All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Generated by auto-changelog
- Highlight release warnings
- DOP-5236: revert back to version 5.0.0
- DOP-5215: Move repo cloning to populate-metadata extension
- DOP-5236: Upgrading gatsby
v0.18.13 - 2024-12-05
- DOP-5132: Support image-less banners and add TypeScript support
- DOP-5124: reconstruct table data using tanstack tables
- DOP-5181: Upgrade Chatbot to 0.10.2
- DOP-5142: Remove border radius one dark mode images
- DOP-5203: update dark mode dropdown position
- DOP-5203: change Chatbot access from search input to button
- DOP-5159 Specify content repo and parser version in build script for Netlify Frontend Builds
- Merge in latest Snooty tag
- Revert "Merge branch 'netlify-poc' into main"
- change parser version
- Merge tag 'v0.18.11' into netlify-poc
v0.18.12 - 2024-11-21
- DOP-5189: Create Netlify function to proxy URL fetch
- DOP-5194: update input font size for mobile
v0.18.11 - 2024-11-14
- DOP-4562: new LinkNewTab role
- DOP-5105: add offline banner
- DOP-5130: Collapsible default expanded
- DOP-5161: Banner color is wrong
- DOP-4945: Default tab for drivers tabs
v0.18.10 - 2024-11-07
- Update package-lock.json
- Update package.json
- DOP-4952: Breadcrumb used for "Previous Page"
- DOP-4810: All Products dropdown docs-qa links
- use new parser version
v0.18.9 - 2024-10-30
- DOP-5089: disable version selector
- DOP-4939: Uncopyable code blocks can't scroll horizontally on Firefox
- DOP-5111: Disable gatsby-plugin-image on staging
- DOP-5131: Feedback button new look
- DOP-5090: Disable Instruqt offline builds
- DOP-5126: Sanitize input for SoftwareSourceCode structured data
- DOP-5070 DOP-5088: update action bar and navbar for offline builds
- Update parser version to 0.18.5
v0.18.8 - 2024-10-23
- DOP-5052: fixing link buffer's on mobile
- DOP-5078: Fix duplicate "docs" prefix in BreadcrumbList
- DOP-5080: Remove Lighthouse action
- DOP-5087: Remove DarkMode announcement/guide cue
- DOP-5092: Tabs components are interactive offline
- DOP-5053: Fix client-side fetch refresh - legacy page
- DOP-5061: Add title as name for Procedure structure data
- Update parser version
v0.18.7 - 2024-10-16
- DOP-5014: allow chatbot option consecutively
- DOP-4971: Source API changelog data from Github rather than S3
- DOP-5058: change font weight of steps to 500
- DOP-5083: Bugfix. Procedure text color in Dark Mode
- DOP-5095: Add structured_data class name to script tags
- DOP-3424: "On this page" subnav incorrectly displays headings for all language tabs
- DOP-5047: Font face of banners are 16px at load then change to 13px
v0.18.6 - 2024-10-09
- DOP-5059: Default expanded Collapsibles
- DOP-5038: add segment tracking to dark mode controls
- Rough draft: quick, easy solution for noindexing entire branches from…
- DOP-4615: (Feature) New Structured Data
- DOP-5048: Ensure inline definition popover is visible
- DOP-5016: Links in footnote can have inconsistent font size
- DOP-5028: Mobile Search filters page not scrollable and adjusts for banner
- DOP-5044: deprecated sites dark mode dropdown direction fixed
- DOP-5017: Remove Gatsby Cloud references and logic
- DOP-5013: Upgrade chatbot UI to version
- DOP-4811: Preserve spacing when "Next" page link is present with no "Back"
v0.18.5 - 2024-10-02
- DOP-5045 followup: ensure focus prop on change
v0.18.4 - 2024-10-02
- DOP-5026 and DOP-5045
- DOP-4883: Menu not closing after selection on Mobile
- DOP-5029: CTAs should initialize in dark mode preference
- DOP-4902: Update flora to v1.14.2
- DOP-5027: Chatbot menu dropdown width
v0.18.3 - 2024-09-25
- DOP-4947: Add Gold role component
- DOP-5032: Site Banner width
- DOP-4601: Unhide Japanese locale
- DOP-4946: Replace italicized characters with bold in CJK locales
- DOP-5001: Accessibility shortcuts for dark mode should work
- DOP-5025: Allow Snooty Staging with Netlify
- DOP-4967: Contextualize headings in method selector for "On This Page" list
v0.18.2 - 2024-09-19
- Universal Search fast follow - update env reading
v0.18.1 - 2024-09-18
v0.18.0 - 2024-09-18
- DOP-4996: Table initiates in dark/light mode
- [DOP-4691]: unused component filtering affecting guides
- DOP-4991: Dark Mode Guide Cue (announcement)
- DOP-4616: Search on every page
- DOP-4941: Allow fonts for hidden languages to work without feature flag
- DOP-4973: Allow tabs/language selector to be added directly to the content
- DOP-4689: Implement multi-page tutorials
- DOP-4992: Remove Delighted
- DOP-4983: allow content within collapsibles to be linked
- DOP-4995: Dark Mode UAT: always on scroll, version selector hover flash, clear all filters flash
v0.17.5 - 2024-09-11
- DOP-4990: remove fab from depreacted projects
- DOP-4989: List item markers do not conform to dark mode colors
- DOP-4980: Using Dark Mode nav
v0.17.4 - 2024-09-05
- [no ticket] use white background for landing
v0.17.3 - 2024-09-05
- DOP-4978: mobile search filters page in dark mode
- DOP-4955: OpenAPI Preview page - disable Dark Mode
- No ticket: Realm product-landing template headers - more specific
- DOP-4893: List Table bugs in dark mode
- DOP-4686: Implement Method Selector
- DOP-4881: Z-index issue with left nav and language dropdown
- DOP-4845: Init select in dark mode
- No ticket: Realm landing page hero text fix (dark mode)
v0.17.2 - 2024-08-29
- DOP-4956: Hovering over sidenav results in light mode while loading
- DOP-4687/DOP-4903: Changes in Procedure Stylings
- DOP-4889: Dark mode for chapters/guides
- DOP-4847: Landing pages init in Dark Mode
- DOP-4922: bugfix: Use chatbot in landing in dark mode
- DOP-4848: Init Callouts in dark mode
v0.17.1 - 2024-08-22
- DOP-4683: 'Feature not available in current version' page
- Nothing happens when trying to download legacy Ops Manager documentation
- DOP-4844: Init Cards in dark mode
- DOP-4842: Sidenav init Dark Mode
v0.17.0 - 2024-08-15
v0.16.28 - 2024-08-08
- Fix preview header
- DOP-4869: set collapsible open if hash found in url
- DOP-4892: Update callouts
- DOP-4843: initialize typography components in dark mode
- DOP-4806: Correct Document template data ingestion to fix noprevnext logic
v0.16.27 - 2024-08-01
- DOP-4839: use same buffer for target links
- DOP-4874: Dark Mode: FABs
- DOP-4875: Dark Mode - Breadcrumbs
- DOP-4862: Dark Mode toggle in Sidenav
- DOP-4813: address React warnings for hydration for tabs
- DOP-4584: Add bottom margin for last "community built" link in list
v0.16.26 - 2024-07-25
- DOP-4797: address action bar's z-index in relation to nav and sidebar
- DOP-4825: Hide Sitewide CTA banners on Scroll
- DOP-4687: Update procedures/steps
- DOP-4691: add tracking to collapsible
- DOP-4647: Deleting unused Landing components
- DOP-4831: Add AWS creds to custom action
- DOP-4691: new collapsible component in Snooty
- DOP-4824: SiteBanner tablet breakpoint
- DOP-4818: Not Found page - Dark Mode
v0.16.25 - 2024-07-18
- hotfix: Downgrade Callout
v0.16.24 - 2024-07-17
- DOP-4835: Fix meta robots not appearing due to missing page data
- Upgrade Callout/Admonition so we can use Dark Mode
- DOP-3614: Upgrade LG Tables to v12 and lower zebra striping row threshold
- DOP-4815
- DOP-4784-B: Remove chatbot FAB from 404, use ChatbotUi bar
- DOP-4759: Raise AI chatbot button z-index and apply hideFeedback to the openapi template
- DOP-4757
v0.16.23 - 2024-07-10
- DOP-4789: Re-enable redirects based on browser language
- ✨ DOP-4791 introduces new next/prev button
- DOP-4784: Chatbot on 404
- DOP-4761: force render all tabs (and fix SVG icons)
- DOP-4641 / DOP-4740: Adding Language Logos
- [Dark Mode]: Search page
- 🎨 DOP-4780 overrides the weblink-link any styles for dark mode
v0.16.22 - 2024-06-27
- Revert "DOP-4761: update LG/tabs to v12 to render content in HTML"
v0.16.21 - 2024-06-27
- Fix package.json to be current version
- 🎨 DOP-4760 sets the letter-spacing for p and a tags within the landing template
- DOP-4782: Avoid using style prop for Link component
- 🎨 DOP-4635 using static css approach
- ✅ DOP-4781 changes the description of the Chatbot test
- 💄 DOP-4635 applies styles in footnote to support dark mode
- DOP-4715: Upgrade consistent nav to "v2.1.0"
- 💄 DOP-4644 applies dark mode support for Instruqt drawer
- DOP-4761: update LG/tabs to v12 to render content in HTML
- DOP-4652 update skeleton for dark mode
v0.16.20 - 2024-06-20
- Fix ChatbotUI background inheritance
- Lighthouse Fix: Access correct commit message for both merges and PRs
v0.16.19 - 2024-06-20
- ✨ DOP-4624 now using mongodb-chatbot-ui component's dark mode
- DOP-4632: Make feedback widget submitted links use LG Typography
- 🔥 DOP-4663 removes Topic component and all traces of it
- DOP-4614: Skunk - upload lighthouse reports to Atlas
- Remove old lighthouse workflow
- Remove lang-based redirect for now
v0.16.18 - 2024-06-14
- Remove lang-based redirect for now
v0.16.17 - 2024-06-13
- ✨ DOP-4662 adds community pill to cards for when using tags
- DOP-4643: strict rules for image borders
- 💄 DOP-4658 side nav now handles dark mode
- DOP-4651: Update Highlight for dark mode
- DOP-4731: Toggle dark mode for ListTable
- DOP-4653: add permalink colors for dark vs light mode
- DOP-4659: use dark mode for spinner
- DOP-4625: Dark Mode Updates: Community pill link component
- DOP-4623: Dark mode for Cards
- DOP-4645: Internal Page Nav - Dark Mode
- DOP-4622: Dark Mode - Button component
- DOP-4629 💄 CTABanner and Banner can handle dark mode
- DOP-4661: Removing SyncCloud component
- DOP-4741 💄 updates Steps & Procedure Component to use style props for dynamic styles
- Revert "DOP-4715: Upgrade consistent nav to "v2.1.0""
- 💄 DOP-4654 applies dark mode support for product list component
- DOP-4608: Add entries for using Atlas Device SDK in the language selector
- DOP-4634: update Figure and corresponding components
- DOP-4643: add border for dark mode image
- DOP-4627: Darkmode - Code components
v0.16.16 - 2024-06-07
- Revert "DOP-4715: Upgrade consistent nav to "v2.1.0""
- 💄 DOP-4654 applies dark mode support for product list component
- DOP-4608: Add entries for using Atlas Device SDK in the language selector
- updating package with new version
v0.16.15 - 2024-06-06
- DOP-4540: Simplify versioned prefix generation
- DOP-4664 🕶️ Applies dark mode style for typography
- DOP-4713 unit test
- DOP-4626: Dark Mode - Contents (on this page)
- DOP-4667: unit test for dark mode provider
- DOP-4713: implement DarkMode Dropdown in new Action Bar
- DOP-4715: Upgrade consistent nav to "v2.1.0"
- DOP-4698: Hide IA header on Search
- DOP-4603: Add Japanese locale behind feature flag
- DOP-4581: Perform client-side redirect based on browser language
- DOP-4660: Applies dark mode to the Vertical Procedures and Steps Component
- DOP-4672 - Allows the background styles to be influenced by the dark mode value from it's context
- DOP-4667 - create dark mode context
- DOP-4594: Breadcrumbs and Internal Navigation buttons use TOC labels
- DOP-4707: Icon mapping for tab selectors missing keys for rust-async and rust-sync
- Breadcrumbs follow - removing extra padding on drivers index page - verify this is wanted
v0.16.14 - 2024-05-16
- DOP-4613: Fix breadcrumb links
- DOP-4598 adds support to use Noto Sans for Japanese Docs Sites
- DOP-4569 - include home button in sidenav of openapi preview
- DOP-4609: use emotion styled vs styled components
- 📦 DOP-4597 update the engines dependency version
- Fix bread
v0.16.13 - 2024-05-03
- DOP-4566: set init values for tabs and tab selectors during build time
v0.16.12 - 2024-05-01
- DOP-4536: Breadcrumbs! 🚂🍞🥐🥖🫓🍞
- DOP-4587: Bump consistent-nav package to 2.0.7
- 🐛 DOP-4572 Unused objects/props are included in reference links
- DOP-4505: Lighthouse Server scores for desktop and mobile
v0.16.12-breadcrumbs - 2024-05-13
- Fix bread
- DOP-4536: Breadcrumbs! 🚂🍞🥐🥖🫓🍞
- DOP-4587: Bump consistent-nav package to 2.0.7
v0.16.11 - 2024-04-24
v0.16.11-munich - 2024-05-01
- DOP-4587: Bump consistent-nav package to 2.0.7
- [DOP-4515]: Update chatbot version
- Pin node-gyp v10
- DOP-4548: Fix CTA banner icon placement
- DOP-4567: remove fixed height for image in lightbox
- DOP-4511: add link with community-build badge component
v0.16.10 - 2024-04-17
- imgs in screenshot bugfix
- DOP-4543: Generalize card styles for programming language landing pages
- DOP-4541: Support max-width paragraphs for product-landing template
- DOP-3135 - add project version to page title, apply defaults
v0.16.9 - 2024-04-11
- 🐛 DOP-4514 using normalizePath as a catch-all for double slashes
- ✅ DOP-4518 uses findByText to await for the text to appear in the DOM
- DOP-4523: Update consistent nav to 2.0.3-rc23
- DOP-4524: use nextslug for link
- DOP-4520: Upgrade Chatbot to v0.6.0
- DOP-4502 turns the set functions in initializeFeedback into transitions
v0.16.8 - 2024-04-03
- DOP-4499 Reducing file size for Noto Sans SC and KR fonts
v0.16.7 - 2024-04-03
- DOP-3457 - update Typography/links to v18
- DOP-4476
- DOP-4450 Use Noto Sans for Simplified Chinese and Korean Docs sites
- EAI-265: Add Vector Search to chatbot disclaimer text
- DOP-4249: Docs Lighthouse CI
- [DOP-4437]: Remove unused directives
- DOP-4473: Use urlSlug URL for canonicals on aliases
- DOP-4436: Add explicit height/width for leafy-green icons
- Update .prettierignore
v0.16.6 - 2024-03-20
- 🐛 DOP-4363 fixes bug for submitting a feedback with a screenshot
- DOP-4449: Add locale to footer
- DOP-4470: Bump LG search-input version to fix localized input
- DOP-4457: Strip away locale code from slugs before localizing them
- DOP-4443: Remove GATSBY_SHOW_CHATBOT feature flag from the frontend
- EAI-280: Add register for atlas as a suggested prompt
- DOP-4453: Include locale when using version selector
- DOP-4419: Remove feature flag to hide footer language selector
- DOP-4398: Add hreflang links to every page
- DOP-4408: skip gatsby image props if not lazy loaded
- DOP-4406: Fixed React minified error in Suspense
- DOP-4411: Fixing Homepage Hero Image
- DOP-4390: icons for new Driver Languages
- DOP-4408: add robust way of providing image props
- DOP-4379: Modify Figure.test.js to fail if "class" option is not properly accessed
- Removing all instances of v0.16.5
v0.16.5 - 2024-03-04
- DOP-4411: Fixing Homepage Hero Image
- updating package, package-lock
v0.16.4 - 2024-02-28
- DOP-4352: Use custom functions for Netlify deploy events
- DOP-4384: upgrade mongodb-chatbot-ui to v0.4.0
- DOP 4340/1: Homepage Redesign
- DOP-4369: remove unused modal component
- DOP-4378: ssg breadcrumbs
- DOP-4393: fix broken language selector
- DOP-4394: save files to public
- DOP-4368: Delete
- DOP-4188: lazy load unified footer
- DOP-4385: Make Netlify build hook payloads compatible with preview plugin
v0.16.3 - 2024-02-23
v0.16.2 - 2024-02-20
- DOP-4382: button on /docs/legacy does not link to .tar.gz format
- DOP-4248: call custom github action to store to S3
- DOP-4362: Show Chatbot FAB by default and remove Optimizely
v0.16.1 - 2024-02-15
v0.16.0 - 2024-02-14
- DOP-4355: Extend grab area of lab drawer handle
- ♻️ DOP-4358 pull out some functions into its own utils to be reused, along with creating a currentUserCleanup function
- DOP-4289: Add readme update check to PR template
- DOP-4327: Remove references to publishedBranches from frontend
- DOP-4152: Update version drop-down and "view documentation" buttons for new data context
- DOP-4333: Limit search fetches to SearchResults component
- DOP-4214: Compose list of directives used per page
- ✅ DOP-4302 handles test with lazy loading a component
- DOP-3846: Remove instruqt fullscreen and feature flag
- DOP-4284: Reposition widgets for lab drawer on mobile
- DOP-4247: Build Artifacts
- DOP-4321 - mitigate error for gatsby-transformer-sharp
- DOP-4296: add portuguese and korean to language selector
- DOP-4283: Add buttons for lab drawer
- DOP-4295 fixes wonky url slug issue
- DOP-3949: Rename the "master" branch to "main"
- Clean Chatbot of unnecessary component & style
- DOP-4281: Button to Open Instruqt Labs
- DOP-4282: Implement container for lab drawers
v0.15.7 - 2024-01-26
v0.15.6 - 2024-01-23
- DOP-4287: Retry feedback submission after 401 errors
- DOP-4264: allow sibling associated products' ToC to be visible
- DOP-4207: remove leading slash with regex
- DOP-4207: check if image exists before calling
- DOP-4207: use Gatsby Image to pre process images
- DOP-4227: Chatbot FAB on all Docs pages
v0.15.5 - 2024-01-23
- DOP-4264: allow sibling associated products' ToC to be visible (#985)
v0.15.4 - 2024-01-17
- DOP-4227: Chatbot FAB on all Docs pages
v0.15.3 - 2024-01-11
- DOP-4151: Update product drop-down to use displayName value for labels
- DOP-4176 once again
- DOP-4176: SSG Legacy Dropdown
- Implement 5-star feedback widget
- DOP-4174: Upgrade Chatbot to v0.1.2
- DOP-4208: lazy load OpenAPI component
- DOP-4193: removed unused footer component
v0.15.2 - 2023-12-13
- DOP-4178: Prevent infinite new anon users for Snooty App Service
- DOP-4200: Bump consistent-nav to v2.0.3-rc.15
- Revert "DOP-4154/DOP-4155: Implement 5-star rating for feedback widget"
- DOP-3708: scroll heading into view if hash exists in URL
- DOP-4154/DOP-4155: Implement 5-star rating for feedback widget
- DOP-4147: Bump consistent-nav to v2.0.3-rc.14
- DOP-4137: Universal Nav to 2.0.3-rc.11
- DOP-4144: add default page logic to be 1
- DOP-3998: supply credentials with requests to search staging instance
- DOP-4081: version dropdown for facet filters
- DOP-4124 fixed large image overlap
- DOP-4089: Facet combination behaviors. Count different category as AND selections, same category as OR
- DOP-4132 Snooty overlapping tabs bug
- DOP-4084: IconButton missing aria-label leads to frontend errors
- DOP-4112: Adjusting size of chatbot loading skeleton to not overflow input bar
- DOP-4064: Document release process for Gatsby Cloud branches
- DOP-4089: Responsive facet filters
- Dop 4077
- 💡 DOP-4098 updates comment to reflect pulling from docset instead of repo_branches
- DOP-4105: Turn off contextual search enabled by DOP-3290
v0.15.1 - 2023-11-02
- DOP-4065 frontend
- Dop 3700 new
- DOP-4077: Create "Only" button for selected subfacets
- fix pathing again
- Smartlingslug
- add slug to locale switcher
- DOP-4085 updated chinese smartling footer url
- DOP-4083: Prevent page creation when missing metadata
- ✅ DOP-3707 creates additional test for the version dropdown
- DOP-4063: Reorganize data consumption for preview plugin
- DOP-3689 requests
- DOP-3903: API Changelog Support to omit entries
- DOP-3689
- DOP-3793: Modal/lightbox for images sometimes appear behind top nav
- DOP-3690: Initial implementation of Search Facets UI
- DOP-3938: Update spacing on the search results page
v0.15.0 - 2023-10-04
- DOP-4060 adds language selector to unified footer on docs' pages.
- DOP-4021: Migrate gatsby plugin to docsets
- DOP-3986
- DOP-4042: Don't warn on facet rending in frontend
- DOP-4059: classnames added for Smartling
- Implement Gatsby Cloud source plugin
- DOP-3871: EoL VersionSelector
- Revert "DOP-3938 Search Results Padding and font changes (#878)"
v0.14.19 - 2023-09-28
- DOP-4051: Fix Undefined Icon Warning in Frontend
- DOP-4054: Update Uni and Community left sidenav links on landing to subfolder versions
- DOP-4053: Update Headers to use correct "as" headings
- DOP-3938 Search Results Padding and font changes
- hotfix: Use hook for snootyenv
- DOP-4029: Remove old feedback widget from headings on mobile
- DOP-4028: Fix margin for links with svgs
- hotfix: restore production value and fix failing test
v0.14.18 - 2023-09-22
- styling behind feature flag
v0.14.17 - 2023-09-21
- DOP-4041: Changelog download button broken
v0.14.16 - 2023-09-21
- DOP-4040: bump chatbot to v0.0.6
- DOP-4038: embiggen hero image
- Homepage redesign: more ways mobile video
- pass href to link, for it to be not undefined
- Explore landing bug
- style header for search results page
- DOP-4032: Align chatbot for XL screen sizes
- Redesign bugs: target only second section of card group in landing
v0.14.15 - 2023-09-16
- DOP-3991: Create landing:explore directive and component
- DOP-4025 follow up
- DOP-4025: hide feedback tab on landing index page
- DOP-4026
- DOP-4024: increase max width for chatbot
- DOP-3987 use flexbox for hero
- DOP-4018: hack style for wistia player
- DOP-4005: fetchDocset vs fetchDocument
- DOP-3992: more ways to learn box
- DOP-3987: style hero for new landing
- DOP-4004: migrate DeprecatedVersionSelector from repos_branches to docsets
- DOP-4017
- DOP-3996: Allow writer's staging to use staging Chatbot server url
- DOP-3993: Render IA-linked data on side nav
- DOP-3988, DOP-39899: client libraries and product intros
- DOP-3961
- DOP-3855: Adding roles for LeafyGreen icons
- DOP-3957: changed font color of feedback button
- DOP-3994
- DOP-3927 Focus search input on load of search page
v0.14.14 - 2023-09-07
- DOP 3926 changed copy specify to refine for search
- DOP-3996: Chatbot server url
- DOP-3848: render H2 component as h1, H3 component as h2
- DOP-3975
- DOP-3870 Adds the Chatbot UI wrapper around the Chatbot package and ensure it is render via CF.
- DOP-3953
- DOP-3787 - paginated search results
v0.14.13 - 2023-08-24
v0.14.12 - 2023-08-10
v0.14.11 - 2023-07-27
- Dop 3799: updating the URL with search input/filter
- DOP-3823
- DOP-3791
- Dop 3786: updating no search results modal
- Dop 3789
- DOP-3079: use lodash package
- DOP-3079: de-hardcode DeprecatedVersionSelector
- Dop 3788
- DOP-3785: adding a persistent search bar
- DOP-3825: bump top nav to 1.2.39
v0.14.10 - 2023-06-30
- DOP-3825: bump top nav to 1.2.39
v0.14.9 - 2023-06-28
- DOP-3783: Akzidenz Happen
- DOP-3784: bump top nav && flora
- DOP-3765: Prep npmrc for Gatsby Cloud installations
- DOP-3736: add kotlin icon
- [DOP-3657] moving the fetch to a try catch
- Dop 3749
- changed the default from choosing index 0 to choosing nodejs
v0.14.8 - 2023-06-12
- DOP-3756: update S3 bucket for Changelog to prod
- DOP-3698
- DOP-3651: version context cleanup, use local storage only on front end
- DOP-3758: Changelog: Change chip size
- DOP-3757:
- DOP-3720: OpenAPI Changelog fallback to RunId
- clear selected resources on change
- DOP-3733: add warning toast on fetch error
- DOP-3732: fetch most recent diff server side
- DOP-3731: skeleton
v0.14.7 - 2023-05-25
- Echo S3 url for staging
- DOP-3716: dynamically fetches diff for OpenAPIChangelog
- DOP-3675: OpenAPI Changelog SSR fetch
v0.14.6 - 2023-05-18
- DOP-3679: filtering changes by resource
- DOP-3556: Switch Optimizely load type for (hopefully) the last time
- DOP-3668
v0.14.5 - 2023-05-12
- Fix 2 for Version Dropdown
v0.14.4 - 2023-05-12
- DOP-3697-follow up
- [DOP-3680]: Create OpenAPIChangelog filter panel component
- DOP-3678: OpenAPI changelog change list components
v0.14.3 - 2023-05-08
v0.14.2 - 2023-05-03
- DOP-3559
- DOP-3677: OpenAPIChangelog component structure, template
- DOP-3608: wait for manifest to fire search
- DOP-3666 add bottom margin for instruqt labs
- Pin node version to 18.15
- DOP-3566
v0.14.1 - 2023-04-12
- Gatsby v5 upgrade
v0.14.0 - 2023-04-06
- DOP-3554
- DOP-3621: Sw 2023 Instruqt PoC
- Remove unused Searchbar subcomponents
- DOP-3573
- DOP-3375 🎉 implements new landing page template
- DOP-3549: improve init states for merged ToC
v0.13.44 - 2023-03-22
- Feature/DOP-3501
v0.13.43 - 2023-03-16
v0.13.42 - 2023-03-10
- DOP-3512
v0.13.41 - 2023-03-09
- remove filter for versions for build time
v0.13.40 - 2023-03-02
- unrequire associated_products.versions on front end
- [DOP-3290]: Search the current drivers docs site by default
- Bug/DOP-3521
v0.13.39 - 2023-02-23
- DOP-3515
- add nullish check for associated products value
- DOP-3513 style version selector for overflow and mobile
- fixup: make unique key for toc node with versions
v0.13.38 - 2023-02-13
- DOP-3514: Indicator for writer staging in header
v0.13.37 - 2023-02-09
- Embedded minor fixup: include empty toc
- DOP-3468
- DOP-3493: separate click for caret in ToC
- DOP-3485: Remove Percy Workflows
- DOP-3367: Override LG Select mobile font-size styles
- return a deferred promise for login when calling realm functions
- Update Driver Tile link to new csharp docs
- DOP-3388-B: Writer preview build conditioned on string "production" rather than "prd"
- DOP-3469: Do not build OpenAPI pages using snooty except for :preview: page
v0.13.36 - 2023-01-25
- DOP-3459: Bump Consistent Nav Version
- DOP-2077: add robots meta to Helmet
- DOP-3388: Faster Preview build without consistent-nav
- DOP-3289: Fix styling for buttons nested in tabs
- DOP-3377: fix env checks - strings only
- DOP-2872: imports order rule implemented in eslint
v0.13.35 - 2023-01-12
v0.13.34 - 2022-12-08
v0.13.33 - 2022-11-30
- DOP-3321: Fix broken 'Whats Next' Button
- DOP-3327: Move entire dangling node in appendTrailingPunctuation() rather than just value
- DOP-3330: Check for all whitespace characters when appending dangling character
- Feedback widget v3
- DOP-3374: Render search results with empty previews
- DOP-3236: add font size for field component
- DOP-2596: Only add top margin in connected steps
v0.13.32 - 2022-11-16
- DOP-2863: escape HTML characters in search preview
- Revert "DOP-3350: Create mapping of OpenAPI spec stores"
- DOP-2587
- DOP-3361: moving around metadata
- DOP-3265: Update header colors for new hero image on Landing page
v0.13.31 - 2022-11-09
- DOP-3362: include slug in url when changing versions
- DOP-2591: fix styling on 'on this page'
- DOP-3343: fix ToC styling
- DOP-3332: Rebrand 404 page
- DOP-3350: Create mapping of OpenAPI spec stores
v0.13.30 - 2022-11-04
- Merge branding master
v0.13.29 - 2022-11-02
- Dop 3266 3267 feature branch
v0.13.28 - 2022-10-20
v0.13.28-branding - 2022-10-26
- DOP-2881: Rebrand and upgrade OpenAPI Redoc component
- DOP-2585 updating to latest version of lg modal component
- DOP-2575: palette update
- DOP-2584
- DOP-2582 - Working inline component
- DOP-3238 follow up
- DOP-3143: Redo the analytics
- 0.13.27-branding updates!
- DOP-3268: Make Optimizely Async
- appease the package-log gods
v0.13.27 - 2022-10-05
v0.13.27-branding - 2022-10-12
- DOP-2584
- DOP-3256
- DOP-3259 DOP-3255
- DOP-2582 - Working inline component
- DOP-3238: style ul in plp
- DOP-3225: add version context
- DOP-3250: add no-return-await to eslint config
- DOP-3210: add version context
v0.13.26 - 2022-09-21
- Branding master merge
- DOP-3222 follow up: Add unit tests for button uri
- DOP-3215: fix banners in PLP
- DOP-3222: button links
- Branding master branch
- DOP-3167: fixed terrifying multiplication of punctuation
- DOP-3193: add pseudo elements at top of table for scroll view
- DOP-3185: update icon sizing
v0.13.25 - 2022-08-25
v0.13.25-branding.3 - 2022-09-16
- DOP-3222 follow up: Add unit tests for button uri
- DOP-3185: update icon sizing
- DOP-2592: update language switcher
v0.13.25-branding.2 - 2022-09-02
- DOP-3222: button links
v0.13.25-branding - 2022-08-29
- DOP-2581: update tests
- DOP-2581
- DOP-2579: update banner component
- DOP-3150: Defer Optimizely script
- DOP-2779: fix scrolling issue for footnotes
- DOP-3160: update README
- Branding: update master from 0.13.24-branding
v0.13.24 - 2022-08-10
v0.13.24-branding - 2022-08-22
- DOP-2583: type now uses the typography component
- Revert "Update leafygreen-ui/tabs to v8 (#656)"
- CLOUDP-110876: Allow a staging version of PR changes to be created to help reviewers
- DOP-3169: Add dotcomprd to Delighted accepted envs
- DOP-3167: dangling punctuation after Link
- Update leafygreen-ui/tabs to v8
v0.13.23 - 2022-07-27
- DOP-2986: Load project name and branch from manifest
- DOP-2813: added stripQueryString to gatsby-config to clean canonical url
- DOP-3086: removed unused font (Inconsolata) from html.js
- Update percy.yml
- Percy CLI
v0.13.22 - 2022-07-07
- DOP-3106: Prevent Images from repeatedly re-rendering
- DOP-3081: Account for non-versioned docs repos in legacy docs version selector
v0.13.21 - 2022-06-27
- address build warnings for plugins
v0.13.20 - 2022-06-22
- fix issues with existing scroll behavior logic
- delete unused static assets and media
- DOP-2372: Allow images to be enlarged on initial page load
- account for toc items with children, but not classified as drawers
- DOP-2873: Ingest snooty manifest
v0.13.19 - 2022-06-15
- DOP-3067: bump consistent nav version
- DOP-2890: Fix critical dependabot alerts
- DOP-3039: Support relative URLs in Card component
- DOP-2998: Support versions with multiple forward slashes and SDK version grouping
- DOP-2821: De-hardcode search property mapping
- DOP-3057: Add legacy-peer-deps flag to CI installation step
- DOP-2932: Update Consistent Nav version
v0.13.18 - 2022-06-07
v0.13.18-mdbw - 2022-06-07
- Revert "DOP-2998: Support conditionally rendering Realm SDK versions (#626)"
- DOP-N/A: Update Consistent Nav version
v0.13.17 - 2022-06-06
v0.13.17-mdbw - 2022-06-06
- DOP-3044: Set site url to dotcom base url
- DOP-N/A: Update Consistent Nav version
v0.13.16 - 2022-06-03
v0.13.16-mdbw - 2022-06-06
- DOP-3023: Fix typos in search property mapping
- DOP-N/A: Update Consistent Nav version
v0.13.15 - 2022-06-02
- DOP-2998: Support conditionally rendering Realm SDK versions
- DOP-2894: The one where we consolidate base url logic
- DOP-3027: Horizontal scrolling fix for code blocks with copyable false
- DOP-3004: Fix output directive to be able to handle unknown languages
v0.13.14 - 2022-05-19
- DOP-2985: Fix legacy dropdown for latest versions
- DOP-N/A: Update search transform logic to remove duplicate prefixes
- DOP-2952: Include full literalinclude support for io-code-block directives
- DOP-N/A: Increase jest timeout for test suites.
v0.13.13 - 2022-05-16
- DOP-N/A: Update search transform logic to remove duplicate prefixes
v0.13.12 - 2022-05-06
- Hotfix: Add mdx-js/react as a dependency
v0.13.11 - 2022-05-04
- DOP-2736: Re-add main-column class name
- DOP-2951: Add support for GATSBY_MARIAN_URL parameter
- DOP-2955: Fix small loading skeleton issue
- DOP-2824: Search results include visual indicator of source
- DOP-2700: Organize related components
- DOP-2573: Upgrade LG Button to v13.0.0
- DOP-2728: Replace initial no results found with loading progress indicator
- DOP-2934: Bump consistent-nav version to 1.2.13
- Update copy on unsupported URL OpenAPI admonition
v0.13.10 - 2022-04-20
- DOP-2910: Removing legacy external arrow
- DOP-2773: Dynamic source OpenAPI whitelist
- DOP-NA: Add Percy CLI configuration, command, and dependency
- DOP-1998: Add search filter reset button
v0.13.9 - 2022-04-18
- DOP-2912: Pass classnames through to external links
v0.13.8 - 2022-04-15
- DOP-N/A: useSnootyMetadata in drivers-index, make parentPaths null safe
v0.13.7 - 2022-04-13
- Fix: Add trailing slash to docs homepage url
- Remove metadata static query from openapi sub component
- DOP-2522: Remove Navbar component
- DOP-2870: Separate icons CSS into separate file
- DOP-2806: Separate component-specific legacy CSS into respective components
v0.13.6 - 2022-04-07
- DOP-2743: Add source code button on code snippets
- DOP-2798: Remove incorrect meta tags
- Upgrade LeafyGreen Modal component
- DOP-2602: Add option for external links to open in a new tab/window
- DOP-2771 Support snooty-built site on the Legacy Docs page
- DOP-2699: Update to React 17 & Emotion 11
- DOP-2805: Remove unused legacy CSS
- DOP-2641: Fix incorrect language highlighting issue with 'none' language
- DOP-2183: Fix styling issue with padding differences between table header and cell
- hotfix-add-dotcom-repos-database-case
- DOP-2725: Transform search URLs based on origin
- DOP-2807: Map opsmanager to ops-manager in paths
- DOP-2807: Get rid of -qa
- DOP-2752: Move metadata out of page context
- DOP-2783: Remove docs-tools submodule
v0.13.5 - 2022-03-15
v0.13.5-dotcom.3 - 2022-03-22
- hotfix-add-dotcom-repos-database-case
v0.13.5-dotcom.2 - 2022-03-22
- DOP-2725: Transform search URLs based on origin
v0.13.5-dotcom.1 - 2022-03-21
- DOP-2807: Map opsmanager to ops-manager in paths
- DOP-2807: Get rid of -qa
- DOP-2819: Remove duplicate prefix from HTML Breadcrumbs
- DOP-2787: Assert Trailing Slashes for all Version Select options
- DOP-2828: Add current behavior section to PR template
v0.13.4 - 2022-03-11
- DOP-2815: Bump consistent-nav for www testing
v0.13.3 - 2022-03-09
- DOP-2790: Fix connected steps from being disconnected
- DOP-2755: Add URL validation for videos
v0.13.2 - 2022-03-04
- DOP-2784: Make baseUrl ssr safe for dotcom utils
- DOP-2432: Remove legacy guides pills and TOC
v0.13.1 - 2022-03-02
- DOP-2793: Add Optimizely snippet to HeadComponents
- DOP-2778: Fix side nav items with children so they collapse on click
v0.13.0 - 2022-02-24
- Version Management
v0.12.5 - 2022-02-24
- DOP-2782: Remove passthrough of GATSBY_BASE_URL
- DOP-2763: Render nested steps with correct step numbers
- DOP-2645: Add carats to sidenav to indicate level
- DOP-2720: Improve useActiveHeading hook accuracy
- DOP-2764: Re-render GuideNext component with localStorage
- DOP-2741: Use mobile nav on tablet view
- DOP-2726: Enable OpenAPI dynamic url fetching
- DOP-2754: Video embeddings frontend components
- DOP-2760: Make default visibility for output code snippet to be visible, with new option to specify visibility settings
- DOP-2724: Allow GuideNext component to render custom content
- DOP-2748: Fix border radius on single input issue
- DOP-2701: Fix page transition behavior when scrolled
- DOP-2718: Add bottom margin to Introduction component
v0.12.4 - 2022-02-08
- (DOP-2651) Frontend components for input, output, and io code block, i/o toggle functionality, updated caption style
- DOP-2719: Make icon generalizable for cta-banner
v0.12.3 - 2022-02-03
- Fix HeaderBuffer declaration
v0.12.2 - 2022-02-02
- DOP-2605: Fix styling for permalink and apply it to Target
- DOP-2712 Add new env variables for dotcom environments
- DOP-2233: Make all text and components within tables 14px
- DOP-2650: The great url accommodation roundup
- DOP-2722: Fix card URLs in guides gallery view
v0.12.1 - 2022-01-27
- (DOP-2600) Create new video banner and group banner components into folder
- DOP-2503: Expose ContentsList component for guides usage
- DOP-2506: Implement GuideNext component
- DOP-2642: Use React Testing Library instead of Enzyme
v0.12.0 - 2022-01-19
- DOP-2504: YAML steps can be rendered as Procedure and Step directives
v0.11.21 - 2022-01-06
- (DOP-2570) Fix language selector dropdown to be visible
- (DOP-2320) Sync heading pill and cloud icon in side nav bar for sync pages
- DOP-2505: Accommodate guides toc
- (DOP-2465) fix error message for search with no results
v0.11.20 - 2021-12-15
- DOP N/A: Bump Consistent Navigation, update named arg
- DOP-2601: Add hover background to chapters' guide links
- DOP-2533: Allow frontend to fetch OAS file from Realm
- DOP-2618: Prevent lint warnings during pre-commit hook
- (DOP-2393) Fix permalinks to copy url and add tooltip when copied
- Update staging url to use S3 site
v0.11.19 - 2021-11-17
- DOP-2447: Implement Chapters for guides homepage
- DOP-2555: The one where we copy
- DOP-2446: Implement Chapter component
v0.11.18 - 2021-11-03
v0.11.17 - 2021-10-25
- DOP-1181: The one where I update the twitter meta image
- DOP-1181: Update meta image location and source
- DOP-2527: The one with all the branding changes
v0.11.16 - 2021-10-19
- DOP-N/A: Bump Navigation version to 1.0.0
v0.11.15 - 2021-10-13
- DOP-929: Add drivers-index template functionality
v0.11.14 - 2021-10-06
- Fix lint warnings
- DOP-2435: Cleanup Feature Flag Logic
- DOP-2136: Add LanguageSwitcher to code blocks
- DOP-2495: Retain Realm Searchbar Context
- DOP-2092: Upgrade LG button version
- DOP-2461: Whitespace possible below Unified Footer
v0.11.13 - 2021-09-24
v0.11.12 - 2021-09-17
- DOP-2431: Remove URIWriter component
- Dop 2420
- DOP-2376: Treat sharedinclude as include
- DOP-2450: Fix spacing between content and TOC
- Fix back button appearance on landing
v0.11.11 - 2021-09-13
- DOP-2439: Prevent text transform of nav TOC
- DOP-2440: Fix Document template columns
- Update Makefile to use new S3 staging bucket
- DOP-2426: Add additional Docs branding to sidenav
- DOP-2425: Update padding and margins for TOC
v0.11.10 - 2021-09-01
v0.11.9 - 2021-08-25
v0.11.9+nav-rc.17 - 2021-09-19
- Dop 2420
- DOP-2376: Treat sharedinclude as include
- Update Makefile to use new S3 staging bucket
- DOP-2423: Bump nav version, add a little more polish
- DOP-2411: Fix cutoff sidenav
- DOP-2411: Fix content margins for Unified Navigation
v0.11.8 - 2021-08-18
- Dop 2366: Add Unified Footer
v0.11.7 - 2021-08-11
- DOP-2394: Update nav version, add default search property
- DOP-2387 - Enable clicking in QuizChoices
- DOP-2325 - Set up Realm and write responses
- readme-update: Update to expand on release process
- Append GATSBY_ prefix to existing nav feature flag
v0.11.6 - 2021-08-04
v0.11.5 - 2021-07-28
- DOP-2338: Consistent Navigation PoC, 1.0.0 w/ feature flag
- DOP-2361 - Prepare Quiz Object to send to DB
- DOP-2322 & DOP-2323 - Implement QuizChoice component layout
- DOP-2316 - Make Realm SDK card clickable around tags
v0.11.4 - 2021-07-19
- DOP-2321 - Implement Quiz component widget layout
- DOP-2351: Fix TOC drawers directing to incorrect page
- change java slug to /java-drivers/
v0.11.3 - 2021-07-14
- DOP-2123: Banner Component
v0.11.2 - 2021-07-12
- DOP-2318: Remove .Live banner
v0.11.1 - 2021-07-12
- Update Tabs.js
v0.11.0 - 2021-07-08
- DOP-2174: Card-ref styling
- DOP-1728 - [cloud-docs]: Increase padding above ordered lists in tabs
- DOP-2198: Update PLP template to accommodate large hero image
- DOP-2239: Update marian endpoint to docs-search-transport
- DOP-2204 - {SPIKE} - [CLS] | Investigate changes in page render (mobile)
v0.10.1 - 2021-06-30
- DOP-2193: Apply css changes and theming to redoc component
v0.10.0 - 2021-06-24
- DOP-1436 Use LeafyGreen Modal in Lightbox component
- DOP-2221, DOP-2276, DOP-1443 - Monospace changes
- DOP-2215: Move landing-domain components and tests
- DOP-1798 - 'Click to enlarge' doesn't enlarge the image
- DOP-2249: Update Step/Steps naming, remove Stepper
- DOP-1778 - Update Body Content Color
- DOP-1815 - Go Language logo display problems
v0.9.13 - 2021-06-07
- DOP-2219: Add .live banner
- Update release process details
v0.9.12 - 2021-05-27
- Dop 2211: Fix the floating version select
- DOP-2210: Match legacy sidebar breakpoint with snooty's
- DOP-2109: Add copy button to OpenAPI
- DOP-2108: Fix code block line numbers
- DOP-2058: SEO Twitter Cards
- DOP-2208: Fix missing sidebar and cut-off title heading on mobile
- DOP-2184: Upgrade LG table to use 16px font
v0.9.11 - 2021-05-19
- DOP-2138: Add padding for additional levels of TOC
- DOP-2104: Fix ecosystem tile links
- Fork mongodb-docs.css
v0.9.10 - 2021-05-11
- DOP-2150: Update build filter regex
- DOP-2117: Toggle to layout option for carousel styling
v0.9.9 - 2021-05-06
- Fix TextInput accessibility warning
- Update DOP-2105: Use allowDeselect prop
- DOP-2113: Render extra-compact cards
- DOP-2083: Only keydown event listen on searchbar focus
- DOP-2105: Replace version dropdown with LG Select component
- Upgrade LeafyGreen packages
- DOP-2099: Use parser data for "On this page" box
v0.9.8 - 2021-04-08
v0.9.7 - 2021-04-07
- DOP-1975: Add breadcrumb schema and simplify component
- DOP-1947: Anchor scroll to clicked tab component
- DOP-1620
- DOP-2078: Fix dropdown display bug
- DOP-2016: Implement Delighted on next gen sites
- DOP-2060: No more nested card anchors
v0.9.6 - 2021-03-24
- DOP-1828: Update docs-tools submodule
v0.9.5 - 2021-03-15
- Fix version dropdown link generation
v0.9.4 - 2021-03-10
- DOP-2021: Render versionmodified arguments on same line
- DOP-1914: Wrap table content
- DOP-2023: Add background color and top align to tables
- Fix husky workflow
- Upgrade Prettier to v2
- Upgrade husky to v5
v0.9.3 - 2021-02-25
- Fix table unstyling
v0.9.2 - 2021-02-24
- DOP-1697: Use LeafyGreen tables
- DOP-1994: Default to searching Realm on Realm docs
- DOP-1669: Move to handling 404's as a separate property
- DOP-1988: Prevent RightColumn and FeedbackTab from appearing on mobile first
- Fix feedback widget scrolling on mobile
- DOP-1896: Render OpenAPI content using Redoc
- DOP-1977: Update hidden class
- DOP-1950: Fix handling of RefRole links to index page
- DOP-1971: Correctly handle mailto links
v0.9.1 - 2021-02-03
- DOP-1965: Enforce trailing slash on internal links
- DOP-1962: Reduce page-data.json bloat
- Simplify canonical implementation
- DOP-1945: Generate sitemaps
v0.9.0 - 2021-01-28
- DOP-1942: Escape search queries
- DOP-1943: Fix double active page bug
- DOP-1899: Add Segment tracking on codeblock
- DOP-1921: Fix - Feedback widget tooltips should appear above the floating card
- DOP-1402: Add Delighted Widget to Node driver docs
- DOP-1856: fix copy for see also admonition
- DOP-1825: Fix definition list rendering
- DOP-1900: Ignore named_reference nodes
- DOP-1879: Update saving static files to exclude manpages without buffers
- DOP-1881: Add canonical link to all pages
v0.8.5 - 2021-01-14
- DOP-1792: Change search url to keep it uniform across docs
- DOP-1766: Add frontend support for release_specification
- DOP-1860: Remove .live banner
- DOP-1748: OpenAPI component updates page hash
v0.8.4 - 2021-01-06
- DOP-1749: Fix walkabout, refactor screen size hooks
- DOP-1789: Fix binary linking bug
- Allow users with adblockers to open the feedback widget
- DOP-1579: Add bordered-figure styling to Image
v0.8.3 - 2020-12-03
v0.8.2 - 2020-12-02
v0.8.1 - 2020-11-18
- DOP-1599: Add caption styling
- DOP-1631: Update feedback widget to point to Community instead of Google Groups
- DOP-1545: Build 404 page
v0.8.0 - 2020-11-10
- DOP-1014: Use LeafyGreen Tabs
- DOP-1701: Update image writes
- Remove segment script
- DOP-1660: Fix code blocks overflowing when nested in tables
- DOP-1541: Upgrade dependencies and fix anchor links
v0.7.2 - 2020-11-02
- DOP-1612: Fix padding and margin issues for code blocks
- Remove regression test framework
- DOP-1591: banner
- DOP-1673: Add Segment analytics to Breadcrumbs
v0.7.1 - 2020-10-23
- Dive into extract node children
v0.7.0 - 2020-10-22
- DOP-1334: Implement MongoWebShell component
- Fix feedback context error
- DOP-1529 (5): Auto hide tabs on page with selector
- DOP-1530: Update versionmodified directives
- Move page components into documentbody
- DOP-1667: Fix root and step components
- Fix GTM history tracking
- Add icons to dropdown
- DOP-1604: Allow code blocks to render with caption
- DOP-1529 (3): Add mobile support for tab selector
- DOP-1544: Add Segment analytics
- Footnote-misc: Reduce likelihood of ID collisions
- Footnote-context: refresh footnotes before every render
- DOP-1507: Code block highlighting
- DOP-1529 (2): Add tab selector to non-mobile screens
- DOP-1529 (1): Simplify tabs and remove pill strips
v0.6.4 - 2020-10-29
- DOP-1591: banner (#309)
v0.6.3 - 2020-10-05
- DOP-1594: Upgrade leafygreen Code package
v0.6.2 - 2020-09-30
- DOP-1546: Upgrade LeafyGreen dependencies
- DOP-931: Fix footnotes and footnote references
- DOP-1396: Support kbd role
v0.6.1 - 2020-09-23
- DOP-1549: Fix version dropdown links
- DOP-1006: Fix version selector and title in dropdown
- DOP-1493: Bump delay to Amplitude to 1s
- DOP-1492: Render highlight roles
- Remove upload asset step from release workflow
v0.6.0 - 2020-09-16
- fixes #281: class -> className
- DOP-1425: Add contains-headerlink class
- Fix Searchbar Covering Dropdown on Mobile
- DOP-1201: Remove preview mode
- DOP-1490: Add support for :red:
- Remove withPrefix from search results path
- Sync changelog with diverged 0.5.3
- Switch metric label from areaFound to areaFrom
- DOP-1420: render navbar in layout component
- Add context to render footnotes
- DOP-1419: Simplify layout rendering
- DOP-1341: Add check for existence of children
- DOP-1409: Render new HTML AST
- Miscellaneous improvements
- DOP-1350: Remove hard-coded Perl driver tile
- fixes #281: class -> className (#285)
v0.5.3 - 2020-09-09
- DOP-1350: Remove hard-coded Perl driver tile
- Allow non-master releases
v0.5.2 - 2020-08-26
- Add Searchbar and Search Results Page to Snooty
- DOP-1415: Render Example callout
- DOP-1357: Render OpenAPI
- DOP-1407: Populate page title on server
- DOP-1130: Move anchor link styling to snooty
- Parse the search-results directive
- Update docs-tools submodule
v0.5.1 - 2020-08-12
- DOP-1296: Render Fields
- Update misc select component styling
- DOP-910: Legacy Version Selector
- Reset select form
- Add generic select component
- DOP-1256: Implement Rubric directive
- DOP-1244: Update admonition rendering
- Improve component factory
- DOP-1212: Correctly generate version URLS for production deploys
- DOP-1227: Add subscript and superscript support
- Update docs-tools submodule
v0.5.0 - 2020-07-08
- DOP-1165: adds support for the icon-fa5-brands, which was missed
- DOP-1011: Implement :noprevnext: functionality
- DOP-1165: add front-end support for font awesome and mms/charts-specific icons
- DOP-1012-2: Fix CSSWrapper bug
- DOP-1012: Change <td> to <th> for stub columns
- DOP-1046: Hide feedback widget heading container for non-title headings
- DOP-1010: Don't display "On this page" when no headings
- DOP-1184: Update list component
- DOP-1017: Use PATH_PREFIX env variable
- Update docs-tools submodule
v0.4.16 - 2020-06-17
- Revert "Revert "DOP-877: Properly render literal includes (#200)" (#207)"
- DOP-1013: Fix initial render of tabs
- DOP-1190: Improve missing component warning
v0.4.15 - 2020-06-16
- DOP-1183: Point .live banner to archive
- Revert "DOP-877: Properly render literal includes (#200)"
- DOP-877: Properly render literal includes
- DOP-889: Render glossary directive
v0.4.14 - 2020-06-10
v0.4.13 - 2020-06-08
- Update navbar: Stitch -> Realm
v0.4.12 - 2020-06-05
- Disable search
- DOP-1127: Docs Landing Page
- Support configuration to hide feedback widget header
- DOP-946: Fix navbar active sections
- Rename templates
- DOP-1146: Add support for Google Tag Manager
v0.4.11 - 2020-05-18
- Fix navbar overlap bug
v0.4.10 - 2020-05-13
- DOP-980: Refactor feedback widget
- adds rust tile to landing page
- Bugfix: hide dropdown if only one version
v0.4.9 - 2020-05-08
v0.4.8 - 2020-05-06
v0.4.7 - 2020-04-22
- Fix z-index and firefox bugs
v0.4.6 - 2020-04-21
- DOP-851: Write intersphinx file
- DOP-1003: Code block bugfixes
- (DOCSP-8297,8299): New Feedback Widget
v0.4.5 - 2020-04-15
- fix release script
- DOP-958: add landing template
- DOP-968: Render new :doc: ast
- Improve builds
- Dop 785: Use LeafyGreen Button component for version dropdown
v0.4.4 - 2020-04-03
- Update driver homepage footer
v0.4.3 - 2020-04-02
- update to drivers
v0.4.2 - 2020-04-01
- temp fix for ecosystem to drivers
- DOP-906: Update VersionDropdown React component to support EOL versions implementation
v0.4.1 - 2020-03-31
- DOP-335: hardcoded ecosystem tiles
- DOP-873: Fix sidebar/left navtab on-load flashing
- DOP-579: See also links rendering without title text in guides
v0.4.0 - 2020-03-23
- Code blocks render in Line component
- DOP-632: Render options
- Use LeafyGreen Code component
- Run tests when PR is opened from fork
- DOCSPLAT-141: Add navigation tab functionality
- DOCSPLAT-823: Properly render substitutions
v0.3.2 - 2020-02-19
- DOCSP-8872: Fix toctree behavior
v0.3.1 - 2020-02-14
v0.3.0 - 2020-02-13
- DOCSP-8882: Add release workflow
- DOCSP-8430: Improve role rendering
- Fix failed PropType warning in DocumentBody
- Update
v0.2 - 2020-01-23
- DOCSP-8385: Render commit-based builds
- DOCSP-7862: Ignore toctree directive
- Standardize link handling
- Fix preview mode
- Fix path for autobuilder
- DOCSP-7502: Version Dropdown
- DOCSP-8134: Fix tabset rendering in ecosystem
- DOCSP-7939: Populate includes in parser
- Simplify Dependencies
- Only render .txt files as pages
- DOCSP-7630: Internal page navigation
- Update
- Use GitHub Actions
- DOCSP-7497: Update frontend to use formatted slug-title mapping
- Bugfix: don't render TOC in preview mode
- Remove publish and deploy stages from drone file
- Update
- Drone config updates
- DOCSP-7498: Implement breadcrumbs component
- DOCSP-7708: Render TOC on all sites
- DOCSP-6887: Image component can use vscode resources as a source
- DOCSP-6660: Map Roles to correct placeholder component
- UP-2517 (toc component)
- DOCSP-7242: Snooty Preview can run on command line
- DOCSP-7186: Update preview files to support all templates
- DOCSP-7193: Improve handling of class names in CSSWrapper
- DOCSP-7109: Update Snooty Preview files to work within VS Code
- DOCSP-6902: Fix image includes
- DOCSP-6530: Misc. CET components
- add content branch
- DOCSP-6801: Implement footnote directive
- DOCSP-6846: Implement card-group directive
- DOCSP-6855: Refactor image fetching
- Add deprecated, versionchanged, versionadded handling
- DOCSP-6189: Single page can be rendered locally
- Bugfix: Fix localStorage pills in Guides
- DOCSP-6575: Add support for image caption and legend
- DOCSP-6503: Refactor tabs
- DOCSP-6390: misc. BI Connector components
- DOCSP-6379: Page contents
- DOCSP-6332: Add misc. charts directives
- DOCSP-6334: Implement cssclass
- DOCSP-6123: Internal link bugfix
- DOCSP-5935: Code blocks show when javascript is disabled
- DOCSP-5888: Make active tab on navbar dynamic
- Use npm audit to fix package vulnerabilities
- DOCSP-6056: Abstract tabset functionality
- Remove stepper code
- DOCSP-6185: Change lint script to run from local node module
- DOCSP-6037: Dynamic heading hierarchy
- DOCSP-5934: Clicking on left hand nav item scrolls correctly
- DOCSP-5996: Improve build performance
- DOCSP-5936: Add escape key support to image lightbox
- DOCSP-5932: Resolve guides build issues
- DOCSP-5882: Configure regression tests for Spark Connector
- DOCSP-5772: Implement replace functionality
- DOCSP-5912: Add transition component
- DOCSP-5911: Refactor listTable and Paragraph components
- DOCSP-5910: Add definitionList
- DOCSP-5535: Update front-end to use new Stitch function
- DOCSP-5771: CET extension MVP
- DOCSP-5843: Fix nested object access
- add segment
- DOCSP-5811: code copying fallback
- DOCSP-5702: Dynamic page title
- DOCSP-5647: adjust padding of clickable element in pills
- Remove getPathPrefix()
- Fix build broken by hooks
- DOCSP-5719: Resolve staging config/env config
- DOCSP-5648: fix breadcrumb link
- DOCSP-4495: Regression Testing
- DOCSP-5643: fix IE tab jumps
- DOCSP-5644: no abnormal focus
- Fix incorrect links
- DOCSP-5701: Support new parser ID implementation
- DOCSP-5699: Unescape html entities in URI Writer blocks
- DOCSP-5640: segment + stitch fix so works on IE11
- DOCSP-5689: Fix lightbox component
- DOCSP-5718: refactor files
- DOCSP-5637: Fix TOC scrolling in Safari and Firefox
- Add missing ref role
- DOCSP-4553: Feedback Widget
- DOCSP-5638: Correctly render uri strings in Highlight component
- Prepend internal link with build path
- DOCSP-5553: fix guides landing page margins
- DOCSP-5547: URI Writer fixes
- DOCSP-5575: Fix TOC
- update Makefile
- DOCSP-5460: syntax highlighting
- DOCSP-5429: copy button
- Fix: failure caused by missing value property
- Fix: Update roles to match new AST spec
- DOCSP-5425: Add missing roles
- DOCSP-4281: analytics for events
- Fix: Env Vars
- DOCSP-5257: Show language pills on landing page
- DOCSP-5382: Add npm scripts
- new targets for roles
- DOCSP-4967: Fix Gatsby Build Relative Paths
- DOCSP-5259: Fix roles
- Add lightbox and tests
- DOCSP-5272: Support hidden tabsets
- DOCSP-5250: add TitleReference component
- DOCSP-5133: Sort named tabsets
- DOCSP-4175: Unit tests for interaction
- Fix: improve conditional render of tabsets
- DOCSP-5086: Fix Build
- DOCSP-5018: Reorganize Directory
- Improve testing
- DOCSP-4798: role files
- DOCSP-4689: Local Storage
- DOCSP-4921: Refactor tabs
- DOCSP-4611: Implement roles/fix admonitions
- Bugfix: templateType, pills
- DOCSP-4612: ListTable component
- DOCSP-4613: Display time on landing page
- DOCSP 4189: Tabbed content
- DOCSP-3581: Additional categories on landing page
- Fix: update JSON formatting for test data
- Create Test Data for React/Gatsby tests
- fix: remove react-test-renderer and replace with enzyme
- bugfix: allow enzyme shallow rendered components to match snapshots
- DOCSP-4317: Add linter to next-gen React builds
- bugfix: properly fetch guides for landing page
- DOCSP-4188: URI Writer
- DOCSP-4432: add front-end tests to drone file
- DOCSP-4173: init commit for jest tests
- initial code for docker+k8 setup
- Initial frontend