Targets in module create the user facing C++ library for the TRTorch core.
bazel build //cpp/ --compilation_mode=dbg
bazel build //cpp/ --cxxopt="-DNDEBUG"
#include "trtorch/trtorch.h"
Temporary, will get real documentation soon
namespace trtorch {
* Settings data structure for TRTorch compilation
struct TRTORCH_API CompileSpec {
* @brief A struct to hold an input range (used by TensorRT Optimization profile)
* This struct can either hold a single vector representing an input shape, signifying a
* static input shape or a set of three input shapes representing the min, optiminal and max
* input shapes allowed for the engine.
struct TRTORCH_API InputRange {
std::vector<int64_t> min;
std::vector<int64_t> opt;
std::vector<int64_t> max;
InputRange(std::vector<int64_t> opt);
InputRange(c10::ArrayRef<int64_t> opt);
InputRange(std::vector<int64_t> min, std::vector<int64_t> opt, std::vector<int64_t> max);
InputRange(c10::ArrayRef<int64_t> min, c10::ArrayRef<int64_t> opt, c10::ArrayRef<int64_t> max);
* Supported Data Types that can be used with TensorRT engines
* This class is compatable with c10::DataTypes (but will check for TRT support)
* so there should not be a reason that you need to use this type explictly.
class DataType {
* Underlying enum class to support the DataType Class
* In the case that you need to use the DataType class itself, interface using
* this enum vs. normal instatination
* ex. trtorch::DataType type = DataType::kFloat;
enum Value : int8_t {
/// FP32
/// FP16
/// INT8
DataType() = default;
constexpr DataType(Value t) : value(t) {}
DataType(c10::ScalarType t);
operator Value() const { return value; }
explicit operator bool() = delete;
constexpr bool operator==(DataType other) const { return value == other.value; }
constexpr bool operator!=(DataType other) const { return value != other.value; }
Value value;
* Supported Device Types that can be used with TensorRT engines
* This class is compatable with c10::DeviceTypes (but will check for TRT support)
* but the only applicable value is at::kCUDA, which maps to DeviceType::kGPU
* To use the DataType class itself, interface using the enum vs. normal instatination
* ex. trtorch::DeviceType type = DeviceType::kGPU;
class DeviceType {
* Underlying enum class to support the DeviceType Class
* In the case that you need to use the DeviceType class itself, interface using
* this enum vs. normal instatination
* ex. trtorch::DeviceType type = DeviceType::kGPU;
enum Value : int8_t {
/// Target GPU to run engine
/// Target DLA to run engine
DeviceType() = default;
constexpr DeviceType(Value t) : value(t) {}
DeviceType(c10::DeviceType t);
operator Value() const { return value; }
explicit operator bool() = delete;
constexpr bool operator==(DeviceType other) const { return value == other.value; }
constexpr bool operator!=(DeviceType other) const { return value != other.value; }
Value value;
* Emum for selecting engine capability
enum class EngineCapability : int8_t {
CompileSpec(std::vector<InputRange> input_ranges)
: input_ranges(std::move(input_ranges)) {}
CompileSpec(std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> fixed_sizes);
CompileSpec(std::vector<c10::ArrayRef<int64_t>> fixed_sizes);
// Defaults should reflect TensorRT defaults for BuilderConfig
* Sizes for inputs to engine, can either be a single size or a range
* defined by Min, Optimal, Max sizes
* Order is should match call order
std::vector<InputRange> input_ranges;
* Default operating precision for the engine
DataType op_precision = DataType::kFloat;
* Build a refitable engine
bool refit = false;
* Build a debugable engine
bool debug = false;
* Restrict operating type to only set default operation precision (op_precision)
bool strict_types = false;
* (Only used when targeting DLA (device))
* Lets engine run layers on GPU if they are not supported on DLA
bool allow_gpu_fallback = true;
* Target device type
DeviceType device = DeviceType::kGPU;
* Sets the restrictions for the engine (CUDA Safety)
EngineCapability capability = EngineCapability::kDEFAULT;
* Number of minimization timing iterations used to select kernels
uint64_t num_min_timing_iters = 2;
* Number of averaging timing iterations used to select kernels
uint64_t num_avg_timing_iters = 1;
* Maximum size of workspace given to TensorRT
uint64_t workspace_size = 0;
* Maximum batch size (must be =< 1 to be set, 0 means not set)
uint64_t max_batch_size = 0;
* Calibration dataloaders for each input for post training quantizatiom
nvinfer1::IInt8Calibrator* ptq_calibrator = nullptr;
* Get the version information for TRTorch including base libtorch and TensorRT versions
TRTORCH_API std::string get_build_info();
* Dump the version information for TRTorch including base libtorch and TensorRT versions
* to stdout
TRTORCH_API void dump_build_info();
* @brief Check to see if a module is fully supported by the compiler
* @param module: torch::jit::script::Module - Existing TorchScript module
* @param method_name: std::string - Name of method to compile
* Takes a module and a method name and checks if the method graph contains purely
* convertable operators
* Will print out a list of unsupported operators if the graph is unsupported
TRTORCH_API bool CheckMethodOperatorSupport(const torch::jit::script::Module& module, std::string method_name);
* @brief Compile a TorchScript module for NVIDIA GPUs using TensorRT
* @param module: torch::jit::script::Module - Existing TorchScript module
* @param info: trtorch::CompileSpec - Compilation settings
* Takes a existing TorchScript module and a set of settings to configure the compiler
* and will convert methods to JIT Graphs which call equivalent TensorRT engines
* Converts specifically the forward method of a TorchScript Module
TRTORCH_API torch::jit::script::Module CompileGraph(const torch::jit::script::Module& module, CompileSpec info);
* @brief Compile a TorchScript method for NVIDIA GPUs using TensorRT
* @param module: torch::jit::script::Module - Existing TorchScript module
* @param method_name: std::string - Name of method to compile
* @param info: trtorch::CompileSpec - Compilation settings
* Takes a existing TorchScript module and a set of settings to configure the compiler
* and will convert selected method to a serialized TensorRT engine which can be run with
* TensorRT
TRTORCH_API std::string ConvertGraphToTRTEngine(const torch::jit::script::Module& module, std::string method_name, CompileSpec info);
namespace ptq {
* @brief A factory to build a post training quantization calibrator from a torch dataloader
* Creates a calibrator to use for post training quantization
* If there are multiple inputs, the dataset should produce a example which is a vector (or similar container) of tensors vs a single tensor
* By default the returned calibrator uses TensorRT Entropy v2 algorithm to perform calibration. This is recommended for feed forward networks
* You can override the algorithm selection (such as to use the MinMax Calibrator recomended for NLP tasks) by calling make_int8_calibrator with
* the calibrator class as a template parameter.
* e.g. trtorch::ptq::make_int8_calibrator<nvinfer1::IInt8MinMaxCalibrator>(std::move(calibration_dataloader), calibration_cache_file, use_cache);
template<typename Algorithm = nvinfer1::IInt8EntropyCalibrator2, typename DataLoader>
TRTORCH_API inline Int8Calibrator<Algorithm, DataLoader> make_int8_calibrator(DataLoader dataloader, const std::string& cache_file_path, bool use_cache) {
return Int8Calibrator<Algorithm, DataLoader>(std::move(dataloader), cache_file_path, use_cache);
* @brief A factory to build a post training quantization calibrator from a torch dataloader that only uses the calibration cache
* Creates a calibrator to use for post training quantization which reads from a previously created calibration cache, therefore
* you can have a calibration cache generating program that requires a dataloader and a dataset, then save the cache to use later
* in a different program that needs to calibrate from scratch and not have the dataset dependency. However, the network should also
* be recalibrated if its structure changes, or the input data set changes, and it is the responsibility of the application to ensure this.
* By default the returned calibrator uses TensorRT Entropy v2 algorithm to perform calibration. This is recommended for feed forward networks
* You can override the algorithm selection (such as to use the MinMax Calibrator recomended for NLP tasks) by calling make_int8_calibrator with
* the calibrator class as a template parameter.
* e.g. trtorch::ptq::make_int8_cache_calibrator<nvinfer1::IInt8MinMaxCalibrator>(calibration_cache_file);
template<typename Algorithm = nvinfer1::IInt8EntropyCalibrator2>
TRTORCH_API inline Int8CacheCalibrator<Algorithm> make_int8_cache_calibrator(const std::string& cache_file_path) {
return Int8CacheCalibrator<Algorithm>(cache_file_path);
} // namespace ptq
} // namespace trtorch