v0.1.1 (2020-06-01)
Fixed bugs:
- 🐛 Add an index to diagnosisKeys collection #171 (shogo-mitomo)
- Update README.md #170 (TeepaBlue)
- [feature]add cors setting for local environment #168 (daisuke-fukuda)
- [fix]
version is old #167 (daisuke-fukuda)
Merged pull requests:
- 📚 Update README doc #169 (yashmurty)
- 📚 Add env info to README #166 (yashmurty)
- 📚 Update ACL flow example #165 (yashmurty)
v0.1.0 (2020-05-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- [SpecChange] Change the process of generating the positive TempIDs list file #91
- [SpecChange] Change POST /users/me/self_reported_positives to accept TempIDs for the last 14 days #90
- [SpecChange] Remove POST /users/me/close_contacts endpoint #89
- [SpecChange] Remove GET /users/me/temp_ids endpoint #88
- [TechTask] Setting up custom domain names for API Gateway #46
- [TechTask] Get the STG environment ready #45
- [feature] Create admin users /v1/admins/users POST #26
- [feature] creating a positive tempIDs list in Cloud Storage #10
- [feature] /v1/admin/positives #9
- [feature] /v1/admin/login #8
- [feature] /v1/users/me/close_contacts #7
- [feature] /v1/login #6
- [feature] /v1/users/me/temp_ids #5
- 📝 Fix the CircleCI link to a public one #164 (shogo-mitomo)
- 🆙 Add CHANGELOG.md #163 (shogo-mitomo)
- 🎉 Add demo environment instead of prd #161 (shogo-mitomo)
- 📛 Change the descriptions #158 (shogo-mitomo)
- 📝 Testing report #157 (DaisukeHirata)
- 📝 Contact Form #156 (DaisukeHirata)
- 🆙 Update version 0.0.1 to 0.1.0 #155 (shogo-mitomo)
- 📝 Overview, DFD, ACL #154 (DaisukeHirata)
- 📝 Update the documentation #153 (shogo-mitomo)
- 📛 Rename application name contact-tracing-api to mamori-i-japan-api #152 (shogo-mitomo)
- ©️ Add LICENSE #151 (shogo-mitomo)
- ♻️ Tiny refactorings for configuration files #150 (shogo-mitomo)
- ♻️ Move uuid and winston devDependencies to dependencies #149 (shogo-mitomo)
- 👍 Hardcode positiveFlg to always be true as a temporary implementation #135 (shogo-mitomo)
- ✨ Implement DELETE /users/me/diagnosis_keys #134 (shogo-mitomo)
- [tests] Add e2e test for auth/login #133 (yashmurty)
- ✨ Implement POST /users/me/health_center_tokens & scheduled event to create positive list file #132 (shogo-mitomo)
- Add pagination support for admin list #131 (yashmurty)
- Remove organization logic & source code #127 (yashmurty)
- 💚 Separate npm commands from the CI-only ones #126 (shogo-mitomo)
- Minor refactor in environment vars #125 (yashmurty)
- Middleware - Support Request ID #123 (yashmurty)
- Improve Logging - Use winston logger #122 (yashmurty)
- 👍 Activate API Gateway logs & Add settings for CloudWatch Logs retention #121 (shogo-mitomo)
- ACL - PlantUML diagrams & Admin Delete #120 (yashmurty)
- Organization - Support empty message #119 (yashmurty)
- 💰 Stop using provisionedConcurrency for now #118 (shogo-mitomo)
- 🎉 Add Firebase project for production environment #117 (shogo-mitomo)
- Admins - Add ACL support #115 (yashmurty)
- Firestore rules update & Minor changes #113 (yashmurty)
- Minor changes in Prefecture API #110 (yashmurty)
- Admin - Create prefectureAdmin Role #109 (yashmurty)
- Prefectures - All endpoints Part 1/2 #108 (yashmurty)
- ✨ Add DELETE /users/me/organization endpoint #107 (shogo-mitomo)
- Organization - Denormalize message class definition #106 (yashmurty)
- Change organization message schema #105 (yashmurty)
- Admin Roles and Access - Part 3/3 #104 (yashmurty)
- Admin Roles and Access - Part 2/3 #103 (yashmurty)
- Admin Roles and Access - Part 1/3 #102 (yashmurty)
- 👮 Update firebase.storage.rules for positive list #101 (shogo-mitomo)
- Improve error logging #100 (yashmurty)
- UserProfile - Update API Part 3/3 #99 (yashmurty)
- ✨ Change the process of generating the positive TempIDs list file #98 (shogo-mitomo)
- Edit Firebase custom claims function #97 (yashmurty)
- ✨ Change POST /users/me/self_reported_positives to accept TempIDs #96 (shogo-mitomo)
- Organization - GET endpoint #95 (yashmurty)
- Profile - Update API Part 2/3 #94 (yashmurty)
- 🚿 Remove POST /users/me/close_contacts endpoint #93 (shogo-mitomo)
- 🚿 Remove GET /users/me/temp_ids endpoint #92 (shogo-mitomo)
- Organization - Update API #87 (yashmurty)
Fixed bugs:
- [API] APIs with different definitions of test results and swagger #138
- [TechTask] Change all DateTime type request parameters to Unixtime #55
- 📛 Rename まもりあいJAPAN to まもりあいJapan #162 (shogo-mitomo)
- [bug] Add missing request id middleware #137 (yashmurty)
- [bug] Minor update on swagger response type #136 (yashmurty)
- [bug] Fix error caused after merge #129 (yashmurty)
- 🐛 Add FIREBASE_WEB_API_KEY to serverless.yml #128 (shogo-mitomo)
- Fix delete response in swagger #124 (yashmurty)
- ♻️ Return empty object on DELETE /users/me/organization #116 (shogo-mitomo)
- [bug] Update firestore rules 2 #114 (yashmurty)
- 🐛 Fix request body randomID to Array #112 (shogo-mitomo)
- [bug] Storage - Rules #111 (yashmurty)
Closed issues:
- [API] /auth/admin/login(POST) response with a status code of 201 is returned. #148
- [API] /admins/positives(POST) response with a status code of 201 is returned. #147
- [API] /admins/organizations (POST) API can create an organization with the same name #145
- [API] Passing a registered email address to the request body and executing the API(/admins/users(POST)) returns an status code(404). #144
- [API] /auth/login(POST) response with a status code of 201 is returned. #143
- 陽性者TempIDsに過去14日分のTempIDsが含まれていない? #142
- [API] Sending a request using the /users/me/profile (PATCH) API without a required request body, will return a status code of 200. #141
- [API] /admins/organizations/{organizationId} (GET) API doesn't get the organization information for the organizationId passed as a parameter #140
- [API] 実装の終わっていないAPI #139
- [feature] creating tempids list for a specific org #72
- [feature] self positive report for a specific org API #71
- [TechTask] Update the API definition document #43
Merged pull requests:
- 📝 Add badges to README #160 (shogo-mitomo)
- 🥥 Add CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md #159 (shogo-mitomo)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator