For this app, we'll leverage OneDrive as our repository for the coral collection objects and their respective information. This enables us to utilize OneDrive for Business as a data connector.
We've provided the following assets that'll need to be uploaded to OneDrive:
Type | Asset | Description |
Folder | Models | Contains model files for coral and reef occupants |
Folder | Photos | Contains photos of the coral and reef objects |
Excel Spreadsheet | CoralCollection.xlsx | Object information (species, description, relative links to model and photo) |
Within the Excel spreadsheet are Coral and Occupants tables which includes a specified range of rows and columns. In addition, the spreadsheet uses relative links which references files within the Models and Photos folders. If you later plan to add your own models, be sure to follow the format provided in the spreadsheet and modify the range for the respective table.
Let's create a new Coral Collection folder in OneDrive and upload these assets.
In the browser, navigate to
using your administrator credentials for the M365 Developer Program.
In OneDrive, click +New to create a new folder. Name the folder Coral Collection.
Inside the Coral folder, drag or upload the Models, Photos, and CoralCollection.xlsx assets .
Now that we have our Coral Collection objects stored in OneDrive, we can use OneDrive for Business as a data connector to access the collection's assets within the Coral Collection folder. Let's connect to OneDrive for Business and select the the Coral and Occupants tables within the CoralCollection.xlsx spreadsheet. This connection will enable us to seamlessly reference the object images, photos, and information within the spreadsheet.
Go to and select Solutions in the left navigation.
Select our Mixed Reality Workshop solution.
Click on the display name of the
Mixed Reality App
to open up the Power App in edit mode. -
In Power Apps, in the left panel, click the Data icon and click Add Data.
In the Select a data source window, search for OneDrive for Business and select the result.
After you select OneDrive for Business, the result will display your email address. Select OneDrive for Business once more.
In the Choose an Excel file tab that appears, select the Coral Collection folder.
Inside the Coral Collection folder, select the CoralCollection.xlsx file.
Select both the Coral and Occupants table.
At the bottom of the panel, click Connect.
After the data is connected, Power Apps will add a new PowerAppsID column to the spreadsheet. This column contains the Power Apps generated unique ID for the object.
With a connection made to the Coral Collection objects, we're now ready to create the galleries! For the app, we'll have a gallery for Coral and another for Reef Occupants. Each gallery will provide a list of all objects available for view. You'll be able to select an object to learn more and also view the object in both 3D and Mixed Reality.
Rename the Screen1 screen to Galleries Screen by clicking on the ... next to Screen1 and then select Rename.
Let's first start with designing some of the basic UI for the Galleries Screen.
In the Insert tab, click Text label to add a heading for the screen. Rename the component lblCollectionTitle. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text: Corals and Coral Reefs
- Font: Lato Black
- Font Size: 44
- Font Weight: Bold
- Position: 21 x 18
- Size: 600 x 123
- Color: Black or ColorValue("#000000")
In the Insert tab, click Text label to add a subheading for the screen. Rename the component lblCollectionSub. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text: Discover the collection
- Font: Open Sans
- Font Size: 16
- Font Weight: Semibold
- Position: 21 x 141
- Size: 560 x 41
- Color: Black or ColorValue("#000000")
We'll now create the section for the Coral gallery. Once you've created the Coral section, you can duplicate the components to create the Reef Occupants section.
We'll create a divider to separate the sections. In the Insert tab, search for Rectangle. Rename the component divCoral. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Position: 18 x 190
- Size: 601 x 4
- Color: ColorValue("#FA7E01")
- Border Thickness: 0
To add a bit of style to the section headings, we'll leverage the Button component which enables us to modify the Border radius. However, we'll leave the button inactive so that the component cannot be pressed. In the Insert tab, Input > Button. Rename the component btnCoralHeading. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text: Coral
- Position: 20 x 200
- Size: 601 x 70
- Padding Left: 10
- Color-Fill: ColorValue("#066563")
- Border Thickness: 0
- Border Radius: 20
- Font: Lato
- Font Size: 24
- Font Weight: Semibold
- Display Mode: DisplayMode.View
In the Insert tab, click Text label to add a description for the section. Rename the component lblCoralSub. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text: Explore a variety of coral species collected from around the world.
- Font: Open Sans
- Font Size: 18
- Font Weight: Normal
- Position: 20 x 270
- Size: 601 x 70
We'll now add in the gallery for the Coral section. Once complete, we'll have a horizontal collection of objects that you can scroll through and view images of the available objects for viewing.
- In the left panel, click the Insert icon and search for Blank horizontal gallery.
- On the Select a data source window that appears, select the Coral data source.
- Rename the Gallery component galCoralGallery.
The CoralCollection.xlsx file must be closed before you complete the next step. If the file is open (whether desktop or in the browser), the data for the gallery will not populate.
What's great about the gallery component is that the configurations set for one column applies to all columns! We'll configure the first column so that all columns are properly set for each object in the gallery.
Select the galCoralGallery component. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Position: 19 x 295
- Size: 601 x 357
On the galCoralGallery component, click Add an item from the Insert pane.
In the Insert pane, select Media > Image to add an Image component to the gallery.
Rename the Image component to imgCoral.
We'll now modify the properties for the image component. Select the Image component and in the right panel change the following properties:
- Image:
- Position: 0 x 48
- Size: 290 x 288
- Border radius: 50
- Image:
Let's now add navigation to the Coral Information Screen screen. Essentially, when you select one of the images, the app will navigate to the Coral Information Screen screen.
In the first column of the galCoralGallery, select the imgCoral component.
In the formula bar, for OnSelect enter
Navigate('Coral Information Screen',ScreenTransition.Fade)
Since we haven't created the Coral Information screen, you'll be given an error - we'll fix that in the next step!
Once an object is selected from the Gallery screen, the app should navigate to Coral Information Screen screen which displays the following information about the coral:
- Species
- Description
- 3D Model
- Button to View in MR
We'll setup the screen for the Coral objects and later duplicate and reconfigure for the Reef Occupants. Let's first create the basic UI for the screen.
In the top navigation menu, click New Screen > Blank.
In the left panel, rename the new screen Coral Information Screen.
In the left panel, search for the Back arrow icon. Rename the component icoCoralBackArrow. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Position: 20 x 36
- Size: 47 x 47
- Font Color: ColorValue("#FA7E01")
- Border Thickness: 0
In the formula bar, for the icoCoralBackArrow, change the OnSelect to
Navigate('Galleries Screen',Fade)
. -
In the Insert tab, click Text label to add a label that'll display the title. Rename the component lblCoralTitle. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text: Coral
- Font: Lato Black
- Font Size: 40
- Font Weight: Semibold
- Text Alignment: Align Center
- Position: 105 x 24
- Size: 443 x 70
- Font Color: ColorValue("#066563")
In the Insert tab, click Text label to add a label for the species. Rename the component lblCoralSpecies. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text:
- Font: Lato
- Font Size: 25
- Font Weight: Semibold
- Position: 25 x 694
- Size: 588 x 51
- Text:
In the Insert tab, click Text label to add a label for the description. Rename the Text label component lblCoralDesc. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text:
- Font: Lato
- Font Size: 21
- Font Weight: Normal
- Position: 25 x 732
- Size: 604 x 294
- Text:
Test the app to confirm that when an object is selected from the Galleries Screen screen, the Coral Information Screen screen displays it's respective information.
We'll now add the View in 3D control which will enable you to view 3D content in the app. You can rotate and zoom into the model with simple gestures.
Let's add the control and configure for viewing the object in 3D.
In the left panel, click the Insert icon and select Media > 3D Object.
In the formula bar, for Source enter
. -
In the left panel, rename the View in 3D component 3dCoral.
In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Background fill: Transparent
- Position: 40 x 95
- Size: 561 x 536
Test the app to view the 3D model of the object.
We'll now add the View in MR control which will enable you to view the object in your physical environment. The View in MR control creates a button in your app which overlays the respective 3D model onto the live camera feed of your device.
Let's add the control and configure for viewing the object in MR.
In the left panel, click the Insert icon and select Mixed Reality > View in MR.
In the formula bar, for Source enter
. -
In the left panel, rename the View in MR component mrCoral.
In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Position: 179 x 1037
- Size: 280 x 70
- Border radius: 50
- Color-Fill: ColorValue("#FA7E01")
- Border Thickness: 0
Test the app to view the 3D model in Mixed Reality.
Congratulations - you've setup the configurations for the Coral gallery and should now have a functioning app! Now it's time to apply what you've learned and configure the same functionality for the Reef Occupants gallery.
You can duplicate the existing components created for the Coral gallery. Be sure to change the Text properties where appropriate. For example, the description for the Reef Occupants section should read: Learn more about the animals who inhabit coral and coral reefs.
To help keep things organize, change the component names where appropriate. For example, consider renaming the gallery to galReefOccupants.
Since the gallery is currently using the Coral data source, you'll need to switch to the Occupants data source instead to view the models within the Occupants table. Also, be sure to change the OnSelect property so that selecting an image navigates to the Reef Occupant Information screen.
Likewise, you can duplicate the Coral Information Screen screen to create the Reef Occupant Information Screen screen. We recommend modifying the component names to reflect the Reef Occupant to help keep things organized.
Be sure to change the Text properties where appropriate. For example, the title for the screen should display: Reef Occupants.
The remaining components in the screen are all currently pulling data from the galCoral. Therefore, be sure to modify the formulas where appropriate so that the data is populated from the galReefOccupants.
In the next labs, you will create another experience in this app, so it makes sense to have a new home screen.
- In the top navigation menu, click New Screen > Blank.
- In the left panel, rename the new screen Overview Screen.
- Scroll up and select App in the tree view.
- Enter 'Overview Screen' as the value for StartScreen. This will make sure your app opens the Overview Screen when you open the app.
- If you want, you can select the ... next to the Overview Screen and move the screen to the top of the list.
Save the app, to make sure you won't lose any work.
In the Insert tab, click Text label to add a heading for the screen. Rename the component lblOverviewTitle. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text: Mixed Reality Workshop
- Font: Lato Black
- Font Size: 44
- Font Weight: Bold
- Position: 21 x 18
- Size: 600 x 160
- Color: Black or ColorValue("#000000")
We'll create a divider to separate the sections. In the Insert tab, search for Rectangle. Rename the component divOverview. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Position: 18 x 190
- Size: 601 x 4
- Color: ColorValue("#FA7E01")
- Border Thickness: 0
In the Insert tab, Input > Button. Rename the component btnOverviewCoral. In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Text: Corals and Coral Reefs
- Position: 20 x 200
- Size: 601 x 70
- Padding Left: 10
- Color-Fill: ColorValue("#066563")
- Border Thickness: 0
- Border Radius: 20
- Font: Lato
- Font Size: 24
- Font Weight: Semibold
- OnSelect (under the Advanced tab): Navigate('Galleries Screen', Fade)
- HoverFill: ColorValue("#FA7E01")
Select the Galleries Screen in the tree view. To make the Overview Screen accessible from the Galleries Screen, let's add a home icon.
Select the Insert icon in the left navigation and search for 'home'. This will show you the home icon. Click on home icon and it will get added to your screen. Rename the icon to icoGalleriesHome.
In the right panel, change the following properties:
- Position: 555 x 47
- Color: Black or ColorValue("#000000")
- OnSelect (under the Advanced tab): Navigate('Overview Screen', Fade)
This concludes lab 03.