This week you will measure the space utilization of TPC-C tables on MySQL. By observing how the space utilization of each table changes before and after the benchmark, you can see the impact of MySQL's B+Tree on space usage.
Follow the guide below. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me via email (Mijin An / [email protected])
NOTE: This lab is based on the Linux environment. If you don't have a Linux machine, use VirturalBox. (Recommend Ubuntu 18.04)
$ sudo apt-get install gem
$ sudo apt-get install rubygems ruby-dev
$ sudo gem install rake
$ sudo gem install innodb_ruby -v 0.9.16
$ git clone
$ cd week-5/bin
There are two binary files: cal-free-space-from-ibd
and cal-free-space-percentile-from-parsed-file
: calculate the free space of each page from the .ibd filecal-free-space-percentile-from-parsed-file
: calculate the space percentile from the parsed file.
Use the appropriate file according to the database page size you use. For example, if you use 4K page size, use cal-free-space-from-ibd-4k
and cal-free-space-percentile-from-parsed-file-4k
$ ./cal-free-space-from-ibd-16k tpcc/item.ibd result.txt
$ ./cal-free-space-percentile-from-parsed-file-16k space-summary.txt result.txt
cal-free-space-from-ibd [target ibd file] [output file]
target ibd file
: .ibd file is the data file extension of MySQL (e.g., tpcc/history.ibd = History table of TPC-C database)- After running the binary file, you can get the overall space utilization from the
output file
# Parsing Result Total number of pages = 5117 Total free space = 11653729 Average free space per page = 2277 (55.60%) - Leaf Pages Total number of pages = 5106 Total free space = 11645697 Average free space per page = 2280 (55.68%) Min free space = 259 Max free space = 4096 - Non-leaf Pages Total number of pages = 11 Total free space = 8032 Average free space per page = 730 (17.83%) Min free space = 8 Max free space = 3822
- You can also get another output file
which shows the free space of each page intarget ibd file
page index level data free records 3 46 2 935 3015 55 4 51 2 882 3066 42 ...
cal-free-space-percentile-from-parsed-file [parsed file] [output file]
- After running the binary file, you can get the percentile information from the
output file
Percentage Count 0 - 10 5934 (34.1%) 10 - 20 447 (2.6%) 20 - 30 427 (2.5%) 30 - 40 497 (2.9%) 40 - 50 1280 (7.4%) 50 - 60 705 (4.1%) 60 - 70 4842 (27.8%) 70 - 80 1264 (7.3%) 80 - 90 1459 (8.4%) 90 - 100 544 (3%) Total 17399 (100%)
- After running the binary file, you can get the percentile information from the
$ ./bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/path/to/my.cnf
$ ./tpcc_start -h -S /tmp/mysql.sock -d tpcc -u root -p "yourPassword" -w 20 -c 8 -r 10 -l 1200 | tee tpcc-result.txt
It means:
- Host:
- MySQL Socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
- DB: tpcc
- User: root
- Password: yourPassword
- Warehouse: 20
- Connection: 8
- Rampup time: 10 (sec)
- Measure: 1200 (sec)
$ ./cal-free-space-from-ibd-16k tpcc/item.ibd result.txt
$ ./cal-free-space-percentile-from-parsed-file-16k space-summary.txt result.txt
Check the space utilization of the pages of each table. And compare the percentile distribution at the end of the benchmark to the start of the benchmark. (example)
$ ./bin/mysqladmin -uroot -pyourPassword shutdown
- Before the benchmark, check the space utilization (of TPC-C 9 tables)
- Run the TPC-C benchmark on MySQL
- After the benchmark, check the space utilization (of TPC-C 9 tables)
- Compare the space utilization at the end of the benchmark to the start of the benchmark
- Present the experimental results and analyze them
Organize the results into a single report and submit it. Follow the submission guide for your report.