diff --git a/locales/cs/settings.ftl b/locales/cs/settings.ftl
index a14e6196dcb..e7dca525051 100644
--- a/locales/cs/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/cs/settings.ftl
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = Smazání účtu { -brand-monitor }
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Tímto trvale smažete svůj účet u služby { -brand-monitor } a vypnete všechna oznámení.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Smazat účet
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Váš účet u služby { -brand-monitor } bude trvale smazán
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Všechny informace o vašem účtu { -brand-monitor } budou smazány a my už nebudeme nadále sledovat nové úniky údajů. Tímto nesmažete svůj účet { -brand-mozilla }.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Všechny informace o vašem účtu { -brand-monitor } budou smazány a my už nebudeme nadále sledovat nové úniky dat. Tímto nesmažete váš { -brand-mozilla-account(case: "acc", capitalization: "lower") }.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Smazat účet
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Rozmyslel(a) jsem si to
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Váš účet { -brand-monitor } je nyní smazán.
diff --git a/locales/de/settings.ftl b/locales/de/settings.ftl
index d362d757b41..b9192385c99 100644
--- a/locales/de/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/de/settings.ftl
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = { -brand-monitor }-Konto löschen
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Dies löscht Ihr { -brand-monitor }-Konto dauerhaft und alle Benachrichtigungen werden deaktiviert.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Konto löschen
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Ihr { -brand-monitor }-Konto wird dauerhaft gelöscht
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Alle Ihre { -brand-monitor }-Kontodaten werden gelöscht und es findet keine Überwachung auf neue Datenlecks mehr statt. Ihr { -brand-mozilla }-Konto wird dadurch nicht gelöscht.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Alle Ihre { -brand-monitor }-Kontodaten werden gelöscht und es wird nicht mehr auf neue Datenlecks gesucht. Ihr { -brand-mozilla-account } wird dadurch nicht gelöscht.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Konto löschen
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Ich habe es mir anders überlegt – zurück zur vorherigen Seite
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Ihr { -brand-monitor }-Konto ist jetzt gelöscht.
diff --git a/locales/el/settings.ftl b/locales/el/settings.ftl
index 82813fe95f2..e828fd3e750 100644
--- a/locales/el/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/el/settings.ftl
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = Διαγραφή λογαριασμ
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Αυτή η ενέργεια θα διαγράψει οριστικά τον λογαριασμό σας στο { -brand-monitor } και θα απενεργοποιήσει όλες τις ειδοποιήσεις.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Διαγραφή λογαριασμού
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Ο λογαριασμός σας στο { -brand-monitor } θα διαγραφεί οριστικά
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Όλες οι πληροφορίες του λογαριασμού σας στο { -brand-monitor } θα διαγραφούν και δεν θα εποπτεύουμε πλέον για νέες παραβιάσεις δεδομένων. Αυτή η ενέργεια δεν θα διαγράψει τον λογαριασμό σας στη { -brand-mozilla }.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Όλες οι πληροφορίες του λογαριασμού σας στο { -brand-monitor } θα διαγραφούν και δεν θα γίνεται πλέον εποπτεία για νέες παραβιάσεις δεδομένων. Αυτή η ενέργεια δεν θα διαγράψει τον { -brand-mozilla-account(case: "acc", capitalization: "lower") } σας.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Διαγραφή λογαριασμού
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Άλλαξα γνώμη, θέλω να επιστρέψω
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Ο λογαριασμός σας στο { -brand-monitor } έχει πλέον διαγραφεί.
diff --git a/locales/es-ES/settings.ftl b/locales/es-ES/settings.ftl
index cbe139fcd74..9a861a99e82 100644
--- a/locales/es-ES/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/es-ES/settings.ftl
@@ -9,9 +9,14 @@ settings-page-title = Ajustes de { -product-short-name }
## Breach alert preferences
-settings-alert-preferences-title = Preferencias de alertas de filtraciones
+settings-alert-email-preferences-title = Preferencias de correo
+settings-alert-email-preferences-subtitle = Dinos qué correos electrónicos te gustaría recibir.
+settings-alert-preferences-allow-breach-alerts-title = Alertas instantáneas sobre filtraciones
+settings-alert-preferences-allow-breach-alerts-subtitle = Estas alertas se envían inmediatamente una vez que se detecta una filtración de datos.
settings-alert-preferences-option-one = Enviar alertas de filtraciones a las direcciones de correo afectadas
settings-alert-preferences-option-two = Enviar todas las alertas de filtraciones al correo electrónico principal.
+settings-alert-preferences-allow-monthly-monitor-report-title = Informe mensual de { -brand-monitor }
+settings-alert-preferences-allow-monthly-monitor-report-subtitle = Una actualización mensual de nuevas exposiciones, lo que se ha corregido y lo que necesita tu atención.
## Monitored email addresses
@@ -32,7 +37,6 @@ settings-remove-email-button-label = Eliminar
# Variables:
# $emailAddress (string) - The email address to remove, e.g. `billnye@example.com`
settings-remove-email-button-tooltip = Dejar de monitorizar { $emailAddress }
# This string is shown beneath each of the user’s email addresses to indicate
# how many known breaches that email address was found in.
# Variables:
diff --git a/locales/fr/settings.ftl b/locales/fr/settings.ftl
index 115c17e1fdc..2e4613b6e2a 100644
--- a/locales/fr/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/fr/settings.ftl
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = Supprimer le compte { -brand-monito
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Cette action supprimera définitivement votre compte { -brand-monitor } et désactivera toutes les notifications.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Supprimer mon compte
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Votre compte { -brand-monitor } sera supprimé définitivement
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Toutes les informations de votre compte { -brand-monitor } seront supprimées et nous ne surveillerons plus aucune nouvelle fuite de données. Cette action ne supprimera pas votre compte { -brand-mozilla }.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Toutes les informations de votre compte { -brand-monitor } seront supprimées et nous ne surveillerons plus aucune nouvelle fuite de données. Cette action ne supprimera pas votre { -brand-mozilla-account }.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Supprimer mon compte
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = J’ai changé d’avis, revenir en arrière
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Votre compte { -brand-monitor } a été supprimé.
diff --git a/locales/hu/settings.ftl b/locales/hu/settings.ftl
index 186b7be9c8e..6b864dae548 100644
--- a/locales/hu/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/hu/settings.ftl
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = A { -brand-monitor }-fiók törlés
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Ez véglegesen törli a { -brand-monitor }-fiókját, és kikapcsolja az összes értesítést.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Fiók törlése
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = A { -brand-monitor }-fiókja véglegesen törölve lesz
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Az összes { -brand-monitor }-fiókinformációja törölve lesz, és a továbbiakban nem fogjuk figyelni az új adatvédelmi incidenseket. Ez nem törli a { -brand-mozilla }-fiókját.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Az összes { -brand-monitor }-fiókinformációja törölve lesz, és a továbbiakban nem fogjuk figyelni az új adatsértéseket. Ez nem törli a { -brand-mozilla-account }ját.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Fiók törlése
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Mégse, visszalépés
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = A { -brand-monitor }-fiókja törölve lett.
diff --git a/locales/id/settings.ftl b/locales/id/settings.ftl
index 9006cd770bd..a125806375a 100644
--- a/locales/id/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/id/settings.ftl
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = Hapus akun { -brand-monitor }
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Ini akan menghapus akun { -brand-monitor } Anda secara permanen dan mematikan semua notifikasi.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Hapus akun
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Akun { -brand-monitor } Anda akan dihapus secara permanen
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Semua informasi akun { -brand-monitor } Anda akan dihapus dan kami tidak akan lagi memantau kebocoran data baru. Ini tidak akan menghapus akun { -brand-mozilla } Anda.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Semua informasi akun { -brand-monitor } Anda akan dihapus dan kami tidak akan lagi memantau kebocoran data baru. Ini tidak akan menghapus { -brand-mozilla-account } Anda.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Hapus akun
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Sudahlah, bawa aku kembali
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Akun { -brand-monitor } Anda sekarang telah dihapus.
diff --git a/locales/it/settings.ftl b/locales/it/settings.ftl
index add242e19b2..8106ef9e502 100644
--- a/locales/it/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/it/settings.ftl
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = Elimina l’account { -brand-monito
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Questa operazione eliminerà definitivamente il tuo account { -brand-monitor } e tutte le notifiche verranno disattivate.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Elimina account
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Il tuo account { -brand-monitor } verrà eliminato definitivamente
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Tutte le informazioni del tuo account { -brand-monitor } verranno eliminate e non verranno più monitorate nuove violazioni di dati. Il tuo account { -brand-mozilla } non verrà eliminato.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Tutte le informazioni del tuo account { -brand-monitor } verranno eliminate e non verranno più monitorate nuove violazioni di dati. Il tuo { -brand-mozilla-account } non verrà eliminato.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Elimina account
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Ho cambiato idea, torna indietro
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Il tuo account { -brand-monitor } è stato eliminato.
diff --git a/locales/ja/app.ftl b/locales/ja/app.ftl
index 9231d7a2718..85fccb070f8 100644
--- a/locales/ja/app.ftl
+++ b/locales/ja/app.ftl
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
-brand-monitor = Monitor
-brand-fx-monitor = Mozilla Monitor
-brand-mozilla = Mozilla
+-brand-mozilla-foundation = Mozilla Foundation
-brand-github = GitHub
-brand-mozilla-vpn = Mozilla VPN
-brand-relay = Firefox Relay
-brand-mozilla-monitor = Mozilla Monitor
+-brand-monitor-plus = Monitor Plus
@@ -125,6 +127,9 @@ rec-section-subhead = あなたの個人情報を安全に保ち、デジタル
+# “account” can be localized, “Mozilla” must be treated as a brand,
+# and kept in English.
+-brand-mozilla-account = Mozilla アカウント
## Search Engine Optimization
@@ -132,29 +137,48 @@ rec-section-subhead = あなたの個人情報を安全に保ち、デジタル
## Header
= ログイン
+brand-mozilla-monitor = { -brand-fx-monitor }
## Site navigation
+main-nav-button-collapse-label = メニューを閉じる
+main-nav-button-collapse-tooltip = メニューを閉じる
+main-nav-button-expand-label = メニューを開く
+main-nav-button-expand-tooltip = メニューを開く
+main-nav-link-home-label = ホーム
main-nav-link-dashboard-label = ダッシュボード
main-nav-link-settings-label = 設定
main-nav-link-faq-label = FAQ
+main-nav-link-faq-tooltip = よくある質問
## User menu
+user-menu-trigger-tooltip = プロフィール
+user-menu-manage-fxa-label = { -brand-mozilla-account } を管理する
user-menu-settings-label = 設定
user-menu-help-label = ヘルプとサポート
user-menu-signout-label = ログアウト
+user-menu-signout-tooltip = { -brand-mozilla-monitor } からログアウトする
## Footer
+mozilla = { -brand-mozilla }
footer-external-link-faq-label = FAQ
+footer-external-link-faq-tooltip = よくある質問
## Error page
+# Variables:
+# $errorCode (number) - "404"
+error-page-error-404-title = { $errorCode } ページが見つかりません
+error-page-error-404-copy = 申し訳ございませんが、お探しのページは存在しません。
+error-page-error-404-cta-button = 戻る
## Breach overview page
search-breaches = データ侵害を検索
+# the kind of user data exposed to hackers in data breach.
+exposed-data = 侵害されたデータ:
## Public breach detail page
diff --git a/locales/ja/breaches.ftl b/locales/ja/breaches.ftl
index 9306e0021e4..c51be815d7c 100644
--- a/locales/ja/breaches.ftl
+++ b/locales/ja/breaches.ftl
@@ -2,13 +2,7 @@
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-## Breaches header
-## Breaches resolved filter
-## Breaches table
+breach-all-meta-social-title = { -brand-fx-monitor } によって検出されたすべての侵害
## Links that we might refer to when prompting the user to make changes after a breach
diff --git a/locales/ja/dashboard.ftl b/locales/ja/dashboard.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b8be4721bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/ja/dashboard.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+# Chart summarizing total exposures
+# Variables:
+# $nr (number) - Number of fixed exposures found for the user
+exposure-chart-heading-fixed = { $nr } 個
+# Variables:
+# $nr (number) - Number of a particular type of exposure found for the user
+exposure-chart-legend-value-nr = { $nr }×
+exposure-chart-caption = このグラフは、あなたの個人情報がいくつ侵害されているかを表しています。
+# Variables:
+# $total_fixed_exposures_num (number) - Number of fixed exposures
+# $total_exposures_num (number) - Number of total exposures
+exposure-chart-caption-fixed = このグラフは、修復された侵害の合計数を表しています ({ $total_exposures_num } / { $total_fixed_exposures_num })
+modal-cta-ok = OK
+dashboard-exposures-all-fixed-label = すべて修復済みです!
+# This is the label on a button that opens a popover menu, which shows a menu to adjust filters for the listed exposures.
+dashboard-exposures-filter = 絞り込み
+dashboard-exposures-filter-company = 会社名
+dashboard-exposures-filter-date-found = 発見日
+dashboard-exposures-filter-date-found-last-seven-days = 最近 7 日間
+dashboard-exposures-filter-date-found-last-thirty-days = 最近 30 日間
+dashboard-exposures-filter-date-found-last-year = 昨年
+dashboard-exposures-filter-status = ステータス
+dashboard-exposures-filter-show-all = すべて表示
+dashboard-exposures-filter-reset = リセット
+## Top banner on the dashboard
+dashboard-top-banner-your-data-is-protected-title = あなたのデータは保護されています
+dashboard-top-banner-your-data-is-protected-cta = 修復されたものを確認する
+dashboard-top-banner-no-exposures-found-title = 侵害は見つかりませんでした
+dashboard-no-exposures-label = 侵害は見つかりませんでした
+# About Exposure Statuses Modal
diff --git a/locales/ja/data-classes.ftl b/locales/ja/data-classes.ftl
index c73351514f3..9743d389260 100644
--- a/locales/ja/data-classes.ftl
+++ b/locales/ja/data-classes.ftl
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-## Breach Data Classes
+# Breach Data Classes
account-balances = 預金残高
address-book-contacts = アドレス帳の連絡先
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ avatars = アバター
bank-account-numbers = 銀行口座番号
beauty-ratings = 美容評価
biometric-data = 生体データ
-# This string is the shortened version of "Biographies", and
+# This string is the shortened version of "Biographies", and
# refers to biographical data about a user.
bios = 自己紹介
browser-user-agent-details = ブラウザーユーザーエージェントの詳細
@@ -73,6 +74,8 @@ nationalities = 国籍
net-worths = 純資産
nicknames = ニックネーム
occupations = 職業
+# various data classes grouped together
+other-data-class = その他
parenting-plans = 子育て計画
partial-credit-card-data = 一部クレジットカードデータ
passport-numbers = パスポート番号
diff --git a/locales/ja/exposure-card.ftl b/locales/ja/exposure-card.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4945d048d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locales/ja/exposure-card.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+# Status Pill
+# Exposure Card
+exposure-card-other = その他
diff --git a/locales/nl/settings.ftl b/locales/nl/settings.ftl
index f49139bf674..d323a6ecaee 100644
--- a/locales/nl/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/nl/settings.ftl
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = { -brand-monitor }-account verwijde
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Dit zal uw { -brand-monitor }-account voorgoed verwijderen en alle notificaties uitschakelen.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Account verwijderen
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Uw { -brand-monitor }-account wordt permanent verwijderd
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Al uw { -brand-monitor }-accountgegevens worden verwijderd en we controleren niet meer op nieuwe datalekken. Dit zal uw { -brand-mozilla }-account niet verwijderen.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Al uw { -brand-monitor }-accountgegevens worden verwijderd en we controleren niet meer op nieuwe datalekken. Dit zal uw { -brand-mozilla-account } niet verwijderen.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Account verwijderen
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Laat maar zitten, breng me terug
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Uw { -brand-monitor }-account is nu verwijderd.
diff --git a/locales/pt-BR/settings.ftl b/locales/pt-BR/settings.ftl
index ff08450504e..c76beacbb6e 100644
--- a/locales/pt-BR/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/pt-BR/settings.ftl
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = Excluir conta do { -brand-monitor }
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Sua conta do { -brand-monitor } será excluída permanentemente e todas as notificações serão desativadas.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Excluir conta
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Sua conta do { -brand-monitor } será excluída permanentemente
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Todas as informações da sua conta do { -brand-monitor } serão excluídas e não iremos mais monitorar novos vazamentos de dados. Isso não exclui sua conta { -brand-mozilla }.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Todas as informações da sua conta do { -brand-monitor } serão excluídas e não iremos mais monitorar novos vazamentos de dados. Isso não exclui sua { -brand-mozilla-account }.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Excluir conta
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Mudei de ideia, voltar
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Sua conta do { -brand-monitor } foi excluída.
diff --git a/locales/ru/settings.ftl b/locales/ru/settings.ftl
index 3dc5c15bfa5..bc2be61d0c9 100644
--- a/locales/ru/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/ru/settings.ftl
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = Удалить аккаунт { -br
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = Это навсегда удалит ваш аккаунт { -brand-monitor } и отключит все уведомления.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = Удалить аккаунт
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = Ваш аккаунт { -brand-monitor } будет удалён навсегда
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = Вся информация вашего аккаунта { -brand-monitor } будет удалена, и мы больше не будем отслеживать новые утечки данных. Это действие не приведет к удалению вашего аккаунта { -brand-mozilla }.
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = Вся информация вашего аккаунта { -brand-monitor } будет удалена, и мы больше не будем отслеживать новые утечки данных. Это действие не удалит ваш { -brand-mozilla-account }.
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = Удалить аккаунт
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = Не важно, верните меня обратно
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = Ваш аккаунт { -brand-monitor } удалён.
diff --git a/locales/zh-TW/settings.ftl b/locales/zh-TW/settings.ftl
index 9cacf7c966d..9393c2e2658 100644
--- a/locales/zh-TW/settings.ftl
+++ b/locales/zh-TW/settings.ftl
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ settings-delete-monitor-free-account-title = 刪除 { -brand-monitor } 帳號
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-description = 將會永久刪除您的 { -brand-monitor } 帳號,並關閉所有通知。
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-cta-label = 刪除帳號
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-title = 將永久刪除您的 { -brand-monitor } 帳號
-settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead = 將刪除您所有的 { -brand-monitor } 帳號資訊,我們也將不再監控這些帳號相關的資料外洩事件,但這個動作不會刪除您的 { -brand-mozilla } 帳號。
+settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-lead-v2 = 將刪除您所有的 { -brand-monitor } 帳號資訊,我們也將不再監控這些帳號相關的資料外洩事件,但這個動作不會刪除您的 { -brand-mozilla-account }。
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cta-label = 刪除帳號
settings-delete-monitor-free-account-dialog-cancel-button-label = 算了,帶我回去
settings-delete-monitor-account-confirmation-toast-label-2 = 已刪除您的 { -brand-monitor } 帳號。