description: Create 30% Smaller, Faster Gzipped Fastq Files. And remove duplicates +keywords: + - clumping fastqs + - smaller fastqs + - deduping + - fastq +tools: + - bbmap: + description: BBMap is a short read aligner, as well as various other bioinformatic tools. + homepage: https://jgi.doe.gov/data-and-tools/software-tools/bbtools/bb-tools-user-guide/clumpify-guide/ + documentation: https://www.biostars.org/p/225338/ + licence: ["UC-LBL license (see package)"] +input: + - meta: + type: map + description: | + Groovy Map containing sample information + e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] + - reads: + type: file + description: | + List of input FastQ files of size 1 and 2 for single-end and paired-end data, + respectively. +output: + - meta: + type: map + description: | + Groovy Map containing sample information + e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] + - reads: + type: file + description: The reordered/clumped (and if necessary deduped) fastq reads + pattern: "*.clumped.fastq.gz" + - versions: + type: file + description: File containing software versions + pattern: "versions.yml" + - log: + type: file + description: Clumpify log file + pattern: "*clumpify.log" +authors: + - "@tamuanand" +maintainers: + - "@tamuanand" diff --git a/modules/nf-core/fastp/environment.yml b/modules/nf-core/fastp/environment.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70389e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/fastp/environment.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +name: fastp +channels: + - conda-forge + - bioconda + - defaults +dependencies: + - bioconda::fastp=0.23.4 diff --git a/modules/nf-core/fastp/main.nf b/modules/nf-core/fastp/main.nf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fc19b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/fastp/main.nf @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +process FASTP { + tag "$meta.id" + label 'process_medium' + + conda "${moduleDir}/environment.yml" + container "${ workflow.containerEngine == 'singularity' && !task.ext.singularity_pull_docker_container ? + 'https://depot.galaxyproject.org/singularity/fastp:0.23.4--h5f740d0_0' : + 'biocontainers/fastp:0.23.4--h5f740d0_0' }" + + input: + tuple val(meta), path(reads) + path adapter_fasta + val save_trimmed_fail + val save_merged + + output: + tuple val(meta), path('*.fastp.fastq.gz') , optional:true, emit: reads + tuple val(meta), path('*.json') , emit: json + tuple val(meta), path('*.html') , emit: html + tuple val(meta), path('*.log') , emit: log + path "versions.yml" , emit: versions + tuple val(meta), path('*.fail.fastq.gz') , optional:true, emit: reads_fail + tuple val(meta), path('*.merged.fastq.gz'), optional:true, emit: reads_merged + + when: + task.ext.when == null || task.ext.when + + script: + def args = task.ext.args ?: '' + def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${meta.id}" + def adapter_list = adapter_fasta ? "--adapter_fasta ${adapter_fasta}" : "" + def fail_fastq = save_trimmed_fail && meta.single_end ? "--failed_out ${prefix}.fail.fastq.gz" : save_trimmed_fail && !meta.single_end ? "--failed_out ${prefix}.paired.fail.fastq.gz --unpaired1 ${prefix}_1.fail.fastq.gz --unpaired2 ${prefix}_2.fail.fastq.gz" : '' + // Added soft-links to original fastqs for consistent naming in MultiQC + // Use single ended for interleaved. Add --interleaved_in in config. + if ( task.ext.args?.contains('--interleaved_in') ) { + """ + [ ! -f ${prefix}.fastq.gz ] && ln -sf $reads ${prefix}.fastq.gz + + fastp \\ + --stdout \\ + --in1 ${prefix}.fastq.gz \\ + --thread $task.cpus \\ + --json ${prefix}.fastp.json \\ + --html ${prefix}.fastp.html \\ + $adapter_list \\ + $fail_fastq \\ + $args \\ + 2> >(tee ${prefix}.fastp.log >&2) \\ + | gzip -c > ${prefix}.fastp.fastq.gz + + cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml + "${task.process}": + fastp: \$(fastp --version 2>&1 | sed -e "s/fastp //g") + END_VERSIONS + """ + } else if (meta.single_end) { + """ + [ ! -f ${prefix}.fastq.gz ] && ln -sf $reads ${prefix}.fastq.gz + + fastp \\ + --in1 ${prefix}.fastq.gz \\ + --out1 ${prefix}.fastp.fastq.gz \\ + --thread $task.cpus \\ + --json ${prefix}.fastp.json \\ + --html ${prefix}.fastp.html \\ + $adapter_list \\ + $fail_fastq \\ + $args \\ + 2> >(tee ${prefix}.fastp.log >&2) + + cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml + "${task.process}": + fastp: \$(fastp --version 2>&1 | sed -e "s/fastp //g") + END_VERSIONS + """ + } else { + def merge_fastq = save_merged ? "-m --merged_out ${prefix}.merged.fastq.gz" : '' + """ + [ ! -f ${prefix}_1.fastq.gz ] && ln -sf ${reads[0]} ${prefix}_1.fastq.gz + [ ! -f ${prefix}_2.fastq.gz ] && ln -sf ${reads[1]} ${prefix}_2.fastq.gz + fastp \\ + --in1 ${prefix}_1.fastq.gz \\ + --in2 ${prefix}_2.fastq.gz \\ + --out1 ${prefix}_1.fastp.fastq.gz \\ + --out2 ${prefix}_2.fastp.fastq.gz \\ + --json ${prefix}.fastp.json \\ + --html ${prefix}.fastp.html \\ + $adapter_list \\ + $fail_fastq \\ + $merge_fastq \\ + --thread $task.cpus \\ + --detect_adapter_for_pe \\ + $args \\ + 2> >(tee ${prefix}.fastp.log >&2) + + cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml + "${task.process}": + fastp: \$(fastp --version 2>&1 | sed -e "s/fastp //g") + END_VERSIONS + """ + } + + stub: + def prefix = task.ext.prefix ?: "${meta.id}" + def is_single_output = task.ext.args?.contains('--interleaved_in') || meta.single_end + def touch_reads = is_single_output ? "${prefix}.fastp.fastq.gz" : "${prefix}_1.fastp.fastq.gz ${prefix}_2.fastp.fastq.gz" + def touch_merged = (!is_single_output && save_merged) ? "touch ${prefix}.merged.fastq.gz" : "" + """ + touch $touch_reads + touch "${prefix}.fastp.json" + touch "${prefix}.fastp.html" + touch "${prefix}.fastp.log" + $touch_merged + + cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml + "${task.process}": + fastp: \$(fastp --version 2>&1 | sed -e "s/fastp //g") + END_VERSIONS + """ +} diff --git a/modules/nf-core/fastp/meta.yml b/modules/nf-core/fastp/meta.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c22a16a --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/fastp/meta.yml @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +name: fastp +description: Perform adapter/quality trimming on sequencing reads +keywords: + - trimming + - quality control + - fastq +tools: + - fastp: + description: | + A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This tool is developed in C++ with multithreading supported to afford high performance. + documentation: https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp + doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty560 + licence: ["MIT"] +input: + - meta: + type: map + description: | + Groovy Map containing sample information. Use 'single_end: true' to specify single ended or interleaved FASTQs. Use 'single_end: false' for paired-end reads. + e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] + - reads: + type: file + description: | + List of input FastQ files of size 1 and 2 for single-end and paired-end data, + respectively. If you wish to run interleaved paired-end data, supply as single-end data + but with `--interleaved_in` in your `modules.conf`'s `ext.args` for the module. + - adapter_fasta: + type: file + description: File in FASTA format containing possible adapters to remove. + pattern: "*.{fasta,fna,fas,fa}" + - save_trimmed_fail: + type: boolean + description: Specify true to save files that failed to pass trimming thresholds ending in `*.fail.fastq.gz` + - save_merged: + type: boolean + description: Specify true to save all merged reads to the a file ending in `*.merged.fastq.gz` +output: + - meta: + type: map + description: | + Groovy Map containing sample information + e.g. [ id:'test', single_end:false ] + - reads: + type: file + description: The trimmed/modified/unmerged fastq reads + pattern: "*fastp.fastq.gz" + - json: + type: file + description: Results in JSON format + pattern: "*.json" + - html: + type: file + description: Results in HTML format + pattern: "*.html" + - log: + type: file + description: fastq log file + pattern: "*.log" + - versions: + type: file + description: File containing software versions + pattern: "versions.yml" + - reads_fail: + type: file + description: Reads the failed the preprocessing + pattern: "*fail.fastq.gz" + - reads_merged: + type: file + description: Reads that were successfully merged + pattern: "*.{merged.fastq.gz}" +authors: + - "@drpatelh" + - "@kevinmenden" +maintainers: + - "@drpatelh" + - "@kevinmenden" diff --git a/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/main.nf.test b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/main.nf.test new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f1f489 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/main.nf.test @@ -0,0 +1,725 @@ +nextflow_process { + + name "Test Process FASTP" + script "../main.nf" + process "FASTP" + tag "modules" + tag "modules_nfcore" + tag "fastp" + + test("test_fastp_single_end") { + + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = false + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:true ], + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + def html_text = [ "Q20 bases:12.922000 K (92.984097%)", + "single end (151 cycles)" ] + def log_text = [ "Q20 bases: 12922(92.9841%)", + "reads passed filter: 99" ] + def read_lines = ["@ERR5069949.2151832 NS500628:121:HK3MMAFX2:2:21208:10793:15304/1", + "TCATAAACCAAAGCACTCACAGTGTCAACAATTTCAGCAGGACAACGCCGACAAGTTCCGAGGAACATGTCTGGACCTATAGTTTTCATAAGTCTACACACTGAATTGAAATATTCTGGTTCTAGTGTGCCCTTAGTTAGCAATGTGCGT", + "AAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEE + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read_line) } + } + }, + { html_text.each { html_part -> + { assert path(process.out.html.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(html_part) } + } + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.json).match("test_fastp_single_end_json") }, + { log_text.each { log_part -> + { assert path(process.out.log.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(log_part) } + } + }, + { + assert snapshot( + ( + [process.out.reads[0][0].toString()] + // meta + process.out.reads.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.json.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.html.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.log.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_fail.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_merged.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + ).sort() + ).match("test_fastp_single_end-_match") + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_single_end") } + ) + } + } + + test("test_fastp_single_end-stub") { + + options '-stub' + + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = false + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:true ], + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + + assertAll( + { assert process.success }, + { + assert snapshot( + ( + [process.out.reads[0][0].toString()] + // meta + process.out.reads.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.json.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.html.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.log.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_fail.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_merged.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + ).sort() + ).match("test_fastp_single_end-for_stub_match") + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_single_end_stub") } + ) + } + } + + test("test_fastp_paired_end") { + + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = false + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true), + file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_2.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + def html_text = [ "Q20 bases:25.719000 K (93.033098%)", + "The input has little adapter percentage (~0.000000%), probably it's trimmed before."] + def log_text = [ "No adapter detected for read1", + "Q30 bases: 12281(88.3716%)"] + def json_text = ['"passed_filter_reads": 198'] + def read1_lines = ["@ERR5069949.2151832 NS500628:121:HK3MMAFX2:2:21208:10793:15304/1", + "TCATAAACCAAAGCACTCACAGTGTCAACAATTTCAGCAGGACAACGCCGACAAGTTCCGAGGAACATGTCTGGACCTATAGTTTTCATAAGTCTACACACTGAATTGAAATATTCTGGTTCTAGTGTGCCCTTAGTTAGCAATGTGCGT", + "AAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEE + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1).get(0)).linesGzip.contains(read1_line) } + } + }, + { read2_lines.each { read2_line -> + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read2_line) } + } + }, + { html_text.each { html_part -> + { assert path(process.out.html.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(html_part) } + } + }, + { json_text.each { json_part -> + { assert path(process.out.json.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(json_part) } + } + }, + { log_text.each { log_part -> + { assert path(process.out.log.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(log_part) } + } + }, + { + assert snapshot( + ( + [process.out.reads[0][0].toString()] + // meta + process.out.reads.collect { it[1].collect { item -> file(item).getName() } } + + process.out.json.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.html.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.log.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_fail.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_merged.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + ).sort() + ).match("test_fastp_paired_end_match") + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_paired_end") } + ) + } + } + + test("test_fastp_paired_end-stub") { + + options '-stub' + + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = false + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true), + file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_2.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + assertAll( + { assert process.success }, + { + assert snapshot( + ( + [process.out.reads[0][0].toString()] + // meta + process.out.reads.collect { it[1].collect { item -> file(item).getName() } } + + process.out.json.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.html.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.log.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_fail.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_merged.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + ).sort() + ).match("test_fastp_paired_end-for_stub_match") + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_paired_end-stub") } + ) + } + } + + test("fastp test_fastp_interleaved") { + + config './nextflow.interleaved.config' + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = false + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:true ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_interleaved.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + def html_text = [ "Q20 bases:25.719000 K (93.033098%)", + "paired end (151 cycles + 151 cycles)"] + def log_text = [ "Q20 bases: 12922(92.9841%)", + "reads passed filter: 162"] + def read_lines = [ "@ERR5069949.2151832 NS500628:121:HK3MMAFX2:2:21208:10793:15304/1", + "TCATAAACCAAAGCACTCACAGTGTCAACAATTTCAGCAGGACAACGCCGACAAGTTCCGAGGAACATGTCTGGACCTATAGTTTTCATAAGTCTACACACTGAATTGAAATATTCTGGTTCTAGTGTGCCCTTAGTTAGCAATGTGCGT", + "AAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEE + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read_line) } + } + }, + { html_text.each { html_part -> + { assert path(process.out.html.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(html_part) } + } + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.json).match("fastp test_fastp_interleaved_json") }, + { log_text.each { log_part -> + { assert path(process.out.log.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(log_part) } + } + }, + { + assert snapshot( + ( + [process.out.reads[0][0].toString()] + // meta + process.out.reads.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.json.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.html.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.log.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_fail.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_merged.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + ).sort() + ).match("test_fastp_interleaved-_match") + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_interleaved") } + ) + } + } + + test("fastp test_fastp_interleaved-stub") { + + options '-stub' + + config './nextflow.interleaved.config' + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = false + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:true ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_interleaved.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + assertAll( + { assert process.success }, + { + assert snapshot( + ( + [process.out.reads[0][0].toString()] + // meta + process.out.reads.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.json.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.html.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.log.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_fail.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_merged.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + ).sort() + ).match("test_fastp_interleaved-for_stub_match") + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_interleaved-stub") } + ) + } + } + + test("test_fastp_single_end_trim_fail") { + + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = true + save_merged = false + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:true ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + def html_text = [ "Q20 bases:12.922000 K (92.984097%)", + "single end (151 cycles)"] + def log_text = [ "Q20 bases: 12922(92.9841%)", + "reads passed filter: 99" ] + def read_lines = [ "@ERR5069949.2151832 NS500628:121:HK3MMAFX2:2:21208:10793:15304/1", + "TCATAAACCAAAGCACTCACAGTGTCAACAATTTCAGCAGGACAACGCCGACAAGTTCCGAGGAACATGTCTGGACCTATAGTTTTCATAAGTCTACACACTGAATTGAAATATTCTGGTTCTAGTGTGCCCTTAGTTAGCAATGTGCGT", + "AAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEE + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read_line) } + } + }, + { failed_read_lines.each { failed_read_line -> + { assert path(process.out.reads_fail.get(0).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(failed_read_line) } + } + }, + { html_text.each { html_part -> + { assert path(process.out.html.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(html_part) } + } + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.json).match("test_fastp_single_end_trim_fail_json") }, + { log_text.each { log_part -> + { assert path(process.out.log.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(log_part) } + } + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_single_end_trim_fail") } + ) + } + } + + test("test_fastp_paired_end_trim_fail") { + + config './nextflow.save_failed.config' + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = true + save_merged = false + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true), + file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_2.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true)] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + def html_text = [ "Q20 bases:25.719000 K (93.033098%)", + "The input has little adapter percentage (~0.000000%), probably it's trimmed before."] + def log_text = [ "No adapter detected for read1", + "Q30 bases: 12281(88.3716%)"] + def json_text = ['"passed_filter_reads": 162'] + def read1_lines = ["@ERR5069949.2151832 NS500628:121:HK3MMAFX2:2:21208:10793:15304/1", + "TCATAAACCAAAGCACTCACAGTGTCAACAATTTCAGCAGGACAACGCCGACAAGTTCCGAGGAACATGTCTGGACCTATAGTTTTCATAAGTCTACACACTGAATTGAAATATTCTGGTTCTAGTGTGCCCTTAGTTAGCAATGTGCGT", + "AAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAEEEEE + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1).get(0)).linesGzip.contains(read1_line) } + } + }, + { read2_lines.each { read2_line -> + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read2_line) } + } + }, + { failed_read2_lines.each { failed_read2_line -> + { assert path(process.out.reads_fail.get(0).get(1).get(2)).linesGzip.contains(failed_read2_line) } + } + }, + { html_text.each { html_part -> + { assert path(process.out.html.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(html_part) } + } + }, + { json_text.each { json_part -> + { assert path(process.out.json.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(json_part) } + } + }, + { log_text.each { log_part -> + { assert path(process.out.log.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(log_part) } + } + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_paired_end_trim_fail") } + ) + } + } + + test("test_fastp_paired_end_merged") { + + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = true + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true), + file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_2.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + def html_text = [ "
"] + def log_text = [ "Merged and filtered:", + "total reads: 75", + "total bases: 13683"] + def json_text = ['"merged_and_filtered": {', '"total_reads": 75', '"total_bases": 13683'] + def read1_lines = [ "@ERR5069949.1066259 NS500628:121:HK3MMAFX2:1:11312:18369:8333/1", + "CCTTATGACAGCAAGAACTGTGTATGATGATGGTGCTAGGAGAGTGTGGACACTTATGAATGTCTTGACACTCGTTTATAAAGTTTATTATGGTAATGCTTTAGATCAAGCCATTTCCATGTGGGCTCTTATAATCTCTGTTACTTC", + "AAAAAEAEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAEEEEAEEEEEEEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE/EAEEEEEE/6EEEEEEEEEEAEEAEEE/EE/AEEAEEEEEAEEEA/EEAAEAE + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1).get(0)).linesGzip.contains(read1_line) } + } + }, + { read2_lines.each { read2_line -> + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read2_line) } + } + }, + { read_merged_lines.each { read_merged_line -> + { assert path(process.out.reads_merged.get(0).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read_merged_line) } + } + }, + { html_text.each { html_part -> + { assert path(process.out.html.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(html_part) } + } + }, + { json_text.each { json_part -> + { assert path(process.out.json.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(json_part) } + } + }, + { log_text.each { log_part -> + { assert path(process.out.log.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(log_part) } + } + }, + { + assert snapshot( + ( + [process.out.reads[0][0].toString()] + // meta + process.out.reads.collect { it[1].collect { item -> file(item).getName() } } + + process.out.json.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.html.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.log.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_fail.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_merged.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + ).sort() + ).match("test_fastp_paired_end_merged_match") + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_paired_end_merged") } + ) + } + } + + test("test_fastp_paired_end_merged-stub") { + + options '-stub' + + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = [] + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = true + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true), + file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_2.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + assertAll( + { assert process.success }, + { + assert snapshot( + ( + [process.out.reads[0][0].toString()] + // meta + process.out.reads.collect { it[1].collect { item -> file(item).getName() } } + + process.out.json.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.html.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.log.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_fail.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + + process.out.reads_merged.collect { file(it[1]).getName() } + ).sort() + ).match("test_fastp_paired_end_merged-for_stub_match") + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_paired_end_merged_stub") } + ) + } + } + + test("test_fastp_paired_end_merged_adapterlist") { + + when { + params { + outdir = "$outputDir" + } + process { + """ + adapter_fasta = Channel.of([ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'delete_me/fastp/adapters.fasta', checkIfExists: true) ]) + save_trimmed_fail = false + save_merged = true + + input[0] = Channel.of([ + [ id:'test', single_end:false ], // meta map + [ file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_1.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true), + file(params.modules_testdata_base_path + 'genomics/sarscov2/illumina/fastq/test_2.fastq.gz', checkIfExists: true) ] + ]) + input[1] = adapter_fasta + input[2] = save_trimmed_fail + input[3] = save_merged + """ + } + } + + then { + def html_text = [ "
"] + def log_text = [ "Merged and filtered:", + "total reads: 75", + "total bases: 13683"] + def json_text = ['"merged_and_filtered": {', '"total_reads": 75', '"total_bases": 13683',"--adapter_fasta"] + def read1_lines = ["@ERR5069949.1066259 NS500628:121:HK3MMAFX2:1:11312:18369:8333/1", + "CCTTATGACAGCAAGAACTGTGTATGATGATGGTGCTAGGAGAGTGTGGACACTTATGAATGTCTTGACACTCGTTTATAAAGTTTATTATGGTAATGCTTTAGATCAAGCCATTTCCATGTGGGCTCTTATAATCTCTGTTACTTC", + "AAAAAEAEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAEEEEAEEEEEEEEAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE/EAEEEEEE/6EEEEEEEEEEAEEAEEE/EE/AEEAEEEEEAEEEA/EEAAEAE + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1).get(0)).linesGzip.contains(read1_line) } + } + }, + { read2_lines.each { read2_line -> + { assert path(process.out.reads.get(0).get(1).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read2_line) } + } + }, + { read_merged_lines.each { read_merged_line -> + { assert path(process.out.reads_merged.get(0).get(1)).linesGzip.contains(read_merged_line) } + } + }, + { html_text.each { html_part -> + { assert path(process.out.html.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(html_part) } + } + }, + { json_text.each { json_part -> + { assert path(process.out.json.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(json_part) } + } + }, + { log_text.each { log_part -> + { assert path(process.out.log.get(0).get(1)).getText().contains(log_part) } + } + }, + { assert snapshot(process.out.versions).match("versions_paired_end_merged_adapterlist") } + ) + } + } +} diff --git a/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/main.nf.test.snap b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/main.nf.test.snap new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e87628 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/main.nf.test.snap @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +{ + "fastp test_fastp_interleaved_json": { + "content": [ + [ + [ + { + "id": "test", + "single_end": true + }, + "test.fastp.json:md5,b24e0624df5cc0b11cd5ba21b726fb22" + ] + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-03-18T16:19:15.063001" + }, + "test_fastp_paired_end_merged-for_stub_match": { + "content": [ + [ + [ + "test_1.fastp.fastq.gz", + "test_2.fastp.fastq.gz" + ], + "test.fastp.html", + "test.fastp.json", + "test.fastp.log", + "test.merged.fastq.gz", + "{id=test, single_end=false}" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-01-17T18:10:13.467574" + }, + "versions_interleaved": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:56:24.615634793" + }, + "test_fastp_single_end_json": { + "content": [ + [ + [ + { + "id": "test", + "single_end": true + }, + "test.fastp.json:md5,c852d7a6dba5819e4ac8d9673bedcacc" + ] + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-03-18T16:18:43.526412" + }, + "versions_paired_end": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:55:42.333545689" + }, + "test_fastp_paired_end_match": { + "content": [ + [ + [ + "test_1.fastp.fastq.gz", + "test_2.fastp.fastq.gz" + ], + "test.fastp.html", + "test.fastp.json", + "test.fastp.log", + "{id=test, single_end=false}" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T12:03:06.431833729" + }, + "test_fastp_interleaved-_match": { + "content": [ + [ + "test.fastp.fastq.gz", + "test.fastp.html", + "test.fastp.json", + "test.fastp.log", + "{id=test, single_end=true}" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-03-18T16:19:15.111894" + }, + "test_fastp_paired_end_merged_match": { + "content": [ + [ + [ + "test_1.fastp.fastq.gz", + "test_2.fastp.fastq.gz" + ], + "test.fastp.html", + "test.fastp.json", + "test.fastp.log", + "test.merged.fastq.gz", + "{id=test, single_end=false}" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T12:08:44.496251446" + }, + "versions_single_end_stub": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:55:27.354051299" + }, + "versions_interleaved-stub": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:56:46.535528418" + }, + "versions_single_end_trim_fail": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:59:03.724591407" + }, + "test_fastp_paired_end-for_stub_match": { + "content": [ + [ + [ + "test_1.fastp.fastq.gz", + "test_2.fastp.fastq.gz" + ], + "test.fastp.html", + "test.fastp.json", + "test.fastp.log", + "{id=test, single_end=false}" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-01-17T18:07:15.398827" + }, + "versions_paired_end-stub": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:56:06.50017282" + }, + "versions_single_end": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:55:07.67921647" + }, + "versions_paired_end_merged_stub": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:59:47.350653154" + }, + "test_fastp_interleaved-for_stub_match": { + "content": [ + [ + "test.fastp.fastq.gz", + "test.fastp.html", + "test.fastp.json", + "test.fastp.log", + "{id=test, single_end=true}" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-01-17T18:08:06.127974" + }, + "versions_paired_end_trim_fail": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:59:18.140484878" + }, + "test_fastp_single_end-for_stub_match": { + "content": [ + [ + "test.fastp.fastq.gz", + "test.fastp.html", + "test.fastp.json", + "test.fastp.log", + "{id=test, single_end=true}" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-01-17T18:06:00.244202" + }, + "test_fastp_single_end-_match": { + "content": [ + [ + "test.fastp.fastq.gz", + "test.fastp.html", + "test.fastp.json", + "test.fastp.log", + "{id=test, single_end=true}" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-03-18T16:18:43.580336" + }, + "versions_paired_end_merged_adapterlist": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T12:05:37.845370554" + }, + "versions_paired_end_merged": { + "content": [ + [ + "versions.yml:md5,48ffc994212fb1fc9f83a74fa69c9f02" + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-02-01T11:59:32.860543858" + }, + "test_fastp_single_end_trim_fail_json": { + "content": [ + [ + [ + { + "id": "test", + "single_end": true + }, + "test.fastp.json:md5,9a7ee180f000e8d00c7fb67f06293eb5" + ] + ] + ], + "meta": { + "nf-test": "0.8.4", + "nextflow": "23.10.1" + }, + "timestamp": "2024-01-17T18:08:41.942317" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/nextflow.interleaved.config b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/nextflow.interleaved.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4be8dbd --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/nextflow.interleaved.config @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +process { + withName: FASTP { + ext.args = "--interleaved_in -e 30" + } +} diff --git a/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/nextflow.save_failed.config b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/nextflow.save_failed.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53b61b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/nextflow.save_failed.config @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +process { + withName: FASTP { + ext.args = "-e 30" + } +} diff --git a/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/tags.yml b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/tags.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1afcce --- /dev/null +++ b/modules/nf-core/fastp/tests/tags.yml @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +fastp: + - modules/nf-core/fastp/** diff --git a/workflows/seqinspector.nf b/workflows/seqinspector.nf index 9ae3384..61f98e0 100644 --- a/workflows/seqinspector.nf +++ b/workflows/seqinspector.nf @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ +include { BBMAP_CLUMPIFY } from '../modules/nf-core/bbmap/clumpify/main' +include { FASTP } from '../modules/nf-core/fastp/main' include { FASTQC } from '../modules/nf-core/fastqc/main' include { MULTIQC } from '../modules/nf-core/multiqc/main' include { paramsSummaryMap } from 'plugin/nf-validation'