You can run tests locally, if you have luarocks
You can then run:
make test
Or if you want to run a single test file:
luarocks test spec/mytest_spec.lua --local
# or
busted spec/mytest_spec.lua
If you see a module 'busted.runner'
not found error you need to update your
eval $(luarocks path --no-bin)
busted --lua nlua spec/mytest_spec.lua
Documentation is mostly generated from lua-ls annotation files in the
folder. So these should be updated to change type
If there are issues with the generated docs the script to generate them under
should be modified.
For formatting stylua is used. If you have stylua installed you can use
make format
For type annotations it is recommended to use lazydev.nvim. It can be setup with the following options:
ft = "lua", -- only load on lua files
opts = {
library = {
-- See the configuration section for more details
-- Load luvit types when the `vim.uv` word is found
{ path = "luvit-meta/library", words = { "vim%.uv" } },
{ path = "luassert/library", words = { "assert" } },
{ path = "busted/library", words = { "describe", "it" } },
{ path = "care.nvim/lua/care/types/" },
{ "Bilal2453/luvit-meta", lazy = true },
{ "LuaCATS/busted", lazy = true },
{ "LuaCATS/luassert", lazy = true },
For nix users, all of these tools are made available in a dev shell.
nix develop
You can test-drive a minimal Neovim package with only care.nvim and its dependencies installed by running
nix run .#nvim
Print out source configurations:
:lua =vim.iter(require"care.sources".sources):map(function(source) return source.config end):totable()
The test suite assumes that
has been installed using luarocks into~/.luarocks/bin/
. ↩