It has been a while since this project has seen any updates, so it is archived! Feel free to fork and continue the development.
Sgvizler is a javascript wrapper for easy visualisation of SPARQL result sets.
See for how to set up, use, and extend Sgvizler, including documentation, downloads, and examples.
Add visualisations directly into your webpages like this:
<div id="example"
data-sgvizler-query="SELECT ?class (count(?instance) AS ?noOfInstances)
WHERE{ ?instance a ?class }
GROUP BY ?class
ORDER BY ?class"
style="width:800px; height:400px;"></div>
Install nodejs and necessary packages :
i) Nodejs : "sudo apt install nodejs-legacy" (for Ubuntu 16.04 this installed version is not up to date, to get the last version :
ii) "npm install -g npm"
iii) Yuidocjs : "npm -g install yuidocjs."
iv) "npm install uglify-js -g"
"Compile" with makefile :
i) Type : "yuidoc." at the source of the tree. This will generate a ./out directory
ii) Being in ./sgvizler, type "make sgvizler.js" This will create all necessary files thanks to Makefile
iii) Finally, type "uglifyjs sgvizler.js -o sgvizler.min.js" To get the minifier version of sgvizler.js