This annotation processor provides code generation for the initialization of an
in a MVVM project.
To achieve that, it uses android.databinding.ViewDataBinding
Contains the layoutId, this is the main entry point for the annotation processor.
Attribute of the DataBinding, the class is generated by Google Data Binding when having the binding defined in the layout xml file.
ViewModels that are defined in the DataBinding.
The annotation processor can generate code for classes in the style of:
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
MainViewModel mainViewModel;
ActivityMainBinding binding;
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
This class generates the following util class:
class MainActivityUtil {
static void bind(final MainActivity bindee) {
final @LayoutRes int layout = 2130968601;
bindee.binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(bindee, layout);
bindee.mainViewModel = new com.github.mosberger.helloannotationprocessor.viewmodel.MainViewModel();
The ViewModels must be defined in the DataBinding and a class can contain 0 to n ViewModels. The annotation processor is capable of using only one DataBinding per Activity.