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Rui Azevedo edited this page Oct 22, 2017 · 7 revisions

Navigation options

Global config options

Global options are just a pointer to config object, providing some customization.

A different object pointer can be provided at any time.

V4.x options

valid from V4.0.7

      char selectedCursor;//='>'; selected option text cursor
      char disabledCursor;//='-'; disabled option text cursor
      const navCodesDef &navCodes;//=defaultNavCodes; reference to existing navigation chars/commands table
      bool invertFieldKeys;//global fields keys inversion flag (for code driven single input)

V3.x options

struct config {
  char selectedCursor;//='>';
  char disabledCursor;//='-';
  bool invertFieldKeys;//=false;
  bool nav2D;//=false;// N/A should be false
  const navCodesDef &navCodes;//=defaultNavCodes;
  bool useUpdateEvent;//=false, if false, when field value is changed use enterEvent instead.
  bool canExit;//=true, if false do not exit from main menu
  inline char getCmdChar(navCmds cmd) const {return navCodes[cmd].ch;}

to provide new options:

on V4.x

config myOptions('*','-',defaultNavCodes,false);

void setup() {
  options=&myOptions;//can customize options

on V3.x

config myOptions(
  '>',//character used as cursor on enabled options
  '-',//character used as cursor on disabled options
  false,//invert up/down keys between nav and field edit
  false,//2D Nav - not implemented yet
  defaultNavCodes,//use default navigation characters '[+] [-] [\*] [/]'
  true,//use updateEvent
  true//can exit from main menu



Navigation characters/commands table

This table provides a mapping between navigation command and character codes.

It is the table used to translate characters read from a stream into navigation commands.

This table unit is the navCode structure

struct navCode {navCmds cmd;char ch;};

the table can be indexed by a navCmd options->navCodes[upCmd], or the associated character obtained by options->getCmdChar(upCmd)


cmd is one of the available navCmds

ch is the character code to be associated

the table is an array of 10 navCodes

const navCodesDef myCodes={
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